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December 25, 2014 at 9:48 am #43507
Judging by your Winnie-the-Pooh picture,
I wish to clarify something.Daoism is not Satanism.
Yes, there are some similarities, so let me get the similarities out of the way, so one can actually see how they are in fact different.
1. Both reject the dogma, doctrines, and authority of scriptural religions
2. Both involve empowering the individual and seeking answers for oneself
3. Both embrace the dark as well as the light, to use the dynamic interplay of extremes to promote growth
4. Both involve fantastical imagery, manipulation of energies, and charged intentions
5. Both can cause the development of “supernatural” powers over time . . . e.g. psychic abilities, being able to see/interact with other dimensions and/or possibly beings not of the physical worldPretty similar, eh?
Well, actually they are very different.
Put simply, the difference is your attitude and your goals.Differences:
1. Satanism: Try to change the lifeforce and bend it to serve selfish, power-hungry goals. End goal is to become a demon immortal, a power-hungry self-serving entity who wants to continue to increase the scope of his dominion.
2. Daoism: Unconditionally accept the lifeforce and allow it to change you. In so doing, the qualities of unconditional love and acceptance that flow from the true source “God” manifest in you, providing a deeper direct connection to it. End goal is to become an immortal who helps the true source (e.g. help guide/lift others up to see its light)
Which direction would one follow?
Again, as in previous posts in this thread, the answer comes down to choice.Steven
December 25, 2014 at 10:51 pm #43509Devil Tarot Card
A winged, horned devil, a black pedestal, a naked male and female figure, chains, inverted pentagram.Story
The Fool comes to the foot of an enormous black mountain where reigns a creature half goat, half god. At his hooves naked people, linked to the god’s throne by chains, engage in every indulgence imaginable: sex, drugs, food, drink. The closer the Fool gets, the more he feels his own earthly desires rising in him. Carnal desires, hunger for food and power, greed and selfishness.“I have given up all such desires!” he roars at the Goat god, resisting the beast’s power with all his might. He is sure that this is a test of his new spirituality, one where he must prove that the temptations of the material world cannot sway him.
The creature responds to his defiance with a curious look. “All I am doing is bringing out what is already in you,” it responds mildly. “Such feelings are nothing to fear, nothing to be ashamed of, or even to avoid. They are even useful to helping you in your quest for spirituality, though many try to pretend otherwise.”
The Fool gestures angrily at the chained men and women, “You say that even though these are clearly enslaved to the material world?”
The Goat-god mimics the Fool’s gesture. “Take another look.” The Fool does so, and realizes that the chained collars the men and women wear are wide enough for them to easily slip off over their heads. “They can be free if they wish to be,” the Goat-god says, “They remain here because they want to be controlled by their base, bestial desires. There are, however, others…”
At this the Goat-god gestures upward, toward the peak of the mountain. “…Others who have used these same impulses to climb to the highest heights. If they had denied their desires they’d never have gotten there.”
On hearing this, the Fool sees that he has mistaken the Goat-god. This is not a creature of evil as he thought, but of great power, the lowest and the highest, both of beast and god. Like all power, it is frightening, and dangerous…but it is also a key to freedom and transcendence.
From http://www.aeclectic.net/tarot/learn/meanings/devil.shtml
Goethe in his Faust made the devil a clever guy who revealed people’s hypocrisy, thereby sort of doing God’s work…
| Shadow and Light | The Self We Share | Who Says Words With My Mouth? | Two Kinds of Intelligence | Not Intrigued With Evening |
Shadow and Light
How does
a part of the world
leave the world?How does wetness
leave water?Dont’ try to put out fire
by throwing on more fire!Don’t wash a wound
with blood.No matter how fast you run,
your shadow keeps up.Sometimes it’s in front!
