spongebob replied to the topic The Peace of Dives (long) in the forum Philosophy 16 years, 10 months ago
Yes, it’s a very cynical epistle. Unfortunately i think it’s assessment of human nature is pretty close to the mark. It basically says people have to be tricked into peace, and it says greed is at the center of the most effective trick.
spongebob replied to the topic Can Humans Live for 800 Years? (Good Update on Longevity Research, lists of oldest people alive) in the forum Philosophy 16 years, 10 months ago
I agree with it. And I think it’s very close to what Eric Berne describes as a racket.
My point is precisely that GOVERNMENTS go broke, not the power elite, who don’t care about any country including their own. And it is not in any GOVERNMENT’s interest to ever go to war for “profit.” Thus globalization is an opportunity to blur national…[Read more]
spongebob replied to the topic Maharishi in the forum General 16 years, 10 months ago
LOL! Michael, this is wonderful. One reason I like Healing Tao, and you, so much is the frank statements of what is without a lot of artificial sentimentality. Most refreshing!
the only other person i enjoy this with in almost unadulterated form is my cousin who, when i congratulated him on the news of his divorce laughed loudly. For some…[Read more]
spongebob replied to the topic Same Sh*&t Different year in the forum General 16 years, 10 months ago
Sounds like a guy I met in China wit the initials PR. and thats all i’m sayin…
spongebob replied to the topic How necessary is practice? in the forum Practice 16 years, 10 months ago
spongebob replied to the topic Can Humans Live for 800 Years? (Good Update on Longevity Research, lists of oldest people alive) in the forum Philosophy 16 years, 10 months ago
There’s no such thing as War for Profit. Wars ALWAYS lose money and weaken economies, even in the victors. If someone or some gov’t engages in “war for profit”, it’s illusory.
For the global elite who are more dedicated to their own wealth than the human condition, war is generally abhorrent for the very reason that it does not make money.…[Read more]
spongebob replied to the topic How necessary is practice? in the forum Practice 16 years, 10 months ago
How do you demonstrate the effects scientifically? how can you, toa third party, prove that certain levels of accomplishment are achieved? In sports this can be measured in time, score, stats, or performance–such as weight lifted, gymnastics score, etc.
with physical components of body with x-rays and CAT scans, etc. The lesion has healed,…[Read more]
spongebob replied to the topic Disturbance in the Force in the forum General 16 years, 10 months ago
Hard to find in China laaaa. I can look next trip home. Thanks for the tip.
spongebob replied to the topic How do Ugly Guys get Gorgeous Girls? Secrets of Physical Attraction (article) in the forum General 16 years, 10 months ago
HAHAHA! It works both ways!
spongebob replied to the topic Ludwig Von Mises: Our Economy is Doomed (Yin-Yang Financial Cycle) in the forum Philosophy 16 years, 10 months ago
a good reason NOT to have your money in dollars. The yuan is perched to plunge below seven (7.18) yesterday. Or yen, or euros or gold. one reason I stayed in China.
But here’s a question: will the Japanese and Chinese, largest owners of overseas US debt, allow the dollar to collapse? Are their reserves big enuff to abosrb a crash? Will they…[Read more]
spongebob replied to the topic Smell, Sex Attraction, & Orgasm (article) in the forum General 16 years, 10 months ago
Great article. I saw a BBC or discovery channel or nat geo channel or whatever documentary about the t-shirt study. I’ve often wondered if this fact accounts at least partially for the ease of attraction between expats and Chinese. Couldt he populations been so isolated from each other for so long that genetic compatibility is much easier to find?…[Read more]
spongebob replied to the topic Disturbance in the Force in the forum General 16 years, 10 months ago
From the same link as above:
Heath Ledger was born with his Aries Sun opposite Pluto (April 4, 1979; Perth, Australia; time unknown), an unusually powerful pairing which can bring great charisma and psychological depth, but also a fear of loss of control or identity. In extreme cases, as astrologer Adrian Ross Duncan describes, “they fear…[Read more]
spongebob replied to the topic Disturbance in the Force in the forum General 16 years, 10 months ago
Or we could just take control of our own destinies thru inner work and not worry about how the planets affect us.
I’ve only ever seen one study that gives any credence to astrology anyway. It was done in the 70’s i think by a French psychologist called Gaucalin (?? can’t remember spelling and i don’t know French). he was the first, and I…[Read more]
spongebob replied to the topic How do Ugly Guys get Gorgeous Girls? Secrets of Physical Attraction (article) in the forum General 16 years, 10 months ago
“the classic academia type(nice way to say nerd) with atractive asian girls.”
Funny you should say that. Here in China i see all kinds of hot, young asian chicks with ugly old men (is this why Michael comes every year? ;-P). Obviously this supports the articles assertion that they favor wealth and status over looks.
There was a guy who…[Read more]
spongebob replied to the topic Question for Michael re. Gnosticism in the forum General 16 years, 11 months ago
I was in that group for a long time in the DC area. There’s A LOT of fanaticism.
Although some of the core teachings may be true, their icon, one Venerable Master Samael Aun Weor, is largely a plagiarist. They also have some very crazy beliefs, like a giant planet will destroy the Earth. When I was with them in the late 80’s early 90’s, this…[Read more]
spongebob replied to the topic Polar Ice Cap Studies Refute Catastrophic Global Warming Theories in the forum Philosophy 16 years, 11 months ago
When it comes to environmental issues there is never one simple solution. The problem is that everything is connected. Tweak one thing and it affects a thousand others.
There is also the issue of scale. Candles are fairly innocuous at current use levels. What would happen if 6 billion people used them for their daily illumination needs? Think…[Read more]
spongebob replied to the topic The Tibet Myth- The Violent Shadow Side of Buddhism (Excellent Article) in the forum Philosophy 16 years, 11 months ago
Michael, compelling article but no real surprise. In your meetings with the Dali Lama, did he ever explain his behavior prior to and during the British invasion a hundred years ago (assuming the myth of reincarnation and direct lineage is true)? I posted this to the general discussion forum and would be interested in hearing what he says about…[Read more]
spongebob replied to the topic What Have You Changed Your Mind On? (Edge.org annual survey of intellectuals) in the forum Philosophy 16 years, 11 months ago
I often here this about orientals, but after 5 years in China I would say that the Chinese are even more self-centered on average than Westerners, even babyboomers (sorry Michael, i know that’s your generation).
I can’t believe the greed that rules this culture and the complete lack of an ethical foundation. It’s mind boggling at times. The…[Read more]
spongebob replied to the topic Gnosticism a short definition in the forum Philosophy 16 years, 11 months ago
I ws inte Universal Gnostic Movement for 10 years. It’s pretty far removed from the ancient gnosticism and their alchemy has a lot of errors and shortcomings in it. Basically a fundamentalist movement now based on their “avatar” Samael Aun Weor.
spongebob replied to the topic Polar Ice Cap Studies Refute Catastrophic Global Warming Theories in the forum Philosophy 16 years, 11 months ago
This is the best evidence i found yet to NOT WORRY about global warming, and the scam behind the IPCC report. Not to say global warming isn’t occurring, but that it’s not anthropogenic, it’s not out of the normal range of fluctuation, and as an apocalyptic tale complete bunk.
I expect only those truly interested in the topic will read the…[Read more]
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