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- This topic has 31 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 2 months ago by
September 8, 2016 at 5:00 am #47048
Tom Kenyon’s stuff can be decent, but it can also be somewhat ungrounding.
If the channeling is real, it likely comes from Atlantean sources.
So likely legitimate, but from a different pathway from HT.
SSeptember 8, 2016 at 5:52 am #47050The phrase “I want to be immortal” is somewhat misleading in terms of HT cosmology.
In HT, you already are immortal.
The only real question is, is “in what form” do you want to be immortal in?If you don’t cultivate, you would die and be an immortal “in baby form”.
So you will have awareness, but not much else . . . no free will, no ability to keep creating. You have to be taken care of, and you will return to become part of stellar mind (i.e. oversoul) where all decisions will be made for you.You grow your spirit by feeding it qi through qi cultivation practices aka qigong and alchemy, and through spiritual development through learning . . . learning via spiritual development practices (e.g. alchemy, meditation) as well as learning via life experiences. All of these provide some benefit, if one maintains awareness and absorbs the meaning of the lessons.
So even completing your worldly destiny outside of spiritual cultivation will aid in your spiritual growth process. It’s a debatable point as to whether just spiritual cultivation in and of itself is sufficient.
Through whatever combination of things you do, you will progress. All depending on your effort.
Will your spirit be in fully adult form (e.g. what people think of being immortals) where you have complete free will, ability to create, and awareness akin to being alive . . . will your spirit still be in baby form (where you have no free will and are simply a piece of the oversoul and follow its wishes) . . . or will you be somewhere in-between, like a teenager perhaps e.g. some freedom, but not unlimited freedom). Who knows. It’s a little arrogant for anyone to tell you that you should “do X or Y, if you are serious”. They don’t even have their own lives straight. ๐
The only important direction is forward, at the pace that feels right to you. ๐
What others say or do is completely irrelevant to your own path . . .Qi,
StevenSeptember 8, 2016 at 8:09 am #47052What is good is that you make progress, because that is love.
Yes we are all in the hands of God all the time, and ultimately whatever we do should be done with that yearning to merge. And we are loved wherever we are.
The position of man and this society is such that you do require to try really hard in your practices or you will not break through the barriers of subconsciousness and negativity within and without, and practices may be a case of meaningless arm wafting !!!
And it is glorious to make such efforts from time to time, to test yourself, to dig all the marrow out. And if not, why not ?
Why not ? We are alive aren’t we ?
Let’s do something here ! Let’s try real hard ! Why not ?
But there is a time for real relaxation too. And a time for flow and harmony.
Masculine energy and then feminine energy.
If you sit zen and drop down inside you do come to the “right place” inside where you are slowly simmering the rice because you are in the right place. With this form of practice it is not easy to get it wrong !
Now I do remember somebody saying that it takes 10,000 hours to become expert at something and 20,000 to become world class.
September 8, 2016 at 11:50 am #47054
AnonymousHaha, thanks so much ride forever.
A perfect answer for such a question.
I realize it’s kinda stupid in a way to put a number on things like this – so thanks for joining me in that stupidity for a moment.
I really appreciate your time and thoughtfulness.
Btw, have you read “Beelzebub’s Tales…” yourself? Was it worth the time?
I am intrigued…
Little One
September 8, 2016 at 12:04 pm #47056
AnonymousTruly, thank you for your time, Steven.
Your answer centered me, encouraged me deeply, and filled me with calm. It registers as true to me.
Coming from a background that details the tortures of hell I’ll experience for doing practices like this is a wonderful challenge, but sometimes I need to cheat a little for my poor lil’ ego and have somebody paint me a different picture.
Thank you for empowering me and not boxing me in.
All the best,
Little One
September 8, 2016 at 1:37 pm #47058September 8, 2016 at 8:22 pm #47060Thanks. I feel like this thread could stimulate some very interesting discussion, but we’ve touched so many bases, and it’s so wide open, that I’m still not sure what you’re REALLY asking. Is this about ET’s? Are you confronting an issue in your own practice? Do you want blogs that will look at current events from the perspective of planetary rebirth? Also, you seemed to frame the question in terms of a request for someone to come and tell us what to believe, and I think that’s problematic.
September 9, 2016 at 11:04 am #47062
AnonymousI’m unaware of any Atlantean connection. Is there one?
Yeah, so far much of it has an ungrounding effect for me. When I use it, I couple it with HT grounding techniques.
