Home › Forum Online Discussion › General › Do nocturnal emissions cause chi deficit?
- This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 14 years, 8 months ago by
Swedich Dragon.
April 22, 2010 at 9:27 pm #34019
I have practiced semen retention for a while now, but every so often I experience nocturnal emissions, I know this is considered more or less normal for healthy adult males, but I worry that I am losing precious
vital energy by this involuntary reaction?Does anyone know more about this, or how to prevent it?
Thank you.
April 22, 2010 at 10:12 pm #34020Hi
How often does it happen?
How do you practise semen retention. For how long periods of time. Does you have a girlfriend? Are you using any porn? How old are you? What other practises do you do? Have you experienced any problem after your nocturnal emission? Are you erection ok? How is your emotional balance?
Well there are alot I would like to know about you, to be able to speak more about this. If you don´t mind!
I know Chia recomend to add one extra day of retention if you had nocturnal emissions. From that it sounds not to be a big deal. So if you have planned to do retetention for x days, then you just do it for x+1 day instead.
From another perspective. If you have weak Jing energy you more easily get nocturnal emissions during your semen retention practise. There are ways to streangten Jing though.
April 23, 2010 at 10:26 am #34022A few tips that might help:
If you’ve been sitting for long periods of time during the day, there might be more chances to release because a lot of blood (and qi) gets trapped and stagnant in pelvis area.
In the evening and on an EMPTY STOMACH you might:
1 .If you (and particulary your spine and neck) arhe healty, you might wanna consider learning some opside-down hathayoga asanas from someone experienced. (Please, don’t try to learn it by yourself. At least find some very good book on the subject, but books can’t check out how are you actually performing it. Live would be better.)
CHECK OUT COUNTER INDICATIONS (with which health conditions you shuldn’t do it) FOR EVERY ASANA THAT YOU MIGHT TRY!2. Streach groin tendons before going to bed! Do it easily, don’t hurt yourself.
I actually do it both at once: Go into headsteand and strech.
But I’ve been practicing my headsteand for long time.Please be careful with anything above said!
Don’t make yourself too warm when going to sleep, you’ll release.
Dont make it cold either, you’ll get cold and lose more qi than by releasing.regards
April 23, 2010 at 10:30 am #34024Before any attempt to do reverse poses (especially headstand) WARM UP THOROUGHLY YOUR SPINE AND NECK!
April 24, 2010 at 2:21 am #34026Hello
Ok, from your answers I see that there seems not to be any other big problems in your life. To tell you the truth I´m not shore how to answer you but I will anyway give it a try. First of all you might need to know something about me also:
I have been practising in the universal tao system since the year 2000, when I was on a five day long course with Mantak Chia. I have done semen retention in particular since that year. I practise the whole program and practise from it about 2 hours a day at maximum some days less :). I started my practises in this system when I had a terrible burn out situation, whith some other major health problems. The breathing practises, basically a wariant of abdominal breathing did help me the most. During my practises in this system I have been a celibate and don´t know much about dual cultivation yet :). Still have some health problems left to solve. Today a work about half time as a teacher. I´m not a instructor in this system, so there might be others that know much more than me.
Here is my advises to you: And they could be more or less sean as a starting point.
1 Generaly when doing semen retention and the other sexual kung fu practises in this system, it is wery important to also practise the rest of the system. I can´t realy figure out from your description of your own practises if there is something you should ad from the universal tao, but I guess you should benefit from some exercises, even your problem might benefit.
I think you should consider adding the following:
Except the cold draw, do also testikle massage some times each week. This is good to prevent stagnation, that could be caused by the semen retention
Do also the inner smile and the six healing sounds regularly, they are quite easy to do and could help you keep some ballance. I myself particullarly like the inner smile alot and it has been my favorite exercise before. The six healing sound might help you realize some stress and bad emotions, that might come to excess particulaly if you do semen retention.
Do also regularly some grounding work, if you not get it from your other qigong. Iron shirt might easily be added to your practise, for instance why not practise the standing three from time to time.
Exercise the prostata by: Try to stop and realise your urin when you urinate, stop and realise several time to exercise the prostata, that not get much exercise if you not ejaculate. This exercise doesn´t take any extra time from your life, beacase you anyway have to urinate 🙂
2 Check out with an acupuncturist or some othet TCM doctor for any energetical imballance that might be the cause for your nocturnal emission
3 Do some reading. Read true Mantak Chias book “Taoist secrets of love” for answers to your problem. Read also obout semen retention at this site http://alchemicaltaoism.com/
4 Regularly if you are healthy do some aerobics.
5 Try for a period of time to avoid porn completely and see if that helps you.
6 Don´t worry to much about your problem either. It seems not to be exceptionally important. But still you can look into it and try to solve it with my or others different suggestions.
7 One reason according to sexual theory by the taoists is that nocturnal emissionss actually occure much more easily if you have week sexual energy, which is the opposite to peoples believes in general. If you have strong Jing then you function sexualy in a more healthy way and are more able to keep your energy. I practtise also from time to time in another system, the white tiger or tigress practises according to Hsi Lai, in hes book “The sexual teaching of the jade dragon” there is alot of easy and not so easy advises on how to streanghtening your Jing. There is also some herbs and exercises that you migth want to do. If you do them then you can´t do semen retention at the same time that would be dangerous. So perhaps an easy way is to stop semen retention and try out Hsi Lais methods for some months and then you not need to bother to ejacualate at all, you still builds Jing. There is also some healthy things you might add to your diet that is easily done. I also should tell you that some of the practises in the white tigress system is quite controversial, but they semse to me to work by an other logic than the common sexual taoist sexual practises like dual cultivation.
8. Try to learn all the steps in the big draw so good that they works even when you sleep and that way you could learn to stop the nocturnal emission. For instance when you are on your way to come, hold your breath, at the same time hold the top of your penis with your hand and squese softly, at the same time start all the pumping actions to get the energy away from the genitals and move it to the sacrum as sone as possible. Do several pumps to the sacrum, breath a litle hold the breath and pump again. Do this just as long as you need to stop the ejaculation. Then you countinue with drawing all the energy up to your head and then sirculate it several times in the mco and then you at least circulate it into the dan tien. This end of the big draw is of couse necessarily to do every time! This steps should actually be learned to the level that they starts automatically even when you slep, so that you not realises any semen. It works this way at least for me. I can do 100 days without realising or loosing semen wihout any problem. Sometimes the energy is wery strong though and I need to have this teqnique ready. To stop breathing and to lightly squese and to fast enough be able to take the energy back to the sacrum and perhaps a bit furhter, just to stop the ejaculation.
9 Ask the same question and the tao bums. http://www.thetaobums.com/
There are alot action there and you will probably get answers to this question quite fast, but many different oppinions.Well that was all I could figure out for you at the moment
Good luck SD
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