I just bought some sea salt, the way I usually use it is after a normal soap and shampoo shower, I just take about a handful, rub it all over my body, then remove it under the shower…. I’m wondering if this is effective for energy cleansing and how often I should do it…. Can I do it every day? Is once a week ok? Is once a week even effective? Thanks
Sea salt baths are very well know and used here in Brazil to “clean evil energy’s”. To me is pure superstition. But the intention of cleaning in that believe can be powerful.
Here this idea comes with the cult of Iemanja, one african deity of water. People took sea bath to take away the evil spirits. later people started reproducing that in their own homes using home salt. Wich I dont believe to be as effective as an ocean.
But we have references of salt being a spiritual component in diverse pracatices and religions. So it can have some energy effects that I dont know. If someone know more about that I would like to hear it.