It certainly feels “different” than HT work. Less “natural” and integrated. I’ve been attracted to it here and there and use it for a day or two. For me it’s only use is as an occasional adjunct to the HT path, since I have little ownership over the technology. It is more something done to me than something I cultivate myself.
But it is certainly effective in its own way.
On a separate note, I like Tom Kenyon and think he is doing good work for humanity.
September 9, 2016 at 11:18 am #47064
AnonymousHe also channels Mary Magdalene, Jesus, ancient shamans, extinct plant spirits, etc, etc.
September 9, 2016 at 5:45 pm #47066Yes, that’s what I’m referring to . . . The Hathors.
I’m not familiar with his other channelings.The assessment that the Hathors channeling is likely Atlantean is my assessment, not anything that stated anywhere by Tom. It’s a strong intuition based on my experience with it.
September 12, 2016 at 9:19 pm #47068
AnonymousIt’s about ET’s indirectly. I mainly want to hear other’s perspectives on humanity’s origins and our current global situation. I don’t mind which medium – blogs, books, whatever.
Ya, I am asking to be told what to believe – but then I’ll judge what I believe based on the answer. I also know who to trust based on how they answer. So far this group is great ๐
Thanks for bringing up that issue – you’re right to expose it as problematic. I do have a strong tendency to depend on others’ views to validate my own.
Little One
September 12, 2016 at 11:26 pm #47070Hi Little One,
There is great variance within the Healing Tao community on what is believed in terms of ETs and other esoteric information. Some believe that ETs are real and are here, and the government is hiding this fact . . . holding back disclosure, and that there is a shadow government controlling the actual government, that is holding back society from great advances in free energy, spiritual evolution, relationship to ETs etc. Some go so far as to believe the population is already infiltrated with several different ET races that are in disguise. On the other hand, others believe none of this. There is great variance.
Myself, I tend to be a skeptic. I don’t believe much of what anybody says (including stories by Michael Winn I might add, although I find them interesting), unless I myself can confirm with direct experience. So, for instance, I don’t really believe that ETs have ever visited here, despite stories and channelings that say otherwise . . . my intuition feels like it is more like wishful thinking than actual reality, that people are craving some escape mechanism or story that things will change . . . out of some hope that things will miraculously become better without having to do any personal spiritual work. The same can be said about stories people have regarding the spiritual realm. I don’t believe much about the stories people have, and mostly restrict to what I’ve discovered on my own through direct spiritual practice. Direct experience can’t be questioned, if you are grounded and examine carefully what you experience and when the information is very clear/unmistakable. I don’t go so far as to say that people that believe such things are crazy or anything, because I do keep an open mind and allow for the possibility that I could get direct experience. However, I tend to accept what I’ve gotten direct experience on, and ignore the rest . . . mostly focusing on my own practice. Because after all, anyone can say anything, but it doesn’t mean it is true. Only when you have the direct experience will you know the truth of it, and then opinions of others won’t matter because you have the direct experience. For instance, in general when I post on the forum–unless posting an interesting article–I try to only speak about things I have direct experience with, rather than stories. In any case, I would encourage mostly just doing your own practice, and seeing what you find, and not really listening to others, including perhaps me. ๐ Only when you have experienced something yourself will you know without a doubt it is true. ๐
Nonetheless–with that caveat–if you want some interesting material to read/examine, here are a couple I’d recommend.
The Enlightenment book is quite good in my opinion, but again it is a story. Take it for what you will. If you want to read a quality story (claimed to be true), go with this.
The movie Thrive:
Obviously the Thrive movie contains several bits on UFOs/ETs, so if it resonates, you can always investigate the people involved for more information. It also talks about free energy and how this is supposedly suppressed knowledge as a result of the shadow government and big oil. Again, another story, and not direct experience, but worth watching in my opinion. It also talks about the torus shape and energy, which does occur within some qigong forms, e.g. Primordial
The above two are decent enough that you could find some value in it, without believing in too much stuff that’s off the wall.
After that, some other interesting resources, but also perhaps more wacky and less believable without direct experience (I myself am pretty skeptical about it). . .
Paul Hellyer, Canadian Minister of Defense, report on ETs already being here:
If want to go extreme fringe, you can check out:
The Explorer RaceI’ve read a couple chapters of Book 1 of the Explorer Race, and it is really quite wild and out there, which is why I stopped reading it. But I read some of it because there are definitely some people in the Healing Tao that believe this, and I wanted to be familiar with that viewpoint. I myself do not believe it, but it is there if you are interested, and you can be your own judge.
