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September 12, 2008 at 10:19 am #29102
I noticed this several times over the years. The chakras soles of my teet get overfocused and get a strong energy tingle in a uncomfortable way. Certain situations such as traveling by boat seem to greatly intensify this. It is like i sometimes automatically focus there.
To me there are two kinds of focusing. One is to simply focus your awareness AT a certain chakra. The other way is to focus WITH a certain body part. So what happens is that i focus WITH the the soles of feet. It greatly concetrates energy there, really physical chi that runs down the legs to soles of the feet. I can do this with other chakras too (especially pernineum). It is like really powerful to this with any body part.
But the soles of the feet are the only parts this sometimes happens automatically to. When i have traveled by boat i had it the entire journey.
Do you have any suggestions how to avoid this? I’ve read at many places that for most issues the solution is to bring energy down to the feets, but now the problem is too much energy there (or rather the automatic focus).
September 12, 2008 at 12:34 pm #29103Hello
I have no idea, but I think it is an interresting question.
What happens if you do the micro cosmic orbit. Does it ballance the energy?
Have you got any imballance in your life, energetically or in other ways?
September 12, 2008 at 2:10 pm #29105there are probably others more qualified to answer this question than me, but it sounds to me like you have more yin energy than yang. you might have issues of what it means to you to be rooted, that’s just an idea, hopefully someone like Steven will come along with a boatful (pun semi-intended) of insights. as for a solution, maybe do some more mental yang things, perhaps try to get in touch with that area, your entire lower body and yin aspect and connection to Earth, and then yang upper body and energy body and connection to Heaven, and of course your mediating self. so basically, do the inner smile =). what kind of practices do you currently do? if you could answer that it might be easier to assist you with this.
September 12, 2008 at 2:13 pm #29107Spontaneous shifts in your energy body happen all the time as you become more sensitive you notice these things. You consciously could not manage 1% of the multidimensional input you receive so best not to try, you can certainly make requests but then again I find I am constantly learning about what questions to ask as most of my question still come from a smaller box then the life force wishes to work in, but it still meets me where I am. All is need is that you continue to listen/feel and continue to hold a neutral space innersmile. It is totally a guess but the need to be more grounded during a boat ride sounds reasonable. Fear not, you get the response you need and the life force will never give you disharmony that is not out of your ability to transform. Listen and learn.
September 12, 2008 at 8:02 pm #29109Sounds to me like you have Earth-Water control cycle issue going on;
that is to say that you have a strong imbalance between the Earth
and Water elements. Remember Earth controls water.When such imbalances arise, Water creates a state of fear.
Then Earth tries to control Water to inhibit fear. This manifests
itself by Earth trying to strengthen its resources, which is
observed by your consciousness going into your feet. Basically,
your consciousness is trying to ground to get more Earth energy.However, you lack a strong connection to the Earth, so you get “stuck”,
feeling like there is blockage preventing uninhibited flow between you
and the Earth (your feet are the roadblock).Feeling like you *can’t* ground, provokes more fear–thus agitating the
Water element more, and causing the Earth element to try even *harder*
to ground.Why is it more intense on a boat?
That should be clear. Your feet are no longer on solid ground, you
have less root, and even less sensation of the Earth energy that you
are trying to get–and what is in the way between you and the Earth?
More water!! Do you see the problem?!The problem is NOT that you are grounding too much.
The problem is that you CAN’T ground, while your body is trying to.There are some solutions to this:
1. Spend time on Deep Earth Pulsing.
However, when you do this, don’t just send your consciousness into your
feet–send it down into the Earth through your feet–establishing a
clear connection of unimpeded flow between the two. Recommendation is
to do this on solid ground, when you have more of a chance to establish
a connection–trying to do this at first on unstable ground or a boat
is going to be more difficult untrained, and will likely just amplify
your current problem. If you have difficulty with this on solid ground,
or you find yourself in a situation where that’s not possible, try
suggestion #2.2. Strengthen Fire
Since your reaction is basically a fear-based response to feeling like
you don’t have enough Earth, strengthen Fire. This will do several things.
One, with a stronger fire, Water is kept more busy in a destruction cycle–
and has less *free time* to create fear-responses. Two, Fire nourishes
Earth through the creation cycle, so there will feel less need “to get Earth”.
