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- This topic has 40 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 14 years, 7 months ago by
singing ocean.
May 4, 2010 at 7:14 pm #34108
I always find that those that talk about light, have hidden issues with there inner nature. With the act of surrender and self acceptance. To me it is not about light but acceptance, openness, surrendrance, gratitude. I am not impressed with guys with big chi, but dirty inner natures. They basically are dorks that do not accept them selves and find power in chi. It comes and bights them in the ass later on. Same as dorks trying to us magic to pick up women. Very insecure. For me it is about self acceptance. Certainly they will get it in time. But I thought you might benefit from what I share. This most likely will be one of my last posts, at least for awhile. I will still check in from time to time. Blessing to posters and readers alike.
May 5, 2010 at 12:36 am #34110Hello Eric,
Thank you for taking the time to respond to my posts.
Note: Don’t take anything I say personally. Despite
possible appearances, I do try to treat everyone fairly.Let me respond to both of your posts simultaneously here.
>>>A few more points. I don’t know anything about Michael’s
>>>adaptations of the Healing Tao system. I never studied with him.
>>>If you don’t have this light(of Heaven) energy to circulate,
>>>then you really have nothing to circulate in the MCO except
>>>your own thoughts.If you’ve already mastered your own version, and you have time
to kill, you might want to check into his stuff actually. In particular,
some of his methods for opening the Micro are quite powerful
and resolve the problem of just having the micro be a mental game.
For instance, using qigong to open the orbit eliminates the
“using thoughts” problem;ALSO:
In particular his Wudang Mtn. Method of opening the Micro makes
almost every other method for opening the orbit seem like a joke,
and it is fully embodied. To be perfectly honest, I don’t know
why other senior instructors stubbornly want to stick with
traditional methods when this is a million times better.Yes, this does sound like I’m just being a “Michael fan”, but
I do give other senior instructors a fair shake–and a
number of them do have quality things to offer, but this
is one thing they couldn’t be more wrong about, if they tried.
A number of his “adaptations” ARE better. They ARE!!
But they are too damn stubborn and egotistical to try them.This is yet another reason to always act as a beginner and
have beginner’s mind. If you think you know it all, you
close yourself off to possible growth.And TO BE FAIR, I’ll weigh your methods into the mix as well.
>>>I was also his lawyer and did the closings and sales
>>>on the 2 houses he owned in Huntington, as well as a
>>>number of other legal matters. I really am not invested
>>>in being called Master.I heard a *rumor* that you asked him to name you Master in
exchange for the legal work you did for him. I’m not making
this up; it’s what I heard. It makes me wonder a little bit
about your motivations if actually true . . .But I’m personally not really a fan of this whole “master”
title thing anyway. Outside of the Healing Tao, I’m about
a year away from getting a PhD in math, and to be honest
the math I’m doing as compared to something “most people consider
difficult” (say calculus) is like the difference between
Shakespeare and the alphabet. I could very EASILY call
myself a MASTER in that field, and it wouldn’t be a lie.
But it’s kind of an arrogant thing to do. Think about it.
You should let your achievements stand on their own and
let others discover for themselves “how advanced you are”.
Just my opinion; take it for what you will; you did mention
about “killing the ego”; so you should think about if the “master”
title serves that.>>>There is only one person that I actively teach and that is my wife Dian.
So I take it that you are not really a workshop person or a DVD
person; just prefer to have people read your books and ask
questions if they dig your stuff? If that’s the case, that’s fair;
but just want to understand your position.>>>I’ve heard of a number of people who have had bad experiences
>>>from the Healing Tao sexual practices. In the 15 years since
>>>my 1st book was published, I have never heard of or
>>>from anyone who had bad experiences learning from my books,Depending on what you are referring to, there could be some
legitimacy to your comment about people having “bad experiences”
from the Healing Tao sexual practices. Can you elaborate on
what you are talking about? Let’s not speak in vague terms.>>>If my last post, which I posted before I saw your request to clarify,
>>>didn’t sufficiently answer your question [some clipped][numbering added myself]
>>>1. My system starts in the head then works downward.
>>>2. I’m also very concerned with quieting the mind.
>>>3. it is broken down into coherent weekly lessons [some clipped] and
>>>each week considts of exercises for the 3 Treasures of
>>>Taoism, Chi, Jing and Shen you don’t have to guess
>>>about what to practice>>>4. I would describe “100 Days” as pretty much a combination
>>>of the Healing Tao and Richard Wilhelm’s translation of
>>>”The Secret of the Golden Flower”.>>>5. I didn’t make anything up, I just organized it.
