Home › Forum Online Discussion › Philosophy › Round 7 (Prelim.) Humans Have a Binary Soul
- This topic has 63 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 18 years, 10 months ago by
singing ocean.
April 18, 2006 at 6:05 pm #12909
In your head refers to practices that require lots of energy manipulation and moving the pearl out of your head in long meditations in the astral plane. Liang and Chia do this. Michael uses more movement and deeper inside with the Five Shen.
April 18, 2006 at 6:36 pm #12911YOU ARE SO WRONG. Chia does not do this for long periods, you are talking about things you do not know. Off all the time you would practice, bringing the pearl out is a very small part of the time.
Chia has five shen, he has it all too. Its clear you do not practice the higher levels.
April 18, 2006 at 6:55 pm #12913Chia does bring the pearl out of the body, does he not? How am I wrong on this? I am not familiar with Chia’s higher practices so I do not know. I’m only saying from
what I have read about it.I meant that Chia does not include working with the Five Shen as Michael does. I did not say that he does not work with them at all. Michael’s attempt is on soul completion, while Chia wants to crystalize the spirit with essence for the authentic immortal self, or golden light body. I am well aware that he comes from the Five Interior Gods School.
Once again, you misinterpret me, Bagua.
FajinApril 18, 2006 at 7:05 pm #12915Well, we disageree and I know Chia and have studied with him.
If you do the smile, orbit, fusions, kan and li, lets say two hours, you may spend 5-10 minutes outside of body, 90% or more inside. Got it???????
Why do you do Qi GOng outside, near trees, water, etc. Why not sit in building, you want external Qi, well you can get it in many ways.
April 18, 2006 at 7:21 pm #12917I am delighted to see so much buzz happening here. Hopefully something will get cooked,including me.
First of all, let me clear up the assumption that I am trying to pigeon hole all buddhists into little boxes.
There are as many different schools of Buddhism, if not more, as there are in Taoism. So I am not concerned about what school anyone belongs to – only about the underlying issue of soul completion involving both the yin “soul” and the yang “spirit” to use Peter Novak’s terms.
If some school cultivates both of those, i support it. The first book published on Taoist neidan in English – Taoist Yoga: alchemy & Immortality by Charles Luk – was by a buddhist. We know the practices are deeply entwined in China. But our purpose here is to unravel the underpinnings and get to some clarity about possible differences between enlightenment and immortality.
Fors starters, let’s stop pretending that all religions and paths are the same. No need to act miffed about your particular subsect or teacher in order to distract from the point being made. When I make a point about classical buddhism of the Pali original type adhered to by Max (vs. its tantric evolution in Tibet, or its subsequent variations) (for example) – they have particular beliefs which are printed in books for anyone to read. and they DO NOT ATTRIBUTE SOUL STATUS TO EMBODIMENT EQUAL TO EXISTENCE IN A BODHISATTA REALM.
You can site numerous exceptions, and waffle all your want, but it is a valid generalization in my opinion, i.e. valid for purposes of this discussion.
I don’t care what path anyone follows, including Taoist. I am just trying to get to underlying issues, and point how how the soul issue as it relates to the body has been blurred by ALL the major religions today, i.e. MOST Hindus, Buddhists, and Christians. And I think Peter Novak has done a service in pointing how how manyof them originally did use a binary soul concept that got lost.
But most Buddhists clearly do NOT have a binary soul concept. If I am mistaken, please educate me. Doing a practice that also deals with the body does not mean you are working with a binary soul concept OR the third immortal soul beyond it. You could be doing a body centered practice for other reasons.
My comments about Buddhists attributing reincarnation as a cause of suffering are not misleading. But I should have added the word “ongoing” cause of suffering – i.e. humans keep coming back and re-experiencing mental attachment as the immediate cause of suffering. But clearly there is an implication that there is some “attachment” that continues after death that is causing the next round of reincarnation and suffering.
Otherwise we would just die once, and the attachment would be ended forever. Peter Novak is saying that the Spirit can be perfectly Unattached and have no desire to reincarnate – but that the other half of its former self, the yin half of the soul, from which it is after death totally unaware – is still holding those memories and attachments and is suffering and stuck. And that some mechanism in the Cosmos (he lacks a theory of the life force) propels a resolution and re-incarnation of new binary soul.