Only full overhead sun
diminishes your shadow.But that shadow
has been serving you.What hurts you,
blesses you.Darkness
is your candle.Your boundaries
are your quest.I could explain this,
but it will break
the glass cover
on your heart,
and there’s no fixing that.You must have
shadow and light source
and lay your head
under the tree of awe.When from that tree
feathers and wings
sprout on you,
be quieter than a dove.Don’t even open your mouth
for even a coo.From The Soul of Rumi. Translated by Coleman Barks.
The card with the closest relationship to The Devil is actually its opposite: The Hierophant. This card represents surrendering to the greater good and to the established order. When these two are in a reading together, the tension will be whether chaos or order reins supreme in your life…
Guest House
Being human is like
a guest house.Each morning a new arrival.
A joy,
a depression,
a meanness,
some momentary awarenesscomes as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still treat each guest honorably.He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.The dark thought,
the shame,
the malice,meet them at the door
laughing,and invite them in.
Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.From The Essential Rumi, page 109. Translated by Coleman Barks.
© Copyright, 2004, HarperSanFrancisco. Permission pending; fair use intended.. … … . .
I’m still searching for an interpretation where the querant is represented by Winnie the Pooh doing Qigong or else bowing to his reflectionthe Devilor else a dimensional portal…
December 25, 2014 at 11:15 pm #43511December 25, 2014 at 11:51 pm #43513I agree with this post.
Yes, giving in to carnal earthly desires is perfectly natural, and not to be avoided. The only real question is: when you give in and indulge, what is your underlying purpose for doing so . . . is it for self-serving, selfish, power-hungry goals, OR is it to free yourself from limitations of self-judgment, to be authentic, and to increase the flow of love that you share?
Attitude is everything.
For instance, two people can have sex.
One group of two can be doing it just for the self-serving sexual pleasure aspect, where they are really just using the other party for a quick dopamine high and the heart-connection is missing. Another group of two can be doing it because their hearts are in love with each other, and they recognize that the sexual pleasure shared can amplify that love. The sexual pleasure aspects can be enjoyed in both cases with no limitations, but one of these (the first) is negative, while the other (the second) is positive.The real difference comes down to the level of the heart and whether or not love is in the equation.
StevenDecember 26, 2014 at 8:13 am #43515In May 2014, a book written by Gary Stewart was released, claiming his biological father, Earl Van Best, Jr., was the Zodiac Killer, without any confirmed evidence.
-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zodiac_KillerBest had more than a passing relationship with Anton Lavey (founder of the Church of Satan) and even ensured his second marriage took place on 6/6/66 (known by Satanists as Year One of the Age of Satan). At one point, LaVey contacted SFPD telling them that he believed one of his parishioners might be the Zodiac killer. To date, the police detective has refused to divulge the name LaVey gave him.
-http://altereddimensions.net/2014/book-author-claims-zodiac-killer-is-his-father…try to change the lifeforce and bend it to serve selfish, power-hungry goals. End goal is to become a demon immortal, a power-hungry self-serving entity who wants to continue to increase the scope of his dominion…unconditionally accept the lifeforce and allow it to change you. In so doing, the qualities of unconditional love and acceptance that flow from the true source “God” manifest in you, providing a deeper direct connection to it. End goal is to become an immortal who helps the true source (e.g. help guide/lift others up to see its light)…
Sorry, but if things are this simple my choise of course is the satanic one.
But are there or have there been then real satanists?
Guy like Anton LaVey, for example, would seem to be more like a satanist clown and that Earl Van Best, whom LaVey tried to rat, the real candidate satanist.
This definition in my opinion is in reality more suitable making discrimination for example between Star Wars Jedi organization and Sith order.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9yflt20ewE (mayhemrapehumanity)
German satanic couple held after ritual murder
Kate Connolly in Berlin
The Guardian, Friday 13 July 2001 01.27 BST
A devil-worshipping newly married German couple were arrested yesterday after allegedly fleeing the scene of a suspected satanic killing.
