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- This topic has 11 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 17 years, 2 months ago by
October 13, 2007 at 2:27 pm #24876
[starting another thread so that this doesn’t get buried]
Hi Nnonnth;
Yes, I’m in the complementary healthcare field. I work with a company called Celletech – celletech.com. We manufacture complementary healthcare products. Conceptually they’re similar to homeopathic remedies, but made using a more contemporary process and frequently using combinations of remedies to achieve the desired effect. Single remedies don’t seem to work anymore.
We use energetic signatures to create our products. The method was discovered by a bunch of Brits in the 1960s: Rae, Tansley, LaMonte, DelaWarre. They were radionics practitioners and were wondering how homeopathic remedies worked. Rae discovered that a homeopathic remedy is an energetic signature. They were able to measure, using radionic techniques, the energetic signature of a remedy and its strength, create the signature, and then recreate the remedy from the signature. The discovery process took several years, but is now a very repeatable process. If you take a look at this link:
You’ll find pictures of energetic signatures of homeopathic remedies. They are deceptively simple, but work like a charm. The picture you see is inserted into a device that looks similar to the one in the bottom picture on that page. We have made hundreds of thousands of remedies using this method with excellent results.
The people in the earlier link are using the same idea of energetic signatures, but applying them in a slightly different fashion, however the foundation is exactly the same: Everything that exists has a unique energetic signature. That signature can be copied and the body will respond to the signature exactly the same way it will respond to the real thing. This really blows my mind, or at least my monkey mind. There are enormous implications to this statement.
BTW, there are also good alternatives to applied kinesiology for listening to binary-type responses (yes/no, good/bad) from the body. The one I kind of like is called VAS – Vascular Autonomic System, discovered by Dr. Paul Nogier. You put a couple of fingers or your thumb on the arterial pulse (this is not like pulse diagnosis in TCM). You get a reading of the ‘norm’ of that person. You then introduce substances or signatures or intent into the person’s energetic field. If the substance is good for them, the pulse gives very strong peaks to the pulse in response. If it’s not good for them, the body gives a mushy pulse response. There’s a description here:
I’ve had to make a secondary batch of the dragon bone remedy. The first one had too much cinnamon in it, energetically making it too hot. I also found some fresh elk antler velvet from a local farm that I’ve added to the recipe. I should be mixing the batch up in a few weeks. Each batch takes 2 months to make.
If you want to see something I just finished, take a look here:
It’s a formula for men (I’ve also made one for women) over 30 and especially over 50. It rebuilds growth hormone levels without forcing the process, a la human growth hormone. It’s very gentle and also very effective.
I’d be happy to continue the discussion of energetic signatures with you. I find it a fascinating subject!
dolphin (MichaelL)
nnonnth wrote:
You know Dolphin I really had no idea this stuff was out there. I am going to have to pay alot more attention to the latest methodologies in alt. medicine. You said you were involved in that professionally I recall?Glenn Morris told me once that kinesiology would revolutionize medicine when it was understood, because it would allow patients to give doctors a far more accurate diagnosis by intuition. This is that in action, how amazing! What is even more wonderful for me is that I already had an intuition about the arthritis thing from my mum, who has it, and it is linked in our family to a certain trait running through the generations. (This even links to the serpent conversation actually!)
There are people right now experimenting in magick who would be thrilled at this technique. For example Taylor Ellwood who I’ve mentioned before. He has a book out called ‘Internal Alchemy’ – but this has nothing to do with Taoist version of same. It is a chaos magick methodology involving use of standard magickal techniques to work with the body, for example, treating constituent’s of one’s biology such as enzymes and hormones as beings which can be conversed with, gradually altering the composition of the system. You can hack DNA as well.
This is an incredibly productive way to go, but the genius kicker on that link you’ve posted is the use of the signature as a kinesiological test. Magickally speaking it is operating as a sigil. By having all the signatures available you can allow the intuition to identify the difficulty for you, absolutely brilliant idea!
I will try to spread this around in the magickal community and through my blog actually when I have time. It might make a few waves, I hope so anyhow… your discipline is something I’m beginning to want to study.
How is your dragon bone elixir experiment BTW? ๐ j
October 13, 2007 at 2:54 pm #24877For a start did you see my post on the ‘practice’ board which I accidentally buried in Swedich Dragon’s thread? On aliveness… some magickal practices may surprise you here check it out.
