Yi Tao replied to the topic Anger, conspiracy and 9/11 truth in the forum General 18 years, 6 months ago
Thanks for the smile
Yi Tao replied to the topic Anger, conspiracy and 9/11 truth in the forum General 18 years, 6 months ago
AA wrote “You seem to be complaining that others writing about what bothers them really bothers you.”
But that’s just it. They aren’t writing about what bothers them. They are posting opinion pieces from other people that they found interesting. There is a big difference.
I can totally understand referencing someone elses writing about…[Read more]
Yi Tao replied to the topic Anger, conspiracy and 9/11 truth in the forum General 18 years, 6 months ago
I’m not sure what the point is to all of the different conspiracy theories. The only common thread is that George W Bush / America is stupid / evil / greedy.
What’s the bid idea? What do people want to happen? Elect Democrats and leave the middle east? I’m all for it if we can move on with our lives.
AA wrote, “The state of the world…[Read more]
Yi Tao replied to the topic Anger, conspiracy and 9/11 truth in the forum General 18 years, 6 months ago
Hey A. I didn’t write that. I just ripped it off from the link I included.
I’m not sure what consipracy theory has to do with MW’s school of Taoism, but I thought I’d help the dumping by including my own dump. A little yin to the forums yang.
If 911 really was a plot to enrage the country, why don’t they show the images of those who…[Read more]
Yi Tao replied to the topic The church might tell people the truth. in the forum General 18 years, 6 months ago
We know by now that we’ll disagree about most ideas. That’s fine. But let’s be honest in what we believe and how we represent ourselves.
If you go back to the initial post of this thread you’ll find 4 statements from a priest in a church.
1) the dualistic way we view the world is the problem
2) we are both human and divine like Jesus
Yi Tao replied to the topic The church might tell people the truth. in the forum General 18 years, 6 months ago
Is your uncle a schmuck? I don’t know.
You used the word priest, which makes me think of the Catholic Church. So conditionally, if you uncle is a priest in the Catholic Church and you accurately represented his views and message, I guess he would be a schmuck.
And respect is not something freely given. Respect is an initial courtesy and…[Read more]
Yi Tao replied to the topic The church might tell people the truth. in the forum General 18 years, 6 months ago
A man stops at a Dave’s Burgers and Fries for some food. He order a burger, fries and a shake.
The guy behind the counter gives him tofu, celery sticks and carrot juice.
Moral of the story… The guy behind the counter is a schmuck.
You can disagree with other people’s opinions and preferences, but don’t say your something when your…[Read more]
Yi Tao replied to the topic Gullible Americans and the Fear of Terrorism in the forum General 18 years, 7 months ago
I thought you wrote “This forum is not for mindless dumping or political harangues or venting using hate language.”
I think this piece easily falls under the “political harangues”, and possibly “mindless dumping”.
If you have your own personal views, I might be interested. But I do not come to this forum for political…[Read more]
Yi Tao replied to the topic Off Topic posts removed -warning on language in the forum General 18 years, 7 months ago
Thanks for the discussion. I have lots to learn and even more to unlearn.
Currently, I don’t believe the new paradigm is possible unless is it accepted by 100% of the people. And even then, it has to be accepted by 100% for all time.
In history, the plant eating dinosaurs ruled the planet for millions of years, but the meat eaters…[Read more]
Yi Tao replied to the topic Off Topic posts removed -warning on language in the forum General 18 years, 7 months ago
I’m not saying armed freedom is right, just the best option we currently have.
It seems that when I say armed freedom, people hear “war mongering oppressive conqueror”. But that is not the case.
Yi Tao replied to the topic Off Topic posts removed -warning on language in the forum General 18 years, 7 months ago
There are many examples of Armed Freedom in nature. Some snakes and frogs have poison. They live free, doing what they will. However, they are always ready to defend themselves. Any insect or animal that has the fight instinct is an example of Armed Freedom.
Things get complicated when dealing with humans. While some martial artists are…[Read more]
Yi Tao replied to the topic Off Topic posts removed -warning on language in the forum General 18 years, 7 months ago
I am a part of Western Civilization. I am a student of Eastern Civilization. Both civilizations are valuable and insightful.
To dismiss justice as an abstract word that only creates division is to dismiss Western Civilization. I dismiss neither Eastern nor Western. I am a multi-verse unto myself.
The idea of justice first appears with…[Read more]
Yi Tao replied to the topic Off Topic posts removed -warning on language in the forum General 18 years, 7 months ago
On a personal level, I can mostly agree. But on a national level, the current state of humanity doesn’t allow such liberties.
“It is our unresolved issues of separation from the source that lead us to believe we are endangered by others and must be ready to defend ourselves.”
Because of law and order, I am able to have this…[Read more] -
Yi Tao replied to the topic Off Topic posts removed -warning on language in the forum General 18 years, 7 months ago
Bagua would be my martial art of choice. Way off topic, but have you ever watched “The One” with Jet Li? Multiple universes, so Jet Li fights himself at the end. What’s really cool is that one Jet Li uses Yi Chuan, while the other uses Bagua. Straight lines versus circles. Very fun! Bagua wins of course.
Yi Tao replied to the topic Off Topic posts removed -warning on language in the forum General 18 years, 7 months ago
So you laugh at the philosophy of Armed Freedom, and then link to a letter that discusses the Peaceful Warrior? (Interesting book by the way).
Peaceful Warrior:
A warrior is the epitome of controlled compassion & controlled violence.
A warrior learns how to defend before the attack.
A warrior continues to develop the skills of his trade…[Read more] -
Yi Tao replied to the topic Off Topic posts removed -warning on language in the forum General 18 years, 7 months ago
Hi Wendy, my title was sarcastic, not the content. The world is in turmoil and it is a very emotional time. Sorry to cause you more stress.
I think we agree that evil men celebrate the death of an enemy. But I think it is reasonable to celebrate victory, freedom and life.
Armed freedom is a philosophy of wanting peace, but being prepared…[Read more]
Yi Tao replied to the topic Off Topic posts removed -warning on language in the forum General 18 years, 7 months ago
I do not think Paulina is being reasonable. Exactly the opposite. The title was sarcastic.
Celebrating the 4th of July is celebrating freedom and self determination, not the defeat of others. We hadn’t won anything when we celebrated the first 4th of July. We were celebrating a piece of paper being signed that stated our intent. We stated…[Read more]
Yi Tao replied to the topic Off Topic posts removed -warning on language in the forum General 18 years, 7 months ago
I understand that violence will forever be a part of human civilization. I personally like the United States motto “Armed Freedom: triumphant in war and peace.” It is a statement of intent. It accepts the violent nature of man, but offers another way to exists. “Armed Freedom” is such a powerful statement. Each word is important and the…[Read more]
Yi Tao replied to the topic Off Topic posts removed -warning on language in the forum General 18 years, 7 months ago
Dear Pualina,
You continue to disrespect this forum. Please realize that this is a forum for the Taoist community.
Being a part of the Taoist community does not dictate one’s political views. I think an honest and respectful discussion about politics could be enlightening and fun on this forum, and in keeping with the Taoist theme.…[Read more]
Yi Tao replied to the topic An Inconvenient Truth – Review by Roger Ebert in the forum General 18 years, 8 months ago
I do not recycle because it wastes time, energy, and space. I even think recycling is detrimental to our lives and our economy.
I’m not creating pollution, but opportunity. I am a part of nature, not outside of it.
We are part of the environmental system; the circle of life. In the most basic sense, all life takes something out of the…[Read more]
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