Forum Replies Created
December 12, 2010 at 2:26 pm #36022
thanks ……. I will keep that in mind.
December 10, 2010 at 7:19 pm #36016I can understand what you are saying Wendy. Sex was okay for me in my first relationship, but it didn’t feel right – but being young I didn’t see that. It felt not complete and there were many reasons for that which I won’t go into.
Now, there is a completeness in my sexual relationship with my present partner I have had for the last 10 years. We have grown together in that area. It is nice. It is an understanding and it is natural. There is not more “not right”. So, yes, good sexual relationships can be very healing.December 10, 2010 at 7:12 pm #36014I do apologize for shoe boxing you. I did not mean to do that. I also did not mean to label you specifically, although I may have started to do that.
I think I attached to you what I have read in these posts earlier on. I haven’t been following the posts much lately because of that. The discussions seem to all end with the same connotation. No matter how great they start out. I just tune in sometimes, see if any of the posts hit me in a way that stirs anything I think I need to deal with and sometimes to put my 2 cents in and then usually leave. I think I test the waters to see if I still get irritated and most times I still do. I have just never been one of those people who have a soft, soft all enveloping mush to them. I do try to understand but I just never relate very well to that kind of mushiness. I was a kind of a hippy but not like that. I guess you could kind of take me as a softness, kind heart but with a blade to it. There are a couple of people I can talk to, one is in Tennessee. In fact, energetically he is probably the one person who knows that area of me. But really I don’t usually discuss much with many “practitioners” anymore. I think too, I don’t have any set exercises I am doing right now other than meditating. Just too busy. I have no notes to share. Just a break at work. And in writing I usually provide the therapy I require. Or at least a part of it. Things I have found out via these latest emails are:
1. to be careful of being judgemental
2. sexuality – perhaps I need to spend more time there – privately of course
3. I am changing my structure re practise re energy and processes. Didn’t realize that till now.
4. I am in prison. Well I knew that before. Kind of got a drift on that when I kept buying striped t-shirts. that is interesting. That could be the anger you hear. However not to worry, this prison is self inflicted (well, self-inflicted to a point) and it is for a good reason and it won’t be for too long. It is just the end of the week, I am very, very tired. The prison is required for a few more months.
5. Even though I get very peeved off at being psychic sometimes, I really would not want it to change. Life would just be too boring.
6. I am learning to differentiate between spriitual help, spiritual nuisances, invasive energetic manipulation, my higher self and divine energy. That could also be where the anger comes in. I don’t know…. people who say their guides are loving angels and they feel so blessed with them. I don’t get that. I must have really pissed someone off somewhere. My guides aren’t quite that way. Ah, but I guess I need a challenge. Who knows. Don’t get me wrong. They are very helpful and kind in their own way. But I certainly don’t get that warm fuzzy feeling, if you know what I mean. I have the type of guides who …. picture this…. you are in the dessert, you have no water, it is so dry and hot and you drop to your knees and you pray for help. And then you feel this energy come to you and then you feel this kick in the ass like you never felt before. And this voice in your ear, that says “get up on your feet!! NOW!!”. So you do. but it hurts a lot. And just as you stand up this native man on horseback just coming over the sand dune sees the top of your head so he trots his horse towards you, down the sand dune….. you turn, you see him and you think you are rescued. But what the hell, shit….he’s the slave trader from the last town you were in. Always a joke. Ony thing is, being human, its not so funny. That is sometimes where the anger comes in. You friggin know why you are where you are…. you fell for it all at a time when you were at your weakest. You know what the little voice in the ear tells you after the slave trader picks you up and puts you behind bars. “It’s okay dear, you are going to have quite the memorable experience and just think how much you will learn”. That’s not so funny. And believe me I am not being mental here. A psychic I didn’t even know said one of my guides had a strange sense of humor, another religious fellow said to get rid of my guides, they didn’t seem to be doing me too good. What a joke! Like here you go….have a good set of bed bug bites while you are in China … you’ll build your immunity. Like those kind of guides. I don’t get it.