I was interested and a little surprised when you said:
>>Single remedies don’t seem to work anymore.<>If you take a look at this link: http://www.nicko500.co.uk/MGA.htm You’ll find pictures of energetic signatures of homeopathic remedies.<>If the substance is good for them, the pulse gives very strong peaks to the pulse in response. If it’s not good for them, the body gives a mushy pulse response.<>I’ve had to make a secondary batch of the dragon bone remedy.<<
Well did you get the signature of the bone? ๐ Seriously, I am going to look over your site a little more and see what else you are making although I'm sure there is not too much about methods there.
You might or might not be interested in the magician Jan Fries and his use of an internal yes/no response (I think a small muscle twitch in his back is what he ends up using mostly!) which allows all sorts of interesting things in the nature of mystical experiences. It is almost an NLP thing at the same time. He tried it after reading some Taliesin. Asked his deep mind: do we want a state of rapture as taliesin described? can we do this now? The answer was yes both times, so he said let's do it. Instant bliss for an hour. He had to drop out of it because he got shaky, it was using up his blood sugar! (See his book 'Seidways'). But it shows what can be done when, instead of having someone else looking at your artery dilation or whatever, you have worked a bit at communication with yourself.
I would be interested in understanding your reaction to my post over on the 'practice' board like I say, because it is the aliveness and astral quality of something which interests me. Clearly the radionic process you are talking about enables an astral imprint and this is precisely the process of sigil magick… we're out of the field of medicine there of course, but it is very nice to see the link. In particular I keep coming back to the lab processes of spagyric and their connection to the 'aliveness' principle… as you may know it was not difficult for Franz Bardon to cure cancer with these processes.
As a magician when I see the signatures, my first thought is, what happens if I make one randomly? Or, what happens if I ask my body to draw one in trance which will make a certain effect, and then I make that up and take it??? (Don't mind me sometimes I'm a bit mad…)
How did you train for your field and how did you get into it? Sorry to be nosey… j
PS Incidentally I work with magnets too. Jernej will tell you one of my favourite kitchen sorcerers wrote a book on the subject and it's rather good. Results and methods are both astonishing to me, I can give you more of an idea if you wish but I'm only just getting into it…
October 16, 2007 at 12:46 am #24879[apologies for the length of time it’s taking me to respond, many things happening]
“For a start did you see my post on aliveness… ”
Yes, a great post, thanks. I particularly loved the wand and dew stories and would like to know more. I have a story to add along those lines: I learned of an herb called (common name) ‘Cleavers’, a great lymphatic. Genetically, I tend towards lymphatic issues. I looked around my yard to see if there was any growing wild; cleavers sometimes are labeled a weed. I found a
little bit. Looking at the herb, I invited it into my yard and took a little taste. It felt/tasted just right. A year later I had enough to sustainably harvest it, and it has been kind to me ever since. I can feel a definite connection to the spirit of Cleavers – it’s one of my allies.“>>Single remedies don’t seem to work anymore.<< "
The advent of acid rain in the 90's seems to be the turning point for the demise of single remedies for constitutional treatment. Single remedies can still be effective for acute conditions, but a good combination can frequently be more effective. A gifted homeopath in Germany named Sigrun Seutemann noticed in the '70's that many of her patients were not responding to remedies that had previously worked well. She had a deep connection to the flora and fauna (as a child she was surprised to find out that everyone couldn't hear the plants/trees/etc talk) and noticed that plants were having problems that corresponded to her patients' problems. She tied the problems to industrial pollutants and a deep
change to the ph balance of human/animal/plant systems, particularly to a disruption of the Citric Acid (Krebs) cycle. This pathway is one of two major energy generation systems in life. She created a protocol that incorporated various Citric Acid cycle components with one or
more homeopathic remedies, an Organ system (5 phase) pairing like Liver/Gall Bladder, and a couple of other components that will take too long to describe here – a bit more info can be found here:https://celletech.com/articlesView.jsp?id=53
And yes, there are also new pathologies. Customers regularly send us materials to make new remedies from things that cover an incredible gamut of experiences. From group meditations to diseased tissues. Both with incredible results.
