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- This topic has 21 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 14 years ago by
Swedich Dragon.
December 11, 2010 at 1:55 pm #35768
I have had my tooth repaired and killed in the process of the filling of the root canals. Here is a short summary of what we have talked about and how I come to a conclusion on what to do in this wery difficult desission.
The damage on the tooth was severe. And that explained why I did have a terrible pain.
We had a discussion in which Steven contributed alot, and which is listed below this text about if it was good or bad to do the root canal.
I did some investigation and did read about 25 articles on internet on the subject.
I also did speak with some friends and some professionals before I did this process.The discussion was about that there has been a reserch in the early 20th century that showed that some people get serious cronic illnesses from this procedure. That is beacase there are bacterias in the tooth that mutate and always is a major risk factor for you owerall health, especially when for some reason or another your immune system is weak.
I found that the reasons for not doing this procedure was wery strong! Especially beacase I already have had a at lest ten year health issue going on. I looked at the alternatives but found out that they where not either wery good.
My conclusion after all was to do the root canal. The reason for this is to remove the tooth is irreversible, but to do the rot canal leave me with choises in the future.
But I made a promise to myself that is to follow up the tooth in the future. With kinesology and other methods I want to try to detect if the tooth is causing me any serious harm, or causing a lowering of my general energy level. If so then I am obligated to extract the tooth in the future.
I come to the conclusion that this would be a good method for dealing with this problem in the future on a general basis. To give general rules for people not to do this process seems to be wrong, if not a big procent of them get ill. There is also another factor that helped me to make this decission that was that the research also choved that thoose who removed theire root filled tooth and went ill beacase of them often recovered wery quickly when they had the tooth removed. So if the tooth will damage my health I has the opportunity to get it removed and hopefully recover from any illnesses casused by it. This imply that I should check it often and I should get it removed quite fast if there seems to be likely to be a problem caused by the tooth.
It was wery difficult for me to come to this concusion and I took the reservations from Steven wery seriously. Still I think the wisest thing her is to make choises from case to case, and not make general rules for people on what to do.
December 11, 2010 at 2:23 pm #35770Hello
One weak ago I did visit my TCM herb specialist. Actually she is the wife to the avupunturist which was the first I visited to try to cure my illness.
Her diagnosis was quite similar to hes.
Weak general yang
Weak yang in the kidneys
Weak yang in the intestines and spleen area, she actually didn´t specify, but said the whole stomach are.Her aproach for healing is a bit different from hes. He wanted to cure the general yang first and later the stomach. She want to cure the stomach splen first and think that the illness has developed from that spleen stomach intestine area first. She think that that area was weakened first beacase of the stressful period of my life. I also know from the time when I was younger and wery healthy that the only area that I had any problem with was the intestines from time to time. Actually know I remember that I was at the hospital beacase of stomach ace during that period of time, and I related it to psychosomatic issues from a terrible ending of a love afair. Anyway when that area was weak I couldn´t get enough nutrition from food and my body got to go on to litle energy. Then the energy reserve of the kidneys was excausted. First was the yang exhausted, then to live with to litle yang for a longer peoriod of time the yin was also lowered. Now I have wery litle of both, but specifially yang energy.
To be able to cure the kidneys the stomach has to be well so that the body can create qi from food again. This might be the reason for the wery big difficulties of curing my illnesses, I have been trying with the kidneys but not with the intestines and spleen.
Her way of curing it is:
I got two remedies, herbs. One is for the spleen and intestines, one is for the kidneys.
I also should eat ginger in the morning it is “bathed” in egar, for a week. This should be taken only at the morning and not to much, but prefereably every morning.
I have done this for a weak:
Did meat the TCM doctor and she has already noticed a change in my pulses. She can notice them at a not as deep level as before, so they are more distinct. She also so an improvement when looking at my tounge. I might also feel a bit more energetic, but realy it is to early to say. But I hope this will make me go in the right direction.
She increased the dosage of the herbs for the kidneys.
The other herb was unchanged.I also got some moxa I should do at the tan-tien point below the navel everyday untill the stomach area is warm. I don´t know if this should be done on a particular time at day. Sounds more right to me in the morning, but I think I got more time to do it at the evening, so I start that way, untill I have talked to her again.
December 11, 2010 at 9:36 pm #35772Sounds like you did a lot of research and made an
informed decision . . . which was really the point
to the discussion after all. ^_^Yes, I had a strong opinion (based on what I know
and my experience), but that doesn’t mean you have to
listen to me either. 🙂 (Smiling as I say this) 🙂Everyone, ultimately, has to do what they feel is right for them.
Keep smiling,
StevenDecember 11, 2010 at 9:38 pm #35774December 12, 2010 at 2:29 am #35776Yes and I am more happy with the desision if it is informed.
But still I think the general mistake here is that nowbody did follow
up the research from the 1920s.I realy mistrust the dentist industry. The two main resons:
1 They put in mercury filled amalgam into peoples teeths and claim that
it is without dangers. That was done during a period of nearly 100 years. The mercury is about 50% of the material in the amalgam. That information realy suprised me and chooked me.2 They do not follow up a reaserch that tells you that you can get, alcheimers
reumatism, MS, and other wery serious illnesses from doing rot canals.Then there of course are more dubious things, I am shore, that I am not aware of from this industry.
For me this information is enough to not trust in them for the neareast 100 years, but after that 🙂 if they do better I will start to listen to them again.
December 12, 2010 at 2:30 am #35778December 15, 2010 at 5:46 am #35780Hello
Yesterday I got quite painful kidney pain. That is a symtom I have that usually comes from periods of owerwork and almost always associated with to much cofe combined with a stressful period of time. This time it is different. I haven´t been so oweractive compared to my streanght I belive. Actually I have been quite active but it has felt like I had the energy to do it. Energy from the treatment?
I have done three days of moxa on the acupunture point tan-tien, which is the point below the navel at the microcosmic orbit. I feel some heat going up to the crown, which I see as a particularly good sign, beacase that has been one of the most frozen areas! The heat also goes to the psoas, which feels wery weak, and in which I feel a kind of sorrow feeling, I think sorrow or something similar. The warmt goes also to the back, to the ming men and sort of into the kidneys and then I stop the moxabution for that day.
The pain in the kidneys I see as the treatment is hitting the painful area in the body and perhaps digs up the problem energies or blocked energies in that area. The pain is so severe so that I have difficulties bending, but not worse than that. Sometimes I have to lay down to just get a rest in the area.
I have adjusted my qigong to this and did alot of six healing sounds the kidney sound and burped alot while doing this, it also realesed some of the tension in the area. During that realise the tan-tien taosit yoga wersion, did heat up a bit, also a good sign! Today the pain remains but are not as severe. I have not done much but surfing on the net all morning.
I talked to my TCM doctor and she suggested that I should lessen the kidney herb somewhat, but she also proclaimed that I shouldn´t worry.
Usually when I got pain in the kidneys from owerwork I takes three days total rest and that usually workes to get a relief. I don´t know if I will take this three days of right now or not. I am going to start to program my big scientific idea related to my master thesis work. But start with a day of to see where things go and where my energy level goes. Health is the big priority.
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