Home › Forum Online Discussion › General › Super Healing Sounds method ″tuned″ with EMDR. What do you feel?
- This topic has 19 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 13 years, 9 months ago by
Michael Winn.
May 26, 2011 at 12:01 pm #37399
Hello fellow tao beings!
The following question was rolling around in my head for a long time and I″d ♥ to hear your experiences, thoughts and feelings regarding this.
I come from the traditional Chia teachings and practiced them for about 5 years before finally discovering Michael Winn which enhanced my practice and understanding a hundred fold. Often Michael would add something to the practice or explain an aspect even clearer that would make the whole thing even more powerful.
BUT NOW there is one practice where Chia has something that I never heard Michael speak of: the EMDR ″integration″ in the Healing Sounds practice.
Chia calls it DNA reprogramming and it basically is a sitting healing sound practice during which you deliberately activate situations in your mind that you personally label ″negative″ which immerses the yin organ in this feeling of ″negativity″. When you really feel the emotion you look at it in this ″special″ left and right way and ″delete″the information in the organ. then you do the same thing in your brain…
Chia claims that your DNA gets reprogrammed…I would ADORE to know what Michael /and you all out there think of this process and what are your experiences with it.
I now bring this up because about 2years ago I ordered the complete set of chi gong fundamentals + some other courses from healingdao and after meticulous practice !♥I REALLY enjoy them♥! I am now arriving at the fusion courses, where this subject is discussed too.
Also I wonder if Chia made this up, because this EMDR integration seems really new and there seems to be no connection to ONEclouds formulars nor any other ″asian master method″…
I would really love to hear what you thing because the topic of negative emotions is so at the heart of humanity and exploring how to best deal with it is a true treasure skill.
grateful greetings
J. aka dragon love
May 26, 2011 at 12:06 pm #37400just adding that chia says that thanks to this method there where people healed of serious addictions and trauma which was neither possible with just the HS or just the EMDR!
I just thought to myself ″if this stuff works this would be the key to ALL trauma and kind of every reason for hate or anything″
It would be really fascinating to know what happens during the process on the energetic / 5 phase / yin yang / subtle / hidden level…
May 26, 2011 at 4:21 pm #37402Chia was even doing this back in 2007 when I first took a
retreat with him. It’s kind of a nice technique, so long as
you don’t use it as an escape to avoid learning lessons
that troublesome emotions and life experiences provide, in my view.Most of the material presented by Chia (and Michael) is
innovative, and not part of the original One Cloud formulas.
They add in and test-run all kinds of new things to see if
they can supercharge what is already known.Like all things, you test them.
If you work for you, great . . . it’s a new tool.
If it doesn’t, you ignore it and don’t use it.It’s all self-exploration.
Welcome to the forum,
StevenMay 26, 2011 at 6:40 pm #37404Is there a risk to super-charging these methods passed on by enlightened people and immortals?
May 27, 2011 at 1:04 pm #37406Hi Steven and everyone,
thanks for the warm welcome.Yeah I learned this technique first in 2009 but since then the escape issue that you mention kind of kept me from doing this because I dont really know what I am really doing. I know that the unknown is a good place and our ego mind cannot understand most of the things we do in inner alchemy so I am fine with that part. but there is a fine line between not knowing what you do and trusting the unknown.
I personally think that emotions are just feedback to life triggered by our beliefs. Chia mentioned that it is not bad to experience them BUT you have to clean the garbage out of the ″organs″ regularly. And I interestingly noticed that after starting the practice a lot comes up and life is little bit more crazy but after continuing the practice for about 3 nights in a row, life gets smoother and somehow more in the flow. So it DOES WORK for me BUT after a few days practice I am able to go to so deep deep levels that I always stopped myself BECAUSE I think that Chia mentioned at one point you have to be CAREFUL that you dont delete the ″wrong″thing or something, but I dont really remember exactly.
yet I love the concept of cleaning your organs every evening just like you brush your teeth every night and I d love to have a smart effective practice for that emotional body that I can use every single night as a good night ritual.I just want to be sure that it is not one of these ″mixmatch mischmasch″ practices like fusion that chia teaches in his books./nothing against him he is Great!/
SO it would be really reassuring to understand more of the dynamics of it, to hear of your experiences with DNA reprogramming and especially to hear Michaels point of view because if Michael was not there I would probably be another fusion victim shooting that pearl out of my head and draining my substance… thanks again Michael for warning us! and clearing the confusion about fusion.
from my own experience I know how EXTREMELY powerful this chi stuff is and as I am part of the new lucky ″chi elite″:) I dont want to mess up my energies with my 23 years and build my base really good and solid so that I can carry the torch for the generations to come and be part of that immensely valuable alchemical dao heritage.