7. Truthfully I do push the envelope a bit. But I have found if I don’t I can get squashed and used. I am learning to temper a divine energy with compassion and strength and power. A lot of times I get too much of one or the other. It is hard to balance when I am tired. I have arguments. You would think I am crazy because I have arguments with something you can’t see. But the arguments teach me a lot. I tend to be stubborn.
8. The only time I have a warm fuzzy feeling is when I am inside. When I am “there” and see the divine. That is so beautiful. But the guide part, I don’t get those angelic beings at all. I sometimes wish I did. But I also probably pissed them off a long time ago. those books of heavenly beings…ha,ha,ha. Well further up there are but not so much day to day stuff. And don’t tell me that guides don’t have egos, because that is NOT true. Not all of them.anyways, have begun to chatter and is time to go home.
Thank you God! That is divine.December 10, 2010 at 3:27 pm #36006I don’t believe you and not so much anger ………
and I wouldn’t want the job of “dong things better or differently”. That is a task much better left to the Universe. Doesn’t mean though that there are not things one can do to make it “easier” for others and ourselves.Sexuality and sexual OBSESSION are different to me. Two different things although related. You have tried to simmer the pot you were stewing or are stewing. Don’t do that. Sexuality is our embracement of our genes. Whether that be female, male or both and being comfortable with that. Sexual obsession is transferring everything we feel and do thru a “sexual experience”. Nice try but I don’t buy what you just said. Nope, do not. It’s a cop out. I believe that we can have truly euphoric experiences thru our hearts AND NOT JUST our reproductive organs, although reproductive organs can give quite a bit of enjoyment and cause euphoria in itself. Truth is, if you want to go backwards then believe that enlightenment lies between your legs. If this is hell and you are here for penance, what do you think you are here to learn. And if this is not hell, but heaven then why would humans need to experience “joy” thru sex when in reality joy is in the heart? Somewhere things have gone astray with the energy development. Too much in the wrong area. Dangerous. Look at Oliver Shanti. Look at a good number of other “cultish” leaders. Energy goes to their heads, or should I say to between their legs. Nothing new. It will take years yet before our development turns the right way. Someday there may just be one sex – we will be male/female in one, kind of like some are now but we will all be that way. Maybe that will happen. Quite a high liklihood actually. True yin and yang.
Look in history – all of the cultures who were destroyed had paganistic screw everyone, anytime, cultures (physically and socially). They didn’t last. I would take a deep look at that.
Not everything you read in books is correct. And not everything everyone has done in the past is correct either. If they were then they would be standing in front of us 500 years later telling us to our faces that what they did was right. The proof is in the pudding. And so far, I haven’t even seen a pudding half baked.
I am not angry ….. I can give off an energy that you perceive as anger. I have learned to do that ……. but in my heart … there is no anger. I can sit and be at peace. The other stuff is just a game. You play it, I play it. We all play it. It doesn’t matter. It matters not. What matters is the heart.I don’t believe you – this having to feel everything to the core, I do that thru the heart not from between my legs.
Just thought I’d check in to see what’s happening. I grew up in the hippy days and when I see and read some of the things here it reminds me of those days. Good for a memory but I wouldn’t want to live there. And nothing against you or anyone else here for mostly you do a good job. There is some good information. I just don’t believe that way. Human’s are always searching for that euphoric high, well some of them are. Some use drugs, some use sex, some use beating themselves, some cut themselves, some have sex mixed with pain. That euphoria can be addictive. That can be a problem. And that may just be a problem one has to figure out while they are on this earth. However, that is not my problem and I frankly refuse to make it mine. I have a choice and I choose to try to attain a step to enlightenment thru another modality. There is more than one you know.And you should do more grounding exercises.
December 6, 2010 at 7:10 pm #36002to this I agree – the most misunderstood and will never stop digging…..just can’t.