"the substance is not even in contact with the body yet the body reacts to it"
The energy body reaches out to the substance and vice versa. They make contact long before physical contact is made. It's probably started at the moment you decide to interact with the substance/thought/etc, but might be hard to measure at that point. The mainstream western medicine folks are unaware of this phenomenon generally, and where there is general awareness of it, it is labeled charlatanism. There are a few MDs that are aware and interested.
"Well did you get the signature of the bone? :)"
Yes, though I haven't put the remedy up on the site yet. It will be labeled 'os draconis' in honor of the tradition.
"…you have worked a bit at communication with yourself. "
I'm just starting getting my feet onto the ground in this area; coming up with a concrete method to establish clear communication. I have played around with a pendulum with some success, and the VAS method, also with some success. I've not settled on anything yet, and I will probably look up Seidways. Would you consider Jan Fries one of your stronger 'mentors'?
"…we're out of the field of medicine there…"
hmm, I don't think so. Only the current western standard medicine. Medicine: to heal. Heal: to make whole.
Signature experiment: draw some number of concentric circles. It seems that at least 3 is important. Write inside the circle whatever it is you wish for. Put a magnet underneath or on top of the circles/writing, north pole facing up. Put a glass of water on the magnet. After some period of time, at least a few minutes, drink the water. In my experiments to date, I've found that this does something to the water, but is of fairly low potency – in homeopathic terms.
"How did you train for your field and how did you get into it? Sorry to be nosey"
No apologies necessary. I self-trained. I got into the supplement/herb field over 25 years ago as a nutritional consultant for a large health food store in Chicago. From there I became a salesman for supplements and herbs. The herb company was called Dragon Eggs, one of the first American companies to do transliterations of the original traditional Chinese formulas for Westerners. I studied a bunch of books at that time, plus was reading a bunch of applied biochemistry journals for the latest in nutritional research for the other company I was working for: Biotics Research. I stumbled into an electronic medical diagnosis/treatment device at that time called the Acuscope/Myopulse. After reading as much of the almost non-existent literature on how electrical/magnetic fields can affect biological systems, I decided to go back to school. That took me down an entirely different path than what I expected. I started into homeopathy about 20 years ago as a side interest. This all converged when I got an offer six months ago to work with Celletech. Started out with a website upgrade and now am writing for them, doing product formulation and strategic consulting.
"Jernej will tell you one of my favourite kitchen sorcerers wrote a book on the subject and it's rather good."
What's the book and who's the author? What are your initial results?
October 16, 2007 at 9:52 am #24881>>[apologies for the length of time it’s taking me to respond, many things happening]<>A year later I had enough to sustainably harvest it, and it has been kind to me ever since. I can feel a definite connection to the spirit of Cleavers – it’s one of my allies.<>Customers regularly send us materials to make new remedies from things that cover an incredible gamut of experiences. From group meditations to diseased tissues. Both with incredible results.<>They make contact long before physical contact is made. It’s probably started at the moment you decide to interact with the substance/thought/etc, but might be hard to measure at that point.<>The mainstream western medicine folks are unaware of this phenomenon generally, and where there is general awareness of it, it is labeled charlatanism. There are a few MDs that are aware and interested.<>Yes, though I haven’t put the remedy up on the site yet. It will be labeled ‘os draconis’ in honor of the tradition.<>I’ve not settled on anything yet, and I will probably look up Seidways. Would you consider Jan Fries one of your stronger ‘mentors’?<>Signature experiment: draw some number of concentric circles. It seems that at least 3 is important. Write inside the circle whatever it is you wish for. Put a magnet underneath or on top of the circles/writing, north pole facing up. Put a glass of water on the magnet. After some period of time, at least a few minutes, drink the water. In my experiments to date, I’ve found that this does something to the water, but is of fairly low potency – in homeopathic terms.<>What’s the book and who’s the author? What are your initial results?<<
The book is 'Magical Uses for Magnets' and the author is the wise-but-rogueish kitchen sorcerer, Draja Mickaharic.
My initial results are positive indeed, but I use these things more for changes in character than physiology as yet. HOWEVER very importantly, I use energy work to isolate places in the astral body where character sticking points lie and then I work on these directly with sigils. I often make body paint from magical materials using herbs and so forth. I also make all my other sigils with this paint too, using colour and herbal correspondences.
