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- This topic has 28 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 15 years, 3 months ago by
November 29, 2009 at 4:59 pm #32661November 29, 2009 at 9:31 pm #32663
Did you really just agree with agent smith. We certainly do have the power to slow or speed the process of our spiritual evolution. That is what most of pollution is about it our unconscious way of suppressing our selves. Do not buy into the clark kent outfit. I know the truth I have connected to it tasted it and smelled our essence and it is so beautiful and powerful that angels can only go so close. The black intuitive goddess and the controlling white man(science) are united through us, through the heart of humanity, the precious little child. It takes an act of surrender. Watch the movies again.
P.s. I think you will find most, that disagree with humans as the main cause theory, will fully agree to redical change in energy, and other institution. Most talking about humans as the main cause do not wish to rock the boat, have humanity issues and find answer way inside the box(carbon credits). I want to make big shifts because I care about humanity, every time I connect with mother earth she seems just fine and very powerful. People like to look at larger issues outside them selves, and turn there love there, because this keeps the light and love away from them selves most of the time. We will kill our selves off before we put even a little dent in her multidimensional plans.
November 29, 2009 at 9:32 pm #32665We are all kids playing are part in the game, making up rules as we go. It is partly arrogance that keeps us from seeing this reality.
November 29, 2009 at 9:42 pm #32667Well said Dog!
I find that quote “humans are cancer on the earth” to be core the sentiment of the global warming scientists & many humans. Self-hate turned outward.
Of course we need to change our ways & sources of energy & stop poluting our air/water/soil & selves. The outer pollution is just a reflection of the inner state.November 29, 2009 at 11:28 pm #32669Dog, thanks for your post. You speak from a deeper level than from where I wrote my post. It is good you have cleaned your connections and have known the essence. More importantly have the light.
My original post with the Matrix quote was to point out that we resemble another earthly organism, unfortunately, and that we are out of balance with nature. Humans just like viruses multiply, adapt to the environment, and consume without regard to balance. Why is it the US is the largest economy and the largest polluter? Why not the largest economy and the smallest polluter? Why do German cars for years only have a paper oil filter and American cars have a disposable metal casing oil filter? But if we resolve and evolve which you have mentioned and yes we are capable of that, we can be different and maintain a balance with nature.
I agree with what you said, all the suffering, wars, over consumption is suppression of our selfs. Which stems from unhappiness and resentment. Part of the result of our Taoist practices is to get in touch with our own suppressions and resolve them. It takes an act of surrender, good point. Yes in the end it is only when Neo surrenders to Smith that there is no more struggle. Maybe one day people from an early age will learn to walk in grace without resentment and not bring darkness into themselves and not struggle and suppress. Then we wouldn’t need politicians, gun control, money, wars, etc. etc., or controls to the system. I agree that is the larger issue that is most important. On the other hand until everyone starts working on themselves it won’t hurt passing pollution laws to stem pollution which has other consequences like heating up the planet abnormally.
Balance and harmony.
November 30, 2009 at 8:58 am #32671“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”
United States Declaration of IndependenceSounds like dissolving the heart mind to me. All about the metal element. You can work with the old box for only so long. Eventually the more evolved younger generation will start to push against its sides. Forget laws, look for big change! Do not worry nature(true matrix)and natures god will be there for you. It only took a hand full not the hole country of people to do it last time, and they where smart enough to build in adaptability and a option for peaceful change into the new structure. One of a few structures I recommend dissolving are corporations. We could easily integrate them so that they are aligned with our core values in the constitution and more importantly bill of rights. We hold all their charters so we are responsible for them whether we like it or not.
Thanks everyone for the stimulating conversation.
Peace.November 30, 2009 at 1:09 pm #32673A lot of what you express, Dog, are hopes and dreams.
Some of them are quite wonderful and quite beautiful,
but hopes and dreams nonetheless.I do not see outer reality shifting into alignment with
your hopes and dreams anytime soon. By all means, try.Laws, caps, measures, etc. are things that are implementable NOW.
If you could somehow manage to change the rest of the world
to fit your vision then–like training wheels on a bike–laws etc.
could become discarded and be unnecessary, as the system itself
would take care of thingsBut I do not see governance changing to such a new model anytime soon.
By all means, prove me wrong. I’d like to see you do it.Realistically, it’s not going to happen. You’ve spent too
much time seeing the wonderful inner landscape and beauty and lost
connection with where the rest of the world is at, in my opinion.One can always take the attitude of ignoring the outer world
entirely, being completely satisfied with your own core being–but
I don’t think that’s ethical, nor do I see it as very compassionate.If you want to change the hearts and minds of others so that they
cultivate their inner landscape and see a wonderful new reality
and way of living as you’ve done–great. Get started now!But until the majority of the planet is already playing that game,
it is only ethical in meantime to get measurable changes made
via the current structure. Otherwise you are just living in a
fantasy world.S
November 30, 2009 at 11:55 pm #32675Lots of nice deep discussions of values and vision here.
I was flying home today (after a month’s travel) and saw a piece in the Wall St. Journal about GLACIERS.
