Moonglow replied to the topic Scorpio Types (=Alchemists) and Nature of Desire (Astrological view) in the forum Philosophy 14 years, 3 months ago
thanks ……. I will keep that in mind.
Moonglow replied to the topic Scorpio Types (=Alchemists) and Nature of Desire (Astrological view) in the forum Philosophy 14 years, 3 months ago
I can understand what you are saying Wendy. Sex was okay for me in my first relationship, but it didn’t feel right – but being young I didn’t see that. It felt not complete and there were many reasons for that which I won’t go into.
Now, there is a completeness in my sexual relationship with my present partner I have had for the last 10 years.…[Read more] -
Moonglow replied to the topic Scorpio Types (=Alchemists) and Nature of Desire (Astrological view) in the forum Philosophy 14 years, 3 months ago
I do apologize for shoe boxing you. I did not mean to do that. I also did not mean to label you specifically, although I may have started to do that.
I think I attached to you what I have read in these posts earlier on. I haven’t been following the posts much lately because of that. The discussions seem to all end with the same connotation.…[Read more] -
Moonglow replied to the topic Scorpio Types (=Alchemists) and Nature of Desire (Astrological view) in the forum Philosophy 14 years, 3 months ago
I don’t believe you and not so much anger ………
and I wouldn’t want the job of “dong things better or differently”. That is a task much better left to the Universe. Doesn’t mean though that there are not things one can do to make it “easier” for others and ourselves.Sexuality and sexual OBSESSION are different to me. Two different…[Read more]
Moonglow replied to the topic Scorpio Types (=Alchemists) and Nature of Desire (Astrological view) in the forum Philosophy 14 years, 3 months ago
to this I agree – the most misunderstood and will never stop digging…..just can’t.
A scorpio I am and the definition here helps in the understanding even if Michael Winn’s first definition was Theravadan – it still comes pretty close. As far as sexually obsessed …. not so. Just need to turn within more. I find men in particular get stuck on…[Read more] -
Moonglow replied to the topic Jumping Time Lines to the New Earth in the forum Practice 14 years, 6 months ago
I like this! Very good.
Moonglow replied to the topic Old wounds and question for wendy in the forum Practice 14 years, 6 months ago
For what you are going thru at this time – I wish you all the best. I know that I have had very big mountains to climb in my journey of life, some that I made myself and some that were given to me. In all that I have experienced I would have to say that learning to meditate and meditating in stillness for 15 minutes minimum every night has…[Read more]
Moonglow replied to the topic Round 7 (Prelim.) Humans Have a Binary Soul in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 11 months ago
I just wanted to say … I love it when you guys do this …. it makes things very interesting…. so much to ponder and absorb.
Happy Easter!
Moonglow replied to the topic Dahn Hak Qigong Centers: Cult or Planetary Salvation? in the forum General 18 years, 11 months ago
Amen …. my thoughts …. almost exactly
Moonglow replied to the topic dragon in my cauldron in the forum General 19 years ago
as per Fajin’s statement
“alien counterparts who will come, including draconians and reptilians”Already here they are. Reptilians with big feet and orange/green skin. Kind of strange to see them but I only saw their feet – ws standing next to me during a class by a former qigong instructor. Of course when I inquired about what I saw the…[Read more]
Moonglow replied to the topic What is 'letting go'? in the forum General 19 years ago
I agree with Michael also and the general opinion here re ego. I can’t say that I have attained the ultimate “tune” to allow complete balalnce on all levels however attempting to gain that has made my life extremely interesting, definately not boring and I am learning lots from the way life is infolding.
I do not believe death of ego is…[Read more]
Moonglow replied to the topic Love and relationships in the forum General 19 years ago
WEll my dear, the time seems to be pointing me to lend to you my tale of what happened in my relationship. I was married for over 20 years, had and have 3 beautiful children. My relationship with my husband was not so good, even 5 years before I started qigong and the practise of taoism (nature) I had thought about leaving, not so much that my…[Read more]
Moonglow replied to the topic Interesting Article in the forum General 19 years ago
The work Jerry does is upfront and it works. He serves a no B.S. course. Does it work. YES it does. I have worked with someone who took Jerry’s course and he does fantastic healing work. I should know as this qiogng master heals me frequently and has given me rock solid advice and is very giving and caring, spending his own time freely to…[Read more]
Moonglow replied to the topic Science study: SEX CHEMISTRY 'LASTS TWO YEARS' in the forum General 19 years, 1 month ago
Deinition of innocense and every other word/meaning is always different from oneperson to the next due to DNA and programming and where one lives and culture, etc., etc., etc., and you can go all the way out there if you like. Universal orgasms, 14 levels of heaven, whatever! but we live here day to day.
We all make mistakes we all learn.…[Read more]
Moonglow replied to the topic foot massage in the forum General 19 years, 1 month ago
different, the kung fu master who taught me is my tai chi brother and is also from China. Maybe the southern part of China so he starts and finishes the other way. Always finishes with pulling the toes.
Makes sense to me …. going up the leg pushes extra energy into the center, seems more sense to have the extra energy pushed or massaged out…[Read more]
Moonglow replied to the topic Science study: SEX CHEMISTRY 'LASTS TWO YEARS' in the forum General 19 years, 1 month ago
Whatever turns you on Wendy girl. Have a big orgasm with this earth and throw in a few other planets also. Whatever turns your crank.
I really don’t particularly care what turns you on or anyone else here actually. What turns me on is my business and my partner(s). See how one (s) gets you wondering whether I have one or more. HA,…[Read more]
Moonglow replied to the topic Science study: SEX CHEMISTRY 'LASTS TWO YEARS' in the forum General 19 years, 1 month ago
The whole thing is just a barrell of monkeys.
I think I will save it.
Moonglow replied to the topic Science study: SEX CHEMISTRY 'LASTS TWO YEARS' in the forum General 19 years, 1 month ago
Very funny,
looks like I hit a sore spot with you though – which means maybe your sign on is phony.I still stand by my point of view although yours seems to be a bit jaded.
It is always great to flush out a weasel.
Have fun!!
Moonglow replied to the topic foot massage in the forum General 19 years, 1 month ago
interesting question, especially since that is what I have been doing for the last months or so.
Very important to keep your arch stretched. Running your feet over “chinese balls” helps or even over a taiji ruler. Press quite hard. Any massage done by hand should always be done from heel to toe. (my good friend and kung fu master taught me…[Read more] -
Moonglow replied to the topic Science study: SEX CHEMISTRY 'LASTS TWO YEARS' in the forum General 19 years, 1 month ago
The search for that sexual high can be likened to the crack addicts search for their continuous high. Not all HIGHS are healthy for one nor should they be lusted after. I find that sexual alchemy in taoism plays way too important of a role in the changes that are deemed necessary for immortalism. That is a bunch of crock which I liken to the…[Read more]
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