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- This topic has 21 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 18 years, 4 months ago by
October 20, 2006 at 10:55 am #18751October 20, 2006 at 1:33 pm #18753
I always have a problem accepting the opinion of experts. Most times they have an agenda.
Best case in point is DDT. It is one of the best and most amazing chemicals of all time. Yet, I’m sure many on this board would automatically cringe at the mere mention of DDT.
Recently, the UN’s World Health Organization reversed the ban on DDT because the science just didn’t back up the claim that DDT was harmful.
If you look in history, you’ll see 2 players who made the ban happen and ingrained the fallacy that DDT has harmful. The first player was Rachel Carson, an expert who used inaccurate data and methods. The environmentalists fought for the ban on DDT more to prove their authority, than due to the science. The second player was William Ruckelshaus, the EPA’s first Administrator. He ultimately supported the ban to prove the power of his agency, not because of the science.
The ensuing ban of DDT caused malaria to skyrocket in third world countries. In some countries, the number of malaria deaths went from the low teens to hundreds of thousands. India never banned DDT and malaria has all but vanished.
Millions of unnecessary deaths were caused by the ban of DDT just because the environmental movement and the EPA wanted to prove their authority and power.
So when you talk about people ignoring experts, I proudly stand tall and say “Yes, I do! Especially when they have an agenda.”
October 21, 2006 at 2:50 pm #18755I have looked at this situation over and over again through time and come to much the same conclusions as you do. We have to let the lifeforce handle the process because it’s wiser than us.
But! Equally important is that WE are here to be the embodiment of the dao, agents of the lifeforce. As we grow and develop our relationship with life we are given more power to do things in alignment with the lifeforce. And I believe we are supposed to make choices, to say what we prefer. After all, we cannot separate ourselves form the lifeforce or anything else going on here. We cannot exist here without altering the field. Our consciousness shapes the field. Why not willingly contribute? Why not accept that we (some of us, anyway) are trustworthy and have good intentions, and let that help things?
I do not think we will interfere with the plans of the Dao for the earth if we hold the space in love and allow the process to complete itself so we all can live in a harmonious dream instead of in a nightmare.
Smiling to the process and the goal,
AlexanderOctober 21, 2006 at 6:16 pm #18757THis is not in direct responce.
Everything has a time a place. To aviod alot of death and pain. It is easier to make changes internally in the safty of your room. Look at 911, Katrina, and the Tsunami if we can make the changes before hand, alot less of this is needed. The same goes for sickness in the body. There are alot of people who start to live only after they are at risk of death. People wipe away alot of the BS in there life when comes to death. I am reading a Book called The Tao Of Healing writen by Heaven Trevino he is able to see the gift in his ALS.
peace be with you
October 22, 2006 at 2:08 am #18759AA”Why not accept that we (some of us, anyway) are trustworthy and have good intentions, and let that help things?”
AA”I do not think we will interfere with the plans of the Dao for the earth if we hold the space in love and allow the process to complete itself so we all can live in a harmonious dream instead of in a nightmare.”
glad you said that, that’s what I meant by having a corresponding measure of divine direction/sacred knowuing to accompany power.
actually i personally don’t seperate the 2 anyway, as i focus on cultivating them simultaneously. as it appears that you do too….then, knowing that we can be trusted with power, as it increases within us, we become catalysts for “the plans of the earth”
you know that australian saying ‘no worries’? to me it means ultimately, everyting is OK.
lovin’ the journey
October 22, 2006 at 12:03 pm #18761Here is part of an artical I read awhile back. Enjoyed the iformation and energy.
Co-creation using the many selves
Let me move on to another subject, and one you all wish to know about. Humans are possessed with a desire to know, “How do I co-create my reality?” Well, the first way is to get rid of your 3D sense of time. Understand and agree that you are a bigger energy than you can see in 3D. There are more of you than it seems, and although you’re in charge of your life and your brain, think for a moment of these other lifetimes that are still happening, that you also have control over. “God, does that mean that I also have control over my Higher-Self?” Yes, it does because your Higher-Self is no more than a divine complement of your angelic being. It sits there in no judgment at all, and does not control you. It sits there ready to be connected to you and when you connect your thoughts, they are the enhanced thoughts of you, but enhanced by the wisdom of the Higher-Self.
Back to co-creation. In order for me to do this explanation correctly, I have to give you the rule. It’s an axiom that you’ve always known intuitively is there, but now I’m going to verbalize it. It’s about enlightenment, and here it is: No amount of enlightenment energy can be put upon another person to change them without their permission. Let me put it in another way. You cannot, with your enlightenment, spiritually steamroll over another person who doesn’t have it. It’s against the rules; it cannot be done.
Co-creation in the 3D sense might appear to be something you do with your own energy, which affects you and gets you something. That’s not the way it works, though. You cannot, in all integrity, affect someone else’s life with your own co-creation. Now, when you think about this, you might say, “Well, how else can it work? Doesn’t there have to be a winner and a loser? At least there has to be someone else affected by what I create. I don’t live on a desert island. Everything I do will affect someone else.” The answer is no, there is not a winner and loser. Instead, there is a winner and a winner.
There is a huge concept you don’t understand. As you co-create for yourself, you push energy around that never would have been pushed around before. When you do this, it helps someone else to move into a place that will eventually give them a light that they didn’t have before, allowing them better free choice. At the same time, it creates the situation in your life that you have been working on. It’s complex, but think of it this way your energy is perfect for all around you when you are co-creating with pure intent. It never violates the rule.
