zoose replied to the topic New research suggests evolution might favor 'survival of the laziest' (article) in the forum Practice 6 years, 5 months ago
The star that burns twice as bright burns half as long!
zoose started the topic Macro vs Micro – help with the macro in the forum Practice 6 years, 5 months ago
It seems that the healing tao system is superb working with the micro, but sometimes i feel it focuses so much on the micro that it distracts from the macro. What do you guys to do for the macro?
I have to admit i am a bit out of practice at the moment, i only do a few minutes every day and not nearly enough. I do remember when i was doing lots…[Read more]
zoose replied to the topic Entrenched Blockages in the forum Practice 7 years, 10 months ago
I think food helps lots too. I find aitkins diets pretty hard on my liver and heat my liver up more and make things worse. Lemon juice definitely helps. Milk thistle and dandylion i think are great too. I got some livatone plus herbal supplement that has helped lots, it’s just a handy little pill that works well.I know it works well because i can…[Read more]
zoose replied to the topic Treat Qigong as Play: "Never Leave the Playground" Training in the forum Practice 7 years, 10 months ago
I disagree ride forever.
It is ALL about play. It has to be fun, you need to enjoy what you’re doing now or why do it at all?
What are you trying to achieve by doing qigong? How do you know you’re going the right way? I’ve been doing it over 12 years daily and nothing is permanent, there is no result from qigong that you will be able to keep,…[Read more]
zoose replied to the topic Iron shirt 1 – 3 methods in the forum Practice 7 years, 10 months ago
In hindsight, I guess it did go well, but it didn’t go as expected. I hadn’t had the opportunity to go meditating in my tent (i used to always go for 10 days) for years due to family commitments, and had just been practicing in life as general. I had been waiting for this opportunity for years, and expected that my increased experience now would…[Read more]
zoose replied to the topic Entrenched Blockages in the forum Practice 7 years, 10 months ago
The times when i’ve managed to unravel the problem areas in my body has been through continued healing sounds practice. Like i mean practicing the healing sounds effecting the troubled organs for hours a day under my breath while doing all sorts of activities, not in a seated meditation session.
Also, probably a more important part is to watch…[Read more]
zoose replied to the topic Iron shirt 1 – 3 methods in the forum Practice 7 years, 10 months ago
MMmm yeah i remember seeing some hardcore street performances when i was living in china. Sticking hooks and stuff into their body and under their skin. Bit over the top for me haha 🙂
zoose replied to the topic Iron shirt 1 – 3 methods in the forum Practice 7 years, 10 months ago
zoose replied to the topic Chia and Winn changing inner smile in the forum Practice 7 years, 11 months ago
OK Thanks.
zoose replied to the topic Chia and Winn changing inner smile in the forum Practice 7 years, 11 months ago
Also, how about with the healing sounds… do you do more yin or yang smiling in the rest period between each healing sound?
zoose started the topic Iron shirt 1 – 3 methods in the forum Practice 7 years, 11 months ago
I just went away for a retreat in the forest by myself and it didn’t go as well as i’d liked, so i have another question about how others practice.
In Mantak Chia’s book he goes through 3 ways of doing iron shirt 1. They all start off the same with the kidneys and belt channel, but then 1 just goes from belly button, to sexual center to perineum…[Read more]
zoose replied to the topic Chia and Winn changing inner smile in the forum Practice 7 years, 11 months ago
Well if i do something different in meditation it becomes like a new experience and it’s very easy to stay present. If i keep doing the same thing over and over it becomes repetative, even though I become very good at it and the feeling becomes very powerful, perhaps the power or increased effectiveness of the technique is not the goal. It becomes…[Read more]
zoose started the topic Chia and Winn changing inner smile in the forum Practice 7 years, 11 months ago
I remember reading one time on here that Steven said that Michael Winn and Mantak Chia change the way they do the inner smile depending on what they’ve had for breakfast…. or something like that.
Now I take it that it’s not what they actually had for breakfast, but more willy nilly. So, I’m wondering how does it change? Is it they change the…[Read more]
zoose replied to the topic increasing sex energy in the forum Practice 8 years, 4 months ago
Most noticeably iron shirt 3. Also not ejaculating during sex builds up the pressure. I don’t need to use weights in iron shirt 3, although i have, but just the massage and drawing the essence into the body has a strong effect for me.
zoose replied to the topic Inner smile and fusion application in the forum Practice 8 years, 4 months ago
zoose replied to the topic Diet and Energy in the forum General 8 years, 4 months ago
I think flavours of food, eg bitter, sweet, salty, sour and spicy is the easiest way to work out food choices.
2.I tried many different diets all with different effects. None helped me lose as much weight as just eating what i want and moderating portion size
3. Mantak chia had a food list which was good. I put a…[Read more]
zoose replied to the topic Medical Effect of Grounding on Immune System/Healing Chronic Illness (AMAZING REVOLUTIONARY SCIENCE RESEAR in the forum Practice 8 years, 4 months ago
I too like to ground more in afternoon and raise energy in the morning. I think it follows the energy of the day / night cycle
zoose replied to the topic Medical Effect of Grounding on Immune System/Healing Chronic Illness (AMAZING REVOLUTIONARY SCIENCE RESEAR in the forum Practice 8 years, 4 months ago
I did tai chi from a good teacher while i was in China, and the most important parts i found where to bend legs as much as possible while doin the kata, and doing it slow, real slow. Fast then became easy, as was balance, grounding, etc.
zoose replied to the topic You Create Your Own Reality (Blind Guy – amazing TED talk) in the forum General 8 years, 4 months ago
This is interesting…
At a time when i was deep in practice i overcame any fear of death via 2 different ways. One was that i got high, or disassociated from feeling, the kind that i feel inner smile type meditations get me. I literally didn’t care about my body because i felt it wasnt mine. The other was so charged of adrenaline and…[Read more]
zoose replied to the topic Stomach Spleen in the forum Practice 8 years, 4 months ago
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