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June 27, 2008 at 3:24 pm #28596
note: This shift to accepting that life spam is elastic is the first step in the West to exploring whether spiritual sciences such as qigong can impact the aging process, as the Chinese have long accepted.
– I have been away in China and then getting heavenly mountain retreats going. I have a lot of backup stuff to post, will get to it eventually!
By Alexis Madrigal
June 26, 2008http://www.wired.com/medtech/health/news/2008/06/methuselah?currentPage=all
Gandhi once said, describing his critics, “First they ignore you, then they
laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”After declaring, essentially out of nowhere, that he had a program to end
the disease of aging, renegade biogerontologist Aubrey de Grey knows how the
first three steps of Gandhi’s progression feel. Now he’s focused on the
fourth.“I’ve been at Gandhi stage three for maybe a couple of years,” de Grey said.
“If you’re trying to make waves, certainly in science, there’s a lot of
people who are going to have insufficient vision to bother to understand
what you’re trying to say.”This weekend, his organization, The Methuselah Foundation
<http://www.methuselahfoundation.org/>, is sponsoring its first U.S.
conference on the emerging interdisciplinary field that de Grey has helped
kick start. (Its first day, Friday, will be free and open to the public.)
The conference, Aging: The Disease — The Cure — The Implications
<http://www.mfoundation.org/Aging2008/>, held at UCLA, is an indication of
how far de Grey has come in mainstreaming his ideas.Less than a decade ago, de Grey was a relatively unknown computer scientist
doing his own research into aging. As recently as three years ago a cadre of
scientists wrote in the Nature-sponsored journal EMBO Reports, that his
research program, known as Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence,
was “so far from plausible that it commands no respect at all within the
informed scientific community.” Also in 2005, MIT-sponsored magazine
Technology Review went so far as to offer a $20,000 prize to anyone who
could prove that de Grey’s program was “so wrong that it was unworthy of
learned debate.” (No one won.)Now, though, some scientists are beginning to view his approach — looking
at aging as a disease and bringing in more disciplines into gerontology —
as worthwhile, even if they still look askance at his claims of permanent
reversible aging within a lifespan. The Methuselah Foundation now has an
annual research funding budget of several million dollars, de Grey says, and
it’s beginning to show lab results that he thinks will turn scientists’
heads.What’s more, other researchers have also found some success pursuing
similarly structured research programs. For example, late last year, the
Buck Institute for Age Research <http://www.buckinstitute.org/> received $25
million from the National Institutes of Health to establish a home for the
“new scientific discipline of geroscience.” The new field, and its research
institute, are dedicated to proactively fighting aging with researchers from
a dizzying array of fields.“There are vast areas of what we’re calling geroscience, which is the
interface between aging and disease,” said Gordon Lithgow, a Buck researcher
who is managing interdisciplinary geroscience research for the institute.And de Grey seems to have earned Lithgow’s respect not necessarily by the
power of his ideas, but rather his powers of persuasion in getting money for
researchers to put his ideas into practice.“We’re all out here doing the best damn experiments we can think of So the
response to Aubrey was, go off and get a grant to do [experiments],” Lithgow
said. “And to be fair, that’s what he’s done. He’s gone out and raised money
in an unconventional way and funded his research.”In research that will first be presented on Friday at the conference,
Methuselah-funded scientists will demonstrate a proof-of-concept experiment
for using bacterial enzymes to fight atherosclerosis, or the hardening of
the arteries. That’s an idea that de Grey has been pushing for years.“Back in 2002, I published an inconspicuous review paper that suggested we
might be able to use this approach,” he said.But de Grey isn’t quite an establishment figure yet. Instead, he seems to
have made the move from outsider crackpot to, well, insider crackpot.
Lithgow maintains that de Grey still makes predictions far beyond what the
messy lab work of biology can support.“Aubrey extrapolates from current hard science into, ‘If we can do something
about this process and that and seven or eight other ands, then there’s this
great opportunity for great human life extension,'” Lithgow said. “And it’s
at that point that a lot of scientists are dropping off.”For now, de Grey and his foundation keep trucking along trying to pick off
each of those processes one by one.“In perhaps seven or eight years, we’ll be able to take mice already in
middle age and treble their lifespan just by giving them a whole bunch of
therapies that rejuvenate them,” de Grey said. “Gerontologists all over,
even my most strident critics, will say yes, Aubrey de Grey is right.”Even as he imagines completing Gandhi’s fourth step, de Grey always keeps
his eye on the ultimate prize — the day when the aging-as-disease meme
reaches the tipping point necessary to funnel really big money into the
field.“The following day, Oprah Winfrey will be saying, aging is a disease and
let’s fix it right now,” de Grey said.————
June 29, 2008 at 5:21 pm #28597i noticed that out of all these links:
there are so few responses!
