wendy replied to the topic My feelings about the White Tigress path for SD in the forum Practice 15 years, 11 months ago
Maybe there is one thing that you might like as my take on the practice itself.
The fact that the women are not allowing intercourse with a green dragon. From what I feel and know is that intercourse is a deep heart connected ‘practice’ (or should be one). Since they just want the green dragons energy and do not want to ‘commit’ in any heart…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic Question on fusion in the forum Practice 15 years, 11 months ago
I can’t speak for Tigers…
As a dragon: It is an internal process that colors and shapes the way I am in the world, surely not an imagination, I have been fighting with the dragon part for nearly a decade, despite trying to deny it for years and struggling with it for years, trying to find ways to live with it in a balanced healthy way, I can…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic Question on fusion in the forum Practice 15 years, 11 months ago
”Got nice feelings/You smile. Interesting! Do you practise any of the wite tigress practises? ”
Not exactly a tigress…. I belong to the dragon family 🙂 the heart ones… so my take on sexual exchange is a bit different than the tigress.
Yes, it is nice chatting, since your nickname is Swedich Dragon, how can it not be :))
wendy replied to the topic Question on fusion in the forum Practice 15 years, 11 months ago
Whatever you want to ask please do, I am open to any discussion that I can contribute in some way, so you can start a new thread.
As for the rooting/earth, I moved earlier into a phase the rooting is much less a problem. MY rooting though increased or ‘healed’ so to speak with opening up to the sexual energy. As long I felt stuck in parts of…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic Question on fusion in the forum Practice 15 years, 11 months ago
Well I visualize it on the ground between my feet and take the energy in through my perineum, in doing so it automatically activates the chi flow in my feet and legs too, so no focus on my feet necessary, but you can play with that of course, feel what it does for you putting pakua’s at your feet, between your feet etc… I just give you my…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic Question on fusion in the forum Practice 15 years, 11 months ago
How I learned to visualize the pakua better is to draw it over and over on a piece of paper, gradually getting a real feeling for it, projecting the visual into the feeling.
After using it front and back, you might try them at the sides, left and right, too and at the crown and your feet connected with your perineum, having 6 pakua’s, fully…[Read more] -
wendy replied to the topic problem with hot soles of the feet during meditation in the forum Practice 16 years ago
It seems I was not clear in my posting, all the moving, massaging and use of voice be it sounds or other things are done before the meditation itself.
The only thing after the meditation you could think of is using the triple warmer sound though to release any tensions, heat and toxins and even lie down for a while to connect with earth in a…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic Sexual practice: female ejaculation: two questions in the forum Practice 16 years ago
Yes, since the information given by others is not answering my questions (even Mantak Chia replied with very sober and all-known facts) I figured that I just need to go with my own guts and feelings and explore it further as we did…
And I like to thank Dog for his contribution by posting the part of Ambrosia, thank you.
wendy replied to the topic problem with hot soles of the feet during meditation in the forum Practice 16 years ago
My guess: your liver
My suggestion: you could do the shaking like Steven suggests, combine it with the liver sound and releasing heat out of your body by movement instead of standing posture.
If you want to practice the horse stand make sure you had enough movement practice before it, in order to release the tensions in your liver and…[Read more] -
wendy replied to the topic In a past life, you were . . . ? in the forum General 16 years ago
I don’t know how you feel about it, but you were male in your last earthly incarnation.You were born somewhere in the territory of modern Ontario around the year 950. Your profession was that of a entertainer, musician, poet or temple-dancer.
Your brief…[
wendy replied to the topic 7 new posts today? in the forum General 16 years ago
two possibilities
1. there are still people who use the old version of this forum, where the three sections are seen on one page, when people post on those, the people using the new version can not see that… I believe
2. they are posting way down on other pages
my two cents…
wendy replied to the topic Sha the Messiah in the forum General 16 years ago
At your service 😉
wendy replied to the topic Question on fusion in the forum Practice 16 years ago
I use it at the mingmen
all the best
Wendy -
wendy replied to the topic More on Breast Cancer Causes Cancer – Practice Qigong w/o a Bra? in the forum Practice 16 years ago
I absolutely believe there is a relation, I once tried to encourage my tao women group to come bra free to the classes but it was emotionally difficult for most, so at some point I dropped the idea, not forcing things onto women.
But tonight I started with a new very nice tao group, with many of the women taking the course again.
So I will…[
wendy replied to the topic Sexual practice: female ejaculation: two questions in the forum Practice 16 years ago
Steven, this was my own compilation of things I found on a dozen of websites before I posted my post, still it does not satisfy my questions, as what exactly are the chemical components in the fluid and the alchemical consequences.
But it is great you are open to the questions and interact in a very mature and very nice way, not afraid of it, I…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic Ba Gua Central Channel Nei Gung Work in the forum Practice 16 years ago
Thank you for sharing your practice… it is always very useful to hear/read others experiences and practices, it can add or alter or change bits and pieces of our own practice/feelings…
wendy replied to the topic Sha the Messiah in the forum General 16 years, 1 month ago
I never forget that when I entered an acute ward of a mental hospital as a student nurse, a man came up to me and took me aside and started to explain all the patients problems and who I to be careful with and he went on and on, I was completely convinced he was one of the staff informing me about the patients, until a real staff…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic Disabled with CFS but too horny to stop losing jing in the forum Practice 16 years, 1 month ago
I will speak in general since I do not know your particular anger but this might help you along…
Forgiveness is a healing medicine ( I posted about it many many postings below as well)
Since forgiveness comes from the heart, and the heart is fed by the liver, full with anger it is just too hard to expect to be able to forgive…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic Disabled with CFS but too horny to stop losing jing in the forum Practice 16 years, 1 month ago
I totally agree that forgiveness is a key point in healing. I once posted about that on this forum. Forgiveness only works when it is coming from deep within, a feeling that is releasing all the hardness and hurt you have been holding, very different than the idea in your mind, but again that is what all healing is about. Mind has only a limited…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic Disabled with CFS but too horny to stop losing jing in the forum Practice 16 years, 1 month ago
Dog, this is not a judgement but a feeling I get from what you say maybe I just have some difficulty with understanding where it is coming from:
you say: ´´to saying I love you my deep emotional sexual female nature I love you´´
why would you separate out the male and female sexual energy? All energy is to be loved, both parts of us need to…[Read more]
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