I so ♥ this stuff
May 28, 2011 at 3:02 am #37408The way implies constant change, is there a risk to change?
May 28, 2011 at 4:45 am #37410@chris wreede in the big picture view seeing us as eternal spirits there is never a risk at all.
but when you got quite specific intentions for this life I think it is wise to at least use some of your brilliant physical mind to prepare for the best/meaning smoothest/ ride most joyful change you can possibly have…
what do you think?
May 28, 2011 at 4:45 am #37412@chris wreede in the big picture view seeing us as eternal spirits there is never a risk at all.
but when you got quite specific intentions for this life I think it is wise to at least use some of your brilliant physical mind to prepare for the best/meaning smoothest/ ride most joyful change you can possibly have…
what do you think?
May 28, 2011 at 4:45 am #37414@chris wreede in the big picture view seeing us as eternal spirits there is never a risk at all.
but when you got quite specific intentions for this life I think it is wise to at least use some of your brilliant physical mind to prepare for the best/meaning smoothest/ ride most joyful change you can possibly have…
what do you think?
May 28, 2011 at 4:45 am #37416@chris wreede in the big picture view seeing us as eternal spirits there is never a risk at all.
but when you got quite specific intentions for this life I think it is wise to at least use some of your brilliant physical mind to prepare for the best/meaning smoothest/ ride most joyful change you can possibly have…
what do you think?
May 28, 2011 at 10:59 am #37418My question was can using “supercharged” methods have risk. I think they can. Its my belief alchemy was not used as a replacement for therapy, but some use it that way. In that case it has risks.
It seems most of the types of change discussed on the forum is not the type of change implied in the “Way” of Tao.
May 28, 2011 at 12:20 pm #37420interesting point.
I agree with it in the sense that I think that one shall be healthy and quite balanced FIRST before one ventures out on that alchemical path because it is so powerful. Especially now in 2011 with all these fast energies going on.
I think turning up the energy without being balanced first can have some ″interesting″ effects.
As I started tai chi for enlightenment I felt quite strong feelings of anger bubbling up triggered by the slightest reasons that would not bother me at all before doing this marvelous form. I think inner alchemy makes you really sensitive.
Fortunately after connecting to my liver and gallbladder and doing some H sounds /without the EMDR/ my wood calmed down and I was good again. I was able to integrated this energy and not escape as discussed with Steven.
HS are so damn powerful.But I still wonder whats up with this EMDR integration.Any experiences? But it is a GREAT point that EMDR is primarily more of a therapy tool and not an alchemical high vibrating consciousness technique. Or is it?
May 28, 2011 at 1:00 pm #37422Within alchemy is the idea of cooking. Anybody who cooks knows the temperature needs to be at a pace to allow the food to cook but not burn. The same goes for self-cultivation, there is a natural pace of unfolding. If we force it there can be problems that manifest. I don’t not think the alchemists tried to hurry things, they took their time and took more of a turtle approach. It was not so much a result or specific thing to achieve, but an approach to live life.
I do not believe alchemy is to build an immortal from something not immortal. It is realizing you are part of an eternal universe, this realization transforms a stuck consciousness and immortal realization occurs.
May 28, 2011 at 4:39 pm #37424What you are describing, is what I would call a “measured pace”.
I.E. progressing at a rate that makes sense for YOU and not
someone else’s idea . . . too slow means boredom and impatience,
too fast means receiving more change/adjustment than maybe
you are ready to handle. It requires a lot of “prajna ” aka
wisdom/insight to understand this; it requires a lot of
understanding of the self . . . using self-reflection rather
than a prescribed program as your guide.As to whether alchemy builds something immortal from something
mortal, or whether it causes realization to see the already
immortal state . . . it is ultimately irrelevant. The common
thread is that practice alters ones perception. Through
practice, ones perception becomes changed, becomes deeper.
This is consistent no matter which “technical model” you wish
to adopt . . . and ultimately it is only this consistency
that matters . . . the rest is theoretical discussion that has
no real importance, in my view.Smiles,
StevenMay 28, 2011 at 4:54 pm #37426Methods passed on by enlightened people / immortals / what have you,
were presented/given to specific people, and under specific conditions.Now HT methods are taught to the masses without any real concern
as to who is being taught, what their background is, what experience
they have, what problems/traumas they are coming in with, etc. It’s
presented as a one-size-fits-all model, but everyone is different.
What is good for one person, may not be the right thing at all for
someone else.Methods were “supercharged” by those who were already experts in
the landscape, and it enhanced their practice . . . no telling
if such enhancements are the right choice for some unskilled
person with an unknown background.So yes, it carries risk.
In fact, I don’t think someone could really say otherwise, if
they are being truly honest.S
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