you know why Mike? because of total lameness
half of the populace just wants it to be over…because they are TOTAL losers
why? because they are low iQ defunct wimps who have never bothered to seek the real destiny of the human race… or…
they don’t enjoy sex, they don’t enjoy life, they are too weak to admit their own shortcomings needing correctiom, or they have no interest in space, universe, or cosmic answers…
whatever anyone may want to say about Dr. Tim…
he saw a larger universe with open ended eternity as the answer..
Let just one of these death seeking loser/wimps point out how a universe can spring from nothing and no time without an eternal basis..
It’s people like you are who are serving the higher evolution which make things count!
even if all it was was planets, space, and other worlds, it would still be owrth living a 1000 years to see it!!!!
but some know better, they know there are excellerated realms of energy and perception and, perhaps, worlds which we normally do not comprehend!!!
they want to enjoy life to it’s fullest… they want to experience all of it’s forms of existence
let the subterfuge die off.. thank GOD/ALLAH/BRAHMIN etc
they were an eneergy drain anyway
June 29, 2008 at 5:31 pm #28599Just ask them.. just ask any of them…
do you want to live forever?
“No, we’re depressed, we have no point, we want it to be over, we are a big bunch of losers”
yes, this is the every reason they need to die off…
if they had ever sought a point to begin with it would be there in their faces telling them they should live forever..
what a bunch of GD losers…
consciousness, the afterlife, advanced evolution, the experience of other worlds, the experience of deeper realms of perception, the pleasures of lust, the long cold nap of cryogenics
yes, give me a 500 year extension pill currently being tested on rats..
to hell with the death mongersas you will see in my “star alchemy post” psychedelics have been shown by yale to catalyze neuro-genesis
see dune for a sci-fi parable
June 30, 2008 at 3:31 am #28601Yes, I agree with you, and have said so previously. Longevity practtices are just support for spiritual practice, to give wisdom time to mature.
I did not feel the discussion on women’s farting was contributing to anyone’s longevity, and was of questionable levity.
July 1, 2008 at 4:48 am #28603To the scout, the wilderness had to be his home. He had to live in perfect balance and harmony with creation and follow it’s laws. From his smokeless fires to his invisible shelters, everything had to blend into the flow of life so that there was no disruption in that flow.His skill had to keep him safe and secure in all elements and landscapes, where he would need almost nothing. His self-sufficiency would give him the ultimate freedom to go as long and as far as he needed, without depending on anything but the earth. Until the scout attained and exceeded this level of skill and ease in living, he would stand out on the land and become liability.
-Tom Brown, Jr.I think the biggest problem is that qigong is slow and time consuming medicine. One must discipline all aspects of one’s lifestyle.
For a person in the sense of traditional Daoist hermit money could hardly be a difficult question to solve or anything else in the realm of everyday life. So no need to trivially please one’s spouse or to support a family, but just to live through in the spirit of above quotation from Tom Brown.
July 1, 2008 at 6:55 am #28605Paolino, I was pondering on your words. I did not read your posting on farting.
But this came in mind when eating my lunch…
I think there is more to it than just the farting, it is about social ranking, or so I feel. High ranked people can fart without loss of status, in fact it enhances there status because they are allowed by lower ranked to do that, a submissive attitude.
When a lower ranked would fart he or she is looked upon by other lower ranked because it is not done, it feels like trying to take the position of a higher ranked.
Since women have been at the bottom of the social ladder for a very long time they surely are not allowed to fart in public, they are looked upon as trying to take on a higher rank. So it is not just about women, it is about the whole structure of who is allowed to fart, who is higher ranked than who…So Michael is allowed to fart in his class, others will not because they will be looked upon by the other students, because they feel that as an attempt to be as equal as the teacher……..
Paolino, give us women some time, we are wrestling with thousands of years of repression, one day we will fart as equal as you… but then… you want us doing the dishes, clearly in a submissive sense… I am not sure what kind of status you want for women… you are giving mixed messages here… so be clear about what you want, us to fart or not, think clear what you evoke by letting us fart…
July 2, 2008 at 6:17 am #28607Than we agree…
‘So my position is that natural is beautiful and artificial is ugly, so a natural fart is beautiful and a natural feeling of shame for farting is beautiful as well, but lying and cheating and concealing are ugly even if there is no perceivable smell in the air.’