The above should give you plenty to chew on for quite some time.
However, just to bring the point home one last time, I would recommend only considering any of the above as something “interesting”, but not necessarily something to accept immediately. I advocate restricting beliefs to direct experience as much as possible, because then the information you get will be closer to the truth and not mixed with nonsense. In my opinion.
StevenSeptember 17, 2016 at 3:29 pm #47072
AnonymousThanks for your thoughts Steven, as always I appreciate them.
I partially agree with the heart of what you are saying (“restricting beliefs to direct experience as much as possible”) but think I differ sharply in application.
I agree that whatever anyone else says is suspect, but feel that to disregard all other opinions in my search for Truth would potentially waste a lot of time. I prefer to continually listen to a wide variety of opinions and form a flowing mosaic of stories from which I can orient myself in my own spiritual growth.
I believe my own perspective is also suspect and so continually compare others’ views against my own and consider the continuity of each as they relate to the outer world as well as their internal consistency. More and more, as I develop my intuition and integrity, I’m just hearing all the stories and then intuiting the truth within them.
My general “plan”, suspicion, and hope is that as I continue onwards I will be better fit to judge other’s views simply against my own Knowledge and experience and not have to engage in complex cross-examinations of all the stories out there with my own very limited experience.
I mainly agree with you in that my purpose is to attain self-knowledge, Truth, and internal integrity rather than a fancy composite of hand-me-down beliefs that are built on the faulty grounds of un-enlightened minds and bridged with opaque language.
I’ve seen the documentary and enjoyed it. My current worldview flows along similar lines. (But again, as I’ve implied, I hold my own beliefs as a useful but temporary crutch).
I’ll check out the books and clip!
I find it interesting that you don’t believe that ET’s have been here. Do you, in fact, mean that you believe they have definitely NOT been here or that you are agnostic on the point? Do you have personal experience which leads you to believe there haven’t been any? Would you consider eye-witness reports as experiencing evidence for them being here?
Thanks and peace
Little One
September 17, 2016 at 6:31 pm #47074>>>I believe my own perspective is also suspect
>>>and so continually compare others’ views
>>>against my own and consider the continuity
>>>of each as they relate to the outer world
>>>as well as their internal consistency.
>>>More and more, as I develop my intuition
>>>and integrity, I’m just hearing all the
>>>stories and then intuiting the truth within them.I would just offer that there is a difference between personal opinion (which I agree is suspect) and direct revealed information. The latter which can come through actual spiritual downloads is unmistakable and isn’t an opinion. If you are very grounded, you’ll know very clearly that you what you are experiencing is not a delusion. So it isn’t a matter of only having “your opinion”, because this isn’t an opinion either. Do you know what I mean? But maybe you haven’t had any (or enough) direct experiences yet and you crave something in the meantime . . . OK. ๐
I don’t have any problem with hearing stories; I do this myself. But I think a strong degree of skepticism is valuable, because anybody can say anything . . . it doesn’t mean it is true.
>>>I find it interesting that you don’t
>>>believe that ET’s have been here.
>>>Do you, in fact, mean that you believe
>>>they have definitely NOT been here
>>>or that you are agnostic on the point?
>>>Do you have personal experience which
>>>leads you to believe there haven’t been
>>>any? Would you consider eye-witness
>>>reports as experiencing evidence for
>>>them being here?While I am open to being wrong, I currently do NOT believe they have ever been here, no. SETI and NASA and other official science agencies or astronomers have never found anything, and I tend to believe them. While there is most definitely other intelligent life in the universe (likely quite far away); I don’t believe it has come here. If there were something nearby, I think SETI or NASA would have found something. These are science agencies. I just don’t believe they have knowledge otherwise, and are making up a science story that they haven’t found anything. This doesn’t feel correct to me.
I also don’t believe in these government conspiracies that say that they have been here and the government is covering it up. For one, why would ETs only reveal themselves secretly to the government if they were here? Why haven’t a huge group of ordinary townspeople discovered this and broadcast it on public media? Why is it only these secret government groups are “in” on the direct communication or knowledge? Outside of that, all we have are just isolated singleton stories of individuals that claimed to have had an experience. I mean, why? Why would ETs be working with secret government agencies only? It just doesn’t make sense. And if they did come here with that purpose, how would they have known in advance which are the “correct people” in the correct “secret government agencies” to contact? To me, it is all a fantasy.