This is sort of what I was looking for.
Basically, it sounds like you really are doing the Healing Tao
practices, or at least a variant thereof; just changed the
order that you do things in, and add in the beginning the
“tip of the nose” practice.>>>However, my system gives you a firm foundation.
>>>It works well with any Healing Tao course and much of
>>>at least “100 Days” and to a lesser extent
>>>”Taoist Yoga and Sexual Energy” are based on what I learned
>>>from Mantak Chia.So do both books cover the same material? Is one book a
follow-up book to the other one? Are they separate materials?
What do you usually instruct people to do?Feel free to respond or not. I won’t take it personally.
My best to you,
StevenMay 5, 2010 at 9:37 pm #34112Dear Steven:
I really think you should get my books and read them and a lot of your questions will be answered. How can you judge or compare things that you really don’t know anything about?
For one thing in the Introduction to “Taoist Yoga and Sexual Energy”, which Chia wrote, he tells all about how he came to call me a master. I didn’t expect it and I certainly never asked for it. In all the years,there was only one time that I asked Chia for a fee and he paid me in dollars not titles.
I call arrogance new time instructors telling masters and senior instructors what to teach and what to call themselves. Who made you overseer? Would you tell Master Chia not to call himself Master? From the 1st day I met him he was Master Chiaand that’s what I always called him face to face. Do you think that you should be telling someone that Master Chia named as a master what he should call himself? The only time I ever saw Master Chia ger angry was when a student disrespected him in class. As a practical matter I generally don’t call myself master. Most people who know me don’t even know that I’m even involved with Taoism. If you are still a year away from your PhD I wouldn’t call you a master and neither would your professors. Get off your high horse. I do have the equivalent of a PhD, a Juris Doctor diploma but I don’t go around calling myself Dr. And I wouldn’t consider myself a master of law while I was still in law school.Ultimately though, we are all our own master. That pretty much describes where I am now.
All the nonsense that people have spread around about me over the years is just extraordinary. But I do enjoy that air of mystery. What is the Tao if not mysterious?
As far as the Microcosmic Orbit is concerned I’ve been doing it for over 30 years. Do you really think I need to learn Michael’s method a this stage of the game? Why the sales pitch? The method I teach in “100 Days” is a variant of what Charles Luk describes in his book “Taoist Yoga”.
I periodically get messages from Taoists all over the world, usually asking for help with some sex related issue, most often dealing with an inability to get energy out of their head and the troubles this causes them. Often times they have struggled with these problems for years.
I did do a bit of teaching, but being a family man and a full time criminal lawyer, it just didn’t make sense financially for me to continue doing this. I wrote books instead, it worked out better for me. My 1st book “The Tao and the Tree of Life” was a comparitive study of shamanism, Chia’s Healing Tao material, Western magick and the Kabbalah. “100 Days” and “Taoist Yoga and Sexual Energy” are each 14 week courses on Taoist practices. “Taoist Yoga” is the sequel. My books have been published in over 20 languages worldwide according to my publisher Llewellyn. I wrote them primarily for those who do not have access to Taoist teachers. Think of them as my thesis Steven.
I would suggest you read some of the Taoist Yoga classics. There aren’t many intelligible ones out there. Try Wilhelm’s “Secret of the Golden Flower”(where you will find a description of the Light of Heaven on the 1st page) and Charles Luk’s “Taoist Yoga”. Until Chia started teaching Westerners back in 1981 these 2 books were pretty much all there was to learn from.
I did my teaching through my books. I don’t really consider myself a teacher. I’m much more of a warrior or a sorcerer. If you were to ask my wife Sparkle to describe me in one word she would tell you I’m a dragon. That’s what she said to tell you when I asked her. If you care to you can ask her yourself.MESY
May 5, 2010 at 10:07 pm #34114Dear Dog:
I certainly did not have problems from mixing Taoist practices with Magick.If you have to know, it’s mostly a bunch of rubbish spread around by Michael after Chia named me a master. I read some of the things he wrote about me, absolute nonsense.