As for the repressed part… it is said that we are effected by the last 7 generations, so for the women and men today we are effected in our blood and energy by those 7 ancestral waves of information, which is the last hundreds of years. So talking about the golden age is for most part a mental understanding but our body and information in this moment now is based on the 7 before us. Digesting that is already a huge work…
As for our stellar ancestors, they have no human body and thus no need to deal with earthly emotions and problems. Just focusing on them is denying our blood and our flesh.
If the golden age was what you say it was, why did it not last.. if it was the perfect world why did it not last?
Because our stellar ancestors fused with the creatures of this planet and created HUMANS… so there is no escape BACK to our stellar ancestors, that is only part of us, we are as much connected with the earth creatures of this planet. We need to create our own new world, honoring both our stellar and earth ancestors. We are still in this process of understanding that… the golden age of HUMANS is not for today yet.Thank you for replying naturally……..
Nice day to youJuly 2, 2008 at 12:04 pm #28609Would you rather be a man? I think not. In fact I bet you would find very few woman through out history that would want to be a man even with all the “power”. I think the anger in allot of ways comes from men challenging women to become more manly. Just my theory.
July 3, 2008 at 3:25 pm #28611Wendy,
You have become so masterful…..turning farts into an essay on the cosmic origins of man-woman-kind.And I am impressed by the new level of Paolino’s respect and the powerof intelligent conversation it has unleashed.
Surely the Earth Changes are having their visiual effect, on this humble forum……
to the sweet smell of peace and the musky smell of love,
MichaelJuly 5, 2008 at 12:20 pm #28613Dog, it took me a while to answer your question if I rather would be a man? And I still don’t have an answer really.
As I speak my Maroccon fellow citizens are having a riot on the street for the second time this week, yet this time one person is badly wounded, as I speak the emergency people are still busy with him on the street, preparing him to take him to the hospital. And again for the second time this week the women are hanging out of their windows to look at the violence and anger exposed. A little girl who is passing by with her mother starts to cry out of fear because of all that shouting and anger.
The testosteron level in those men is high without doubt and with high summer~sun it is even more charged.
And like animals they group and show their teeth, knives and sticks. One man drove his car into a shouting group of people, that is how the wounded man got hurt.This is my second attempt to reply to you Dog, my first attempt was disrupted by the first riot. And I had to think of your question in the light of that riot.
Would I rather be a man?There is no real answer to that…
I had the chance being born in a female body and it serves my higher self to understand that body as such and its connection with earth but also its connection with men. There is no way man and woman can live together in peace if we don’t trully accept the other. As result of too much male dominance women tend to react on men as being the bad ones, in a very subtle and silent aggressive way. But it is not serving our unity, instead it is increasing the separation even more. Women too have to give in and see how they use that silent aggression towards men and in society, how we raise our sons and daughters with this silent poison of anger.It is for both man and woman to realize their anger towards each other. For men clearly more outwardly, yet for women silent and sneaky but oh so damaging, and I believe even more damaging than men, which is open and out there.
So yes I am happy to be born in a female body but only to learn about my own anger and how I need to love and embrace men, instead of fighting them.
July 5, 2008 at 10:38 pm #28615Not a big deal. I was surprised to hear that it is not the wonder of child birth, the more natural ability to have multiple orgasms. Your more nature ability to be open and receive, a key to spiritual development. The instinctual wisdom to place your self bellow or behind as to rule, all be it also to be ruled at times. Both sexes have there strengths, and are strengthened by coming together. The problem is that we rely on our strengths and do what is easy. If you make everything hard nothing is hard. But I am sure I am not telling you anything you do not know.
peaceJuly 6, 2008 at 7:09 am #28617Just a thought:
To experience love one needs to understand the anger. Understanding the drive and the dynamic of how we use anger on each other, this is taking away the hidden pain, and is making space for deep love to arise. The desire to merge, to shift dimensions, to be two and one, man and woman creating the holy spirit, the blissful song we create as one voice. As long we can not expose that hidden anger we can not move into ‘love’, peeling that off is a painful process…But every point you brought up in your posting is valid, yet I think that one of my major focus points in my life now is to understand the dynamic of anger and love and the incredible force of releasing it or suppressing it….
Nice day Dog
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