Swedich Dragon replied to the topic 40 Studies: Movement/Exercise is Key to Good Health in the forum Practice 14 years ago
Perhaps it is good to go walking!
I was visiting my new TCM herb doctor. And she gave me a new perspective on my health. And a new way of treating it. That feels intuitively wery right for me!
I will give that perspective on another tread.
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic 40 Studies: Movement/Exercise is Key to Good Health in the forum Practice 14 years ago
Hello Michael!
Didn´t read this stuff, instead I go for a walk in
the white snow and sunshine. 🙂SD
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic New health care program in the forum General 14 years ago
Hello Steven
Here follow an answer to another person of the taobum. I write about which people I have been into contact with today and what they have told me in this discussion. I still feel your decissions seems reasnoble and perhaps the right thing to do. But one thing is that the root canaled tooth migth be possible to remove later, and…[Read more]
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic New health care program in the forum General 14 years ago
I found this article that takes into acount the problem with the rot canals and anyway think that perhaps sometimes the rot canal procedure might be done, just beacase of lack of alternatives.
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic New health care program in the forum General 14 years ago
I also read about some testing of the root canals and the toxity of the blood amoungst other things. Methods developed to look if there is a problem with your root canal.
This is a bit promising, if you are able to see what happens in the body and if that helps you to remove those rot canals that is bad for you, then there is a higher chance…[Read more]
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic New health care program in the forum General 14 years ago
I was and spoke with my dentist. I feel wery confused. And have to reconsider everything for the next days.
To take away the tooth, seems not to be so good either.
This tooth is a wery usuful tooth for eating.
About 50% that have taken away that tooth will have it replaced, which could be done by two methods. 1 Your can build a…[Read more] -
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic New health care program in the forum General 14 years ago
About an alternative, pulp capping, where you make a cap around the pulp.
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic New health care program in the forum General 14 years, 1 month ago
I have read some more pages about this issue. Most of the information comes from the same scientific research in the beginning of the 20 th century.
This article I choosed to add here beacase it also contains information about bioenergetics and the relation betwean different teeth and theire connection…[Read more]
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic New health care program in the forum General 14 years, 1 month ago
Ty for bringing this up. I have taken part of your information. I will spend some time to investigate it further. Just for the moment I am agaisnt having the root channels filled. Sounds intiutively right to not do it after this information, but I still have to consider the alternatives. Of course a risk factor for more degenerative…[Read more]
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic Bone breathing in the forum Practice 14 years, 1 month ago
Fortunately I have a blood pressure a bit on the low side, which probably is
caused by the adrenal fatigue. -
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic New health care program in the forum General 14 years, 1 month ago
The problem with my tooth was qutie seriuos! There was a big part of the tooth that has been cracked from the rest of the tooth. The part had the dimension of about 3x5x15 milimeter. That part did go down to the nerves, and the dentist did ask me if it did hurt alot when the crack happened. Yes it realy did, I was on my way to the sofa, but had to…[Read more]
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic Past life work in the forum Practice 14 years, 1 month ago
Sorry to say that I am not so shore about my own ideas, so I can´t realy continue arguruing about that you have wrong. Still feel more for my own ideas than your though.
But actually I am not into this subject and haven´t jet in my life being so wery interested in it. Perhaps I will be more interested in it in the future.
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic New health care program in the forum General 14 years, 1 month ago
Ty Steven!
Which I had some other information on this as well, even though it sounds right, I should benefit from reading it from other sourses as well.
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic New health care program in the forum General 14 years, 1 month ago
Hello Steven and others
Well might be a good idea. 🙂
I just want to tell you all that so far the new health care program works wery well. I have not been drinking any cofe and I have not been looking at any porn. The retention practise makes me wery horny which it usually does in the beginning. But the hornyness is so far directed to some…[Read more]
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic primordial in the forum Practice 14 years, 1 month ago
No sorry I do not know about it
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic Past life work in the forum Practice 14 years, 1 month ago
Interesting experience you have axtryan. I have not gone true anything similar as your experience.
I wonder if you have read something similar to your experience, can you find any similarities from the litterature. I also wonder if you know someone who have gone true something similar. Are there anything close to your experience…[Read more]
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic primordial in the forum Practice 14 years, 1 month ago
Sounds like a death and rebirth process!
Perhaps there will be big methamorphosis in your life?!
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic It's best to be yin, then you won't be cold in winter. Huh? in the forum Practice 14 years, 1 month ago
Well if you read Stevens post, I think he means that the statment was about to act in a more yin way, and not about your inner ballance.
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic Health care plan again in the forum General 14 years, 1 month ago
Hello Oompa!
I go true your suggestions againg and write out what you wrote to me.
But while doing this I couln´t open the page you aded to your post.
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