I believe people do see UFOs (by definition, Unidentified Flying Objects), but I believe these are experimental stealth technologies of US and other governments. The ET story is likely a smokescreen operation used to cover up the experiments they are doing with stealth technology. The government has–in the past–run experiments on its own citizens, although these covert agencies don’t like this fact exposed. It is far better to make people believe that these are ET abductions, rather than what they really are. The former are more easily dismissed. So I believe the ET story actually serves these secret government agencies to help provide distraction.
I don’t consider eyewitness reports as being credible. I personally don’t have such an eyewitness report, and as far as I’m concerned, anybody can say anything. And many of these people that do have such eyewitness reports are also the same people who make a living selling such books, typically found in “Speculation” sections of bookstores. Why should I think anything other than they made up a bunch of stuff, and use this verbiage to help increase their book sales? Or maybe they read a bunch of these books themselves, now believe it, and now make their own books. The fact is, is that it totally runs contrary to what is said by SETI and NASA. AND in total, if two people are saying opposing things, and one is schooled in science (SETI/NASA/etc.) and the other is not, I believe the former. I’ve taken more math/physics classes at the college level than I can count, and I tend to believe that community. For the most part, they don’t make stuff up like the general population, as they are a group of skeptics. And if any do, they get caught real quick and get ostracized. Besides, if ETs had come here, why did NASA/SETI/other astronomers not see them coming? After all, it would have had to be from hundreds of light-years away, so it’s not like they could have gotten here instantly. Moreover, where did they go after their visit? Wouldn’t NASA or other astronomers see these craft traveling, say making their way in or out of the outer planets?
There are just so many different reasons why the ET story feels like bullshit to me.
Mostly wishful thinking and this hope that things could suddenly change miraculously–right around the corner–through no individual self-work. It’s very attractive to the mind, but I just don’t think it is true.In short, I just believe the scientific community (e.g. SETI, NASA, etc.) . . . and don’t believe that ETs had they arrived here, would have only revealed themselves to secret government agencies. To me, it is not logical.
I DO believe that there is other intelligent life in the universe. I just believe it is too far away and it has never come here. I do allow for the possibility that I am wrong, but intuitively it doesn’t feel like I am.
September 19, 2016 at 9:57 am #47076
Anonymous>I would just offer that there is a difference between personal opinion (which I agree is suspect) and direct revealed >information.
I agree. And you’re right – I’ve had only a little direct revelation at this point, but enough to know the difference.
Regarding ET’s, we differ mainly in who we trust. My background is one of sinking deep into illness at the hands of the western medical industry and finally restoring my health through the work of “quacks” and “ancient wisdom”.
My trust issue is not with the scientific community per se, but the ones paying them.
I tend to trust those who fund themselves through books, talks, etc more than those being funded by someone else. Both parties have financial interests, but with the former I am the funder. If I find myself in an audience who truly seeks truth then the researchers writing to us will have both a personal and financial motive to seek truth, rather than a personal motive for truth but a financial motive to give the results the funder is hoping for. These are generalizations, but I think they reflect more or less accurately the difference between the two positions.
Furthermore, the one funding herself through books has far more control over the work itself and more intimate contact with any deceit occurring. It’s easier to look past a lie when it’s being constructed in a vast network of people and you feel less power over the situation and less responsibility (“I’m just doing my job the best I can within a broken system”). When it’s one person and the “broken system” only exists within herself, the full moral responsibility is felt and there is complete power to act on it. Much more motivation for unity within the self than for unity in a vast system.
Of course, in the case of individual researchers, you lack the benefits of a more tightly bound community: there are fewer checks and balances, no official standard of performance, less social pressure, etc.
But the individual researchers are not completely void of such things. There is still a community of scholars and the general public who will react to the work: there is still clear social pressure to do solid work.
And in this case, I can weed out the individual “broken systems” (aka individual researchers) from the good ones, instead of being stuck with one mammoth system which may indeed be working from poor philosophical premises, have shifty financial backing, and is operating at a hampered pace – slowed down from inevitable occupational resistance to sudden changes in ideas.
Of course, when all is said and done, I don’t have to choose. I can listen to both groups ๐
Little One
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