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Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)
What is that?
Yes, invaders allways talk bad about the indigenous people to justify invading the territory.
I, like RichieRich am no fan of Western foreign policy…that is also a evil.
But you talk is so far from truth, it hurts!
We have data about the questions that i asked….
In pakistan there are about 1000 honorkillings per year (women are killed).
And in Egypt around 95% of women are victims of genital mutilation.
If these countries and the ideology they run on are so wonderful..move there and live there for a while…of course if you become integrated into their society you are not allowed to leave islam…or you get killed.
What a wonderful place!
Here in Germany we now have places in all the big cities (so called no-go areas) where it becomes increasingly more difficult for young women to walk alone on the street in short clothes.
the west is surly not perfect but the islamic countries are some of darkest places on earth…and that is clearly felt when we are in these countries and have some energetic sensitivity.
RichieRich……very good answer!!!!!!
Typicall SJW/PC talk….and nothing more.
all the best
Are you talking about the countries where they throw off homosexualls from buildings ore punish them with a “whipping session”?
Where women are stoned to death if they got raped?
Where young women get mutilated in the genitals so that they can never have an orgasm?
Where around 90% of the people support sharia law?
Where part of the people do not listen to music and are not allowed to make music?
Where the sufis (this islam mystics) are not welcomed?
Where women are not allowed to leave the house without their husband?
Where tenthousends of people go on the street in violent riots after someone drawed a cartoon about their religious figure?
Sounds beautiful!