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Home › Forum Online Discussion › Practice › alot sexual energy
Having alot of sexual energy for the moment.
Sometimes feel easy to get out of balance.
Women feels it. Was out on a walked and had a least five woman paying special atention to me! This is something I realy not feel hapens alot of the time even with one woman. It’s like I see right into them and conects on a energetic level and they feel it to and show happiness and interest.
Getting aroused wery easily.
Was unsertain about doing big draw this night. Beacase theire are so much energy and not shore if I can handle it. Not used with this. It’s much more than usually when I do the 100 days period.
Reasons why:
1 No porn
2 My medicine is yang stimulating!!!
3 In love!!!
4 Loosing up my sexual barrier
Still feels uncertain on expressing it but working on it. Are realy owerhelmed ower so many woman taking noticing on me right now. Or is it just me taking notes on them. Confused. Losing up my sexual barrier.
I don’t think it any coincidence that in the times I
have *not* been single, I happen to notice a lot of
women interested in me.
I think that when you are in love, it shows.
. . . and moreover, it makes you more attractive!
You mentioned that you are in love, so maybe this
is the reason for the extra attention.
Oooohhh Pehaps you are right haven’t thought about it.
Sincerely D
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