As I noted above, the water thing with magnets is something I am trying to combine with astrology. I feel it is very useful to work with an astrological chart on these things. I have no doubt this would interface with a 5-element system via taoist astrology which I notice is now being sold here, has anyone tried it?
I want to give you an idea of the folk-magical side of things (which Mickaharic knows well) because this goes very much to what you say about the contact beginning even with the thought. All this is something magicians practice and what's more the training involved in being able to still the mind is what makes it possible for that distance-contact to have an effect in itself. Sorcery (of the non-destructive non-faustian kind! ^_^) is based on this.
It may already be known to you that shamans, witches and sorcerers will use either photos or dolls of various kinds to act as a distance focus which allows them to implant thoughts and energies at a distance. It's often conjectured by christian theologians that this is a malefic practice, but quite the opposite, it's a very healing one.
I often use paper dolls myself, and these will be identified with blood or hair for example from the person (you can see why people keep this stuff a secret from the church haha!). I have also made dolls of myself which allowed me to practice healing on myself 24/7 even when not thinking about it.
All in my experience depends on a relaxed neutral and focussed concentration, but having this, it is possible to implant thoughts in the average person's head which they will then conform to – for example 'You are happy to be a non-smoker' or whatever it might be. What would happen if I beamed the os draconis frequency at the doll or photograph? I suspect something would.
(Perhaps what interests me is whether a human being can form a very precise energy signature from kinesiology/intuition).
There are a number of things in that book which I have not tried yet but am itching to, for example a very interesting-looking aura balance idea using a horseshoe magnet, and an energetic balancing idea using a magnet in one hand and a stick of carbon in the other. The latter has been used by Mickaharic in distance form on a photograph of the subject! And appeared to work.
But here's another interesting one, which I really have GOT to try. The speaker cone on a hifi as you probably know is magnetic. If you dissassemble it you can attach a doll or photograph to the cone. Then you can play a repeating phrase (the aforementioned 'you are happy to be a non-smoker' or whatever) into the speaker. This goes directly into the person's subconscious, which then starts to make connections. I have repeatedly noticed when out-of-body that if I speak to someone, they believe it is their own thoughts speaking. This is how that works. (As I've pursued magical training I have realized that many many of the thoughts and feelings I have had in me were really not mine.)
As a final thought on this, Simon mentioned to me he could not understand why someone could not find the frequency for 'corn flakes', 'mango', and 'roast turkey' and simply feed himself on frequencies for the rest of his life! This is not quite as much of a joke as it appears, especially given what we know on this site about the possibility of 'eating chi'.
I myself have seen spirits, elemental spirits to be precise, eating food left for them. They do not eat the physical food but the energy in the food, after they are done the 'aura' in the food is gone – and it is possible for a human being to do this also. It would even be possible (if one were completely amoral) to eat chi from all the food in a supermarket and leave the food completely lacking in nonphysical energy for anyone else.
Now the question is what effect would it have? My belief is that if one were fasting or dieting the effect would be quite useful, and I have met others who have said the same from experience, enabling them to last alot longer without physical food. I also believe that the greater the spiritual development of the person, the more it would be possible to survive for greater lengths of time on this eating of energy alone, not even counting the idea of having the ability to truly digest chi from other things the environment (which we wouldn't normally use for food) for purposes of nourishment.
Now what happens when the frequency of a food is eaten? To me that is a highly interesting question! I'd love your views on that or experiences if any.
Dear me, I feel as if I've hardly scratched the surface of what there is to say here, but would love your opinion on the above as soon as you've had time to digest it…
October 16, 2007 at 12:19 pm #24883… one of my main interests is in how these ideas can be implemented without the use of computers, not only for its own sake philosophically, but also because it may be necessary if there are interruptions to the power grid in the future. In such a case mainstream medicine will come to a grinding halt. Do you have any particular thoughts on this?
Also Simon mentioned to me that he himself had seen a correlation between long-term use of the (original) radionic device and leukemia, do you feel there is this correlation? He said that the original operators sometimes developed leukemia later on?
