Forum Replies Created
July 25, 2006 at 4:54 pm #15649
Agreed, but . . . there is NO place for HATRED. It makes you no better than “them”. I put that in quotations b/c there are atrocities happening all over the world and “they” could be from any nation/religion, and if you truly trace who’s behind these things . . . well, this website isn’t about politics, so back to the anger/hatred thing . . .
Stop bitching (sorry about the language) and do something productive . . . not something HATEFUL, something productive. Big difference. Religions will always exist . . . violence and war will always exist. Do something to help (not to help the extremist on either side, to help the innocents who are suffering).
And talking about “the Jews” in such a general term . . . that’s like saying all Muslims are extremists and terrorists (which we should all know is the farthest thing from the truth), …please, give me a break. . . .July 14, 2006 at 2:01 pm #15543I agree with you mostly. my actions are a litttle different — i most of the time recycle, turn the lights off when i’m not in a room (b/c i can’t afford to leave them on) and drive a honda (can’t afford to fill up the gas tank too often–but i do commute to work 35 miles), but i agree that this earth will be around a LONG time after us. it was here BILLIONS of years before us and catastrophies have occured time and again that would have made global warming look like nothing but a nice summer day, and here the earth is, and here we are. i do think that we could be more friendly to her (the earth) — in fact, the sooner that somthing wipes our species off the planet the better it will be for her (don’t get me wrong, i’m not in any rush), but we won’t be the end of her. it goes along with saving endangered species. i write my senator/ congressman everytime i get one of those emails from wwf and ?some other one? but if you look far enough back, this is a natural process of the earth. it just scares the hell out of us b/c our recorded history doesn’t go back but a fraction of a second (if you’re judging time the way the earth would). well, this debate will go on and on, and after we’re all dead, the earth will have a good chuckle.
July 11, 2006 at 4:24 pm #15344*They struggle because they fail to see themselves in the other*
nice. . .
i’m gonna put that one on my wall at work (only using we instead of they)July 11, 2006 at 11:25 am #15470i will definitely give this a go also. i wish i had read it yesterday instead of today. i really remembered a lot about my dreams last night (started keeping my journal on the corner of my bed or under my pillow so i can grab it whenever i wake up).
wouldn’t it change things when you start getting into lucid dreaming?July 11, 2006 at 7:18 am #15447gracias amigo . . . brew it and breathe it but don’t drink it. . . that is what i will do for the rest of this can. actually, i’ve found out that if i’ll get my butt going in the morning (running or jumping rope,etc) then i don’t want coffee. then i just want water, so that sounds like a good replacement.
July 10, 2006 at 1:56 pm #15443how do you know what your inner weather is?
well, i’ll finish what i have and then be done with it. it won’t be the 1st time that i have, as you said, been wise. it does’t have any big effects for me one way or the other. i can have it or not, but i will miss the am aroma. honestly, me not drinking it will have more to do with the price of organic coffee than anything else. coffee beans are a natural part of the earth, it’s here for a reason i think — but i don’t want all of the chemicals that come with the processing.
everything in moderation, at least for right now for me
i try to buy organic as much as my budget allows. there are certain fruits and vegies that i ALWAYS buy organic (apples, grapes, etc), and others that i do if i can (bananas, broccoli), and the months i can’t at all, oh well.July 10, 2006 at 7:18 am #15462i’m gonna check out that book too.
it seems to me, though, that one would need to know a little bit about you and your life experiences to really be able to advise you on your dreams and their significance. i could be very wrong on that, but i know that my dreams often relate to what has been going on in my day, in my mind,. . . but of course, there are those where you just have to wonder where in the world that came from.July 9, 2006 at 7:48 am #15437i really appreciate the input. i only get paid once a month, but when i get my next check, i’m going to go ahead and get signed up for that inner smile class in november. Your comments and the inner smile ebook was VERY helpful. i’m going to do some stuff differently today.
* Also, you should enjoy the practices. .. Looking forward to how you will feel after practicing is powerful impetus. *
this is so true with running/working out too! I DONT want to go running until i’m already out there doing it, and then i’m like . . . oh yeah, this is why i made myself do it. now i’m glad i did.*Since you like to get up early, get up earlier and do more then.*
I’m already up at 5am, so earlier isn’t really an option if i want sleep. i guess i need to work more on what i’m doing in the evening.*Don’t force anything. In fact, counting is often counterproductive.*
GOOD!! It didn’t really work for me.*In my own practice I use the gardening approach. When you’re growing a garden you go out in the morning and see what’s going on. What wants to happen today? Some weeding here, some watering there… Not the same two days in a row, usually. *
I love gardening ๐ but have only indirect sun where i’m living now, so most of what i grow are herbs.Coffee. . . yum. . . are you saying it is the caffene or the coffee? b/c i love the aroma in the am. i have no problem drinking the caffene free coffee, but i crave that smell (green tea- bitter, yuck, but some other hot teas are really good).
