Nnonnth replied to the topic New post on my blog!!!! in the forum Philosophy 17 years, 5 months ago
>>>>It has to do with the fact that truly astral projection mimics the death process…
All I have to say here is wow. Uh, um yeah.<<
… the author from who I learned the most on the difference between real and delusionary astral projection is the veteran New York-based sorcerer and occult author, Draja Mickaharic. I corresponded with him…[Read more]
Nnonnth replied to the topic New post on my blog!!!! in the forum Philosophy 17 years, 5 months ago
>>In short, I needed to step away–gain some perspective and stability,
and also not annoy others with my sombre posts ๐ <>Well, although I *mostly* resonate with the alchemical Taoist system, I have
no resistance to looking into things external to it that seem to jive
with me . . . In this case, I actually know nothing about astral…[Read more] -
Nnonnth replied to the topic Core dynamics, Nnonnth in the forum Practice 17 years, 5 months ago
>>I have looked around a bit on this page. Think Michael is a good writer and so are you. Red some parts of your blog about the tree and more. Liked it. :)<>I thouhgt I should find someting about core dynamics just to search for the word on this site but wasn’t that easy, maybe you know where to look so I save some time.<>Just curious also. Whats…[Read more]
Nnonnth replied to the topic New post on my blog!!!! in the forum Philosophy 17 years, 5 months ago
… I think you were missed! Certainly by me.
>>I just wanted to say
that I’ve been enjoying the blog you created. Certain aspects
I have to admit I don’t quite understand due to certain
lack-of-background issues on my part, but there is always
some part of each article that I can identify with.<>I found your discussion on Buhlman quite…[Read more] -
Nnonnth replied to the topic Dear Jason I am in love in the forum Practice 17 years, 5 months ago
Fly well both of you and the best blessings I can manage! j
Nnonnth replied to the topic Energetic signatures as Western alchemy in the forum General 17 years, 5 months ago
For a start did you see my post on the ‘practice’ board which I accidentally buried in Swedich Dragon’s thread? On aliveness… some magickal practices may surprise you here check it out.
I was interested and a little surprised when you said:
>>Single remedies don’t seem to work anymore.<>If you take a look at this link:…[Read more]
Nnonnth replied to the topic Vampirism/Demons/Cold Body problem in the forum Practice 17 years, 5 months ago
>>The subject is to free my own sexuality.<>looks like I will hang on here on the net site also.<<
Look forward to more of talk on this and other subjects, j
Nnonnth replied to the topic poem in the forum Practice 17 years, 5 months ago
Nnonnth replied to the topic Vampirism/Demons/Cold Body problem in the forum Practice 17 years, 5 months ago
I like the sounds of that meditation working group you’re with it’s so good to have support…
>>One of the girls is wery open with showing some of her sexuality (extrovert) and that was good for me to<<
Well I think she likes you! ๐
Seriously, about the self-knowledge thing there are many ways to go about it. I must admit I don't know…[Read more]
Nnonnth replied to the topic Interview with David Wilcock in the forum General 17 years, 5 months ago
I’m not sure about all the Cayce stuff, different people will have different views of that, but I’m into part four where he starts talking about red shift and levels of etheric energy. Let’s just say this jibes totally with hermetic theory anyhow… I will take a look at that site he mentioned, http://www.energyscience.co.uk I think, and will listen to…[Read more]
Nnonnth replied to the topic Vampirism/Demons/Cold Body problem in the forum Practice 17 years, 5 months ago
>>yes u feels wiser this time. The last time you was a little bit a pain in the as to, but a interesting one though.<<
Well talk to everyone around here and you will find I haven't changed completely. ๐ ๐ ๐
You give me alot here to talk about, I hope other people have an opinion here also.
To do with the 'psychological…[Read more]
Nnonnth replied to the topic Vampirism/Demons/Cold Body problem in the forum Practice 17 years, 5 months ago
>>Ure helping me really this time, alot. THX.<>I’m not shore about your exact distinction betwean on top of crown or into head. It felt like the energy went into the head but I can’t really say if it went into the head on a deep level or not. It felt like it went in an inch or so not shore if it penetrated deeper. Why?<<
Well this is…[Read more]
Nnonnth replied to the topic Vampirism/Demons/Cold Body problem in the forum Practice 17 years, 5 months ago
>>I also have a suspicion about that my previous girlfriend could be a part of my problem. She did know a bit of the methods by Mantak Chia and I believe she did suck som of my energy out. During the two or maybe three years relationship I became ill. I didn’t have any practicall experience by energy at that time, just an theoretical interest. She…[Read more]
Nnonnth replied to the topic Vampirism/Demons/Cold Body problem in the forum Practice 17 years, 5 months ago
>>But maybe it works in the same way as your stillness meditation with observinging the processes. I might think? To meditate on the lower tan tien also should be good for me I think.<>I have a friend that have been meeting and dating a man that is studying NLP perhaps I could learn something from them.<>I absolutely have to start working on the…[Read more]
Nnonnth replied to the topic Vampirism/Demons/Cold Body problem in the forum Practice 17 years, 5 months ago
Congratulations on the job, the thesis, and the perhaps being in love!
Certainly seems you are doing plenty, perhaps you don’t really need advice, you are obviously doing alot of stuff. I just want to come back to you on a key point. This is just my point of view but I mean it sincerely.
>>For the moment my treatment of the adrenals and the…[Read more]
Nnonnth replied to the topic Vampirism/Demons/Cold Body problem in the forum Practice 17 years, 5 months ago
Nnonnth replied to the topic Vampirism/Demons/Cold Body problem in the forum Practice 17 years, 5 months ago
Nnonnth replied to the topic Vampirism/Demons/Cold Body problem in the forum Practice 17 years, 5 months ago
… people like Dolphin have been interesting me with their medical applications. I work with herbs alot for magickal purposes. I’ve also been reading one of the Robert Shapiro ‘Explorer Race’ books, ‘Next Fifty Years’, which happened to be the cheapest one I could find… ๐ sorry I couldn’t invest too heavily!
Anyway thought I’d share this.…[Read more]
Nnonnth replied to the topic Vampirism/Demons/Cold Body problem in the forum Practice 17 years, 5 months ago
It’s been so long… I was going to ask how you are, but I guess your mail is telling me not that great, hope you are well at least in other respects?
On what you say I am going to answer you because this is something I do know something about. Other people are going to give different answers too I’m sure.
1. It is a nervous system problem.…[Read more]
Nnonnth replied to the topic Ko Hsuan and the Serpent Vampire in the forum General 17 years, 5 months ago
>>Most people have them it is sorta the norm so getting clear of them may start to qlue people in. I found it takes mainly internal alchemy, and some external alchemy to help shift stuff at the jing level.<<
You have to melt them off somehow yeah. I suppose if you think most people have them, and that they're a sign of losing your way, then you…[Read more]
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