wendy replied to the topic Jesuit Priest in a Chinese court in the forum General 17 years ago
wendy replied to the topic Jesuit Priest in a Chinese court in the forum General 17 years ago
Flemish people tend to have a lack of pride and self esteem but here you find a bit more on the number 79 of Greatest Belgians (although ‘Belgium’ was not existing, until 1830) but Flanders was…
wendy replied to the topic Anger can Kill You – Proof is in (article) in the forum Practice 17 years, 1 month ago
Last night we had our final Tao Women class and I figured it was a perfect opportunity to talk about anger. They all understood and confirmed very well the hidden anger strategy. So in order to release some of that, we did breathing and toning which evolved into shouting, screaming and yelling(lucky I have no neighbours). We did sponateous…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic Anger can Kill You – Proof is in (article) in the forum Practice 17 years, 1 month ago
Looking for anger on the net, I thought this was a good summary of how women react to anger. Especially the part that says that we think to be ‘above’ it, is so true and a perfect way of deceipting ourself. I have been telling myself that for years, I actually did not feel ‘anger’ nor ‘angry’, I had pushed it so deep in my body I couldn’t connect…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic Anger can Kill You – Proof is in (article) in the forum Practice 17 years, 1 month ago
Coincidentally we talked about it again this evening and we also came up with the same understanding as you are talking about, and we did that before as well couple of times. That we are no longer the same people as we were and that there is no need holding on to past anger, grieve, sadness, etc etc.
Living in the moment does make life much…[
wendy replied to the topic Anger can Kill You – Proof is in (article) in the forum Practice 17 years, 1 month ago
I know and experience(d) how silent anger is a silent poison and can damage the body. In silently accepting the crossing of my border by my partner I have been building a destructive habit to my body, resulting in a painful liver (still) and gallbladder issues (improving), and resulting in a holding of acids in my body (bad)(working on it) which…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic Polar Ice Cap Studies Refute Catastrophic Global Warming Theories in the forum Philosophy 17 years, 1 month ago
hm, well we will have a lot of candle shopping to do !!
wendy replied to the topic Polar Ice Cap Studies Refute Catastrophic Global Warming Theories in the forum Philosophy 17 years, 1 month ago
I totally agree with you Steven, I refuse to use them because the light from it makes me ‘unhappy’. Despite my fathers good advice that I would safe money using them and that they improved the quality of it, my energy body is very clear and wants light that makes me feel good. Candles during winter time is something I use a lot too.
wendy replied to the topic Women, divorce, new relationships in the forum Practice 17 years, 2 months ago
Like in most northern European countries, we tend to divorce more ‘easily’, although I don’t have statistics. But we do have a 7 to 10 divorce rate (if I remember well), so that is pretty high. Although Belgium belongs traditionally to the more conservative countries but it seems we are becoming ‘better’ and faster making changes.
I belonged to…[
wendy replied to the topic Women, divorce, new relationships in the forum Practice 17 years, 2 months ago
To be honest, I have been waiting 10 years to take this step. I was clearly not mature enough to take that step, having three very little children but above all an intense personal process where I could not have a divorce on top of that. Somehow the marriage provided me a certain stability and grounding which I needed at that time. It never came…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic Women, divorce, new relationships in the forum Practice 17 years, 2 months ago
I would prefer calling it the Tao of Living in Honesty and Truth
And yes there is no doubt that this group has been attracked by a common wish, urge, desire, need to make a change, where the ‘leader’ had to give in too, living and following the shared process.
For all, so far, it meant greater freedom and a new pathway in their lives, but…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic Starting medication low thyroidism in 80% of US population? in the forum General 17 years, 2 months ago
SD, there is no blame in trying to find ways to improve your health! And if you feel and think this is something worth trying you absolutely should go for it…
All the best in your quest for health and happiness…
wendy replied to the topic Women, divorce, new relationships in the forum Practice 17 years, 3 months ago
Well in order of divorce in time,
1. never talks about relationships, has none and doesn’t want to have one, she listenes when it comes to relationships, she is our mystery woman
2. is an older woman who left her abusive marriage when her 4 children where adults, she started coming to the classes right after that to find her strength and heal…[Read more] -
wendy replied to the topic Women, divorce, new relationships in the forum Practice 17 years, 3 months ago
We figured that relationships with high awareness is a straining and demanding situation because we want the very best out of that relationship. The other needs to be ‘perfect’ or we feel the relationship or we or the other is failing. It puts a lot of pressure on the relationship.
High level relationships puts pressure on the other and…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic Bad luck for me this weekend in the forum General 17 years, 3 months ago
wendy replied to the topic Bad luck for me this weekend in the forum General 17 years, 3 months ago
Steve, I looked it up in one of the books I have.
I took the chapter: ‘During going or driving somewhere, going for your goal, you encounter many obstacles’I translate:
When you deviate too far from your Living Self, when you don’t listen to the language of Life you will encounter many obstacles on your path, helping you to listen to your…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic 3 thoughts on sex and pornography – for SD and anyone else in the forum Practice 17 years, 3 months ago
The ‘moral’ has to come from those who buy and watch it, each individual needs to develop his/her responsability. So instead of blaming the makers, we have to look into our own heart first. You can blame the makers for not having good taste though 😉
The more the heart lives the more it wants beauty, the less it is attracted to violence and bad…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic Sexual frustration: PRACTICAL solutions? in the forum Practice 17 years, 3 months ago
Steve, let me tell you a little story about a man who was one of my basic students some years ago, he had being really into the sexual practice, reading and trying to practice for himself and came to some similar questions as you. He asked me to help him to use this energy in a better way. In one private session I guided him through his sexual…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic 3 thoughts on sex and pornography – for SD and anyone else in the forum Practice 17 years, 3 months ago
Coincidentally I had my own experiment with porn past week and similar conclusions.
Looking for something on the net I deliberate started to open porn sites, the arrousal in the first minute was nice but klicking further and further, like an addict, the disconnection kicked in deeper and deeper.I observed…
I got energy from the first…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic Move distractions/organs and tensions in meditation in the forum Practice 17 years, 3 months ago
I looked in a book I have called ‘the key to self liberation’ (rough translation), it is from a Belgian woman who is sort of channeling lots of things.
I never looked into it for this problem but here is her explanation of hypothyroidism (I translate if from my language):
‘You run away from the responsability to live this life, you run away…[Read more] - Load More