Swedich Dragon replied to the topic Beginning Yudeloves practises in the forum Practice 14 years, 3 months ago
Well shore! Yes indeed! 🙂
Especially if it is pointed at me!
But Yudelove was more into swords wasn´t he?SD
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic Old wounds and question for wendy in the forum Practice 14 years, 4 months ago
Hello Wendy!
Thanks for your words.
There are so many things going on just now in my life so this old issue
has to wait. But still it was coming up from my inside.I respond back shortly to your responce. But has to go deeper into this later on.
I think that you are right in that it is important to be clear about the intentions. I…[Read more]
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic Jumping Time Lines to the New Earth in the forum Practice 14 years, 4 months ago
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic Hello in the forum General 14 years, 4 months ago
Hello again!
A few questions to you:
what do you like to practise and how long have you been a practioner?
Is the universal tao common in Australia?SD
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic Hello in the forum General 14 years, 4 months ago
Hello Benjaminchi
Welcome to the forum!
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic To ejaculate or not to ejaculate… in the forum General 14 years, 4 months ago
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic To ejaculate or not to ejaculate… in the forum General 14 years, 4 months ago
There are many books in taoism and I am shore that many of them talks about the benefit of no ejaculation!
There are also many traditions and different branches in taoism and I am shore that they handle this topic differently.
I think though that the benefits from retention practise for longer periods of time, is depending on which…[Read more]
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic To ejaculate or not to ejaculate… in the forum General 14 years, 4 months ago
Hello Helder welcome to the forum!
I´m also single since a long time and are practising retention. It is quite similar for me, the 2 w3eeks time period, and the easiness to get unballanced if I go ower that time.
If you read taoistic text about semen retention, most of them recemend you to have such a frequency, 2 weeks or so, depending on…[Read more]
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic semen retention and multiple partners in the forum Practice 14 years, 5 months ago
Jolan Chang have written some nice books on having multiple partners. The books are enjoyable to read and easy to read.
Amara Charles has written an interesting book on sexual agreements for different sexual behaviour. I like this one wery much.…[Read more]
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic semen retention and multiple partners in the forum Practice 14 years, 5 months ago
It is an interesting subject! I have no answer to you. I have never been with many girls at the same time. But I have been thinking about the subject, some and been reading about it.
I have a teacher I visit from time to time from the Indian tantra system. She has multiple partners. She lives with many, I guess men, at the same time.…[Read more]
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic specifik kidney program in the forum Practice 14 years, 5 months ago
New or changed things withing stars *****
I have found the need for changes around issues regarding my sexuality:That is Porn, intercourse and retention. The porn will get much more minus, beacase that is somthihg I rather want to stop doing at all. The retention on…[Read more]
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic retention and lab tests in the forum General 14 years, 5 months ago
I not realy see you as pushy. I thank you for your advice, and I will consider to contact them in the future. I am in a situation where I got alot of health care tip, most of them doesn´t work or work painfully slow. I deal with it by shifting focus. When I am at a new program I stick to it and try not to see other possibilities as…[Read more]
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic specifik kidney program in the forum Practice 14 years, 5 months ago
Ty Wendy 🙂
It sounds like a nice exercise to do during the summer. I will try it soon, perhaps tomorrow or some other day.
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic specifik kidney program in the forum Practice 14 years, 5 months ago
“””””My program could look like this:
Kidney breathing
Simple spontaneous chi kung or a simple form chi kung and some gentle kidney stretchings
lots of sleep and resting
Deep water meditations
Surrendering to earth meditations
Drinking warm ‘salty’ drinks
Daily Conversations and meditations (be it sounds, colors, water) with my…[Read more] -
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic specifik kidney program in the forum Practice 14 years, 5 months ago
Hello Steven!
Well I have to admit that if I took it more soft I would have results faster, there is no question about it!
But there is also a positive side to this. I realy can do alot more things today than for let us say three years ago. Things are going in the right direction, but sometimes it feels painfully slow.
But when talking…[Read more]
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic specifik kidney program in the forum Practice 14 years, 5 months ago
Hello! Answer to both Steven and Wendy
For me one thing is realy important also. That is that I realy got a result from my program. A result that was bigger than earlier trials. I try all the time to do new things keep at them for a while and see if they give any results, if they do I want to continue with them. This new total aproach was…[Read more]
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic specifik kidney program in the forum Practice 14 years, 5 months ago
Hello Wendy
Your post makes alot realy alot of sence!
I do some tao yin and also during summer time some hatha yoga. I realy like the part when I just lay down on the ground, especially when it hot enough for me to do it oustside.
So without realy knowing how to achive it, I think this post was realy important! I have been thinking like…[Read more]
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic specifik kidney program in the forum Practice 14 years, 5 months ago
Hello Wendy
Actually my idea for the program was the reversed one! To collect positive points and the spend them as money. I have managed to do it that way before, but not for a long time.
If I´m to hard against myself. Well that will be true if I make a program that I can´t follow. It looks like it must be adjusted a litle. I´m shore th…[Read more]
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic specifik kidney program in the forum Practice 14 years, 5 months ago
What I have to try to do is to find the level that is possible to hold for wery long times, which might be years.
So the work with modifications in the program might be a wery important part to make it work.
The goal of not reaching the negative scores bellow zero, is a force that I hope will continue to help me. It is a way to induce will…[Read more]
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic specifik kidney program in the forum Practice 14 years, 5 months ago
There is a clear pattarn to when I have problem following the program. That is when I am overly tired.
This time I was tired beacase of to much physical exercises. This monday I did try jogging my longer round, but it was to hot, so I didn¨t manage the whole round. About two to three miles, which usually isn´t a problem. At wensday I t…[Read more]
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