Forum Replies Created
May 19, 2015 at 2:31 am #44113May 19, 2015 at 2:12 am #44401May 18, 2015 at 11:14 pm #44270May 18, 2015 at 9:20 am #44348
Read this when it came out, really enjoyed it
May 18, 2015 at 9:16 am #44294Steven seagal taught anderson silva and machida some tai chi moves that they used in the ring effectively, I read somewhere
Check out sifu Glenn Hairston on YouTube and his site… He has some cool DVDs I’m gonna order soon, all about tai chi martial applications, coming from a former federal agent that has used them in the field….. I also bought one of his older instructional movies on Vimeo…
You need a teacher who will teach you the martial applications and allow you to practice them….. Which is hard to find!
May 18, 2015 at 9:08 am #44280Michael,
I am almost surely going to visit Changbai Shan this year, with my father after I visit him in Shanghai… A decision entirely inspired by your article…. Do you think 2-3 days is too short? I am wondering also, if you could put me in contact with Ju Xi so we can meet him? Or if not because of his privacy or if it would be too much trouble for him, that’s ok too, I’d understandFebruary 5, 2015 at 7:37 pm #43880February 5, 2015 at 1:13 pm #43262February 5, 2015 at 12:42 pm #43876Thanks for the response. What about the other yiquan postures, such as with hands a few inches over dantian, or another with arms perpendicular to the body, by its side and palms pointing down…. I found on the Internet that there were around 5 basic postures…. I can give a link if you like…. Which do you think would be more beneficial, doing all those postures for say 5 min each or just spending more time in simple tree?
February 2, 2015 at 7:20 pm #43766Were you bringing in the infusions in your carry on baggage? That would make sense because they don’t even let water bottles and contact lens solutions on carry ons, if it’s larger than a certain small amount. What happened with the infusion spilling in the luggage happened to me with shampoo before too, but usually there’s no problem and I always bring shampoo in the dispatched luggage.
I’m going to see if my mom can bring the stuff otherwise my dad can bring just pills when he comes in March…
And yea the goji berries bought here are pretty nice, I bought 2 different kinds, one in 70 g bags the other in 90 g bags….. Both were said to be organic, the 90g bags were bought in the supermarket and were cheaper, the 70 g bags in a health food store right next to the supermarket and those tasted much better, sweeter, than the 90 gs
January 21, 2015 at 1:45 am #43762“real” Açai is only in the north! I had some when i went to Belem do Para…… it tastes pretty bad but you get used to it….. it’s like a thick, dark, soupy, yogurt-like substance that tastes like gasoline or something like that….. in all other parts of Brazil the pulp when bought is already mixed with Guarana and banana and sugar to make it more flavorful, and it’s served kinda icy, like a thick smoothie…..
in Para they frequently eat it with Farofa (wikipedia: a toasted manioc flour mixture, though variants are made with maize flour (farinha de milho)) or even fish! not anything like the rest of Brazil where it’s usually with sliced banana (or strawberries) and granola….
I got so healthy eating a lot of Acai on my trip to Belem that when I came back and passed by a McDonald’s, my body and senses were shocked at how greasy and unhealthy the fast food and it’s smell was!!! I never felt such a difference between foods in my life
January 21, 2015 at 1:35 am #43760January 21, 2015 at 1:35 am #43758hi diogowatson, I’m from porto alegre but live in Florianopolis… grew up mostly in the States though.
Brazil is definitely a country with crazy laws for everything… both my parents warned me about this new law though…
I came across 350 mg and 500 mg Goji berry pills here this week…. but from the info i got on this forum, this is like nothing!
the 70g organic Acai berries I bought here in a store cost around 18.60 reais… that’s around 7 USD…. with 6 teaspoons a day, I consumed 1 bag in 3 days… that’s around 23g a day….. that’s actually not so bad if 1 oz of the healingtao juice extract is made from around 30 g of the raw berries as Steven said…. it would be around $14 a week. it’s not TCM cooked though and of course I still want the healingtao product and will wait for it, along with the other herbs…
My mom is going to the US and coming back Feb 20, so I’ll be able to get them then. hopefully customs won’t be a bother…
January 17, 2015 at 6:34 pm #43748Wow I didn’t realize there was such a difference between the juice and the berries. I think I’ll go back to the store and see if there are any extracts, I saw some but don’t know how strong they are, and most were mixed with other things, such as açaí
My father said it is a new law by ANVISA, and they checking everything that comes through postal mail (not sure if domestically as well but certainly internationally)
It would be interesting to hear what your friend has to say
January 9, 2015 at 5:10 pm #43686 -