A scorpio I am and the definition here helps in the understanding even if Michael Winn’s first definition was Theravadan – it still comes pretty close. As far as sexually obsessed …. not so. Just need to turn within more. I find men in particular get stuck on the sex part. Sometimes when reading here it gives you the impression everyone has sex obsession to the degree that they have a big problem. Somehow the energy seems to give them the “reason” to be so. Not so. Lift up to the heavens and quit putting the energy in your gonads. Sorry, just had to say that. Not that I am not sexual – but as I said Scorpio is misunderstood. But to the few that know us (no one ever truly knows us) … they see the funny side, the comical side, the open heart side, the taking joy in seeing a bug side. But no one wants to listen anymore. To know a Scorpio you need time. It isn’t done lightly. No need to say anything more than this. There is no more need. Glad to hear there are others of the same, somewhere … even if sex is their #1. I am not sure what #1 is for me. I do know that meditation helps a lot. I do know that I wanted to go home a lot. Ahhh, well, there will always be aheavy sigh in the background of a Scorpio’s breath, until we leave and the breath is no longer required. But it doesn’t make a difference. It is just one motion after another. What gets me the most is that thetr are so few times a Scorpio can truly just be, without others judging. Isn’t that so? We seem to be open game sometimes, or at least it feels that way. All we really want is be at peace. There are not too many energy workers that come forward with sincerity. There is always a game plan. Sometimes is better to choose beyond that – go straight for the light. Can’t be near a lot of people anyways. Cause change, too much sometimes and that is not good. Energy becomes inherent catalyst. Better to keep still and dig inside. Better to keep quiet, not near too many. Better to heal in one’s own land with nature as the caretaker.
I strongly believe that sex obsession is due to a vacant emotional healing. It is easier to feel the sex than it is to look at what is driving it. Scorpio’s are passionate, that does not mean they are sex starved. WRONG. That means that Scorpios have the ability to feel “things”, to feel “situations” to truly expereince beauty and compassion and love. That is what a Scorpio is. Passionate. Well, at least we were until people started reading us wrong and started berating us for emotional attachment. That is where it gets screwed up. Emotion takes us up to the light. Just needs to be the right emotion. Not to live like a block of concrete with no emotion. Wrong way for a scorpio for it deadens the heart. Scorpios CAN live each minute, each second to its fullest. Just we find it hard to because it is not accepted. I look at all the things I have read and all the teachings I have had. I am what I was before. All I learned was that there is a lot of bull shit out there. And I can still sit on a gravel pit and look at a bird who has died and wonder about its life and death. I can do that now just as I did when I was 5 years old. what else do we need? It is when people fill other’s minds with crap and fear and take away that wonderment of life and death. That is a death in itself. A death I visited and am returning from. I don’t like it there at all. Just give me a blue sky, a kind heart, a singing bird, a compassionate look, a beautiful flower a dried twig, a fading butterfly, a fierce storm, a struggling mother …… that is life and when we embrace each one of these with our essence …. as we can, as a Scorpio can, we need nothing more than quiet meditation to soothe the homesickness. Ths is the life of a Scorpio from birth to death and beyond. When we see inside ourseles it is full of passion … full of passion for our truth. The divine truth.
To be a Scorpio – to see what is here and what isn’t here and to live here. A true Taoist joke. I like the what he said about being angry. He is so right. Theravadan or not. That is the anger. You can dig all you want and that anger …. it will always reappear. Because it can’t be here the way it was there. Well it can but it takes a lot and sometimes there is just no game plan and not many players.August 18, 2010 at 4:07 pm #34952I like this! Very good.
