Yi Tao replied to the topic The End Of Cheap Food in the forum General 17 years, 7 months ago
I’m so tired of hearing the world is going to end. Simply put, we will never run out of anything important. It’s straight cornucopian theory. It goes like this…
1) There’s a problem.
2) Lot’s of people invest money trying to solve the problem.
3) Lot’s of people loose money.
4) Someone discovers a solution and makes lots of money.
Yi Tao replied to the topic People who think GOD created all the animals and the planet formed out of water… in the forum General 17 years, 7 months ago
Have you ever heard of grafting? It’s when you take a branch from one tree and splice it onto another tree. You can always see the splice if you look close enough.
However, not with God. He created the Earth in 6 days (+1 for rest). He created an Earth with a back story of His devising. Then he introduced man to see humanity unfold.
Yi Tao replied to the topic People who think GOD created all the animals and the planet formed out of water… in the forum General 17 years, 7 months ago
Intelligence wrote…
“i wonder how long it took god, how god did it, and if there’s any evidence?”God created the world in 6 days. On the 7th day He rested. God spoke and it happened. There is no evidence.
Intelligence wrote…
“hmm… i wonder why every bit of evidence the genuine scientific community has ever gathered points to a…[Read more] -
Yi Tao replied to the topic Primordial Chi Kung and head problem in the forum General 17 years, 10 months ago
So you are using your head more and putting energy through the system. This is causing head problems that never existed or were ignored over time.
The system is experiencing stress. You need to manage this stress. Some stress will aid development when endured. Other stress needs to be released or avoided. Balance, tolerance, and stability…[Read more]
Yi Tao replied to the topic Learn to have "less" in the forum General 18 years ago
Clutter is a bad thing. It’s a great idea to get rid of stuff that’s just lying around. I personally like the need, use or love test. If you don’t need, use or love something, get rid of it. And if you’re keeping something because you love it, are you treating it as if you love it?
Imagine your environment if it only includes stuff that…[Read more]
Yi Tao replied to the topic Jesus' Tomb Found in Israel, Filmmakers Claim in the forum General 18 years ago
If Jesus didn’t rise from the dead, then the Bible is only a book of moral stories. Might as well read Dr Phil in church.
And to say that Christians don’t get it is misleading. Scientists have told Christians that their religion is based on a lie and yet there have been no death threats or riots. Most Christians have either shrugged their…[Read more]
Yi Tao replied to the topic Sugar Rush: How Our Deepest Cravings/Earth Element Develop & Are Controlled in the forum General 18 years ago
It’s amazing how Taoism applies to our bodies in so many ways. Flow and breathing is healthy. Stagnant and bloated is not.
Our muscles breath sugar. They do not use blood sugar directly, but have a sugar store like a battery. When we use our muscles, we tap that sugar reserve (breath sugar out). After exercise, our muscles absorb sugar…[Read more]
Yi Tao replied to the topic Global Warming caused by a Manic Sun and Chilling Stars? in the forum General 18 years, 1 month ago
According to NASA, there has been no change in atmospheric temperatures since 2000. The temperatures have been scattered, but have not changed.
It’s possible the warming trend is over and we’re about to cool off. But we know the drill; different catrastrophy, same solution.
Michael Crichton’s book is a mixed bag. You may want to read…[Read more]
Yi Tao replied to the topic Global Warming caused by a Manic Sun and Chilling Stars? in the forum General 18 years, 1 month ago
Voice wrote “Most climate scientists … have overwhelmingly found human influence on climate change not because they want to or have vested interest in it, but because it is so.”
Many assume that anyone who agrees with man made global warming is honest and anyone who disagrees is being paid off. There is a new situation brewing that anyone…[Read more]
Yi Tao replied to the topic Different Btw Diet & Nutrition – good NYT article in the forum General 18 years, 1 month ago
There is an interesting diet called the Shangri-La Diet. It’s based on how the brain works and what we’ve learned by studying rats. It has nothing to do with nutrition, just general weight loss.