I did have problems when my first wife died from breast cancer in 1999, but this had nothing to do with Taoism or magick, except to the extent that with everything I knew, I could not save her life. Things did get hairy for awhile, I quit law, turned my back on Taoism, worked as a mercenary for awhile(that’s how I managed to get myself arrested for having a samurai sword an an Uzi in my car-it worked itself out), became an Aston Martin dealer, married Sparkle(who is a lawyer and writer and previously was a runway and lingerie model, ballerina and gymnast-if I knew how to do it, I’d post a picture of her here-she really is beautiful and she’s much nicer than me and she’s a walking embodiment of Healing Love) and finally decided to become a modern day Taoist-Sorcerer Hermit. You should see the view of Mt.Washington, from the edge of my driveway.Eric Yudelove
May 5, 2010 at 10:14 pm #34116I feel you may want to look at this from what is right for you. If you just stick with what is right for you and tell why, that is wonderful. As soon as you get into this is right for everyone, at every time, I just do not see the logic in that. Just stick with what is right fro you and you will serve others to a greater extent. In my classes I try to help people learn to feel in them when some thing is right for them and when it is not. this could be food, info, a place, ect. I hope this helps.
May 5, 2010 at 10:17 pm #34118Same you are not teaching or giving seminars. I would love to have you down to teach some seminars. But I understand if it is not calling to you. Blessings.
May 5, 2010 at 10:59 pm #34120Dear Eric:
Regarding your little rant at the beginning, for one I said not to take
anything personally . . . apparently you neglected to read that. For two,
what I heard about you being called a master I full-well stated I heard it
as a rumor in the interest of being honest. If it were simply a rumor, you
could have dismissed it out of hand, and not taken offense. Why the venom?
My reference to my schooling was to demonstrate that it is not a good idea to put on
heirs no matter how accomplished you are; you missed that point.>>>Do you really think I need to learn Michael’s method
>>>a this stage of the game? Why the sales pitch?It shouldn’t matter to you how accomplished you are.
If I’ve been doing qigong and alchemy for 30 years (say in the future),
I’m not going to ignore other things thinking that I know it all.
I NEVER SAID his method was better than yours. I admitted that
I hadn’t tried your method; I was comparing Winn’s approach to the other standard
Healing Tao methods. Mine was a friendly suggestion to try something
else in your spare time that you might get something out of.
The fact that you flew off the handle about that boggles me.
Seems to me a person should always be eager to try new things
NO MATTER HOW ADVANCED they get. But to each his own.>>>I periodically get messages from Taoists all over the world,
>>>usually asking for help with some sex related issue,
>>>most often dealing with an inability to get energy
>>>out of their head and the troubles this causes them.
>>>Often times they have struggled with these problems for years.Yeah, this happens. A lot of people buy “The Multi-orgasmic Man”
or its variants, with interest in being multi-orgasmic and don’t
bother learning prereqs.>>>I did do a bit of teaching, but being a family man and a
>>>full time criminal lawyer, it just didn’t make sense
>>>financially for me to continue doing this.That’s understandable.
Thank you again for your responses.
I think I’m going to end the conversation here for the time
being; for some reason, I’ve triggered a lot of anger in you,
and so I think it’s best to stop here.Steven
May 5, 2010 at 11:24 pm #34122Dog,
Please read my post again, and actually LISTEN to the words that I’m speaking.
My comment about the Wudang orbit being so great was to try
to provide some motivation for someone to actually want to look
into it, especially if they have a lot of experience.
Not that people can’t make up their own minds.My emphasis in that discussion was an attack on this attitude
that I’m a “master” or I’m a senior instructor and therefore
I have nothing whatsoever to learn and WON’T EVEN CONSIDER LOOKING
into something else.This is pure arrogant stupidity.
Once you think you know everything and you are not even willing to
look at what else might be possible, you close yourself off to growth.
This is my comment about the Michael’s Wudang orbit say.Yes, I personally feel that it is much more powerful than any other
traditional Healing Tao method–a personal judgement yes–but
many senior instructors are not even willing to TRY IT because they feel
they know everything already. And my point is, how do you
know that there isn’t something even better than what you currently
know, NO MATTER HOW MUCH EXPERIENCE YOU HAVE.Even M. Chia still looks into new stuff and is adding new stuff
ALL THE TIME . . . buys a ton of new alchemical resources from
other instructors, always eager to learn. To me, if anything,
this demonstrates HIS INTELLIGENCE and makes me respect him
even MORE. Humble and always eager to learn. These are good qualities.No matter how experienced a person gets, they should always
be open to new possibilities and new things to try, and have
a joyful curious child-like interest in looking into these things.S
May 5, 2010 at 11:28 pm #34124I’m not angry.
I’m just controversial.Dragon Master
May 6, 2010 at 12:40 am #34126Your system of the starting in the upper dan tien sounds similar to michael’s method of the inner smile meditation.