The body of a 33-year-old car-parts dealer identified as Frank H was found on Monday in the couple’s flat in the western town of Witten, with 66 machete and hammer wounds.“The victim was no longer recognisable,” a police officer said. “We had to carry out DNA analysis to discover his identity.”
The body was lying next to a black oak coffin, models of human skulls, upturned crosses and Nazi SS rune stones.
The police also found a hit list naming 15 of the couple’s acquaintances who, it is alleged, they were planning to kill ritualistically.
The pair, named as Manuela B, 22, and Daniel R, 25, were found near Jena, eastern Germany, yesterday morning: it is said they on their way to honeymoon at Count Dracula’s castle in Transylvania, central Romania.
It was reported that the victim, a colleague of Daniel R, was invited to a party at the couple’s flat.
An investigator said: “The walls were covered in black cloths, and there was a coffin in the living room.” The slogan “When Satan Lives” was scrawled on the window.
The man is thought to have died last Friday, July 6, a date supposedly chosen for the satanic symbolism of number six.
The shaven-headed, body-pierced Daniel and his pink-haired, leather-clad bride Manuela were said to have met through an occult chat-line earlier this year, and had their first date at an old cemetery in Recklinghausen.
They chose the symbolic date of June 6 (sixth of the sixth) for their register-office wedding and told the wedding photographer that their honeymoon destination was Dracula’s castle.
Manuela’s parents told the newspaper Bild that her flirtation with satanism began when she was 13, and that her relationships took on increasingly disturbing characteristics. An early boyfriend told Bild that she had bitten him in the neck, screaming “I want your blood!”
Another ex-boyfriend said: “She told me straight away that she was a satanist. We hit each other during sex, and wore leather dog collars with studs.”
Daniel’s parents said his contact with the occult scene became intense around the time of his final school exams, and became really serious after he met Manuela.
Friends said the pair practised sado-masochistic sex, repeated extreme rightwing slogans, and had an obsession with blood.
On the mailbox of Daniel’s mobile phone was the lyric: “I drink your blood, I eat your skin.”
The victim’s parents said their son had no links with the occult scene. “He was a loving, faithful, and sensitive boy.”
He had recently been left by a girlfriend and was considering becoming a monk, they added.
On Saturday the couple, dubbed the “satanic Bonnie and Clyde”, drove to Hanover and bought new tyres for their Opel Vectra, which they were reported to have covered with five-pointed stars, another satanic symbol.
They were spotted on Sunday filling up with petrol in Sonderhausen, in the eastern state of Thüringen.
The area has held a strong attraction for satanists since 1993, when 17-year-old Hendrik Möbus, the leader of a satanist group, murdered a fellow pupil.
When they were arrested yesterday and they had wiped off the occult symbols and fitted a stolen number plate.
The incident has highlighted the strong link between satanism and rightwing extremism in Germany, both of which glorify power. The couple’s flat contained various pieces of Nazi memorabilia.
Möbus latched onto the radical right after his release from prison in 1998 after serving five years of an eight-year term.
He became a popular figure on the far-right scene following the success of his rock band.
December 26, 2014 at 10:33 am #43517>>>Sorry, but if things are this simple my
>>>choise of course is the satanic one.LOL, howdy. How am I not surprised?
But, yes, for the most part this is true.
In my earlier spiritual searching (and some even in my early Daoist days), I investigated Satanism thoroughly . . . read both the Satanic Bible and the Satanic Rituals cover-to-cover several times, as well as other occult resources. In fact, I still have them in my possession. So yes, I very much know what it is about.
I can see how some would be attracted to it.The reason why ultimately it doesn’t resonate with me, is that it is all about becoming more and more powerful and is extremely selfish. Outside of gathering power, one doesn’t evolve at all on any level of spirit; you just become a more powerful version of your current self, and perhaps even more egotistical and self-centered. They “claim” that you are evolving on the level of spirit, but it is really about creative ways to release fear so that you can more effectively become powerful without hindrance. It is also, by its nature, one of separation, so it is inherently a lonely existence as you become more cutoff from the source. To evolve to higher vibration, one needs to allow the lifeforce to change you to more adequately reflect its nature.
