Nnonnth replied to the topic Chirkov & Ageev papers on SCALAR EM fields in the forum General 17 years, 5 months ago
Nnonnth replied to the topic Sex – The Secret Gate to Eden in the forum General 17 years, 5 months ago
The thing is people do come out of his organization quite damaged often IMHO, and it was quite a big thing at one time, like in South/Central America for instance where he was born. Out of interest did the film actually get to the major drumroll point of orgasm being the cause of all evil and the point of the biblical temptation story being never…[Read more]
Nnonnth replied to the topic viktor schauberger clippings in the forum General 17 years, 5 months ago
>>psychopathic oil junky trillionaire vanity bullies.<<
That's quite a turn of phrase you have there if I may say so! j
Nnonnth replied to the topic Biblical Literalists/Creationists (How Literal are they) vs Science vs Tao Creation) in the forum General 17 years, 5 months ago
Origen, a ‘church father’ and one of the most distinguished of these (3rd century AD): “What man of sense will agree with the statement that the first second and third days, in which the evening is named and the morning, were without Sun, Moon and Stars, and the first day without a heaven? What man is found such an idiot as to suppose that God…[Read more]
Nnonnth replied to the topic Sex – The Secret Gate to Eden in the forum General 17 years, 5 months ago
… the free download of the book upon which that vid is based, weor’s book on tantra. I can’t find it right now but I’m sure you can if you search. I had the pdf but I binned it. Read it, you will find Weor admiring talking of the old temples where men would have their head cut off if they ejaculated.
Research weor and you will find his…[Read more]
Nnonnth replied to the topic Biblical Literalists/Creationists (How Literal are they) vs Science vs Tao Creation) in the forum General 17 years, 5 months ago
I wouldn’t go within ten thousand miles of anyone who says something like this:
>>We must dismiss the Platonists and Plotinists, the Stagyrites and Gamalielites, the Eclectics, the Gnostics and Scholastics, their essences and emanations, their logos and demiurges, aeons and daemons, male and female, with a long train of or, shall I say at…[Read more]
Nnonnth replied to the topic Sex – The Secret Gate to Eden in the forum General 17 years, 5 months ago
I saw the title page and didn’t want to watch more it’s the gnostic church and Samael Aun Weor. Personally I don’t like those guys much. j
Nnonnth replied to the topic Biblical Literalists/Creationists (How Literal are they) vs Science vs Tao Creation) in the forum General 17 years, 5 months ago
Nnonnth replied to the topic Multiple Sclerosis in the forum General 17 years, 5 months ago
Nnonnth replied to the topic Multiple Sclerosis in the forum General 17 years, 5 months ago
Yes I know that MS is a hard nut to crack but I am just after anything anyone has.
I think you (and your patients) are probably correct in your channelling hypothesis. Of your theories I would definitely plump for the second one, the acceleration/nervous system one, although in fact there is no reason why the two theories conflict.
I’m sure…[Read more]
Nnonnth replied to the topic Biblical Literalists/Creationists (How Literal are they) vs Science vs Tao Creation) in the forum General 17 years, 5 months ago
With an actual fundamentalist I don’t think it’s possible to have a real conversation! Did you see Steven’s post with the youtube vid of the mad woman?
Some people need to believe what they need to believe. Many others are deserting the church and other such institutions in droves of course.…[Read more]
Nnonnth replied to the topic Biblical Literalists/Creationists (How Literal are they) vs Science vs Tao Creation) in the forum General 17 years, 5 months ago
Who’s to say that don’t have doubts at 2am when they can’t sleep, but my goodness, if we’re to believe them they believe it. I mean one just has to say it’s their honest mistake! Mind you reading the original hebrew can tease out some very interesting things, and then there’s Carlos Suares who is much more like it. But you are talking about bible…[Read more]
Nnonnth replied to the topic Petition on the current situation in Burma, sign if desired! in the forum General 17 years, 5 months ago
Nnonnth replied to the topic Biblical Literalists/Creationists (How Literal are they) vs Science vs Tao Creation) in the forum General 17 years, 5 months ago
… and since kabbalistic cosmogony is totally compatible with taoism therefore so is genesis 1. When you get to leviticus you are not talking about the same thing! But the bible is a very difficult document and much-edited IMHO.
The people would have indeed believed it was a ‘true story’ but the priesthood knew the actual facts of the universe…[Read more]
Nnonnth replied to the topic Cutting off the fundamentals. in the forum Practice 17 years, 5 months ago
I can’t answer you unfortunately but would if I could. I did wonder whether the thread just developing over on the ‘general’ page was helpful at all for you? Maybe someone else will get back to you.
Nnonnth replied to the topic Cutting off the fundamentals. in the forum Practice 17 years, 5 months ago
… I can say, ‘huh?’ or I can go item-by-item.
I prefer to say ‘huh?’ on balance.
Nnonnth replied to the topic 3rd post on 'Notes of Nnonnth' is right here, right now! in the forum General 17 years, 5 months ago
… although there’s been plenty of traffic from here too already, judging by the whizzy little graphs they give you at wordpress. j
Nnonnth replied to the topic Cutting off the fundamentals. in the forum Practice 17 years, 5 months ago
I should be write about why energetic practice be time?
Could you clarify?
Nnonnth replied to the topic The Pre-Biological Quantum-Galactic Gravity Fields of the Hun-Dun Wu as Circuit 8 in the forum General 17 years, 5 months ago
… but wasn’t suggesting that ‘the old way as a whole’ was better than the ‘new way as a whole’ exactly. I would certainly say our acute emergency medicine is high-par but equally we have more acute emergencies owing to not being so aware of longer-range cycles in the world and in ourselves.
I guess what I was really asking was, why is the…[Read more]
Nnonnth replied to the topic 3rd post on 'Notes of Nnonnth' is right here, right now! in the forum General 17 years, 5 months ago
I care nary a care for ‘religion’ but I do care about manifestation of course, all magicians do. You’re right about intention for certain, and it boils down to a lineage question as well… one can look at lineage and religion as linked (like it or not) however what you are calling ‘alchemy’ is not as far from what I’m talking about as you might…[Read more]
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