August 18, 2010 at 2:35 pm #35018For what you are going thru at this time – I wish you all the best. I know that I have had very big mountains to climb in my journey of life, some that I made myself and some that were given to me. In all that I have experienced I would have to say that learning to meditate and meditating in stillness for 15 minutes minimum every night has helped me maintain a healthier balance in all that I do. It really does help. No breathwork, just center your thoughts on one of the dantians and be still – I say buddho, buddho, buddho at the start of it, over and over again but after about 3 minutes I am out. I should remain partly aware but I just seem to leave We have a timer that brings us back. Every time, after we finish the meditation I am much calmer, much happier with my spouse, and very relaxed. This time also gives me answers to what I need to do for myself, for health, for life. (I took a course with a meditation master (70 years experience – he is 90 years old now). Did a lot of of meditation. 30 minutes walking, 30 minutes sitting 5 days a week for most of 6 months. Completed the course last year but also took the course twice before without finishing. It is like when I am ready for the next piece I go and meditate with him and the monks. It is good – non-denominational – Buddhist based but anyone and everyone can practise it)
Your answer to all you need to know lies within you. You must have the courage to look at the answer without emotion, without expectation. The trick is to learn to see and hear with clarity.When you are ready to let go of the past:
I did something that a friend told me to do to release some connections to past teachers. I did a ceremony, used some incense, said some prayers and then I asked the universe to release me from all of the connections that were not for the goodness of my spiritual, physical, emotional state and development – to release me through the divinie light. I asked that all that was given to me be given back thru the divine light and I asked that all that was taken from me be given back to me thru divine light. Everything thru divine light as this purifies your intention and it will not produce karma. I then imagined myself holding a sword and cutting the sword, severing the energetic cords around me – all thru divine light. It was kind of strange. Because of the state I was in I could actually see the cords I was cutting. Afterwards, just to make sure … I asked that all cords that I require for the goodness of my emotional, spiritual and physical state be reinstated – thru divinie light. Because thru our lives we connect to family and others who “need” us or we “need” them. These are not manipulative ties but love ties. These are different than the ones that are created to pay back to people we meet – when they have given or taught us. I did not want to lost those.
The next days afterwards, it was refreshing. I noticed that I no longer felt like I was being pulled in 5 different directions. I noticed that when opportunity arose I did not go in the past direction, I heard past teacher’s call to come to a workshop, but I just said no. It is clearer now. I have me back. You can do the same and do not have fear. Because if you and your past lover are to have a future again, then new cords can and will be created with new love for each other. It is much healthier to cut the old and build new – if the old is stagnant and has wounded you. Release the wounds thru devine light and build new life within divine light. Once you cut away that which does not serve your higher self, the good health of your mind, body, spirit and soul – then you can bring that which is good for you to you and you will see it for what it truly is.
All you have to do is ask. Ask for clarity.Maybe all that you are hanging on to now. Do you need it all? I don’t live in your country. I would not know. I only know that simple is best. Our life situations, maybe they cannot change, but the way that we look at them can. Change the way you feel about your job(s), change the way you feel about the people and health care. Be positive. Take what is good and buld from that. What IS good about the health care. Use it. What isn’t good just mentally record it. And bring it energy to change it. Ask for change thru divine light. Ask that it be done with grace and compassion. Pray every day for this. Pray that you have happiness and compassion and grace and good health in mind, body, spriit and soul. The energy change from negative to positive will bring you better things. Ask that the universe help you and it will. Be patient. Keep praying. Keep positive. If you are discouraged about one thing then turn from it for awhile and thing on another and be positive about it. If you have to turn from it for awhile because you are getting discouraged do it. Just keep your thoughts clear, positive. It can be difficult. Listen to good music. Listen to laughter. This is healing.
Ask the universe to heal you and it will bring to you what you need. Ask thru the divine light.
Best wishes to you.April 17, 2006 at 6:28 pm #12855I just wanted to say … I love it when you guys do this …. it makes things very interesting…. so much to ponder and absorb.
Happy Easter!
April 16, 2006 at 2:31 am #12736Amen …. my thoughts …. almost exactly
March 9, 2006 at 3:49 pm #11280as per Fajin’s statement
“alien counterparts who will come, including draconians and reptilians”Already here they are. Reptilians with big feet and orange/green skin. Kind of strange to see them but I only saw their feet – ws standing next to me during a class by a former qigong instructor. Of course when I inquired about what I saw the instructor had no comment.
Good or bad? Hard to say. I just didn’t stick around long enough to find out.
February 28, 2006 at 3:33 pm #11007I agree with Michael also and the general opinion here re ego. I can’t say that I have attained the ultimate “tune” to allow complete balalnce on all levels however attempting to gain that has made my life extremely interesting, definately not boring and I am learning lots from the way life is infolding.
I do not believe death of ego is healthy either. Adjustment and balance but not death. I believe ego to be of human quality. Whether immortal or not …. I believe human to be part of that equation.
Just a note: I like the forum’s new style. It allows me access to information without looking thru things I find no interest in.