Treesinger ๐
July 8, 2006 at 9:33 am #15429i forgot about the free inner smile minibook off this website, and so haven’t read it. ahhh….maybe (surely) it will help.
July 6, 2006 at 8:53 pm #15404I did figure out how to do the personal message things, but I can’t figure out how to post there. I’m sure it can’t be that difficult.
July 6, 2006 at 9:14 am #15302I look forward to reading someone else’s experience. Thanks (I’m at work now, and have to get off here in a minute- just checking in). I feel like since I don’t know anyone here that I’m okay with putting personal stuff on here–not that I’ve gotten that far. Safety with strangers kinda thing. I have a book beside my bed that I write my dreams down in too. I’m off and on with keeping up with it though. At one point, I had started ?lucid dreaming? I could recognize that I was in a dream and do different things. I’d like to get to that point again,.. so your post has been an encouragement to me to really keep up with my dreams more. Thanks. Okay . . . back to work… the Man doesn’t pay me for nothing.
July 6, 2006 at 7:38 am #15298I feel like there’s not much on my training log to look at, I’m just kinda doing the same beginner stuff every day, so don’t expect much. I just know that I have to be in the habit of doing it now so I’ll do it later too . . . plus. . . if i keep up with this, it will be nice to look back on later.
AND . . . it helps keep me honest and a little more disciplined than I would be with just myself. i fall prey to distractions easily, but if i know that i’m going to have another day of nothing in my training log, . . . i’m more likeley to take 30 minutes or an hour for myself for this.July 5, 2006 at 8:15 am #15280I will put my post here, since that’s where my name came up. I love to read your posts alexander, but i’m a lot like emilgee when she said that she doesn’t have a strong need to be understood and that she enjoys to read and contribute but doesn’t need to get involved in verbal sparring.
Actually, the “contribute” part, is probably more her than me. My beliefs come from my Solitary practice (which I don’t care to discuss or debate i.e. what i think about evil,etc.) and I find that I don’t get involved in any of these conversations much, b/c while I love to read them, it just isn’t something that I am passionate enough about to respond to. It’s not my “intent” on being on this forum. I do care about learning about these practices that Michael (and others) teach and I wish there were other training logs I could look at to see how others progressed/learned/experienced these things, but I don’t want to discuss my opinions and beliefs. I want to learn and read about about your practices.So, in saying this….i don’t think i would be much help if they are the only two other women posting here. But I do find it interesting that we all understand each other. Is that b/c we’re women, or just b/c of our personalities? ohwell. . . .now
i’m late for work and better get hoppin’:(oh hey, i saw your art (the wooden statues) on a web site. That is your’s right? They were beautiful. The shadows behind them great!
have a great day! ๐
June 30, 2006 at 2:11 pm #15146it is amazing what they can do now, isn’t it? i hope things go well with your neice and your sister will be able to take her home sooner rather than later. I’ll definitely keep her in my thoughts. my friend’s daughter was 2 pounds when she was born. she fit in the palms of your hand. (now she’s 11, still small, but crazy and fun)
June 30, 2006 at 2:02 pm #15076did you get all A’s in geometry? (I have a theory about geometry and algebra)
“You Must Be Quite Dim”
you know stuff, and like to share what you know and that’s great.
but, just be careful that you don’t sit so high up on the horse that you can’t hear when others are yelling to let you know there is a lion about to pounce.
the people here know things too.
no shoes are big enough that someone can possible understand all experiences that others have lived. and often those who think those big shoes fit their feet are standing still (or if they try to walk, they’ll fall). and when you’re standing still, man, your missing all the rest of the forest except the trees right in front of wiccan friends cast spells
my voodoo friends work magick
my christian friends pray to jesus/mary
my native american friends pray to their ancestors
my doctor friends at duke explain the physical/scientific reasons to mestudies show that when they all pray for someone sick (each praying for a different individual), the sick person has a better chance of recovery than someone who has no one praying for them. i would bet that the people here have an . . . “energetic”? or spiritual? answer for that. they can explain to me how my energy effects the sick person. and maybe you can give me a more scientific answer.
the results are the same though – scientific or spiritual
i would like to hear the scientific reasonings behind things and you often bring them up, but do you really need to throw around insults? people will hear you better if you speak gently.
of course, we could set a great example in our replies -