Sheepy replied to the topic using woman as sex objects to feed immortality in the forum General 19 years, 1 month ago
Wendy knows what I am talking about. ๐
Sheepy replied to the topic using woman as sex objects to feed immortality in the forum General 19 years, 1 month ago
My problem with your statement is that it reveals that you view semen (the essence of the man you in lust/love with) as trash.
How else could you be a trashcan?
Sheepy replied to the topic 5 Shen, Free Will, Gravity in Heaven & Earth (Reposted) in the forum Philosophy 19 years, 1 month ago
by several Chinese medical doctors who reviewed it.
Then again, I studied it for over 12 years. LOL!!!
Sheepy replied to the topic 5 Shen, Free Will, Gravity in Heaven & Earth (Reposted) in the forum Philosophy 19 years, 1 month ago
The REAL Ricky I SAVED from having his prostate cut out. We talk all the time.
This is “Ron Jeremy” fucking around, which I find amusing. I just didn’t think anyone would actually think it was real. LOL!!!
BTW, I do agree with you that one size does not fit all. ๐
Sheepy replied to the topic 5 Shen, Free Will, Gravity in Heaven & Earth (Reposted) in the forum Philosophy 19 years, 1 month ago
Glad you appreciate my attempt to ferry the fabled scorpion without getting stung. Of course, some scorpions should be allowed their sting–or so I have discovered in my life.
1. Are you adding “dictionary publisher” to your long list of achievements? I ask because I am unsure about your intentions in asking for a definition of the expression…[Read more]
Sheepy replied to the topic 5 Shen, Free Will, Gravity in Heaven & Earth (Reposted) in the forum Philosophy 19 years, 1 month ago
Yes, I keep pushing Max to go into computer graphics/animation but my arms get tired too quickly. ๐
Sheepy replied to the topic 5 Shen, Free Will, Gravity in Heaven & Earth (Reposted) in the forum Philosophy 19 years, 1 month ago
24 hours of rendering works wonders, ay?
Sheepy replied to the topic Three worms in the forum General 19 years, 2 months ago
I wrote about the three worms in detail.
The 3 worms are in fact entities that live inside your three thrusting mai and have control over your life.
You have to drive them out.
No doubt Michael Winn will take the approach to “integrate” them, but the thing is they already ARE integrated–that is your whole problem you see?
Just drive…[Read more]
Sheepy replied to the topic Time for an intelligent conversation once more… in the forum General 19 years, 3 months ago
Sheepy replied to the topic Having knee surgery..opnions? in the forum General 19 years, 3 months ago
…I will e-mail you his contact info.
Sheepy replied to the topic Time for an intelligent conversation once more… in the forum General 19 years, 3 months ago
Agreed, but which fire will keep you from aging?
Probably a hydrogen fire.
Sheepy replied to the topic Time for an intelligent conversation once more… in the forum General 19 years, 3 months ago
Upon further research (guided by the spirit of spyrelx) I have decided against taking peroxide via a nebulizer. I decided it may not be a smart thing event though some people are doing it, and just sticking to the mesosilver.
I tend to get a little greedy with my training, because I feel like my life is being stolen moment-by-moment and I…[Read more]
Sheepy replied to the topic Time for an intelligent conversation once more… in the forum General 19 years, 3 months ago
Thanks for your post!
It is true that external alchemy is a side-path, however external alchemy is not a sham. There are quite a few adepts who did not poison themselves with mercury–in fact quite the opposite! However, you can’t go crack open a thermometer and gulp it down, obviously…
I am not looking for immortality, but rather…[Read more]
Sheepy replied to the topic Time for an intelligent conversation once more… in the forum General 19 years, 3 months ago
Thanks for the heads up about inhaling–guess I won’t try that one, although I have found some websites where people claim to do it!
Please post your protocols… ๐
Sheepy replied to the topic Time for an intelligent conversation once more… in the forum General 19 years, 3 months ago
There are two articles on H2O2 that I will post links for tomorrow.
I am scared of 35% food grade peroxide because I have played with it before and it is very dangerous to handle.
I found a source of 3% food grade on the web.
Store-bought peroxide is 3% but contains toxic metals to stabilize it. I would stick with food grade but I have…[Read more]
Sheepy replied to the topic Time for an intelligent conversation once more… in the forum General 19 years, 3 months ago
Glad to have you on board soldier! Operation silver is a bottle of MesoSilver which isn’t cheap but is the only silver you can do this with.
The Omron nebulizer is <$50 if you google it. Don't buy it from the silver guy because he charges $70.
So you figure for a little over $100 you can carry out this mission.
Sheepy replied to the topic Time for an intelligent conversation once more… in the forum General 19 years, 3 months ago
“Good bacteria” will grow back naturally the moment you scarf down a slab of raw meat. If you are really concerned then put it back yourself by purchasing bacteria.
In the old days one had to ingest arsenic to accomplish this sort of thing. Today thanks to high technology we can master health easily, the problem is we cannot master our minds.
Sheepy replied to the topic Has Yoda entered the lunatic zone? in the forum General 19 years, 4 months ago
Yes, I am very impressed by your actions. I am trying to research more about this topic. Licking the pineal gland! Wow…
Sheepy replied to the topic Has Yoda entered the lunatic zone? in the forum General 19 years, 4 months ago
Yes, I am very impressed by your actions. I am trying to research more about this topic. Licking the pineal gland! Wow…
Sheepy replied to the topic America , Atlantis, Icarus in the forum General 19 years, 4 months ago
The WHOM is karmic law. Even the “IT” is contained within the system. LOL!!
For example, perhaps the act of killing millions would produce a greater benefit then leaving those millions alive, but he who kills must still pay for the killing.So the complications and deceit we see all around us are a form of karmic hedging.
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