Nnonnth replied to the topic Still trawling… in the forum General 17 years, 5 months ago
>>Knowing the path and walking it are to different things.<<
bingo j
Nnonnth replied to the topic New Nnonnth-bog – second post just up! in the forum General 17 years, 5 months ago
I’m glad you enjoyed it dude.
Although my perspective is obviously a bit different from yours, I do totally agree on confusion obviously! ‘Not knowing is the most intimate’. Confusion is very valuable, in fact maybe the sheer postmodern multiplicity of maps forces more and more ‘not knowing’!
The reason I like the way I practice magic is…[Read more]
Nnonnth replied to the topic Still trawling… in the forum General 17 years, 5 months ago
Nnonnth replied to the topic Dragon and cosmic heart in the forum Philosophy 17 years, 5 months ago
… without further comment j
Nnonnth replied to the topic Still trawling… in the forum General 17 years, 6 months ago
because I missed that shadow side thing. He’s cool overall. Feel exactly as you do about it, like TV only interesting. Remember I don’t know too much about this stuff so alot IS new to me! Having said that someone lent me the Marciniak Pleiadian book and it’s very good indeed actually, always enjoyable to read something by an alien who turns out…[Read more]
Nnonnth replied to the topic New Nnonnth-bog – second post just up! in the forum General 17 years, 6 months ago
>>As with anything one needs to follow some tradition to become familiar with the terrain. No? Why reinvent the wheel if you want to get to the frontier quicker?<>I personally have closed down active astral projection as I noticed my lower sexual body became colder. What I mean is I had to distance myself from my core and so realized I couldn’t…[Read more]
Nnonnth replied to the topic New Nnonnth-bog – second post just up! in the forum General 17 years, 6 months ago
>>This is the beauty of taoist meditations. Earth earth earth. And I am using all the earth I can cultivate!<>I also don’t work with sigils but the instruments of geometry Michael suggests are useful in getting me inside. I seem to fall continually into the lunacy of poetry. It seems to be music in space and thought and at times the only way to…[Read more]
Nnonnth replied to the topic Still trawling… in the forum General 17 years, 6 months ago
… when he talks about being ‘negatively greeted’, sounds like he has no conception of self-knowledge really. I liked St Clair and I like Clifford Stone very much. You’re right it’s very rich and alot of work has gone into all that. j
Nnonnth replied to the topic New Nnonnth-bog – second post just up! in the forum General 17 years, 6 months ago
… now I think of it you’re right, the target audience is really not people here as such. On the other hand later posts especially will I think link everything up. These early ones just don’t focus where people here focus… I do think it all links up though.
You certainly seem to’ve pretty much got what I was saying.
>>First let me say…[Read more]
Nnonnth replied to the topic Dragon and cosmic heart in the forum Philosophy 17 years, 6 months ago
>>And I think that the “beast” and “you” are not two different things anymore than the earth and heaven are.<<
First you must be able to see what you are combine before you can combine it. Skillful differentiation precedes all unifications. 'Solve et Coagula'. Divide in order to unite. 'Things are divided for the chance of union'. You see a…[Read more]
Nnonnth replied to the topic Freeform, would the word 'Vardavar' mean anything to you? ๐ in the forum General 17 years, 6 months ago
Nnonnth replied to the topic Dragon and cosmic heart in the forum Philosophy 17 years, 6 months ago
Nnonnth replied to the topic question for Jason and Wendy in the forum Practice 17 years, 6 months ago
Tell him I said I will teach him how to make a snake when he is older, if he still wants to haha! love j
Nnonnth replied to the topic Dragon and cosmic heart in the forum Philosophy 17 years, 6 months ago
Nnonnth replied to the topic Dragon and cosmic heart in the forum Philosophy 17 years, 6 months ago
Glenn at one time or another mentioned all those guys you studied with I think.
>>I never met Glenn but I discovered recently that a fellow student,Karl, who now runs the centre at Birmingham Uni, did meet him when he visited.<>Was shocked to hear of his death last year, do you have more information on that? I almost don’t believe it.<>I want…[Read more]
Nnonnth replied to the topic Lama Dorje info aka Max on Tao Bums in the forum General 17 years, 6 months ago
>>luke rules<<
… could you possibly expand on what you mean just a TINY bit? ๐ ๐ ๐
love j
Nnonnth replied to the topic Dragon and cosmic heart in the forum Philosophy 17 years, 6 months ago
>>Excluding my sexuality, my desires is denying earth itself, which means you don’t belong here.<<
Bingo, you have to ride it constantly, this is the very mechanism of evolution, it is why we are here. How can one harmonize with it and make this a spiritual world if one is trying to ignore it? Which, with my pagan hat on, is what the 'spritual…[Read more]
Nnonnth replied to the topic question for Jason and Wendy in the forum Practice 17 years, 6 months ago
… I also did a little checking out and I don’t think there is any serious ‘neg trouble’ as they say. I still recommend not making the jar thing! Really. But tbh I also would like to mail you privately. get me at Nnonnth[at]aol.com and I will give some details. Wendy’s short comment seems well put. j
Nnonnth replied to the topic Dragon and cosmic heart in the forum Philosophy 17 years, 6 months ago
… yes I agree with all that and the guy who taught me about kundalini, Glenn Morris would also agree.
I have had a partial kundalini rising and it looks like I’m heading for more right now actually. Interestingly Robert Bruce, an astral projection guy who also teaches energy work, says that there is literally a serpentine movement inside…[Read more]
Nnonnth replied to the topic question for Jason and Wendy in the forum Practice 17 years, 6 months ago
I’m really rather aghast at your post…
I really wish I knew… my first reaction is that it sounds like a bad idea… my thoughts in order:
– That is exactly the way some magicians would indeed make a spirit and give it form, technique-wise – but NOT motivation-wise.
– That is not something an 8-y-o could be expected to know.
– What…[Read more]
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