So yes, I’ve investigated it, but in the end, decided it was not for me.
It’s not my path.>>>But are there or have there been then real satanists?
>>>Guy like Anton LaVey, for example, would seem to be more
>>>like a satanist clown and that Earl Van Best,
>>>whom LaVey tried to rat, the real candidate satanist.It’s hard to tell how many there are. There are a lot of folks out there that claim they are Satanists, but often they are just people that have sexual fantasies surrounding aspects of humanity that people find uncomfortable. Thus the “crazy” (by society’s standards) things that they do are more about deriving pleasure from seeing the discomfort of others. It’s more of sociopath version of hedonism.
Real Satanists pretty much do what I said. Certain ritual killings are intended to be a potent way to disrupt the lifeforce by acting as an agent of chaos. This creates a lot of chaotic qi that can be captured . . . which is either used simply to make a person more powerful or to create magic spells (e.g. curses) that generate even more chaotic qi. These are the folks that use external methods to achieve their goals. The person who wants to achieve satanic goals via internal methods would look to various alchemy systems such as the Mo Pai school (“Thunder Lightning Path”) . . . but even that system the followers do things like drain the lifeforce out of cattle (killing them) to gain more power. Even Daoist alchemy (as in the Healing Tao) could be potentially corrupted to serve Satanic goals, which is why traditionally it was only taught hermit-to-hermit (it allowed a master to examine the nature of the student before he began teaching). Sidebar: It’s probably a little bit of a concern in this system especially in teaching broadly to lots of people, but I suspect that it’s not a huge concern because it is not the fastest method for Satanists. Mo Pai school and other occult methods are more well-suited to their goals. Plus, if you actually follow the HT alchemy system and dive deep into the methods, then as a result of doing a lot of Fusion 1, you bring forth the virtue qualities of the five shen. These typically do not resonate with the goals of a Satanist . . . so unless such a person is particularly devious and blocks certain changes from occurring, the system is self-filtering.
>>>This definition in my opinion is in reality
>>>more suitable making discrimination for example
>>>between Star Wars Jedi organization and Sith order.Not really.
Jedi embrace only the light side of the force and don’t want to have anything to do with the dark side. More or less, they don’t want to know anything about it. Sith, on the other hand, claim they embrace both, but pretty much stick to the dark side only.Both Daoists and Satanists embrace both the light and the dark together (i.e. realize you need to have both), but their aimed goals are different. Daoists embrace the dark to bring it into the light. Satanists steal the light to amplify the power of the dark.
So while Star Wars is fun to watch, and there are some obvious parallels (i.e. Jedi is sort of Daoist, Sith is sort of Satanist), they are not quite the same thing. They are very close, but not an exact fit.
December 26, 2014 at 10:19 pm #43519Brief note: Scrolling through Youtube videos, in a sort of deep unfocused concentration, following an impulse, looking/listening/feeling for the harmonic resonance… My hand began shaking uncontrollably and “accidentally” selected a song that I have never heard, by a group I’m familiar with. That turned into this post. Howdy, do you know what they are saying? You often apologize for your English. No need. It’s a fucked-up language, devilishly tricky. If I could speak, write, and read Finnish and Swedish, then I’d be as cool as you, perhaps.
Dråpsnatt Skelepht
Release: LP, 2012 (Frostcald Records)
Genre: Atmospheric/Symphonic Black MetalLast October I spent a few hours digging … in a terror-inducing … time… It opened my ears and I realized theres no shortage of horrifying there. From chaotic insanity to chilling soundscapes the nightmarish is definitely out there, but understandably not incredibly popular. The great creepy difficult to sit down with.