But my whole point here – and Peter Novak’s – is that what the Buddhists are calling “mind” here, and what is generally discussed as ego here, is not sufficient to describe what is meant by the binary soul, both halves of which survive after death.
Mental activities that are described by psychologists as “egoic” are really a byproduct of the conflict that is happening between the two halves of the soul. The actual thoughts or feelings of attachment, the desires themselves – are not the problem in this model. The core problem is the lack of integration between the two halves of the soul. And that cannot really be solved at the level of ego/mind.
In the taoist alchemical model, the activity of the five shen are an extrapolation and expression of the these two primary bi-souls, which are identified in Kan and li practices as primal water and fire. You can re-arrange the activity of the five shen to be more harmonious and functional in the world (goal of psychological counseling), but that doesn’t mean they have integrated at the soul level. But a certain level of ego intregration is a prerequisite to realizing the deeper level of the binary soul as the source of left-righit brain ego activities.
It’s why, in my opinion (since I accept the binary soul reality), that merely releasing one’s mental attachments or simply “shifting the angle of perception of the mind” does NOT equal the marriage of the two halves of the binary soul into a third consciousness. Those releasing attachment practices may produce wonderful results, but I am simply saying they are not the same process.
And if one feels that those other practices lead to spontaneous union of the two halves of the binary soul, then I say it good to make that process conscious and use language that will encourage people to cultivate that binary soul marriage. There’s no need to pretend that it can’t be spoken of, because clearly it can and has been explored for thousands of years.
Cosmologically speaking, the binary souls of human is simply a stepped down expression of the union of Humanity’s parents, Heaven and Earth. So it’s perfectly natural that half our human soul would reflect an earthly nature, and half would reflect a heavenly nature.
If the binary soul halves marry and have an inner child/sage, that sage child can live eternally carrying the consciousness of both heaven and earth. If the two halves don’t marry, the soul experiment is over and the two halves get recycled back to the pool of earthly or heavenly consciousness.
It makes perfect intuitive sense to me, and feels harmonious and balanced.
April 18, 2006 at 7:32 pm #12919ALRIGHT!!!
You’ve made your point. Happy?
April 19, 2006 at 12:20 am #12921Hi Michael:
That was a very interesting article and you make some enlightening comments.
It seems to me the entire dialogue centers around Yin-Yang, seeing them as two forces, separate, not one inseparable unit. When the two are experienced as one, there is no dichotomy, in my opinion this is what the masters of the past talk about and share.
It’s why, in my opinion (since I accept the binary soul reality), that merely releasing one’s mental attachments or simply “shifting the angle of perception of the mind” does NOT equal the marriage of the two halves of the binary soul into a third consciousness. Those releasing attachment practices may produce wonderful results, but I am simply saying they are not the same process.
This third consciousness is always present, we float in and out of it. We cultivate to retain this space, awareness or conscoiusness. Its conditioning and old unfavorable patterns that prevent us from living more hours in each day in this consciousness, for most it takes years or a lifetime to cultivate this awareness, this is the process of knowing the one in Yin-Yang, or as you call it, marriage of the two souls.This third force/consciousness always exists, not just when the two are “married” in alchemy as you mention, maybe alchemy can help one realize or experience it.
And if one feels that those other practices lead to spontaneous union of the two halves of the binary soul, then I say it good to make that process conscious and use language that will encourage people to cultivate that binary soul marriage. There’s no need to pretend that it can’t be spoken of, because clearly it can and has been explored for thousands of years.
Your terminology, the union of the binary souls, is not a new idea, it is hun/po, yin-yang, dragon-tiger, sun-moon, and on and on. It just comes down to what process does one use to unifiy them and experience the fruit or natural result of that unity.wm
Cosmologically speaking, the binary souls of human is simply a stepped down expression of the union of Humanity’s parents, Heaven and Earth. So it’s perfectly natural that half our human soul would reflect an earthly nature, and half would reflect a heavenly nature.