Kudos to you Michael and others.
Also, I agree that none needs a one on one master to grow safely. That would be preferred however rarely happens anymore. I am still waiting for my master. Maybe someday we will connect. Meanwhile I too do what I can while life happens.
Rainbows from
RainbowbearFebruary 20, 2006 at 11:08 pm #10728WEll my dear, the time seems to be pointing me to lend to you my tale of what happened in my relationship. I was married for over 20 years, had and have 3 beautiful children. My relationship with my husband was not so good, even 5 years before I started qigong and the practise of taoism (nature) I had thought about leaving, not so much that my husband was “bad”, just that there wasn’t that “joining” and “sharing” of the same things we liked. I love to go for walks, he didn’t. I loved martial arts, he didn’t. You know … the drifiting apart. Maybe fromt he start it wasn’t such a great thing but I was young and didn’t know a lot. But still I have three children I love so dearly I wouldn’t change that. Anyways, upon practising qigong my energy just took off big time. I think I literally vibrated all day, most days. I started walking late at night and watching the stars and moon, and exercising and practising and training. I loved it. And as I did this I just found I didn’t have that which was truth with my husband anymore. I was never unfaithful to him … never. And I thought if I just trained lots and practised and worked hard I could have this life of that and then I could just kind of, you know … pass the relationship off. Act like it was okay. But it was so contradictory because the more I trained, the more I became to realize that I couldn’t do that to my husband. He was depressed from his childhood … bad times he had … and I tried as much as I knew how to hlep him but the more I tried the more he dug in. Till the universe gave me situations where I saw his deep anguish and all that he hid from me, or at least some of it. And I couldn’t add to that. And I couldn’t be around it. Not me, nor my youngest son. My youngest son is … different. He hoards, he has anxiety, he is just different. And with the other two kids and my husband my youngest son was drowning … and I was drowning. So I left. I took my youngest with me. The pain that I went thru to do that was one that seared the heart to the core of the earth. I cried lots, I gave my heart to the stars lots. And no matter what I did I just couldn’t stay. So much pain. Somehow during those days the universe dulled that for me. Gave me people who helped me, who showed me other ways of life, who took my pain from me, just a little of it and held it so that I could breathe.My sensei worked me so hard, to strengthen me. The whole of everything I grew up believing … I had to dismantle. And from there I had to regrow it all. Rebuild it. From truth. My family has never had a divorce in it. My mom and dad were together for over 50 years before dad died. This that my heart guided me to do was the hardest thing. But during this time I only wanted to not hurt anyone else. Not even my husband. Nor my children. I held all the pain. 5 years have passed. Just about every day I have wished the best for my husband that I left, my other two kids came to live with me and my younger son … and we healed together .. without my husband. This last year has been full of healing. And maybe my husband will heal also on his own. I hope so.
In all of this I met someone who I have truth with. A man with whom I can share everything in energy, in physical and in spiritual. It hasn’t been easy getting there for that. I was introduced to him by someone in my samurai class .. he told me this man was my age. Well, he wasn’t. He isn’t. He is a lot younger and that took a lot of getting used to. But thru it all I just let the heart lead. I let it look past what my mind appeared to see and let it lead me. It lead me to this year of healing and this year of truly knowing that this is where I belong. Back 5 years when I had to leave … and I had to … to survive, I would never have imagined that I would ever find peace … never. And yet today it is so. Sometimes we have to go beyond what we were raised to believe by our parents and family, what society would have us believe, what we have come to believe to find that peace in our heart. All I ever wanted was for everyone to love each other and be happy. And I had such a hard time dealing with that, sometimes it cannot be. But that doesn’t mean for a second I ever stopped wishing it. And I think that maybe now those wishes have mostly come true, in that as time has passed my children and I have come so close to understnading and knowing each other for who we all are. That doesn’t me they won’t make mistakes, they will and have but I will be there for them when they need me. Sometimes we cannot see whatthe future holds, sometimes it is because the journey to get there is difficult, sometimes it is just because we feel we don’t deserve it. Sometimes we are just not ready to see it. One has to have faith that as one puts each footstep in front of the other that is where we are supposed to be. Let the heart lead always. Never stop the passion that flows from that heart. Your heart can bring to you what you need, what you so greatly desire and deserve. What your heart desires, not your mind. And that is the trick.