But after a while the horror almost became comedic, as I realized the bands are trying their damndest to earn that scary label and most likely take themselves much too seriously. I turned away from this undefined genre I invented for myself and never felt the need to listen to most of those artists again…
… But when Dråpsnatt released their newest album, I realized that the feeling of terror is most overwhelming when its subtle. And unexpected.
It took me a while to listen to this album the whole way through. I just couldnt do it. The vocals creeped me out so much that I needed to be be in a very specific mood to be able to listen all the way
Now, as a schmuck who listens to his fair share of demon-worshipping music, I rarely get the tinglies from something as now every day to me as a black metal record. But something about Vinterfaders shriek just grasps you in unnatural ways. Its the tormented howl of a mental patient, cursing the world with his final breath as he drowns in agony. Although not vastly different than his voice on previous records, its forward production and fantastic use of effects is what makes it really stand out this time around.The voice is a sharp, gut-wrenching pain in your torso; its grabbed your spine through your stomach and just refuses to let go.
The fact that its combined with such beautiful, almost orchestral music is what gives it that extra steeping of fear. Its a dark figure in a bright room, sucking out all the light…
…Once I overcame my apprehension and unexplainable sense of dread Skelepht gave to me, I discovered one of the most varied and satisfying records of the year. After you get used to the feel of the album, each song becomes more gripping and interesting than the last. The second half ascends into a slightly more melodic territory, as the band takes a more 2nd wave approach and uses more traditional black metal riffing in cohesion with Dråpsnatts focused wanderings.
Forruttnelsens Hypostaser is a near-masterpiece of a song that has elements of Emperor, Arcturus and Lantlôs sprinkled throughout…
By the time the album is over, the clouds part and the fear subsides. And I realize what I was most afraid of was Skelepht horrible beauty.
Final Thoughts: Suicidal and unnerving, Skelepht combines tormented vocals with unnerving elegance to create a deeply satisfying escape from reality.
From https://alchemistscave.wordpress.com/2012/09/29/drapsnatt-skelepht/
December 26, 2014 at 10:47 pm #43521DRÅPSNATT LYRICS
album: “Skelepht” (2012)Förruttnelsens Hypostaser
Putrefaction hypostases
hypostasis Translate Button
[hahy-pos-tuh-sis, hi-]
noun, plural hypostases [hahy-pos-tuh-seez, hi-] (Show IPA)
something that stands under and supports; foundation.
the underlying or essential part of anything as distinguished from attributes; substance, essence, or essential principle.
one of the three real and distinct substances in the one undivided substance or essence of God.
a person of the Trinity.
the one personality of Christ in which His two natures, human and divine, are united.Origin Expand
1580-90; < Late Latin < Greek hypóstasis that which settles at the bottom; substance, nature, essence, equivalent to hypo- hypo- + stásis standing, stasisVi är masken som söker bättre mull
Blint, på omgivningarnas näring vi frossat
Nu, trampas fötterna blodiga
på skärvorna från jorden vi krossat!We are worm seeking better mull Blindly, the surrounding area’s nourishment we wallowed Now, trampled feet bloody on the shards from the earth we Debunked!
Vi är myrorna som släpar strån
För att göra vår eviga drottning nöjd
Medan lågorna slickar nedifrån,
Vi tävlar mot toppen av stackens höjdWe are the ants that are lagging strands In order to make our eternal queen satisfied While the flames licking the bottom, We are competing against the top of the stack height
Svarta fågelskrämmor!
Alltjämt livets träd täckas
Än svarta tungor sjunger lov!
