Sheepy replied to the topic My viewpoint on all this… in the forum General 20 years ago
When I was in High School, my favorite English teacher told me 2 things when I graduated to help me with my life:
1. Everything Is Not Relative.
I was very fond of using your style when I was 17. I found out very quickly that it was ineffective because it was based on falsity.
Yes, there are different points of view on the same…[Read more]
Sheepy replied to the topic My viewpoint on all this… in the forum General 20 years ago
I am not advocating pure mind training.
Body-based techniques are wonderful.
However, when I analyze The White Cloud Formulae they way they were originally transmitted to Chia they appear to be a series of form-based, energetic manipulations constructed to allow one to let go of the body and the ego and arrive at a state of empty mind–where…[Read more]
Sheepy replied to the topic My viewpoint on all this… in the forum General 20 years ago
I am not advocating pure mind training.
Body-based techniques are wonderful.
However, when I analyze The White Cloud Formulae they way they were originally transmitted to Chia they appear to be a series of form-based, energetic manipulations constructed to allow one to let go of the body and the ego and arrive at a state of empty mind–where…[Read more]
Sheepy replied to the topic Inside Huashan in the forum General 20 years ago
Very funny! I did get a lot more, seriously. ๐
Sheepy replied to the topic Inside Huashan in the forum General 20 years ago
Very funny! I did get a lot more, seriously. ๐
Sheepy replied to the topic Is it Plato or Pluto? Two women comment… in the forum General 20 years ago
I eagerly and sincerely await your answer to my semblance dharma inquiry.
However, your choice to approach my question of virtue in your system by posting anonymous comments from some women about me is absolutely pathetic.
You launch such an attack because your conscience is already afraid of the potential “character assasination” your own…[Read more]
Sheepy replied to the topic Is it Plato or Pluto? Two women comment… in the forum General 20 years ago
I eagerly and sincerely await your answer to my semblance dharma inquiry.
However, your choice to approach my question of virtue in your system by posting anonymous comments from some women about me is absolutely pathetic.
You launch such an attack because your conscience is already afraid of the potential “character assasination” your own…[Read more]
Sheepy replied to the topic My viewpoint on all this… in the forum General 20 years ago
I am so glad you brought this up. I was dropping obnoxious mental viri hoping this would happen.
If anyone remembers the old Chia books, the end of the white cloud formulae end with the real yang kundalini coming up.
Interestingly, this is when the real work of ANY cultivation school begins.
I am approximating here, but the whole joke to…[Read more]
Sheepy replied to the topic My viewpoint on all this… in the forum General 20 years ago
I am so glad you brought this up. I was dropping obnoxious mental viri hoping this would happen.
If anyone remembers the old Chia books, the end of the white cloud formulae end with the real yang kundalini coming up.
Interestingly, this is when the real work of ANY cultivation school begins.
I am approximating here, but the whole joke to…[Read more]
Sheepy replied to the topic Winn v. Plato in the forum General 20 years ago
no txt for you loser!
Sheepy replied to the topic Winn v. Plato in the forum General 20 years ago
no txt for you loser!
Sheepy replied to the topic Winn v. Plato in the forum General 20 years ago
…which is why you go nowhere.
Sheepy replied to the topic Winn v. Plato in the forum General 20 years ago
…which is why you go nowhere.
Sheepy replied to the topic Winn v. Plato in the forum General 20 years ago
What your jealousy comes down to is this:
I am a LEADER, and you are a FOLLOWER.
Eric B. and Rakim – Follow The Leader Lyrics
“Follow The Leader” By Eric B. & Rakim. (E. Barrier – W.
Griffin)Follow me into a solo, get in the flow,
And you could picture, like a photo,
Music makes mellow, maintains to make,
Melodies for…[
Sheepy replied to the topic Winn v. Plato in the forum General 20 years ago
What your jealousy comes down to is this:
I am a LEADER, and you are a FOLLOWER.
Eric B. and Rakim – Follow The Leader Lyrics
“Follow The Leader” By Eric B. & Rakim. (E. Barrier – W.
Griffin)Follow me into a solo, get in the flow,
And you could picture, like a photo,
Music makes mellow, maintains to make,
Melodies for…[
Sheepy replied to the topic Winn v. Plato in the forum General 20 years ago
Please re-read what you posted and see how your post is one giant non-sequiter masquerading as a relevant reply–whose only purpose is to express the random ramblings of your own mind because you have no clue how to still it.
See, I am debating two very specific issue with Michael Winn. That is the issue of semblance dharma, and the issue of…[Read more]
Sheepy replied to the topic Winn v. Plato in the forum General 20 years ago
Please re-read what you posted and see how your post is one giant non-sequiter masquerading as a relevant reply–whose only purpose is to express the random ramblings of your own mind because you have no clue how to still it.
See, I am debating two very specific issue with Michael Winn. That is the issue of semblance dharma, and the issue of…[Read more]
Sheepy replied to the topic Also In Plato's Cave in the forum General 20 years ago
Almost every person staying at and around Bei Tou Ping confided in me that they had been “violated” sexually at least once if not twice. Men and women equally. All were ashamed and didn’t want to tell others, but since I was so vocal they started to come around and confess to me in private, one after another, that they shared the same…[Read more]
Sheepy replied to the topic Also In Plato's Cave in the forum General 20 years ago
Almost every person staying at and around Bei Tou Ping confided in me that they had been “violated” sexually at least once if not twice. Men and women equally. All were ashamed and didn’t want to tell others, but since I was so vocal they started to come around and confess to me in private, one after another, that they shared the same…[Read more]
Sheepy replied to the topic Michael Winn and the whole neo-taoist possee… in the forum General 20 years ago
“Actually, you’ve asked the wrong question. The mind is nothing other than the chi functioning. It appears to the novice that the shen guide the chi, which condenses into jing/substance. But when you get deeper into alchemy, you discover that the jing is actually the shen in another form.”
Here is where you make the big mistake. You think…[Read more]
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