vonkrankenhaus replied to the topic What is "Kidney Yin"? What is "Kidney Yang"? in the forum Philosophy 10 years, 3 months ago
RE: these questions, I offer the folowing, as mere opinions:
** Is there consensus in the qigong community as to whether (a) Kidney Yang is distinct from Ming Men and (b) Kidney Jing is distinct from Kidney Yin?
——-Everything in the phenomenal world can be divided into yin & yang aspects. In the sense of the kidney(s), the…[Read more]
vonkrankenhaus replied to the topic Importance of PLAY in your qigong practice and life (Ted Talk) in the forum Practice 10 years, 3 months ago
It’s informative to imagine that one is a leader over others and concoct a list of ideal traits one would like in a group of one’s subjects.
Would you, as leader, want these subjects to be stronger and smarter than you?
Would you leave their growth and development to themselves?
After all, why do we suppose there is a large “self-help”…[Read more]