wendy replied to the topic Salvia and chi trapped in my head in the forum General 14 years, 11 months ago
Drugs or meditation, both can alter or change your state BUT the main difference is that with a spiritual experience you still have the end control IF you have enough earth.
The problem with drugs is that the drugs are in driversseat and you have to sit the ride, wanting it or not. Once on the rollercoaster you can not change your mind. That can…[Read more] -
wendy replied to the topic marriage full or new moon? in the forum Philosophy 14 years, 11 months ago
Thank you for your kind replies…
The new moon on 2 – 7 – 2011 still resonates nicely, dark yes, but full with potential…
I have a special resonance with 9 and Chris with 4
As you can see, the 9 added to the 4, makes another 4My current housenumber is a 4, and Chris’ housenumber and our future home together is a 4 and many more 4’s…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic Cartoon Fusion in the forum Practice 14 years, 11 months ago
Seemingly only to be watched within the USA ๐
wendy replied to the topic Learning to enjoy our selves. in the forum Philosophy 14 years, 11 months ago
My Chris, it is weird to talk to you through a public forum, VERY unlike us to be so exposed ๐
One would say the turtle approach is the wise path (as Steven suggests strongly), the hawk or rocket ship approach is not/less preferable.
Yet it all depends so much on your personality, your patterns you bring in this life, the particular…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic Learning to enjoy our selves. in the forum Philosophy 14 years, 11 months ago
I consider you as a fellow traveller, none of us needs to teach you a lesson as if you were a child. We should only share and listen to each other from a respectful place.
One thing you might look into. I was, looking back on it, an energy junky, addicted to the highs, addicted to the high vibrations of stars and galaxies. Why? Because life was…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic Learning to enjoy our selves. in the forum Philosophy 14 years, 11 months ago
After about 18 years of practice, I can share with you that the most important thing of all this different practices is… learn to feel.
It sounds simple but you have to learn to FEEL your organs and learn to create a pathway and communication with your inner self. The more you sink into your inner garden or inner universe (however…[Read more] -
wendy replied to the topic Older Women Need 1 Hour Exercise Daily to Avoid Weight Gain (article) in the forum Practice 14 years, 11 months ago
Dr. Vincent Felitti, founder of Kaiser Permanente’s Department of Preventive Medicine and director of its obesity-treatment program, was seeing some good results. His patients were losing 50, 80, even hundreds of pounds. He might have considered the program a success, if not for the fact that the participants who were doing the best ย those who…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic Website about Aliens who created human life. in the forum General 15 years ago
Where there is love and OPEN CLEAR communication between people there is no need for deceipt or manipulation, not in women and not in men, because be very clear, men manipulate as much as women do, only they are less skilled, they have less octaves of feelings to work with in general than women. That is why men feel that women are ‘manipulative’,…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic Website about Aliens who created human life. in the forum General 15 years ago
This website is just one of the many that need reptiles and aliens to explain why everything is as it is, a bad place to be… blame the others, they did this to us, humans….my take on it… it might be, it might not be, but stop blaming others for what you are right now, and use, at the very least one beautiful gift ‘they’ gave you, the power…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic Is porn actually good for you? (article) in the forum General 15 years, 1 month ago
I feel awkward with your ‘list’, to me it feels no different than a check list at an ancient market place for slaves where the goods were checked…
wendy replied to the topic Why does sexual impulse/desire cause so much shame? in the forum Philosophy 15 years, 1 month ago
I think the sexual impulse has no concept of shame, it is the DOING force.
Shame is a concept of our mind, our head, it is our THINKING force.I came to understand for myself, that some ‘unusual’ sexual actions in the past made me feel good, it gave me pleasure in that moment of doing it, yet the shame came afterwards, when my mind started to…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic Is porn actually good for you? (article) in the forum General 15 years, 1 month ago
I am not clear about your real question.
The good and the bad about porn will be discussed till the end of times.
Personally it is neither appealing nor repulsive to me, I have no interest in it but I am not judging it either.It is there, and serves the good and the bad in people depending on their situation.
For some it will be a…[
wendy replied to the topic Throat scratching during meditation, a question in the forum Practice 15 years, 1 month ago
Thank you both for your reply.
I am teaching now for the last 15 years, and I only started to get this reaction the last couple of years.
I never really gave it much thought, as it happens sometimes and with coughing I release it and forget about it…
but because of another incident I started to make links.For over a week I felt waves of…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic The Four Transcendent Noble Truths & birth of Joy-ism, New Religion I'm starting in the forum Philosophy 15 years, 1 month ago
May the Joy be with You…
The Joyker
wendy replied to the topic Another Dao website in the forum General 15 years, 4 months ago
SINGING OCEAN: In all those years I never realized I know you in person Chris… we were neighbours on the mountain on the China trip 2002 … you had the cave underneath mine, which you were sharing with Barry S.
Through you website and the pictures I recognized you….
wendy replied to the topic Cancer and practice in the forum General 15 years, 10 months ago
My Avast Virus scanner did gave me all the warnings of a Trojan Horse, so I was not suggesting that Paolino did put this one on purpose. I SAY my AVAST scanner found that virus. Nothing more or less, what you do with it is totally your own choice… I am not your babysitter, I just have a sense of community support.
As for Paolino! I have…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic Cancer and practice in the forum General 15 years, 10 months ago
Thank you for your POSITIVE contribution, unfortunately the link has a Trojan Horse virus attached to it. So better not to open it.
wendy replied to the topic Cancer and practice in the forum General 15 years, 10 months ago
SD, Paolino knows that very well.
But his advice is one I support, since I am also having a naturopathic background, these are the basics to apply on cancer, so surely something that can be added in the mix of therapies she can use.
The advice of cold and hot water is nothing less or more than the reason why I suggest the breastmassage,…[Read more] -
wendy replied to the topic Cancer and practice in the forum General 15 years, 10 months ago
The information you give is not much on her personality other than she has a lot of sexual energy and she is a scientist. I like a name to work with.
Since there is no do or don’t really in my humble opinion, since every person is unique I never generalize or use the main stream idea but connect with the person.
Anyways since…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic The Immortals: a true story in the forum General 15 years, 10 months ago
Steven, I feel a bit awkward to tell you the same as I did to Swedich Dragon, but
if you send me your name I take a walk in dream time for you on your problem.We are here to help each other and surely you and Swedich Dragon have showed great compassion with others.
wendyscheers add gmail dot com
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