Swedich Dragon replied to the topic specifik kidney program in the forum Practice 14 years, 5 months ago
I need to do some modifications. It is quite hard to get on the positive side of this. Yesterday I did watch porn and did ejaculate. And I was back to -50 points. That is almost impossible to come back to zero.
I do modificate the program when I see that it not is working.
So I will add positive scores like the…[Read more]
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic specifik kidney program in the forum Practice 14 years, 5 months ago
Yes I think it is good for you to do some regular ecxercises.
Like massaging the testikles.
Cool draw.
Grounding.And maybe some more if you like. And you will have even better experiences!
Having blue balls doesn´t sound wery good to me. Does it hurt also?
Good luck to you 2.
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic Getting some arm — humorous in the forum Practice 14 years, 5 months ago
You realy made me laugh!
Nice story also!
One thing that I can´t understund is how you can do retention without doing the big draw. For me that should be having a hard one all the night at occassions. Wery hard to sleep also!
Looking forward to hear about your further sexual experiences with your retention.
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic retention and lab tests in the forum General 14 years, 5 months ago
To me C Howdy and Steven both are wery nice guys. 🙂
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic retention and lab tests in the forum General 14 years, 5 months ago
Thanks for your advice. It might be a good advice, but it doesn´t come in the right time for me. I do so much for my health at the moment and can´t start new such projects to add with the others. Maybe later if my new aproach doesn´t work.
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic specifik kidney program in the forum Practice 14 years, 5 months ago
No I suppose I was wery unclear.
What I think has helped the erectional dysfunction is: No porn. Wery litle ejaculations or full retention. Using big draw. Using testicle massage and breathing.
Irong shirt: When I build Jing with retention I got another problem from time to time. That is when I feel I have plenty of sexual energy…[Read more]
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic progress and blocks in the forum Practice 14 years, 5 months ago
Always nice to hear about someones progress! Hope you have the
progress with you for a long time.
Nice post!SD
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic specifik kidney program in the forum Practice 14 years, 5 months ago
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic specifik kidney program in the forum Practice 14 years, 5 months ago
Erection seems to be cured. 🙂 😉
Instead the oposite problem, which sometimes occure during retention. When the big draw in it self doesn´t make the erection turned of. Instead you have to do some iron shirt, to add yin energy I guess
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic specifik kidney program in the forum Practice 14 years, 5 months ago
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic My health care program in the forum Practice 14 years, 5 months ago
This is the way I do my yoga for the moment.
I practise these time during the day:
10.30 to 11 a.m
15 to 16 p.mDuring those times I do my practise wherever I am. If I forget about the time I skip that practise session. If I am socialising in a way that in which it isn´t apropriate to breake for yoga, I skip the yoga. If I´am tired I s…[Read more]
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic My health care program in the forum Practice 14 years, 5 months ago
I have made a decission to try to start my Ph.D studies from two years from now.
This plan comes from me believing that I will have some results from my new health program. I have already felt some results this spring and by adding things systematically to the program I think I has the change to be much better in two years.This gives me two…[Read more]
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic My health care program in the forum Practice 14 years, 5 months ago
For the moment my medical treatment looks like follows:
Armour thyroid 120 mg
Adrenal rebuilder, which is adrenal cell extract and works to build up the adrenals again.
Glucosamine sulfat.
General supplement of vitamines
Also wery important is the salt, KCl not NaCl (Sodium and potatissimum I think in Englisch), which…[Read more]
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic specifik kidney program in the forum Practice 14 years, 5 months ago
Well beacase my new idea of my health program, to more or less do everything I can at the same time to try to heal the problem, I have decided to also do retention according to the kidney program.
The high scores for retention makes it more important to follow that part of the program.
Generally high scores will indirectly streanghtens my…[Read more]
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic specifik kidney program in the forum Practice 14 years, 5 months ago
I have to say that doing retention for just a short while has considerably helped with my erectional problem, but still not perfect.
I also like to practise Tao-Yin at the moment and perhaps the set 2 from Mantak Chias book, where you exercise the spinclers muscles toghether also will help with the urination problem.
Pehaps this is…[Read more]
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic My health care program in the forum Practice 14 years, 5 months ago
My MD has finally come to the same conclusion about my illness as me myself.
When I first visited hem I told hem that I has adrenal fatigue and low thyroid. I also gave hem papers on both of the illnesses. But it was quite alot of pages and I don´t think he did read them. But after some years now he has come to the same conclusion and he has…[Read more]
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic specifik kidney program in the forum Practice 14 years, 5 months ago
This is about my new way of handling the retention practise and the symtoms of weak erection and dripling urin.
Today I was wisiting my MD who works with western medicine and homeopathy and antroposophic medicine as well. I was talking with hem about the two above given sympthoms and he told me that they where symtoms to the specific homeopatic…[Read more]
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic My health care program in the forum Practice 14 years, 6 months ago
Ty Steven for adding the description of wood, which helped my understunding.
Last night:
This was an expample on a good practise of my program. I have been quite active the last day. I took care of my brothers dog and as a kind of payment I could borrow hes car. Took a ride out to the archipelago with the dog and some friends. Had a real…[Read more]
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic My health care program in the forum Practice 14 years, 6 months ago
Hello Steven!
Yes I´ve heard about the wood element and the two organs also.
Often it drains me alot to stay up untill 2 a.m. even if I can sleep wery long the day after. This is beacase the cortisol homone level will be wery low the next day, I think. And beacase mine is wery low to start with, that schedule is not a good idea.
Then of…[Read more]
Swedich Dragon replied to the topic My health care program in the forum Practice 14 years, 6 months ago
Last night I had this problem so I start to describe my program against insomnia, which is a symtom against many in adreanal fatigue. If you stay awake for to long at the night say about 10 p.m. then you got something called the second fire, which means you probably stay awake untill 3 a.m. or so. And during this time you feel more alert…[Read more]
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