This is my story to just let you know that sometimes the hardest and most difficult decisions bring the most joy. And to also know that this need not always be the case but sometimes it can be. And to know that the joy that you need, the peace … is found inside you. Not inside anyone else. Not because you are with or without anyone else. And unless you are ready to face that you will never truly share truth with anyone else. And to know that sometimes even though we wish the best for someone, even though we wish a relationship could be, sometimes it just cannot … maybe that person isn’t ready. And that is not your fault. It just is. And to let that go. To be okay with that. No guilt. No grief.And after all that, well sometimes too if there are problems in a relationship and you want it to work and the other person does too, well there are others out there to help. Give it a try. Work at it. Even soul mates have to work at relationships. Sometimes more than other relationsips just because of the knowing between the two and the sameness. And the feeling of each other. It can be difficult. Such deep sharing is not easy on this world so never expect that relationships worth having, any relationship are all sunshine, smiles and good fortune. Rarely is it so. In fact I read recently that the test of a good relationship is misfortune and disagreements. If a relationship can withstand those things then it is truly something fine and strong. Something worth fighting for.
I am veryy, very stubborn and I should’ve realized long ago that my relationship with my husband wasn’t healthy. I just kept trying and trying and trying. It is to ask for wisdom to know when to let go. When I left it was as if I had opened up this steel box I had put myself into. It was as if I could breathe again. It wasn’t my husband who did that to me. It was myself.
I have had the good fortune to be able to live my second life in this same time. It does not happen as such too often. I thank the universe for that chance. Maybe this time I can do it the way I dream of. That should be a very interesting time indeed.
Through these years I can honestly say it has taught my family so much. My daughter just left to live in another city with her boyfriend. We used to fight a lot, since she was 11 years old but this past year gave us back what we had lost years ago. We looked at each other before she left and I told her .. it is okay. You will be okay and if you need me I will be here. And she said to me … you know mom we are always okay. We always manage don’t we? And we do and we did. And she is so strong because of that. How could I change anything that has happened for if I did would she have received what she required. To hear her say that was a gift. Some wouldn’t understand that but she is like me … She is in service and she will do just fine. And when I went home after work that day she left and she was gone I cried. I will miss her but she is doing what she needs to do. And that comes back to that rather corny old saying “if you truly love them let them go”. Corny but truth.
Much good wishes to you in your journey of following your heart. It is all okay. It is not so easy sometimes. And that is okay too.
Talk to your loved ones. Communication is so important. The gifts you receive will come to you when you least expect them.
Kind of a long story, but it is a piece of what happened to me, lots more happened, lots and lots more and too much for here. Things no one would believe. And thru it all I agree with what is said here on this forum… and what you have already said … follow your heart … for it is who you are.
February 19, 2006 at 5:23 pm #10711The work Jerry does is upfront and it works. He serves a no B.S. course. Does it work. YES it does. I have worked with someone who took Jerry’s course and he does fantastic healing work. I should know as this qiogng master heals me frequently and has given me rock solid advice and is very giving and caring, spending his own time freely to help others.
Jerry’s course is terribly expensive and I could never take it due to that fact however Michael Woods has taken the course. He lives in Tennessee and he is living proof of the effectiveness of the material Jerry offers. And no, you will never make your money back ($25,000) if you take the course but then again ….I guess that takes care of those who think they can milk the system and innocent people. Only those seriously interested in healing others take this course. And when they are done, that is exactly what they can do. The information Jerry has given is up front, no secrets. If there was only one energy course on this planet that I would take – that would be the one. Why? Because of the rock solid information, because of the sincerity of the people involved (two years ago Jerry returned my long distance phone call to speak with me about a question I had … he was very sincere and open hearted and I have found it is these little things that speak of the nature of the heart), I have respect for Jerry’s ethics, his morals, his frankness and I have respect for the way he has taught his students. I have met Michael Winn personally face to face a few years back. I did not receive anything from Michael at that time. Perhaps I think, he was too preoccupied with his energy mates and perhaps I was just a little too leery. However one returned phone call to and from a stranger (Jerry) meant much to me and has in fact changed my life. I will stand behind Jerry Johnson and his teachings and I don’t do that lightly. I have been burned a few too many times.