How can you do this? One: I made a post a while back on Fire Techniques–any
of those listed can be used to strengthen fire. Two: Even more simply,
engender a lot of heart-centered love. Fear can not exist in a state of love!
When you feel loved, there can be no fear. The easiest way to feel loved is
through the Inner Smile.Peace,
StevenSeptember 13, 2008 at 12:23 am #29111Fire also controls Metal which you might find and is often argued as one of the main culprits as it is the least refined, creating boundary issues, aka egotism or externalism, soul fragmentation through compartmentalization,and dis-embodiment, and it initiated the creation cycle to begin with by starting to breath externally not internally. But the story goes around and around and you will find every one of the elements has there hands in the cookie jar trying to understand this insanity will take your center. I second the deep earth pulsing if he knows what that is, as it is holistic. But I warn against the allopathic method of focusing on one element. Which one might take away from reading your post. Maybe not your intention. I recommend incorporating them all every time, of course us your feelings and maybe one needs your acceptance for a longer time. But do not put your center in understanding your problems, it is a trap, true understanding may come as you get under your problems and centered in your soul. A internal martial artist told me his teacher told him once that “I know nothing, I just talk to god”, thats his center.
September 13, 2008 at 5:01 am #29113Umm, Dog, you are sort of missing the point.
Of course you always want to bring all five elements into balance
together as part of cultivation. However, when you have an annoying
problem–which in this case is really an Earth-Water control cycle
issue–you just want results, not abstract theory! This is really
the basis of 5 Element Chinese Medicine.You can just theoretically say “don’t worry, be happy”, and just
say “focus on general cultivation, and as time goes on, the problem
will correct itself”. This, is of course, true. BUT, when
will that be? How long will that take?In a way, you are sort of throwing 5 Element Chinese Medicine
into the trash can when you want to be “holistic” all the time.
Do what works to fix symptoms now, rather than waiting sometimes *years*
for things to balance out when working with all 5.Notice that if you read my post carefully, you will see that really
my suggestions are nothing more than the old standby “listen to
your body”, which is the solution to *all* problems. In this
case–from my perspective–I see the symptoms as the body crying
out for more Earth. So my suggestions are really nothing more
than “listen to the body” and give it what it needs.S
September 13, 2008 at 8:09 am #29115**However, when you have an annoying
problem–which in this case is really an Earth-Water control cycle
issue–you just want results, not abstract theory! This is really
the basis of 5 Element Chinese Medicine.**thats right people I am busting out the quotes, you know I mean business
Heroic medicine has its place, and is not based just western medicine but also 5 element Chinese Medicine. The art of war as they call it. Please also do not forget you are stating a theory your self. It most likely is a earth water issue, which could be caused by over active unrefined metal element and a weak wood element that creates a weak fire element that can not control the metal element and does not feed the earth element. I personally recommend a holistic approach like primordial chi gong, deep healing chi gong, five animal chi gong, all can get fast result if you have the most holistic of all in place the inner smile.
**You can just theoretically say “don’t worry, be happy”, and just
say “focus on general cultivation, and as time goes on, the problem
will correct itself”. This, is of course, true. BUT, when
will that be? How long will that take?**How fast or slow I go has more to do with how much I allow change and can relax and make space. This is what I have found. If you miss the inner smile sometimes it seen as to simple you will miss out on big transformation. The less you do the more you relax & enjoy, the faster the results when doing Qigong. I will be posting something in the philosophy section later on on the inner smile and some thoughts and observations.
September 13, 2008 at 11:27 am #29117Thank you! Can you provide a link for that fire technique? I cannot locate it myself. Also experienced this on Salvia divinorium.
The practises i do consists of qigong and zazen. I am very good at feeling chi and chakras.
September 13, 2008 at 2:05 pm #29119Steven, I have a somewhat related question. Sometimes when I transport my consciousness to someplace like within the Earth or out in space somewhere, it seems that when i try bring whatever i took with me back into my body as it were beforehand, that i left something behind, and sometimes it feels like i left a lot behind. and it doesn’t really feel like i’m leaving old baggage or whatever behind, but rather it feels like i’m leaving large amounts of energy (not sure what variety, chi and possibly shen). do you know what i’m talking about? how can i be sure that i;m reabsorbing those things? have you (or anyone reading this) had any experiences like this and can tell me if it’s normal or if there is something i should be doing when going back to my body so that i fully reabsorb what i took with me?