Gist of it was that some glaciers in the Himalayas are expanding…while others are shrinking. There are many local variations on the planet.My geologist brother Peter often points out to me that short periods of warming can be a prelude to increased atmospheric moisture that falls as snow and starts an Ice Age – within a very short period. So let’s not assume too much projection about the human role in the global warming or cooling….and focus on pollution (including carbon pollution),which is the issue that humans CAN affect. So whether we’re getting hotter or colder, we can enjoy it as CLEANER.
Clearner = more pure experience of Nature, which is the outer reflection of our inner experience.
December 1, 2009 at 2:13 pm #32677Creating a new mode of thinking–getting rid of
reckless irresponsibility and wastefulness would be a
good start. Some of the wasteful consumerism
is unconscionable, like completely separate packages
each for a single banana (See link).This is why I try to go through the U-Scan’s at grocery
stores as much as possible. I don’t want 11 bags for
the 15 items I bought. Completely wasteful.I bought 2 items once, and told the cashier I didn’t want
a bag, and she took the one she already had in her hands
and THREW IT IN THE TRASH. There are too many
bottom-feeders like this in society.S
December 1, 2009 at 3:21 pm #32679“You’ve spent too much time seeing the wonderful inner landscape and beauty and lost
connection with where the rest of the world is at, in my opinion.”Says the man in side the collage bubble. ๐
December 1, 2009 at 6:36 pm #32681>>>”You’ve spent too much time seeing the wonderful
>>>inner landscape and beauty and lost
>>>connection with where the rest of the world
>>>is at, in my opinion.”>Says the man in side the collage bubble. ๐
Perhaps, but I don’t think I’m wrong . . .
But just to be sure, why not go and change the world
to your vision and prove me wrong. It’s a dare!Of course in that event, I think I win either way. ๐
But you should go and change world anyway **JUST** TO BE SURE ๐LOL.
Happy smiles and joy to you my friend,
StevenDecember 1, 2009 at 6:57 pm #32683yes, it is true that “there are some glaciers that are shrinking and there are some glaciers that are growing.”
but, there is more information in the following statement: “there are many more glaciers that are shrinking than there are glaciers that are growing.”
There is even more information in the statement: “Of the 173 glaciers that have had their extent measured at least five times since 1970, 83% of them have shown thinning.”
December 2, 2009 at 9:54 pm #32685It is not my vision. It just shared it’s self with me, and maybe just wanted to use me as one of it’s portals to this plain. I just want to have greater synchronicity and speed to my spiritual evolution. Dr King said he would see us in the promise land, and he is right. But what path and how fast is yet to be determined. I accept how you feel about me, but I did not feel your commits where coming from a place of carrying but of judgments and if that continues I will not feel like having such conversations. I was sharing my heart with you not trying to judge you. I was trying to serve you and others on this board with my true heart feelings. Love Dog
December 2, 2009 at 11:16 pm #32687In the previous post, I was joking with you dude.
Didn’t you notice all the smileys and smiles in the
post. I was trying to be light-hearted.
Don’t take things so personally.In the *serious* part of the discussion
earlier, I admitted that I didn’t think
your plan was practical in the short term,
but admitted it was a beautiful vision
that I’d like to see come to fruition.BUT as far as the previous post was
concerned, it should have been clear I wasn’t
being serious. If you misunderstood that,
>>>I accept how you feel about me,
You have no idea how I feel about you, dude!! Clearly!
I think you are awesome and have a great heart!
Just because I disagree on ideas for immediate change,
is no commentary on what I think of you. If someone
disagrees with you or has a different perspective that
doesn’t imply they have a low opinion of you. You’re
putting something on yourself that doesn’t need to be there.>>>but I did not feel your commits where coming
>>>from a place of carrying but of judgmentsIf I didn’t care, I wouldn’t bother to post on this board.
The reason (among other things) I am so passionate on this
issue (say) is because that I think too many people are going to
wake up and do something about this climate issue only
after things become catastrophic/destructive. Moreover,
I find the “discovery” of these emails to be somewhat
evil in motivation in lieu of the upcoming December 7
Copenhagen conference on climate change.So if people are trying to present reasons why we shouldn’t
act, I feel they damn well better have some legitimate
stuff to back it up–not some hearsay or well-wishing.That doesn’t mean I think your visions are any less beautiful,
nor do I think you’re not a wonderful person–again, you’re
putting stuff onto yourself personally that has no business
being there.>>>and if that continues I will not
>>>feel like having such conversations.That’s up to you of course, but I’ll take
the above as a reflection that felt you
were being attacked personally as to who you
are and what you stand for. There was no such attack
meant, and I apologize.>>>I was sharing my heart with you
>>>not trying to judge you.I never took anything you said personally.
I was never in any such head space, believe me.>>>I was trying to serve you and others
>>>on this board with my true heart feelings. Love DogI think that goes without saying.
I’m sure most people can see that you are trying
to help and benefit everyone.Isn’t that what we are all doing?
Steven -
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