wendy replied to the topic The Immortals: a true story in the forum General 15 years, 10 months ago
‘Our glory has nothing to do with our appearance or our occupation. Our special qualities come from an inner source. We must take care to open and bloom naturally and leisurely and keep to the center. It is from there that all mystery and power come and it is good to let it unfold in its own time.’
ย-Deng Ming-Dao
For Steven:
Stay in…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic The Immortals: a true story in the forum General 15 years, 10 months ago
>>>He did gave me full understanding/feeling of spiritual
>>>sexual intercouse and yang energy, something I was
>>>dealing with and have been dealing with since.””””I have to wonder if this is one of the reasons why you
seem so mature with your attitudes toward sexual energy,
and if there is any connection between this and your…[Read more] -
wendy replied to the topic The Immortals: a true story in the forum General 15 years, 10 months ago
I do not see a reason why you would take a break other than your own need for silence for a while.
Bagua was not exactly ‘polite’, so your reaction was fair and Paolino’s trademark is to shout, riot and be intentionally rude, in between all his shouting he makes some worthy comments. Just a matter of ignoring his riot and read his…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic Nei Gong, what is it? in the forum General 15 years, 10 months ago
Steven, I looked for the post but I can’t find it either, lost in the mist of past times…
I am willing to explain most of its process but it would take a more extended reply and it is 2 am for me. So if you are interested I can create the story in another thread, tomorrow.
As for your other question:
I had a very intense deep ‘inner -…[
wendy replied to the topic Nei Gong, what is it? in the forum General 15 years, 10 months ago
That is why I said: ‘the normal eye’ ๐
wendy replied to the topic Nei Gong, what is it? in the forum General 15 years, 10 months ago
Actually it did gave its name as used in his ‘human life’
The tricky part was that he did not say he was an Taoist Immortal, so it took me a very very very long time to even CONSIDER that option.
My first option was that I was crazy, that my psychological condition had created a being that had shape and form.
As a little duckling I could…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic Nei Gong, what is it? in the forum General 15 years, 10 months ago
Oh I forgot to mention that I DID digested it and did started the practices again during recovery, a part wanted to rush through all the practices, which I did and another part in me moved very very slow. After 17 years I am still working on my basics. Its like I wanted to taste the whole scale from bottom to top and after banging against the…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic Nei Gong, what is it? in the forum General 15 years, 10 months ago
Bagua, I talked about my immortal encounter before on this forum and I know nobody believes it but I have peace with that because it took me many years myself to even consider the fact that IT is possible and that they do exist.
So the only thing to do is to keep talking about it gently and patiently when asked (although this is a public…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic Tension in heart and T12 in the forum General 15 years, 10 months ago
If you want I can look ‘into’ your problem, Yet I need your real name for that.
my email address:
wendyscheers add gmail.com
I will send the ‘result’ to your email address, not on this forum -
wendy replied to the topic Sexual Practice: Anal Sex Question in the forum Philosophy 15 years, 10 months ago
About two years ago a gay friend needed a ‘woman’ to practice a private tantra massage course with. He asked if I was interested, not knowing anyone other who wanted to do this and since I like to push the boundaries gently I agreed to join him. To my own surprise I could not enjoy it, it was even unpleasurable. I felt that his gay poled energy…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic Sexual Practice: Anal Sex Question in the forum Philosophy 15 years, 10 months ago
I agree Steven, people through history and today have made and are making the most intense, the most powerful and the most beautiful energy in the universe to something pervert, ugly and something to be ashamed for. I see it as my personal humble ‘crusade’ to give that energy its rightful place, mothering it with love and care and beauty.
Its…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic Sexual Practice: Anal Sex Question in the forum Philosophy 15 years, 10 months ago
Since I am very much a feeling person my preference is anal stimulation instead of anal penetration. It is waaaaayyyyy more pleasing than actual penetration which is raw energy.
I favor the stimulation over penetration for several reasons:
1. There is no fear for damage of the sfincter – nor AIDS
2. The energy between the two people is…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic Sexual Practice: Anal Sex Question in the forum Philosophy 15 years, 10 months ago
Of course I am only able to speak as a receiver and I will only speak from my own experiences.
And I see two different ways with anal sex:
1. The animal oriented sex pleasure from it, you might see porn as a sort of end point of what is reachable with it, a lust driven hunger to take and to be taken in its most raw form, often but not always…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic Is there a benefit NOT listening to Deja Vu? in the forum General 15 years, 11 months ago
So user, this may be an answer to your question if you have to follow it or change it… this posting is from the same site from the postings people make… I thought this one is more of an answer to your question…
All the answers are out there, just takes time/effort/focus or good luck ๐ to find them… I mean all this in general though…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic Is there a benefit NOT listening to Deja Vu? in the forum General 15 years, 11 months ago
To user,
The problem in answering your question is most of all, what is deja vu exactly? On the linked website they give some good explanations, from science to past lives. Nobody knows exactly what is deja vu. But down the page of the link, you find people who have experiences and sort of suffer from it and are looking for answers. The one I…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic How bad is adultery? Taoist perspectives on punishment…. in the forum General 15 years, 11 months ago
I forgot to tell you that the punishment I had to take, was living in my own inner hell, being cut off from the spiritual path, I felt it as a horrible punishment. No man made punishment is needed to suffer from your own actions. We are our own judges at the end of the path, we pay as we lived…
wendy replied to the topic How bad is adultery? Taoist perspectives on punishment…. in the forum General 15 years, 11 months ago
I do speak from my own experience, since I have been the person cheating on my husband. So I know very well what it is doing for your soul and heart. It is turning it into a hell inside, at least if you connect with that deeper part. I was cut off from spiritual growth because I was living a lie, I hurt a person and I was hurting myself. I was…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic How bad is adultery? Taoist perspectives on punishment…. in the forum General 15 years, 11 months ago
Good to see you Alexander adding some of your feelings on this board… !
wendy replied to the topic Driving a Nail into the Coffin of Human-caused Global Warming in the forum Philosophy 15 years, 11 months ago
I have not read the article at all because I don’t feel like reading right now, so no comments on the content either.
Just sharing the day to day reality in my tiny country on the European continent.
Being very happy the sun is finally shining for a couple of days, with the sun the trouble with Particulate Matter will appear too. Whole of…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic How bad is adultery? Taoist perspectives on punishment…. in the forum General 15 years, 11 months ago
There are always two parties, not just one to blame. If two people are in a fullfilling relationship there is no reason at all to cheat, how can you when you are full with love of the other.
Yet reality shows, and I was in that case, that we carry pain and blindness in us. If all was simple clear of how to deal with our past and pains…[Read more]
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