In my opinion (and it connects back very much to the conversation about Dan Burisch and the looking glass ‘scrying machine’, vs. trad remote viewing or scrying which follows similar methods but without machines) there is always a price to pay in overuse of technology, whether the price is physical or spiritual. I still believe and will go to my grave believing that more or less everything we do with machines can be done without them…
Rambling now! j
October 17, 2007 at 6:37 am #24885… my friend Simon, sorry I had forgotten, he is the EDITOR of CAM (complementary and alternative medicine) magazine. Anyway I showed him that article you wrote on Seuteman etc. and he would like to have a version of it in his magazine! Can you mail me on nnonnth[at]aol[dot]com to set it up? Thanks, jason
October 17, 2007 at 8:49 am #248871. If i want to say something to other person, and say it in my inner dialogue, that is it. It is already said, it forms an elemental energy of ones inner space and then the proper thing is to be spontaneous in actual situation, even if this means skipping the exclaimation of intended message.
And this is just normal pondering.2.
orthodox MD are fully aware of the nonverbal communication
it is the reason for their cold-hearted maneerism
they know if they let go to a sicko they get it
of course some have a heart
but then a burn-out is a common phrase among helping people2.
have studied dowsers
one said his origin is:
he was businessman, A personality
got health problems
doctor made a suggestion: you will die or you will have to change
so he change his diet (less fat, mor veggies), emotional responses (calm down before exploding), mental attitude (not react to stress, let go) …
result was he survived, but also his emotional energy opened up,
hi was swarming with fire energy,
and he learned to communicate via pendulum through his energy3.
alternative to effective communion to a developed elemental energy is developed neutral space (in substance)
so whenever invoking an answer (i can need 20 min for first move in chess as white)
i always allign with my best center
if only elemental energy is involve a lock must be in place to establish control over the individual-collective interaction.
technical remote viewing has the concept AOL (autonomic overlay)for the lock
it is also the reason of its effectiveness and
many of the group died of cancer during, yet they are not publicized (as they could not write in advent of saga)4.
some say self.healing is a feminine art.
i have noticed some healers using will to heal otherself, and using stress or hiding their pain in the process. that can be unhealthy for oneself because it is a limitation of ones personal space.5.
and dolphin said, though showing sensitivity, he was trying with dowsing and that the process was repeatable
this allows for elemental/machine dependancy
this reminds of the story
radionics device..it is very important for your radionics work. can you describe it more.
it has switches in links…
the question is if it runs on battery
egyptians used battery. Direct current. Were not so hot on mastering the art of skillful short-curcuiting, so only small batteries were found.
The place for observer/mummy is clearly seen.
The intent of the holes/tube in propagator is not explained
though differating between analyzer (need mummy and pendulum) and propagator (has tube) helps7.
‘electrical’ radionics devices were used by egyptian and were even included in a one yoga system
rods of ra and battery:
caucausian yoga by walewski, full book (p.80):
http://static.scribd.com/docs/62qrzqw50kmfd.pdfOctober 17, 2007 at 9:08 am #24889… but as usual I have to say, I don’t know whether I understand you and if I do don’t know whether I agree!
>>If i want to say something to other person, and say it in my inner dialogue, that is it.<>orthodox MD are fully aware of the nonverbal communication
it is the reason for their cold-hearted maneerism<>alternative to effective communion to a developed elemental energy is developed neutral space (in substance)<>technical remote viewing has the concept AOL (autonomic overlay)for the lock
it is also the reason of its effectiveness and
many of the group died of cancer during, yet they are not publicized (as they could not write in advent of saga)<> have noticed some healers using will to heal otherself, and using stress or hiding their pain in the process.<>and dolphin said, though showing sensitivity, he was trying with dowsing and that the process was repeatable<<Didn't follow this either. Will look at your links later, I am sure they're interesting. j
October 18, 2007 at 6:44 pm #24891zoinks, this could get to be a long thread. Hopefully others are also finding this interesting…
“Customers regularly send us materials to make new remedies from things that cover an incredible gamut of experiences. From group meditations to diseased tissues.”