Jerry’s material is fact based from a medical standpoint and in the field I am in professionally this is what I relate most to. To me, tell me like it is, tell it straight up …. you can take that nonsense out, you can take the “secrets” out, you can take the manipulation by teachers out, you can take the lies out, you can take the cult groupies out. Just give me something that is truth and I will sink my teeth into it with everything I have but with integrity and reality. I would rather that qigong be brought into the mainstream of society with respect and dignity, I do not think it deserves the “backdoors of cultists” and manipulators and money seekers. There are thousands upon thousands of those out there in society. Too much I see this old hippy idea of energy workers, you know with the pony tails, lost looks on the practitioners, way out there energy talk and the incense and the “way out there man” idea. That is so narrowing. You are missing way too much of the population this way. I mean the hippy revolution ended in the 70’s for Pete’s sake. Wake up. To me I want qigong/taichi brought into the health care systems with a respect it deserves and a good solid base similar to
that which Jerry gives to the information. A solid base that is very
aware of the energetic deviations and the evil that can also go along with it. Of course there is always work to be done and not everything Jerry has done is infallible, nothing is but it is the best damn work I have seen out there on qigong. THE BEST. No disrespect to Michael Winn, but you know alchemy processess, well that is what energy work is. That is what our life is. Just that some of the stuff that is out there is just way too cultist. Respect defiantely for the information and energy holders, but how far does this have to go. And how healthy is any of it. For the receiver and givers? We are all human. Why is it that there a teachers of energetic information that prefer to think of themselves as a god and think that they know what is best for everyone and they know the highest and they are the highest level and their master is connected to “THE ONE”. REALLY? How far does respect in this art have to go? I think that what happens is that not too many of us humans can handle a lot of the energetic load and become corrupt on its conception. Leading to almost a “king” like beholding to me attitude instead of what this is meant to be. To me … the enrgetic collection is an honour and it is deservant to be processed straight back to humanity … and guess what … like for FREE! If your job is healing then of course you charge for that but that doesn’t mean there are not times when you are expected byt he universe to give of yourself for the course of humanity. This is truth. This kind of work is a holy work and don’t kid yourself that it is of any other kind. If you do not beileve that … then I believe %150 that you will be taught otherwise. Seen it too many times … $$ become too important, the healer has no time for the “little guy who can’t pay”, publications, books, personal appearances, name titles become more important. Who is bigger and better becomes more important. People like Mother Theresa … those are the true energy workers. How many gurus, etc. ,etc. live with gold around them,….everywhere, in mansions where rooms are empty. What a frigging waste. Not necessary. Sorry but that’s the way I see it. What you can use to live… take it…just don’t waste it.
YOu see I have had to live my life like this … this is the truth …. of service. Imagine spending every life you ever come into the world with in this manner. It is an agreement. And I believe that all energy masters should be the same. It is an agreement. OF SERVICE.
I will always have a place to live, I will always have food, I will always have a “way”. But it is rarely extravagant, mostly never that. Some things I have are not mine, they are gifts given for that time period only. You go where life calls you. You love when you can, you heal when you have to. You accept what is given. And your heart is forever in the one that created you. Not everyone understands that there are people onthis earth likethis. Not only me. I am not special. We are all special. I am just this way. It is truth. Of service. Like a nun. like a priest only we live amongst society. We are receptors that give back the life that is meant for humanity. And in waking and knowing that is all we are is oh so difficult. But it is not a thing to be taken lightly. Or maybe just that way, with all the light in the world. And it is not something I just decided I am. It is something I have been told I am. From more than one source. Have always been. There are just over 100,000 of us in this world, well probably more now. And we are not kings, nor rich, nor do people know of us, nor are we great qigong masters. I mean I cannot even tell you how or why I can do things. It just is. I am not the strongest, nor greatest, now do I know so much… so how can I sit down with anyone and say, yeah well, you know there are 14 levels of heaven and if you breathe in this way and that way and hold the energetic cycle for this and suck it up … blah, blah, blah. WEll, I can’t do that. I can’t compare notes. What I have is inside. And when it is due to come out it will. And others in this life have other things they are to do … maybe they are teachers, or maybe protectors, or child carers or constructors and not everyone need be a qiogng master or know all things but it doesn’t mean they don’t have great power and knowledge held in them.
