Yi Tao replied to the topic An Inconvenient Truth – Review by Roger Ebert in the forum General 18 years, 8 months ago
I’m a thinker and not a scientists, so for what it’s worth…
I’m very skeptical of all the alarmists. 30 years ago it was global-cooling, now it’s global-warming. I don’t know how many times I’ve heard that humans are doomed in X number of years if they don’t change. But whatever the problem, the solution is always the same: more government…[Read more]
Yi Tao replied to the topic King James and the Jewish Bible in relation to DAO in the forum General 18 years, 8 months ago
You really crack me up.
What you wrote matters if and only if the Bible is literally true and your interpretation is correct.
I believe the Bible to be literally true but your interpretation to be incorrect.
What you wrote is funny and inconsequential because either…
You believe the Bible is true, so the meaning of “Ye are gods”…[Read more]
Yi Tao replied to the topic King James and the Jewish Bible in relation to DAO in the forum General 18 years, 8 months ago
Exodus 20:3 uses Elohim. “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”
Your trying to see too much into the words used rather than the meaning of the words.
It’s kind of funny the arguement you’re making. Jesus actually addressed this with the crowd in John 10. The crowd was obsessing about words, rather than meaning and understanding.…[Read more]
Yi Tao replied to the topic King James and the Jewish Bible in relation to DAO in the forum General 18 years, 8 months ago
It is very difficult to understand the Bible without context. Looking to the original source for “ye are gods” should help to clarify the issues. Of course translation is a problem. I prefer the English Standard Version myself because I don’t know the original languages.
Psalms 82
6 I said, “You are gods,
sons of the Most High, all of…[
Yi Tao replied to the topic Intelligence, TAO, Christianity (Is there Any?) in the forum General 18 years, 9 months ago
You don’t understand faith. Maybe “Faith, probability and infinite passion” can explain it better than I.
Your intellect does not reign supreme. Maybe “A Perfumed Scorpion” will help you understand and accept knowledge outside of western thought.
Yi Tao replied to the topic Intelligence, TAO, Christianity (Is there Any?) in the forum General 18 years, 9 months ago
You wrote “Can you describe how you know this to be true?”
No. If what I’ve written so far is not coherent, then I can not described it in words.
As you experience faith, your capacity to understand faith increases. As your understanding increases, your ability to experience increases. Just as experience and capacity are important for…[Read more]
Yi Tao replied to the topic Intelligence, TAO, Christianity (Is there Any?) in the forum General 18 years, 9 months ago
Falsifiable does not mean false. For a proposition to be falsifiable, it must be possible, at least in principle, to make an observation that would show the proposition to fall short of being a tautology, even if that observation is not actually made.
You can not have faith that the moon is made of cheese because we can go and check.
Yi Tao replied to the topic Intelligence, TAO, Christianity (Is there Any?) in the forum General 18 years, 9 months ago
The intellectual mind does not reign supreme. Many times the intellect gets in the way. There are ways of knowing that do not require thought.
In western civilization we get caught up in our mental ability. We raise our intellectual minds to the status of oracle relating to all things “True”. Many times, our minds merely get in the way.…[Read more]
Yi Tao replied to the topic Intelligence, TAO, Christianity (Is there Any?) in the forum General 18 years, 9 months ago
Faith is not hope. Faith is unquestioning belief.
Why do I believe in Jesus? I believe because I have decided to believe. Or put another way, I’ve suspended my disbelief. I do not question my belief, hence faith.
Why did I decide to believe? That’s a personal question, but if you’re interested.
I was raise non-denomination…[Read more]
Yi Tao replied to the topic Intelligence, TAO, Christianity (Is there Any?) in the forum General 18 years, 9 months ago
Science and faith have nothing in common. Science is knowledge based on observation, while faith is unquestioning belief. If I had proof that my God existed exactly as I believe, I wouldn’t require faith. I believe that faith is essential not only to my religion, but spirituality in general.
How did I come to this faith? I can only answer…[Read more]
Yi Tao replied to the topic Intelligence, TAO, Christianity (Is there Any?) in the forum General 18 years, 9 months ago
“Why would you possibly believe such a thing?”
First, I was raised in a Christian household. The God of my father is my God.
Second, I have felt his presence in a way that is real, but impossible to explain.
Third, I have faith. I believe without seeing. I don’t need logic or proof. There are mysteries in the Christian faith that I…[Read more]
Yi Tao replied to the topic The Da Vinci Code- Mona Lisa=Mary Magdalene? in the forum General 18 years, 9 months ago
The moon is made of cheese! Or so I read in a fictional book.
Yi Tao replied to the topic Intelligence, TAO, Christianity (Is there Any?) in the forum General 18 years, 9 months ago
I’m not sure what the sincere question was, but I’ll try and answer as best I can.
There is an infinite God and there is finite man. Except for Earth, the universe may be devoid of life.
This beleif is not arrogance, but humility. God is infinite. He has no beginning and no end. Man is but a speck compared to God. If God wanted to…[Read more]