wendy replied to the topic The situation for the day in the forum Practice 16 years, 1 month ago
Another question we can ask ourself is why we take substances inside our body knowing they have their own ´lives´- chemistry – in our body. Once inside us they act out their nature and we have to submit to that nature. So we allow something to rule our personal nature. My ex called alcohol a devil inside of him, once it was in his body it c…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic Disabled with CFS but too horny to stop losing jing in the forum Practice 16 years, 1 month ago
Tantra, Another suggestion that you can consider:
In my practice with clients I find that ALL CFS patients suffer from suppressed anger issues. The ´problem´ is that this anger has entered the deeper levels of the body/jing and suppresses the life flow. It is a tough one to get out of but it is possible with patience. It is from my p…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic The situation for the day in the forum Practice 16 years, 1 month ago
Coffee is my worst enemy, it does give a boost to do things when I am tired but it also takes away the energy flow with life. It makes a part of me hard and more tied, which of course helps me to accomplish things but it is taking away a deeper joy and flow. It makes me less enjoyable for people around me, although it operates on a subtle level,…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic Fusion of the Five Elements Anthony Robbins Power of Emotions Integration Question in the forum Practice 16 years, 1 month ago
I resonate with Steven´s last part of his reply because that is how I feel it myself. Nearly always when I feel anger I notice it is a secondary reaction on another emotion ´sadness´, when listening carefully it is the sadness for not being heard, not being respected, for feeling limited in a situation that is creating the anger. Although my li…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic On Loving the Death of My Wife (Sent to eList Dec. 21) in the forum General 16 years, 2 months ago
´´From down here, we see little of what’s really going on and from the ego’s standpoint´´
A part of me is in full understanding of Steven´s question, a question that is in many (if not in all being honest).
My very little understanding of the whole picture called ´Life´ is, and in this particular case with Joyce, that she was not able to acc…[Read more] -
wendy replied to the topic Awakening And The New Permaculture Economy in the forum General 16 years, 2 months ago
Alexander, last week while crossing the big ocean I was thinking about you, and how you were doing, since it had been a long time hearing from you.
It is heartwarming to see you are still – and how could you not – are walking the path.As Dog is posting the Dreamer of the Beatles, I am reminded of my mother who is always worried about my life…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic G-Spot Proven by Ultra-Sound…Not all Women have one? in the forum Practice 16 years, 2 months ago
The burning question is whether women with a small G spot can “grow” it with
practice. Jannini is optimistic. “I fully agree that the use makes the
organ. I do expect an increase with frequent use.” So perhaps the only way
to make the most of your G spot, if you have one, is to get practising.THE ANSWER IS YES
With my first partner…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic Strange half-dream chi experience in the forum Practice 16 years, 3 months ago
My humble theory: Chi is everywhere but a part of you needed something which it could relate to in order to accept the healing energy that is offered. So your subconscious ‘creates’ a white sheet that is reflecting the healing energy, yet your mind is now ‘thinking’ and trying to ‘understand’ it logically. Don’t, there is no logic to it, other…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic Lǐ Qīng Yún in the forum General 16 years, 4 months ago
Just adding an anecdote…
Years ago during one of Michael’s retreats in Switzerland I was having an encounter with what I felt was an immortal, but who will say, and I stopped wondering about it, seeing it as an experience on my path. Yet that encounter took me first 9 months to recover from, then another couple of years to digest it.
The…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic Singularity: Does Time End in 2012 or some future date? in the forum Philosophy 16 years, 5 months ago
Agree, I have been highlighting just one part of the big shift. There is never one single reason why shifts occur, it is a music play where all the instruments are tuning in, till they come together in that ultimate play, getting goosebumps, more likely in this case, rising hairs…
‘Horripilation was compounded from the Latin “horrere”, to…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic Singularity: Does Time End in 2012 or some future date? in the forum Philosophy 16 years, 5 months ago
‘Coincidentally’ I wanted to post something similar yesterday while reading the news of the young man who killed people in a school in Finland. Like a cascade I felt that ‘thanks to’ the dying of people we accelarate much faster.
Since the population on this planet is the highest ever I figured that with so many people dying there has to be a…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic Stalker, can please stop your postings… in the forum General 16 years, 6 months ago
I understand your feelings well I think. I live in a political-made country where the French minority is still manipulating the Flemish majority. Where in the First WO thousands and thousands young Flemish men where slaughtered because they could not understand the orders of the French speaking officers. Where Flemish people have been convicted to…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic Reeducation of the female in the forum General 16 years, 6 months ago
I said a long time ago that you and I are definite not from the same star system.
So I have NO CLUE what you try to say or try to point out, I try to understand but help me a bit… -
wendy replied to the topic Reeducation of the female in the forum General 16 years, 6 months ago
Thank you all for your nice, kind and warm replies.
I realize also that with every ‘spiritual’ step forward or better deeper, I need to reframe my ‘body’.I am meeting my ‘old’ body while parts of me have moved on, so my body needs to catch up, I need a new meeting point with it… and I think I see the path to that meeting point now. A point…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic Reeducation of the female in the forum General 16 years, 6 months ago
hello Jason,
Because I am dealing with something inside of me and I am not alone in that matter.
I don’t have the perfect body, I have some nice features sort of speaking but my overall body does not match the perfect norm.
Undressing yourself before a man while you don’t fit that norm is a challenge when the soul and body are not on the…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic Huge labyrint discovered Harawa (news item) in the forum General 16 years, 6 months ago
for those who like more info on labyrinths…..http://www.catchpenny.org/labyrin.html
wendy replied to the topic Anti-Aging Studies gets Funded; is Qigong Next? in the forum General 16 years, 8 months ago
Just a thought:
To experience love one needs to understand the anger. Understanding the drive and the dynamic of how we use anger on each other, this is taking away the hidden pain, and is making space for deep love to arise. The desire to merge, to shift dimensions, to be two and one, man and woman creating the holy spirit, the blissful song we…[Read more] -
wendy replied to the topic Anti-Aging Studies gets Funded; is Qigong Next? in the forum General 16 years, 8 months ago
Dog, it took me a while to answer your question if I rather would be a man? And I still don’t have an answer really.
As I speak my Maroccon fellow citizens are having a riot on the street for the second time this week, yet this time one person is badly wounded, as I speak the emergency people are still busy with him on the street, preparing him…[Read more] -
wendy replied to the topic Anti-Aging Studies gets Funded; is Qigong Next? in the forum General 16 years, 8 months ago
Than we agree…
‘So my position is that natural is beautiful and artificial is ugly, so a natural fart is beautiful and a natural feeling of shame for farting is beautiful as well, but lying and cheating and concealing are ugly even if there is no perceivable smell in the air.’
As for the repressed part… it is said that we are effected by…[Read more]
wendy replied to the topic Anti-Aging Studies gets Funded; is Qigong Next? in the forum General 16 years, 8 months ago
Paolino, I was pondering on your words. I did not read your posting on farting.
But this came in mind when eating my lunch…
I think there is more to it than just the farting, it is about social ranking, or so I feel. High ranked people can fart without loss of status, in fact it enhances there status because they are allowed by lower ranked…[Read more] - Load More