The meditations are sent via alcohol tincture. The bottle with the tincture is placed in the room that the meditation is taking place, for the duration of the meditation. Some of the meditations that we have received are quite long in duration. We take the tincture and make a remedy from it, potentizing it to the customer’s specifications. My speculation: The effect of the energetic signature of an event like this is kind of like listening to a distant piece of music. The effect is transient, but akin to an experience of beauty from a distance. It ain’t like meditation in a bottle, whatever that would be. [Warning somewhat graphic medical info coming next] On the other side, we have received things like genital warts. We had a customer whose vulva was almost completely closed by warts. Nothing had worked and she was considering radical surgery. We asked her to send us a small sample of some of the tissue. We made a remedy from the tissue. She took the remedy for two weeks, along with a couple of other recommendations, which included smothering the warts with duct tape, and had reduced the growth by 95%. Essentially free of them within one month. I find these type of responses fascinating and deeply moving. As diseases progress, it seems that the body can get overwhelmed with a problem. However, if you can introduce a tiny amount of the problem, or even better the energetic signature of the problem, the body can dramatically respond and overcome it.
“very nice to have a medical man confirm that!”
I doubt that many would use those terms to describe what I do/know. I appreciate you saying that, but most would disagree. Maybe ‘medicine man in training’, where the training takes a lifetime…;-)
“But I am thinking now more in terms of a month than a few minutes and correlating this with astrology. Just not with the circles.”
Yes, that sounds very interesting to me. I would like to know more about correlating remedy creation with solar/lunar cycles. I’m doing a bit of this now with the dragon bone tincture I’m making. I expose it to the light of the full moon, and the sunrise before I decant and bottle. But am unaware of the solar cycle that I’m dancing with.
“For example: do you use this for having a physical effect or a psychological one? Naturally the charge will be low homeopathically speaking but as an effect on your character it could be very high. If you have traced a physical complaint to a psychological issue this may well cure it therefore.”
I have found that cures solely by this method are not strong enough to make it to the place they need to go. Or maybe not of the precise frequency and amplitude? So far in my experience with non-disease type experiments – ie where I’m not trying to treat a specific problem – I’ve found the results to be similar to the meditation remedy – like listening to a distant song. Interesting, but not curative. Not sure that they ‘should’ be either, but your method that incorporates solar/lunar influences and of long duration might be the right stuff.
“Can you tell me more about the three circles? Why do you say this is important? And have other shapes been tried?”
I wish I knew why it matters. 2 is not enough to make a remedy that holds properly, though maybe enough for short periods of time. More circles don’t seem to add anything. This is trial and error type stuff. I would like to know more about the foundation, but haven’t yet found anything that satisfies.
I have not yet tried other shapes. I would be interested in hearing or reading about how shapes alter the imprint. I also have not tried calendula water. I’m not sure it would be what I want. Right now I like the neutrality of water and alcohol for imprinting purposes. I am curious why you like calendula. Have you found it to be a universal curative or base?
“Simon’s view was very much that the *level of training* in the person is often very important even in a ‘radionic’-style setting.”
I absolutely verify Simon’s statement. It’s the greatest weakness in this system. It is extremely easy to create a remedy that’s out of kilter. The best ones that I’ve seen have been made by multiple people that are tuned as a group, and are also strong on their own. Unfortunately, I don’t know of anyone doing this now. The original group that I mentioned in my first post created great energetic signatures. The ability of the person to get into a deep neutral space is absolutely critical to proper remedy creation. I’m not yet doing any remedy creation myself, but I suspect I will in the not too distant future.
“It may already be known to you that shamans, witches and sorcerers will use either photos or dolls of various kinds to act as a distance focus which allows them to implant thoughts and energies at a distance”
Radionics works this way also. You can use a picture, a hair, skin, nail clipping, etc. and treat the person. We don’t do that here, but it can be done. I think a device or ritual is very important to help tune the healer as well as the healer’s mind. It’s quite easy to fool yourself using this type of therapy. A device can be as simple as pendulum or as complex as that Large Radionic Instrument I pointed to. IMO, something is needed that is neutral, that your mind/body can communicate through and with. Once you know the signals, then the tool can be left behind.
“the water thing with magnets is something I am trying to combine with astrology”
I would like to know more about your approach.
(Perhaps what interests me is whether a human being can form a very precise energy signature from kinesiology/intuition).”
As we can make a remedy from a meditation, I think this has been proven possible. What I think would need to happen is a method to verify that the remedy was created properly. This can just be a binary yes/no type response. Did it take, or not?
“…in distance form on a photograph of the subject!”
