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October 30, 2007 at 6:53 am #25415
… if you felt I read more into what you said than you did in fact say.
My methods of course are neither the alchemical ones nor the just-awareness ones nor the hindu ones nor the buddhist ones! So, naturally, I do not say everyone has to follow any particular path, and do not think everyone has to practice alchemy, since I don’t practice it. My question was about the nature of the Unity that is in some way the goal of all the paths.
My question to you ‘transformation of jing’, or ‘resolution of physical-based polarity’ was simply whether (as with Nan Huai-Chin) it played some role in your practice, even if that practice is ultimately realization-centred – that’s all! j
October 30, 2007 at 1:09 pm #25417I figured that was your point of view and you explainded it Beautifully.
“focus our attention/Yi on this Qi/Consciousness/Awareness/Shen”
This shows intintion to the life force, what that intintion is will be mirrored back, and it took the will to practice and the contintued will to continue to practice. Everything we do shows intintion conscious or unconscious. My self I am not about control I am about talking and listening both I feel is an art. Talkng and listening is a cycle of evoling coe creative process with the life force. I feel the formulas are where developed in any tradtion to communicate a certain intintion and the continued practice of the formula strengthens the reality of the intintion. I feel there is intintions behind attention and these are often revealed in time.Thats my perspective for know.
Till next time on the healing Tao where the women are strong, all the men are good looking, and every child is above average.
DogOctober 30, 2007 at 1:32 pm #25419I am definitly not totaly right thats part of my point.:)Yes alchemist to alchemist west to east your going to get similar accounts of merging, also similar mythologies. I believe its the more truncaded tradition where there starts to have big differences. The farther one goes away from Alchemical traditions, weather it be theater, food, home building, science, and religion. I hope that clears up my point of view.
What do you feel makes Rawn Clark an Magician and not a western Alchemist is this just simantics or do you feel there is an important distinction? Also what cosmology do you like to us or have you come up with one of your own?
October 30, 2007 at 3:03 pm #25421>>Yes alchemist to alchemist west to east your going to get similar accounts of merging, also similar mythologies<>I believe its the more truncaded tradition where there starts to have big differences. The farther one goes away from Alchemical traditions, weather it be theater, food, home building, science, and religion. I hope that clears up my point of view.<>What do you feel makes Rawn Clark an Magician and not a western Alchemist is this just simantics or do you feel there is an important distinction?<>Also what cosmology do you like to use or have you come up with one of your own?<<
I am not certain what you mean by a cosmology… I view things in a practical manner with regard to 'what works', but I certainly don't come up with one of my own without reference to anyone else! By 'cosmology' do you mean a mythology, or a model of processes, or what? ๐
I don't have a set mythology for certain. For models of processes most of them are western. Tracing back the approach of Bardon one finds people like Robert Fludd, Iamblichus and Appolonius of Tyana helpful, the emerald tablet, etc. But dealing also with the elements in the manner of a sorcerer – by connecting to them in meditation etc. I've mentioned astrology and of course there are useful things on the non-physical anatomy to be found in many places. But I'm not sure, like I say, whether I'm actually answering your question here. ๐
I go much more by what I find than by what I read of course, but when I see a possible explanation of what I've found in what I read, then that goes into the file as a possibility. Gradually the possibilities become more and more convincing, or else they drop away. j
October 30, 2007 at 5:28 pm #25423One thing about intention. Our life unfolds, in this unfolding is intention, the intention to self realize, to live from our true nature. This is built in to our life, Jing-Shen implies this, Jing intrinsically seeks this, this is just taoist terms to explain this natural process. The chong mai goes from Kidneys to Heart, from Zhi to Shen, from Jing to Shen, its all layed out. Chong is the active form of Jing in Acupuncture channel form, it represents prenatal, it is In-Utero and opens to post natal, SPleen 4/Earth channel, this is the connection of post natal to prenatal, it is post natal shaping prenatal. It is the foundation for using Yi to focus on the chong mai, the center, to understand and be with Heaven in Earth, the normal, natural unity of life, the space that allows us to experience the changing post natal life from prental awareness, two go together, it allows us to enjoy and appreciate the changing nature of life, not hanging on to changing things.
