Nnonnth replied to the topic The Human Soul: What is it and does it exist in relation to TAO in the forum General 17 years, 2 months ago
… you have managed to mix in a doctrinal argument there; I don’t choose to comment on it. j
Nnonnth replied to the topic The Human Soul: What is it and does it exist in relation to TAO in the forum General 17 years, 2 months ago
… rigidity is certainly unhelpful. You know myself I practice stillness meditation and have done for a long time; in my case it has certainly been the key to many other things. Nonetheless, if people don’t ask me for an opinion on ‘what Jason thinks should be practiced’ then normally I don’t provide one. These things are so very personal in the…[Read more]
Nnonnth replied to the topic Interesting (if unsettling) info on *physical* immortality in the forum Philosophy 17 years, 2 months ago
>>But what made it even more bizarre was that she was physically a near perfect clone of my first true love in life, my college sweetheart. Life is so amusing.<>It ended up speeding up her spiritual development… She also developed a lot of psychic powers….<>and they eventually came to peaceful co-existence.<<
Who are they now? Who…[Read more]
Nnonnth replied to the topic The Human Soul: What is it and does it exist in relation to TAO in the forum General 17 years, 2 months ago
The founder of this site maintains: “I love *all* spiritual paths, they all work, I rejoice when *anyone* takes *any* of the 10,000 methods to high levels.” [I paraphrase].
Who could possibly disagree with that? ๐ ๐ Even now, when the world is crying out for unity, are there still people who want overall splits between doctrines?
If…[Read more]
Nnonnth replied to the topic The Human Soul: What is it and does it exist in relation to TAO in the forum General 17 years, 2 months ago
>>Maybe you can say the higher you climb the deeper you fall.<<
See, that right there is the part I don't follow.
When things go well, you don't want them to stop! You establish a new self and why would you want to go back? Why would you allow things to slip? Your whole life has changed for the better… beyond belief! *If* it's genuine…[Read more]
Nnonnth replied to the topic The Human Soul: What is it and does it exist in relation to TAO in the forum General 17 years, 2 months ago
… didn’t you bring that up as an ‘explanation’ of what happened to Yudelove, I thought so?
And if so, well…. ๐ ๐ :)… I mean *all* spiritual paths are humbling… how can whatever this ‘humbling’ involves possibly lead to threatening strippers with swords, if it is proceeding at all correctly? Sure things change, you may do better or…[Read more]
Nnonnth replied to the topic The Human Soul: What is it and does it exist in relation to TAO in the forum General 17 years, 2 months ago
… it all corresponds to Leary as well if you notice. Most people say there are either seven or eight bodies or minds depending on how you count, not just him.
Many Buddhists say there are seven bodies or eight minds. Frantzis says eight bodies. Not sure what Michael says.
The ‘soul’ technically in magical parlance means those bodies which…[Read more]
Nnonnth replied to the topic The Human Soul: What is it and does it exist in relation to TAO in the forum General 17 years, 2 months ago
Nnonnth replied to the topic The Human Soul: What is it and does it exist in relation to TAO in the forum General 17 years, 2 months ago
>>i have always liked the Khabs model… <>i guess the point is whether any of it is real<<
I don't understand mate. You like the model but have no experience of its truth? Then why do you like it?
The things I was giving are true from my own experience. j
Nnonnth replied to the topic The Human Soul: What is it and does it exist in relation to TAO in the forum General 17 years, 2 months ago
… what really happened Dragon. I can only say what it looks like to me, just being as honest as I can. I also would like to know he is well.
>>If not skilled how can you lose your skill if you sometime have got it?<>Of course anybody can get crazy in some sense. As far as I know about Yudelove his wife died before this story from New York.…[Read more]
Nnonnth replied to the topic The Human Soul: What is it and does it exist in relation to TAO in the forum General 17 years, 2 months ago
>>Are there realy such a sharp distinctions betwean black and white magick? Whats the benefits going into black magick? How can a person much evolved in a white spiritual diciplin happens to change to black magick?<>Something tells me you wrote something earlier about that the power isn’t about good or bad. It’s the people making it. Or something…[Read more]
Nnonnth replied to the topic The Human Soul: What is it and does it exist in relation to TAO in the forum General 17 years, 2 months ago
>>Of course it would be nice to know more about what have happened to him. Somewere somthing did go wrong obviously and it would be of general interest to know what happened to him for all the people on this site to.<>To be a litle drastical: As far as I can see to not read Yudelove beacouse whats seems to have happened to him is equvalent to not…[Read more]
Nnonnth replied to the topic The Human Soul: What is it and does it exist in relation to TAO in the forum General 17 years, 2 months ago
… but personally I feel if you end up threatening strippers with swords, perhaps your theory is not perfect? ๐ Mind you that was a while ago… almost 2 years. I hope he’s doing better now. Michael said that he got into ‘black magic’. So not good really! I linked below to the post that Spyrelx posted, with the news item in it.
That’s why I…[Read more]
Nnonnth replied to the topic The Human Soul: What is it and does it exist in relation to TAO in the forum General 17 years, 2 months ago
>>”If your soul and spirit in you, not bread, is actually what is keeping you alive,”
???Bread????<>Maybe we might get lost if we think about every circle in the diagram as separeted from eachother maybe we could see the tree more holographically<>is a form beacase its a column????<>This is of course part of the dilemma; what you say is tao is…[Read more]
Nnonnth replied to the topic The Human Soul: What is it and does it exist in relation to TAO in the forum General 17 years, 2 months ago
To answer.
1. Does it exist in relation to Tao? Answer: yes.
2. You raised what you call ‘primary issues’ which were not in fact issues but opinions of various people. Of those opinions the second is closest to my experience except you have interchanged ‘spirit’ for ‘soul’ and the two are not the same in my opinion. (Nor in Mantak’s for that…[Read more]
Nnonnth replied to the topic Energetic signatures as Western alchemy in the forum General 17 years, 2 months ago
… but as usual I have to say, I don’t know whether I understand you and if I do don’t know whether I agree!
>>If i want to say something to other person, and say it in my inner dialogue, that is it.<>orthodox MD are fully aware of the nonverbal communication
it is the reason for their cold-hearted maneerism<>alternative to effective…[Read more] -
Nnonnth replied to the topic Energetic signatures as Western alchemy in the forum General 17 years, 2 months ago
… my friend Simon, sorry I had forgotten, he is the EDITOR of CAM (complementary and alternative medicine) magazine. Anyway I showed him that article you wrote on Seuteman etc. and he would like to have a version of it in his magazine! Can you mail me on nnonnth[at]aol[dot]com to set it up? Thanks, jason
Nnonnth replied to the topic The Human Soul: What is it and does it exist in relation to TAO in the forum General 17 years, 2 months ago
Nnonnth replied to the topic Energetic signatures as Western alchemy in the forum General 17 years, 2 months ago
… one of my main interests is in how these ideas can be implemented without the use of computers, not only for its own sake philosophically, but also because it may be necessary if there are interruptions to the power grid in the future. In such a case mainstream medicine will come to a grinding halt. Do you have any particular thoughts on…[Read more]
Nnonnth replied to the topic Energetic signatures as Western alchemy in the forum General 17 years, 2 months ago
>>[apologies for the length of time it’s taking me to respond, many things happening]<>A year later I had enough to sustainably harvest it, and it has been kind to me ever since. I can feel a definite connection to the spirit of Cleavers – it’s one of my allies.<>Customers regularly send us materials to make new remedies from things that cover an…[Read more]
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