Anyways, from this center of being is where the energy flows. And this energy can be deviated by many wrong teachings, by many not so nice people and things. And I just found the greatest help to be from Jerry Johnson’s teachings. And Michael Woods’ kindness. From Truth.
That is all.In your journey stay close to your own heart. Get to know who you are in truth. Both the dark and white side. That is your life and it is a gift. And use the tools that are at your disposal to help you deal with allof it. Jerry has some very good tools and I am sure Michael has a few too. Just be awake for it all. Ask your busconcscious and higherself to help you. Ask all the angels to help you. Ask the white light to help you, ask others to help you. That is what they/we are here for. Just hold who are are close to you and never, NEVER let anyone take that away. For in no other is there what is in you. YOu are one of a kind in this whole universe. No DNA is like yours, NEVER. In this life no matter what you do, what your mistakes are, they are to learn from. They are who you are. And in that center is the greatest spark of creation, that perfectness that we all are. Know that though in this life we cannot ever be perfect, not here on earth. We are not god. And that is okay. Don’t try so hard. sometime people are so intent are being perfect in learning how to withdraw to “seventh heaven” that we miss what we have here. What is around us. We are here to participate. We weren’t meant to come here to learn to be a god. We are all gods in that we are part of the creator from the beginning of time and we are meant to learn to be human and learn to deal with that with honor and integrity.
Anyways try Jerry Johnson. Good guy.
along with it.
Christianity and healing …. has been around for a long time. But that is not so much a factor, it is the universe and healing that whether you are Chinese, Christian, Buddhist, Taoist … this is the energy, the pure and white light healing. To say that Jerry uses this in his methods, well he received his teachings from some of the top energy healers in China so … does it matter. Jerry has travelled to highlevel taoist’s masters in China and taken some of his students there also to meet the priests.
They are not Christians. Does it matter. I think at a high level it matters not, only what is in your own heart and one works with that whether it be from a Christianity, Taoist or Buddhist perspective. Me … I am a Christian Taoist. Lots of us out there. Maybe even change that to a Christian Taoist Universalist.February 9, 2006 at 10:43 am #10245Deinition of innocense and every other word/meaning is always different from oneperson to the next due to DNA and programming and where one lives and culture, etc., etc., etc., and you can go all the way out there if you like. Universal orgasms, 14 levels of heaven, whatever! but we live here day to day.
We all make mistakes we all learn. However to take advanatage of a person’s naivity to gain for one own’s self, whether that naive person is 2, 10, or 50 is wrong. And that is all there is to it. Filling people’s heads with do this and do that to make money and make one’s self a powerhouse is WRONG.
Programmed? True.
There is a lot of things we do and do not know. My philosophy is do the best you can, cut the bull shit, quit with the fancy talk and just try to live life as well as you can. Help yourself, help others.
The other stuff, it is all a preoccupation. And so is this discussion.
And it isn’t necessary.A lot of this isn’t. If it were then you would only be getting enlightened people who practice Michael Winn’s stuff, or enlightened people who are only Buddhist, or only Taoist. Like come on.
Open up a little. Things here should be to help not sway and definately not influence and not manipulate. this is only a small piece of what is out there – this forum. It can help others or it can hinder them.
Guess that is your guy’s choice.
February 7, 2006 at 1:44 pm #10254different, the kung fu master who taught me is my tai chi brother and is also from China. Maybe the southern part of China so he starts and finishes the other way. Always finishes with pulling the toes.
Makes sense to me …. going up the leg pushes extra energy into the center, seems more sense to have the extra energy pushed or massaged out of your body. I have had Reiki done on my injure leg also. They did it the same way … toes last.
Whichever I guess.