The photo, hair, nail clipping, etc. is a recording/imprint of the energetic signature of your subject. Some might be more effective than others, but I think they all fall into that category.
“for ‘corn flakes’, ‘mango’, and ‘roast turkey’ and simply feed himself on frequencies for the rest of his life!”
There is some fascinating research that was done by Jacques Benveniste (now deceased) on capturing an energetic frequency, transmitting the frequency, say digitally, then transducing the signal acoustically – ie having it transmitted over a speaker – and then ‘listening’ to the signature. Reputable people who have witnessed this have said that the effect they received – they tried marijuana – was the same as smoking it. Holy Smoke Batman! (Sorry, this might be a US-delimited TV reference.)
As far as eating the energy ‘only’ of a food, I feel that might be disrespectful to the food and its spirit. In the same way that focusing on our spirit and ignoring our body is.
Jernej – the Large Radionic Instrument does not use an external power source. Neither does the equipment we use. From my extremely limited physics background, I think that the LRI is a type of capacitor, though the energy that it is containing/trapping is likely from neutral space – ie yuan chi or zero point energy. I’m pretty sure that’s where the energy of a magnet is coming from, but I have more research to do before I’m comfortable stating that more definitively.
October 18, 2007 at 6:51 pm #24893A computer is unnecessary for the creation of a remedy or imprint. In its most fundamental sense, all that is necessary is one or more people who can get to the neutral space, maintain it, and tune in. Small devices like rulers, wands, sticks, and some paper and pencil could be used for the recording.
Wow, Simon’s leukemia comment is realllly interesting. I’m going to poke around a bit more there. Seems very plausible to me.
October 22, 2007 at 7:53 am #24895you were wondering of space and time limits of work.
md’s are a club. the only public library that hosted any energy at all was medical library. you get it , you get in. developed, but not balanced.
compare this to hairdressers. many are employed only young, and when older…i have seen one to whom all that touching others’ head got to him so that i read unhealth on his fingers that i did not attribute to chemical agents as cause. md do get old at work, and do not have to invest large energy in pacient (e.g. through talkin non.stop) to get a prayer of a change to get out of meeting intact.
PS: this is not endorsement of orthodox md. caveat emtor.in 90’s some past ‘remote viewing’ governmental actions from 80’s and 90’s became popular. observing the participants health, heart and cancer are popular.
heart conditions (joe macmoneagle, pat price)
cancer (greg seward, hella hammid)
both heart conditions, well both persons developed their ability on their own/had condition prior to ability
hella hammid got cancer in similar way as ron diana
this leave greg seward. public data do not show, if it was caused by heredetary or forced technique of controlled remote viewinghealing without the will… will is property of mental body. no-will healing would be property of causal body healing. first three bodies healing is effective, but can cause strain. causal body healing is strainless. example is zivorad slavinski method in Aspectics book description, or the feminine approach to healing in taoist arts.
a willfull approach is example: there is stuck energy, get it out. well there was a reason that the person grew it and thus result of such healing are temporal.
sickness is a manifestation of personal freedom. if if one uses will on other human to help the other is his distress, that is infringment of other person’s free will. this causes resistance and only skilled operator can usually survive without stress.
more example: you want health and you sabotage your health. you strengten you health, that is effording and willful approach. work on your sabotaging, understang you sabotaging and this will allow to skillfuly integrate this polarity, leaving only want of health as a goal, which then will manifest effordlessly. goals are causal and not small ego decisions.one can learn of others through communion with others or with his self. later would be communion through neutral space, first through developed energy channel/gate/energy
neutral space with less substance is akasha (yuan shen-chi)
neutral space with more substance is immortal embrio (yuan shen-ching)October 22, 2007 at 8:34 am #24897>>this leave greg seward. public data do not show, if it was caused by heredetary or forced technique of controlled remote viewing<>a willfull approach is example: there is stuck energy, get it out. well there was a reason that the person grew it and thus result of such healing are temporal.<>if if one uses will on other human to help the other is his distress, that is infringment of other person’s free will<>one can learn of others through communion with others or with his self. later would be communion through neutral space, first through developed energy channel/gate/energy
neutral space with less substance is akasha (yuan shen-chi)
neutral space with more substance is immortal embrio (yuan shen-ching)<<Interesting, I agree in principle but in practice am beyond my competence here! j
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