The big idea is that calories without taste suppress our appetite and we loose weight. Our bodies are trained genetically to store fat during the…[Read more]
Yi Tao replied to the topic Year of the pig: economical perspectives and astrology in the forum General 18 years, 1 month ago
Anyone who say that Sun Tzu believed war was the last resort doesn’t understand Sun Tzu. He believed armed forces were the last resort because there are easier ways to defeat the enemy.
“The master conqueror frustrated his enemy’s plans and broke up his alliances. He created cleavages between sovereign and minister, superiors and inferiors,…[Read more]
Yi Tao replied to the topic Year of the pig: economical perspectives and astrology in the forum General 18 years, 1 month ago
I’m not impressed with the conspiracy theory, nor the counter conspiracy theory, nor counter counter conspiracy theory. I’m just numb to it all.
If someone doesn’t like America (or President Bush), chances are that they believe the conspiracy theory. And vice versa. The same with elections being rigged. If someone’s guy looses, then the fix…[Read more]
Yi Tao replied to the topic Year of the pig: economical perspectives and astrology in the forum General 18 years, 1 month ago
Mmmm, slow braised baby back ribs, glazed with the reduced sauce. A pig is but a walking meal waiting to be served.
If you want to balance one side’s propoganda with another side’s propoganda, there is a well reseached and cited video that debunks Loose Change point for point.Screw Loose Change
Yi Tao replied to the topic Boy I sure do LOVE decapitations, how about –>you<– I sure bet JESUS did! in the forum General 18 years, 1 month ago
You can not take Jesus’ words about relationships between individuals and apply them to the relationship between an individual and the state. Romans 13 is very clear – the state “does not bear the sword for nothing”.
As a member of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, I am in no way in discord with Christian belief.
Cherry pick if you…[Read more]
Yi Tao replied to the topic Boy I sure do LOVE decapitations, how about –>you<– I sure bet JESUS did! in the forum General 18 years, 1 month ago
If you really care about Christianity… read Romans 13
– Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities
– he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted
– if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword for nothing
– He is God’s servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the…[Read more] -
Yi Tao replied to the topic Boy I sure do LOVE decapitations, how about –>you<– I sure bet JESUS did! in the forum General 18 years, 1 month ago
Hey digdug, as far as I know… Iraq is mostly Muslim. They were prosecuted by Iraqis, the judges were Iraqis, the government is Iraqi which was voted in by the Iraqi people. Although Muslim do believe that Jesus came from a virgin birth and a Muslim himself, I don’t believe they hold the Bible to be the inerrant Word of God. Not sure what your…[Read more]
Yi Tao replied to the topic spiritual power of music in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 2 months ago
Please check out Gabriel Roth. She has a series of CDs that deal with the 5 rythms of the endless wave. The music is primal and integrated with 5 types of movements. These movements flow from one to the next with the music. The listener is encouraged to create their own personal dance based on each of the rythms. I enjoy creating my own dance…[Read more]
Yi Tao replied to the topic New Energy Solutions…A Brief Overview for the US Senate in the forum General 18 years, 2 months ago
I’ve been playing the believing game with the article, but it feels incomplete and leads to many unstated beliefs. What do I have to believe in order to play?
For the article, there are 2 main beliefs. First, cheap energy is possible without environmental impact. Second, the availability of this energy will transform human nature and…[Read more]
Yi Tao replied to the topic New Energy Solutions…A Brief Overview for the US Senate in the forum General 18 years, 2 months ago
Wow, there are several topics to consider here. My first instinct is for the doubting game. After I digest and ponder, I’ll try and play the believing game and see where that takes me.
Steven M. Greer MD believes that cheap energy is possible without environmental impact. He believes this already exists but is denied to us because of…[Read more]
Yi Tao replied to the topic First Lieutenant Ehren Watada still refuses Iraq deployment orders, calling the war illegal. A six-year prison term could result in the forum General 18 years, 2 months ago
I am not wedded to the past, but to what works.
When the USA was first formed, the original 13 states were called “laboratories for democracy”. No one believed in a perfect existence. They believe in a “more perfect” existence. They all had ideas about how the world could and should work, but they believed they first had to prove their…[Read more]
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