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November 10, 2016 at 6:43 pm #47454
Destruction huh? So what about this, ya Hillary’s rag slurpers?
October 4, 2011 at 4:36 am #37871Hi Steven, thanks.
I never read of massaging the breast the opposite way. I personally would not have done it, as I would have thought it could bring too much energy in the heart. But who knows, maybe for women who want to have bigger breast it might work…Indeed about the lymph and the qi.
Btw, also massaging the breast releases prolactin. Prolactin is usually released when women breastfeed their babies. And is the chemical trigger that keeps women from ovulating again. Which I think is what is under the “stopping the menstruation” part of the practice.
Unfortunately one of the things I discovered recently is that still ovulating is not enough. There are many other elements that must fit in the puzzle for the pregnancy to happen. Recently one of her comment was: all my life I had to pay attention not to get pregnant and now that I want to get pregnant I discover how hard it is. I could have relaxed all my life. 🙂
Which is why your suggestion to consider a fertility doctor is a good one.
P.S: if you are young and do not want to get pregnant and you are reading this keep on pay attention. The probability of getting pregnant decrease a lot with age. Which means when you are young they are really higher.
May 20, 2006 at 1:59 pm #13494from here:
“l’uomo conduce e la donna stupisce.”
“Man drives (conducts/guides) and the woman surprises.”
I wonder how many people will read this message, since it is already buried.
May 11, 2006 at 5:39 am #13398So essentially you don’t know.
You list a whole series of elements that you believe being true, and as if there was a logical implication you try to bring the reader to assume that Gandhi did indeed vampirise his niece. But there is no logical implication, so you say “perhaps”.
Ok, perhaps. But we don’t really know.
Also this way of speaking, as if you were the Pythia, has the effect of not taking responsability of what you are saying. At school we use to study the sentence: “you will go and return not you will die in war”.
Which can be translated as:
You will go and return. Not you will die in war.
You will go and return not. You will die in war.Similarly here, it seem to me that by only suggesting things, and hinting to things you are not really taking responsability for what you are saying.
It doesn’t hit me as a really smart thing to do, and maybe you might have noticed that I try to clarify what I say, what I mean, and why do I say so. I don’t do it always, but generally I try to.
I consider that if someone misunderstands me, and following that does something stupid, I am not fully innocent on what has happened.
How would you feel, for example, if someone reading your post would assume that the Gandhi family is involved in some evil rituals and harms them? Would you feel ok? Would you feel it was his choise? Maybe he is stupid. Stupidity exists. We need to write in a way not to be misunderstood also by stupid people.I know that in China there is a whole litterature in which things are hinted, and explained in symbols, with little or no redundancy. But you know, there was a period in taoism in which they stopped doing it because it was doing more harm than good. And this is why modern teachers make an effort to be as clear as possible. And this respect to the teachings, but where you really want to be fully clear is when you are saying things about another human being.
So let’s be grateful that we live in an era where teachings are available more clearly and let’s make our part of effort to be fully understood by speaking clearly.
May 11, 2006 at 3:57 am #13821I had an energetic attack to my throat, very clear, on tuesday evening. I don’t know where did it came from, but there was so much energy reaching me (and not only from you) in the last days and kind of hanging around, that it was difficult to discern what was coming from where. And even if I could have discerned it I am really not interested in it. I let the universe balance itself.
The reason why I did not answer to your apologies before was because I was curious to see what you were going to answer to Alexander. In a sense I wanted to see if you were apologising for having made that one assumption or for, in general, using assumptions as the base of your actions.
PietroApril 13, 2006 at 11:49 pm #12683Hmmm.
My first thought is that you don’t sound like a 19 years old guy at all.
But let’s pretend you are:
some rapid fixes: If you can change your personal data in hotmail so that it believes you are a woman it will respect you more. I did it in yahoo and the porno ads stopped immediatly.
second rapid fix: after you ejaculate massage your kidneys, let them relax. Learn to feel your kidneys, and to feel when they are contracted or relaxed…
Plenty of people will now explain you what to do energetically. So I shall not enter into that. I will just give you some basic practical hints that will make your life less miserable while you try to solve the problem.
