wendy replied to the topic question for Jason and Wendy in the forum Practice 17 years, 6 months ago
He doesn’t need to mold one himself from earth and blood. You will be that earth and blood….your boy is helping you, so help him to become who you are…
Everything else is too personal and in private email…
wendy replied to the topic The Collapse of Complex Societies (Book Review) in the forum General 17 years, 6 months ago
Dragons are active on the aether/physical plane, read body/sexual/emotional level, transforming this into earthly magnetic power as well taking the above to a more refined level but then … it is not the end, just a warm up, a nice beginning of the journey into your own under-and upperworld! Dragons are earthbound and somehow recognizable for us…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic The Collapse of Complex Societies (Book Review) in the forum General 17 years, 6 months ago
Have a really nice day 🙂
wendy replied to the topic The Collapse of Complex Societies (Book Review) in the forum General 17 years, 6 months ago
Michael you have no idea how I tossed and turned myself inside out, questioned and requestioned over and over…I am my personal inquisitor.
The mind is so full with tricks.You know how I know…
As a student nurse I choose to work in the acute ward of psychiatry. I’ve seen so many things, I met the devil, I met god, I saw a patient…[Read more] -
wendy replied to the topic The Collapse of Complex Societies (Book Review) in the forum General 17 years, 6 months ago
‘Without digging deeply and questioning what is being experienced, it can be quite easy to mistakenly interpret reality – yours or anyone else’s.’
I believe this is a breaking point in your reply. It took me YEARS digging and questioning, denying because the ‘reality’ that was offered did not fit my reality at that time. What is ‘reality’?…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic The Collapse of Complex Societies (Book Review) in the forum General 17 years, 6 months ago
Shit, now it happens AGAIN, I did not read your posting because I was posting myself at the same time….
wendy replied to the topic The Collapse of Complex Societies (Book Review) in the forum General 17 years, 6 months ago
Relax your anus….
wendy replied to the topic Dragon and cosmic heart in the forum Philosophy 17 years, 6 months ago
Jason, I did not read your link until just now and my reply of yesterday has pretty much the same content.
What I do want to add for anyone going to a similar process, is that after one of the deepest experiences I became slightly obsessed by a message given. Looking back I was possessed by the idea I had to actually realise this in the…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic Dragon and cosmic heart in the forum Philosophy 17 years, 6 months ago
It has a been a very dark night for many years
And feelings of being an outcast, a stranger amongst the othersNo guidelines, no elders to find refuge, no back up (in my darkest days Michael was my only refuge, having some kind of feedback, bringing my earth into place, my gratitude is life lasting)
It was a very lonely walk through…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic Dragon and cosmic heart in the forum Philosophy 17 years, 6 months ago
I really love your resonating energy Jason, just one little tiny thing I wish to add here, for me it is not just ‘imagery’.
Maybe it is the limitation of explaining this in the word-world but for me this is not only about the metaphorical story or the metaphysical world.The different layers and different worlds have merged. The boundary…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic Dragon and cosmic heart in the forum Philosophy 17 years, 6 months ago
To answer one question Jason, the whole David Icke and similar, hunt for the bad reptilians are not making things better, it surely enhances humans deep fear for reptiles, snakes and dragons.
(Un)fortunately I am a scorpio, snake (in both Chinese and American native)and had close encounters with reptilians and dragons, so I am very much…[Read more] -
wendy replied to the topic polygamy, polyamory, communalism in the forum Philosophy 17 years, 6 months ago
You know how to stirr my heart
and you seem to listen wellforget my first question, I ask you another…
from what part of ‘you’ came your intention to create your reply?
wendy replied to the topic polygamy, polyamory, communalism in the forum Philosophy 17 years, 6 months ago
What in your feeling is ‘changeless’?
wendy replied to the topic polygamy, polyamory, communalism in the forum Philosophy 17 years, 6 months ago
You are always free to ask. I wished I could enlighten you better, but there are many levels to one story and it would take too many words.
Nevertheless this whole “experiment” is bringing us closer together as a couple, with a renewed pair of eyes, and at the same time opens up more layers of ‘life’… this would take a whole essay. And I am…[Read more] -
wendy replied to the topic polygamy, polyamory, communalism in the forum Philosophy 17 years, 6 months ago
I find this a difficult time to talk as my partner and I are exploring this topic.
But maybe it can shed some little light on this discussion, what it gave me so far – read without any actual other partners from my part! The fact we gave each other that space was enough for me to have a cascade of very deep opening of the heart,…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic polygamy, polyamory, communalism in the forum Philosophy 17 years, 6 months ago
Indeed, it is all about and nothing but the heart, which is an immense work of LOVE ART, takes a lot of refinement, reflection and inner truth.
No polygamy for me, too restricted…
Polyarmory is a way of being -
wendy replied to the topic Something futher on the unprecedented changes in the forum General 17 years, 7 months ago
I took this whole name issue with me in silence, again. And again I come up with the feeling I have to accept this name. Wendy is chosen by my mother, my last name is a given by my father, that is how they made me and I feel I should honor that choice, like Loes said for a reason, it is part of me.
We all live split lives to some extend, and I…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic Something futher on the unprecedented changes in the forum General 17 years, 7 months ago
Alexander, from time to time I am having this inner friction with my name. Reading in the link you posted about the name change, it reminds of my inner itch. It is a process, where I accept, and then in the process of change I start looking for a name that resonates with who I am. It has been a process since my birth. My real name is not even…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic airline travel in the forum General 17 years, 7 months ago
And something I got from M. Chia, always eat a nice warm meal before take off. Gives you more earth…
wendy replied to the topic airline travel in the forum General 17 years, 7 months ago
My trick when lifting off, is to listen to the sound of the engines and take that into my dantian. It is very empowering, and instead of fear, I feel very strong and centered.
I suffered from intense plane fear after a turbulent flight once. So I looked for ways to deal with it, sucking the engines became my tool when taking off.
During flight…[Read more] - Load More