Let me review so that you understand two things we have mentioned before. When you send light, it is the same concept. We told you this before: You are not asked to send light with a bias. If you know something is happening, and you wish to send light there to help it, don’t send the solution! Don’t send what you want to happen. Just send light. Get used to understanding that light is all you have. It has “cosmic intelligence” that knows what to do. That’s what the lighthouse has. It doesn’t have an agenda. It only has light. It doesn’t broadcast something on the light. It only has light. It depends upon someone else “seeing” what it does. You send light to a place in the darkness, and whoever is there gets to see better. Do you understand? And when they see better with their free choice, they can choose things that you have helped illuminate with your light. That is the integrity of sending light, and it also applies to co-creation.
The second review is we told you about prayer. When you pray for someone, don’t put an agenda on it. This it tough! “God, if we can’t put an agenda on it, how do we pray for somebody?” It’s easy. Imagine the end result of the prayer. If you’re praying for someone’s health and they are sick, see them in your mind as happy without the disease. Don’t imagine how it’s going to be done and don’t tell God what to do. See the result. You are actually pulling upon the “now” of your potential futures when you do this. If you pray for peace, see an Earth where families are not in fear or worried, where they don’t have war. Visualize the smiles of the children in a safe place.
It is your visualization that is your prayer, and that, my friends, is just like sending light. Send the compassion of your Divine-Self in places that need it. That’s what real lighthouses do, except that they have physical light and you have spiritual light. That’s not hard to understand, but the hardest one is about co-creation.
The only way I can do this is to give you this example, and one that you will all understand, especially in this town [New York City]. See, I know where I am. [Smile How many of you have heard of the Parking Angel? [Laughter] You’ve got Parking Angels here, you know? You probably have more than most. [Smile]
The way it works
Let’s say for a moment that you’re in your vehicle and you’re circling the block. You’re praying: “Dear Parking Angel, I don’t know how you’re going to do it, but I need a space here.” You’ve all been there, haven’t you? [Laughter] Suddenly, indeed, another vehicle pulls out right in front of you, and that driver leaves, and you pull in. You say, “Thank you, Parking Angel!” Now let me review to you what just happened so that you’re not confused.
There are some who feel the scenario goes like this: Your arrival in the circling mode changes the energy of the block and, somehow, some poor soul who is in a store shopping gets ripped away from the store by the Parking Angel, and plopped into their car, where they’re forced to put it in reverse and leave! Bewildered, they suddenly realize that they had no intention of leaving, but they did anyway! What happened? [Laughter] Then you pull into the space!
Oh, how 3D of you! Of course, what I just described simply doesn’t happen. No, instead it’s a synchronized dance done out of time and space. Do you know how complex this is? Think of this the next time you get “your space.” Here is the correct scenario: Your arrival is about to correspond with someone else’s departure, so all the Parking Angel has to do is to align the synchronicity of the dance. You’re there at the right time, the shopper leaves, and you pull in. They’re happy. You’re happy. Everybody wins. However, this involves the many portions of you who are in many places at the same time, as well as the one who is shopping. The Parking Angel is actually a traffic director of the immense planning session that many parts of you are involved in all the time.
Now, think for a moment of the complexity and of the planning of all this. You’ve got a Higher-Self and you’ve got other selves above that… all knowing what time you’re coming, what time you’re going, when you’re going to pray, and also the same thing about the others who are shopping. Did you ever consider that the other angels in this dance have to agree? They do! Did you ever wonder if your good fortune was someone else’s co-creation? It often is… made much easier to synchronize.
There the shopper sits in her car. She is praying, “God, parking places are really hard to get. Let this one go to another who really deserves it, and who loves you the way I do.” Suddenly, you show up! Now… who was co-creating for whom?
Do you understand how complex this is? Now, amplify this complexity tens of millions of times, because the process is about a dance of synchronicity. You’re asking for relationship issues; you’re asking for job issues; you’re asking for travel issues… so many things you’re trying to co-create in your life.
You’re asking for the synchronicity of the dance and at the same time, so many of you don’t understand how this works. You put rules on it. “Oh, Spirit, deliver to me exactly what I need, and I’ve got this need and I’ve got that need and I’m going to co-create it. Uh… but I’m not willing to leave town, by the way, and I’m not willing to do this and I’m not willing to do that.”
“How am I supposed to do anything,” your angel says, “if you put restrictions on it?” If you put restrictions on it, you’re not going to have any co-creative ability. Restrictions stop the music.
If you want to co-create, let the dance begin! No restrictions. Don’t be afraid of the love of God. You think you’ve got it figured out where you’re supposed to be and what you’re supposed to be doing? But you’ve all got something, don’t you, that you don’t want God to disturb. “God, don’t touch my family,” some say. Let me tell you about your imprisoned thoughts. You’re always afraid that God’s going to do something to disturb your family or friends or something good in your life. What if, instead, we touched your family and made them fall in love with you all over again? What if they got an enhanced love wash? What if this family of yours that you don’t want us to touch suddenly becomes interested in what you have found? Do you have the courage to let them all know? That’s what I want to tell you. Things are not what they seem.
October 23, 2006 at 12:30 am #18763 -
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