Get plenty of protein after you ejaculate, but also before. Very often people in meditation are vegetarian, and reach a ‘critical state’ where they have just the right amount of protein to keep going. Then they ejaculate and they feel like dying. And as a general advise, don’t starve your body for the desire to be chaste. Yes people have done it, and there are plenty of reasons why it is not a good idea…
Get the 100 days to better health, good sex and long life book and learn the technique from there to backtracking the thoughts (I think is in the third week). And use that technique when you find yourself following a train of thoughts induced by an ads.
Understand that ads are not real. Think a second before and a second after of the shot: “ok, move a little bit, smile, raise the hand, pretend your lover is there”, SHOT, ” ok, let’s do another one, now …”.
As a final warning, avoid to split your mind. Avoid to create a sub personality that looks for sex, and a second ‘virtuous’ sub personality that would never do that. Trying to kill one while identifying with the other. I never saw that working, instead it tends to make your life more miserable as you start to swing between the two.
So, for example trying to get your life ‘generally’ better, so that you don’t reach that level of anger, frustration, tiredness, in which you compulsively masturbate will give you more than trying to force sex out of your life.
Learning to have sex without falling in that depth of misery will make you a more complete person than would cutting off sex altogether. This in the assumption that you are a person that naturally enjoys sex (when you are not ill), which you very much sound like.
Now let’s have all the other tell you where to move the energy, where to concentrate and so on.
March 18, 2006 at 8:15 am #11609Germany is being colonized by the italians getting away from Berlusconi.
Maybe Israel, could be a better choice. Or Canada.Pietro
March 11, 2006 at 1:15 pm #11299That picture is quiete amazing indeed. I was looking at a movie on Varela (one of the inventors of the autopoiesis concept, recently died of cancer). He loved Esher, and especially this picture as in it you cannot divide the observer by the observer. He was a smart Scientist, and a deep Buddhist (at least according to his interview) Very near the Dalai Lama, who was present also for some interviews in the movie. All very interesting. The movie is called ‘what is life’, and is essentially a series of interviews
February 26, 2006 at 7:10 am #10972(no text)(no text)(no text)
February 6, 2006 at 4:22 am #10199Of course I remember you now. The pic was fundamental. The tough women!
Nice to meet you here again, then.
February 5, 2006 at 6:31 pm #10193Thanks for your story. I heard many stories where remaining together “for the children” ended up not being the best decision. Yours nicely balances them.
> Yes Max and Plato stepped on my big toe, and as an elephant …
Yes, Max and Plato can sometime have such light touch. But they are always acting straight from their heart, so, when they harm, are easy to forgive.
> And Pietro I think we met years ago in Wengen.
How nice, tell me more, when was it? During what course?
February 5, 2006 at 1:04 pm #10191IF UR DICK TO SHORT, NO WOMEN TAKE U SERIOUS
February 5, 2006 at 11:21 am #10187Interesting.
Particularly interesting the story of your husband. I too had a strong imbalanced mother, who only reached balance this last decade, thanks to vipassana. 3 years ago I had my latest important relationship and … hear hear, I was being hunted by images of me killing my companion. I can see how hard was for your husband to have such dreams. Having the images during daytime was no piece of cake, either. The other main difference was that in that contest I was the one asking to sleep alone, and she the one protesting. But practicalities prevented it: the house was too small, it was a north Europe winter and only one room could be heated. I remember waking up with 7 degrees C. inside the house. Day by day the tension kept on growing and growing. One morning we woke up, looked into each other eyes and knew that we had to part. I went back to Rome that very day: it was the 25th of December, and I was alone in the train. We kept in touch, and one month later, through the phone, we decided, to leave each other.
Reading your story made me think if there could have been other possible outcomes to mine. I took the images as a signal from my unconscious that the relationship was somehow heavily imbalanced.
Maybe renting another room just for myself could have given me the space to work out my needs and solve my imbalances. I had a couple of light relationships from that moment, but none who had the cards to create something (with women married or otherwise engaged). The energetic sensation that I am living is that there is something that ought to be resolved, before I am going to have a serious relationship again. Not that I don’t desire it, though.BtW, What’s all this writing about spiritual lazyness? Had someone stepped on your favorite toe?
February 5, 2006 at 5:19 am #10179How did the house relationship with entities evolved?
I have been wondering about it.