Isn’t this what all the taoists of the past teach?MW
If the binary soul halves marry and have an inner child/sage, that sage child can live eternally carrying the consciousness of both heaven and earth. If the two halves don’t marry, the soul experiment is over and the two halves get recycled back to the pool of earthly or heavenly consciousness.
Well, if you believe yin-yang are different or not one unified field, then yes.If you believe they are an inseparable unit, they just change to a new Tai Ji.
There is no yin-yang without Tai Ji, when there is Yin-Yang, Tai Ji exists, the three are one.bagua
April 19, 2006 at 12:49 am #12923Thats funny I thought that it was understood. When I was learning the basics I saw the yin and yang that came after the wuji and thought that after you work with the five elements that you can go on to the yin and yang level. I thought that after every interaction of of yin and yang that some thing was created. So that there was something cool that happend when you get to that level. I did not know it was such a hot topic. Of course it did not seem like a big deal because I had studied sufism and they just have different words for the same ideas (well not totally). They just call them stations of the way. seven station of the self, seven station of the heart, seven stations of the soul, seven stations of the secret. But the work I do with Michael or Li Jun Feng seem to repeat some simple basics. My Grand Ma always wanted me to call her funmother not grand ma I asked her why and she said “because I plan to teach you the importance of fundamentals, If you understand the fundamental principles in what ever you do it will be easier and more enjoyable. From the roots the tree grows.
April 19, 2006 at 1:22 am #12925It seems they are promoting each person is incomplete, it is evolving, like an infant to adult, and one may never evolve and spilt and go into the cosmos. So they are trying to explain the idea that the Po goes to the earth and hun off to the ethereal, split forever, lost opportunity for “soul completion”. This is the most ambigious of tao theory and to me, it is like cristians saying, accept Jesus as lord and saver or go to hell. They are saying do my alchemy or split and loose the opportunity for immortality forever, because we our method is not like yours.
April 19, 2006 at 3:37 am #12927“…lost opportunity for “soul completion”. This is the most ambigious of tao theory and to me,”
This is a discussion board after all. It seems like there are a number of missionary buddhists on the board as well. I think we as Daoists are trying to clarify and refine the cosmology, so the point is really to answer and discuss the questions rather than getting miffed about someone not agreeing with you. We are free to agree or disagree based on our own experience or fixed thought patterns, or research.
April 19, 2006 at 12:16 pm #12929Hi SO:
can you share where in the taoist cosmological models it shows Hun and Po separate and there is the loss for integration? By model I mean:
wu ji–tai ji-all things or
wu ji–yin/yang-four forces-eigth gua–all thingsthanks,
April 19, 2006 at 1:42 pm #12931Bagua,
In Taijiquan, we gather earth qi through our feet into dantian and heaven qi from heaven into dantian. The same goes for Hun and Po, we unify them just as heaven and earth. This is Michael’s way of working with them.
April 19, 2006 at 11:30 pm #12933A) why don’t you contact Novak and offer to teach him the alchemy that resolves the issue?
2) I guess there’s a lot of Buddhists living in denial. I have found this to be true as well.
April 20, 2006 at 2:28 am #12935>>”can you share where in the taoist cosmological models it shows Hun and Po separate and there is the loss for integration? By model I mean…”
“It’s all one”: Well yes, the original self is there all along, and separation and unification is a natural process, but combining and cooking is also choice, as is letting go, as is holding to the one. If you are all one then be content and stay in the absolute, if you ride the wave of change between heaven and earth, then enjoy the surfing, dude!
left right
hot cold
alive dead
male female
heaven earth
up down
inside outside
fire water
black white
yin yang
conscious unconsious
forget remember
dual singular
empty full
bent straight
valley mountain
holy damned
mortal immortal
moral immoral
heart kidneys
sex abstinence
north south
big small
open closed
east west
yowza yowzaApril 20, 2006 at 2:37 am #12937hi So:
All the Yin-Yang relationships you mention are not about separation, they are about the cyclical flow of one eneregtic pattern, this is where we differ. I view these yin-yang patterns as play within an inseparable tai ji unit, its only when there is an extreme is there the “negative” polarization, which needs to be remedied.
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