We have had this discussion extensively on this forum about “killing the ego”. Do you recognize the five shen of the vital organs in your method of meditation? If not, then it would be substantially different than the healing tao and Michael’s adaptations of it. The five shen are the foundation.
May 6, 2010 at 12:45 am #34128So you took some time off from meditation to be a paid killer? That’s interesting. No judgments or anything, I guess it would help you to see the criminal mind from their own perspective in order to be a criminal lawyer.
May 6, 2010 at 4:23 am #34130Just to add somthing to this disscussion:
Why get confused with the myrriads of things, when the tao is one! 🙂
May 6, 2010 at 10:02 am #34132It is great that you are so satisfied with Michael’s teachings. It seems, thought, that you are pushing it onto Yudelove, and that is a little confrontational and disrespectful. I now see the Crusader element in you that Wendy was talking about in another thread.
I think that you would do well to respect the choices that Yudelove makes and learn from them; you might not agree with them, but you can still learn from them. You might also do well to recognize that Yudelove and Winn have a sort of deep sibling rivalry, both being early students of Chia. I expect that you must have a similar rivalry with some fellow PhD students, and in a few years you will see it intensify as you search for academic jobs, publications and grants.
You are a mathematician and so know that with intellectual perseverance you can solve a mathematical problem, but people are more complex. Recognize in your body which parts feel right when you are yang in relation to Yudelove, and which parts do not feel right with being yang. Feel how Yudelove is, in his words and energy, and recognize which parts of your body want to engage with that and which parts do not.
May 6, 2010 at 12:09 pm #34134I’m not trying to push anything on anyone.
I think you extrapolated a little too far.
Let me try to explain:When I asked Eric how his system differed,
he said it differed by the fact that he starts
with the tip of the nose practice. The reason
he mentioned was that without doing it, you are
basically just doing the micro moving thoughts
with weak qi.While that may be the case with standard methods,
I do NOT believe that to be the case with the Wudang orbit
or the orbit qigong form for instance.I was offering an alternative for him to check out, since
he had mentioned earlier that he had NO IDEA what Michael
taught. My comment was along the lines of “oh, you have
a method that helps combat the weak micro problem; well,
here’s another one; you might want to check out; maybe
you could add it to your arsenal” not one of “Michael
is better than Eric”. The latter is foolish childish
rivalry nonsense that I couldn’t give a crap about.
This is basically the reason why a lot of the other
senior instructors I mentioned oftentimes won’t check
out and test run what the others are doing, i.e.
“that’s Michael’s stuff I don’t want to do that;
I don’t want to learn any of his stuff (using Michael
as an example, but it doesn’t have to be him)”. Even
in these recent posts, Eric ridiculed other instructors
for not doing his technique or at the least doing
it in the Sealing course at the end rather than the beginning,
and yet he’s not interested in another potentially powerful method?
That’s seems pretty curious to me, and just demonstrates more of
this rivalry shit that I hate. You can learn things
from other people without having to “bow down” to them
or admit some kind of superior-inferior dynamic; it
doesn’t have to be that way.The bottom line is, I take issue with this attitude of
“this other senior instructor is my rival so I’m not
going to test any of that person’s stuff”.This is childish BULLSHIT.
Yes, you are right there is the same thing in
graduate school with grad students acting as rivals,
trying to one up the other, not wanting to show
“weakness” by admitting that another graduate student
knows something you do not, etc. This is bullshit also.
But you are wrong to say that I have a similar rivalry
with the other grad students. I see this behavior in
the other grad students and it sickens me, so I mostly
just avoid them and do my own thing. And when I’m
in a situation of learning, I am not afraid to show what
I don’t understand, despite snickering and sneering from
others. The funny thing is, is that if I press these
snickering people I often find out that they know less
than I do. It just demonstrates how pride gets in the way.And to be honest with you; REALLY HONEST WITH YOU; I’ve
hated this grad student RIVALRY ARROGANCE PRIDE bullshit
with graduate students–and with a lot of faculty I might
add–that I’ve SERIOUSLY reconsidered whether or not I
even WANT to work in academia and be surrounded by that shit.How much more true should it be that rivalry should not
exist when dealing with spiritual tools? Really!Can’t we really all just drop this “I’m better than you” crap,
and just learn from each other?Steven
May 6, 2010 at 9:14 pm #34136I got allot of that. I just shared what I felt, to hopefully serve you. More that I would love to share if I get a chance to visit with you again in the future. seeyah
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