RyanSeptember 13, 2008 at 2:18 pm #29121The link for “Fire and Fire Techniques” is at the end of this post.
It was a response to someone else, and wasn’t tailored for you
specifically, but I’m sure there’s stuff there you can use.Salvia divinorium is an entheogen, and all entheogens destroy your
Earth–after all that is kind of the point of taking them–for
consciousness expanding–forcing yourself off of your center (Earth)
and into altered states. In other words, this reaction makes sense
in accord with my post–in the absence of Earth, your body is
desperately trying to get it back.One solution with regard to the Salvia is to simply not take it.
You’ll find most HT types are pretty anti-drug of any kind, be
it LSD, marijuana, or the “legal”-types tobacco, alcohol, etc.
My opinion is do what you want–just be prepared for the
consequences. On that note, since entheogens destroy Earth,
only you can decide for yourself if it is worth continuing to do–
weigh the cost of doing it vs. the perceived benefits.
I can say from personal experience that it IS possible to
reach “altered states of consciousness” through certain types
of HT meditations–a few strong ones that I did one day
threw me into an altered state for a couple of hours.
In other words, if you are patient (fire issue), you
eventually learn techniques over a period of time that
can *approximate* some of the altered states that are
possible through entheogen use–and those experiences
are more likely to serve as continued growth as opposed to
a quick experience that may not provide *lasting* insight.
Just some things to consider on that end–but do what
you will.If you *do* continue to experiment with entheogen use,
consider taking ginger capsules afterward. Ginger is a
grounding herb.You mention you do qigong and zazen.
I do them myself–good stuff. What qigong do you do?You might want to look into learning “Deep Earth Pulsing”
(as mentioned in my previous post) if you are unfamiliar with it.
It is a qigong that has strong meditative inner awareness, and
one of the best methods I’ve experienced for connecting to
the energy of the Earth. It’s one of the practices Michael W.
teaches in his QF3&4 course, and there a variant of it (oriented
toward sexual practices) on the Sexual Vitality DVD [personally
I like the non-sexual version in QF3&4 better, but to each his own].For general practice–problems notwithstanding–Deep Healing Qigong
is highly recommended.Steven
September 13, 2008 at 2:40 pm #29123Blah blah blah
Sorry, usually I agree with you, but not today on this issue. 🙂
Yeah, there could be other elements contributing as you mention
Metal/Wood etc., but those are secondary and tertiary effects.The bottom line is it’s the Earth-Water that’s the problem,
specifically the amount of Earth in relation to Water.Dog, you know I’m one of the *biggest* advocates around of the
Deep Healing Qigong and the Inner Smile. These are the
best tools offered here for creating overall change. Everybody
should consider doing them regularly–regardless of any issues
they might have . . .However, there is nothing wrong with a quick fix either to
end some symptomatic issues–especially in the situation
described which is ultimately relatively easy to fix!S
September 13, 2008 at 3:13 pm #291251. Are you anchored and centered in your body?
If you do a lot of the Healing Tao practices from the
First Formula, your inner core becomes very strong and acts
like an anchor for you before you “set sail”. Practices
such as the Microcosmic Orbit help to strengthen your
container and base of operations. Creating harmony within
through Inner Smile, Six Healing Sounds, Fusion, all
create a safe integrated space to come home to. Grounding
practices help you stay centered in your body and help
to avoid “scattering”. All of these function together to
create an anchor. If you feel weak in this regard, focus
on the MO, and also do the Belt Channel (Fusion 2 practice)–
Belt Channel helps you maintain your boundaries.2. Let’s assume that the above is now true.
If that’s the case, then it really does become another
Earth-Water issue. When you leave, your Earth diminishes
creating an anxiety about coming back correctly; likewise
Water left uncontrolled is creating fears. Grounding practices
are helpful in this situation.When you have a strong anchor, then there is no need for
any anxiety nor any fear. You don’t worry about how to
return, if you’ll return, or if you’ll return differently,
because you know that you *will* come back and moreover, you
know that if you come back differently that you’ll be better
because of it (this is the whole principle of projecting your
entire consciousness into the sun and into the earth in the
bathing sequence in DHQ). If you struggle and fight to
pull back, resistance comes up–but if you let go and allow,
everything works out.However, if you feel that you are coming back “weakened” or
something, then it’s probably the case that you don’t have
a strong anchor–and follow the recipe of #1.S
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