This Jing-Shen is our normal life, not something special or diffent, in a way we chase the special and different and leave the thing we truly desire, the thing that always exists, is always with us, that you realize you exist, your true self. But as long as we desire something special and unique we create polarity where it is not natural polarity, it is chasing the false fire, the false self, not the true fire and true self.
October 30, 2007 at 5:55 pm #25425“My question to you ‘transformation of jing’, or ‘resolution of physical-based polarity’ was simply whether (as with Nan Huai-Chin) it played some role in your practice, even if that practice is ultimately realization-centred – that’s all! j”
Can you define “Transformation of Jing” or “Resolution of physical-based polarity”I have not studied Nan, i think i read one book awhile back.
October 30, 2007 at 5:57 pm #25427>>Can you define “Transformation of Jing” or “Resolution of physical-based polarity”<<
It's not that important, forget it. j
October 30, 2007 at 7:04 pm #25429I belive life does unfold yet it also implodes at the same time. This is what I call taliking and listening. Thank you for being patient I am still learning to express my experience.
October 30, 2007 at 7:44 pm #25431I see very little in difference in cosmology between Taoist and old school western Alchemists Cosmology wich is a cosmology of the magician and of evan ancient theater, home building. I see allot traditions cut of from this past where they get there symbols and there practices. This is sort of a side thought thing. The whole unity thing in my opion is as simple as you say it is it just is.
***It is definitely possible to practice magic in the western tradition without being an alchemist, and indeed I believe, it is expected that one contact the unity in that manner first, before working alchemically with it.***
That is my understanding as well. So do you us a western alchemical cosmology like the Eygtian with images of gods or more like the greeks(very math flavored) with the principle of all things is the monad or unit; arising from this monad the undefined dyad or two serves as material substratum to the monad etc, or is it more like the Kabbalic there all very similar little different flavors. I mean your magic came out of these I am assuming. Did you make your own with some differences.
October 31, 2007 at 12:05 am #25433Within this exploding and imploding there is you, the consciousness that exists during both exploding and imploding, that is your true nature, stay there and enjoy the ebb and flow of life.
October 31, 2007 at 1:32 am #25435I agree. I agree fully about staying centered is the key. I also agree that intintion arise from the yuan. I have a feeling that yin and yang are not born of the yuan but of the wuji. I just have a feeling that the self is trinary and the yuan is the ground substance. Does this sound right to you.
I play a little devils advicate sometimes it helps me learn. Thanks for playing.
October 31, 2007 at 6:19 am #25437>>I see allot traditions cut of from this past where they get there symbols and there practices.<>That is my understanding as well. So do you us a western alchemical cosmology like the Eygtian with images of gods or more like the greeks(very math flavored) with the principle of all things is the monad or unit; arising from this monad the undefined dyad or two serves as material substratum to the monad etc, or is it more like the Kabbalic there all very similar little different flavors. I mean your magic came out of these I am assuming. Did you make your own with some differences.<<
I'm afraid I don't understand the question. There is only one cosmology to me, the real one.
My magic didn't come out of reading but out of practical work. The examples you give don't make any sense to me I'm afraid! The cosmologies of the Egyptians and Greeks don't oppose 'deific' with one against 'mathematic' with the other. The culture which built the pyramids was mathematic; the culture which built the parthenon was deific. j
October 31, 2007 at 6:30 am #25439October 31, 2007 at 6:31 am #25441… is that a ‘cosmology’?
October 31, 2007 at 12:06 pm #25443Five elements and how the relate back to a trinity, how the elements relate to organs, tastes, and smells ect. Chinese martial arts is based of chinese cosmology so is food, home building, astrology, magic. So I was wondering what map do you us. I should not have said greeks and realy should have said pythagoreans. Do you us the Taoist cosmology of yin,yang,yuan–shen,hun,yi,po,zhi.
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