Insiktens bränder kan ej släckasBlack Bird! Still, the tree of life covered Than black tongues sing praises! Insight fires can not be extinguished
Variant of hypostasis
pl. hypostases
the masking or suppression of a gene by another gene that is not its allele
a deposit or sediment
a settling of blood in the lower parts of the body as a result of a slowing down of the blood flow
PHILOS. the underlying, essential nature of a thing
the unique nature of the one God
any of the three persons of the Trinity, each person having the divine nature fully and equally
the union of the wholly divine nature and of a wholly human nature in the one person of Jesus Christ
in full hypostatic union
Origin of hypostasis
Classical Greek a supporting, foundation ; from hyphistanai, to set under, pass, stand under ; from hypo-, under (see hypo-) + histanai, to stand, cause to stand
Related Forms:hypostatic
Webster’s New World College Dictionary Copyright © 2010 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio.
Used by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons, Inc.December 27, 2014 at 1:02 am #43523Who Stole the Sky is a wonderful piece of a song that has elements of the antidotes (For me, a necessary listen after the last, a spontaneous balancing agent) sprinkled throughout…
Who stole the sky? is the new CD of
tuvan singer Sainkho Namtchylak.
The sound continues in the direction
of the previous ‘Stepmother city’:
tuvan tradition meets urban and
electronic sounds!
In the words of Sainkho: ‘This
inner-sensed music reportage is
kind of mirroring constitution of
changes in daily electrified life of
Tuvan people. Continuing work from the previous album ‘Stepmother-city’, the new album is dedicated to computer and Internet explorers of Tuva, to all
friends of Tuva.’Review by Chris Nickson
It’s easy to understand why Tuvan Sainkho Namtchylak has been an avant-garde icon for a long time; she’s remarkable at producing the unexpected. But unlike many in her field, she also possesses a strong ear for melody, which makes her music accessible to a much wider audience. Both those strengths are on display here, along with her feeling for the music and the throat singing of her native land (very notably on the title cut and “Ohm Suhaa”). She can take a traditional piece like “Kaar Deerge” and turn it into something resembling a Celtic ballad, stripped and completely gorgeous. Then she can turn around and make something rhythmically compelling like “Runnin’ Tapes” or strange like “Digital Mutation.” By exercising the different facets of her personality, Namtchylak builds her typical unusual album with Who Stole the Sky, running from the contemporary to the past easily and naturally, and even venturing into almost jazzy territory on “Electric City.” She embraces the idea of taking chances, of using odd juxtapositions and instruments (such as ghaita), and of singing that ranges from the lush to the elemental. This is as much, if not more, of a musical future as all the genre-mixing beats you’re likely to find.December 27, 2014 at 7:15 am #43525fruktansvärd skönhet
fruktansvärt jag, du.
Jag älskar dig mer, vetskap värdet
av smärta
vetskap smärtan av förlusten
vetskap mycket lite
det bör finnas flerfödelsedagar än begravningar
ledsen om min brutna svenska.
January 1, 2015 at 11:34 am #43527lauda anima mea Dominum laudabo Dominum in vita mea psallam Deo meo quamdiu fuero nolite confidere in principibus (I will Exalt You, My God, the King)
-THE LATIN VULGATE: Psalm 145:2The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa (alternatively Saint Teresa in Ecstasy or Transverberation of Saint Teresa; in Italian: L’Estasi di Santa Teresa or Santa Teresa in estasi) is the central sculptural group in white marble set in an elevated aedicule in the Cornaro Chapel, Santa Maria della Vittoria, Rome. It was designed and completed by Gian Lorenzo Bernini, the leading sculptor of his day, who also designed the setting of the Chapel in marble, stucco and paint. It is generally considered to be one of the sculptural masterpieces of the High Roman Baroque. It pictures Teresa of Ávila.
-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ecstasy_of_Saint_TeresaAnneliese Michel [ˈanəˌliːzə ˈmɪçl̩] (21 September 1952 1 July 1976) was a German woman who underwent Catholic exorcism rites in 1975 and died the next year, due to lack of medical care. Later investigation determined that she was malnourished and dehydrated; her parents and the priests responsible were charged with negligent homicide. The case attracted media and public attention because of the Catholic Church’s unusual decision to employ the 400-year-old ritual of exorcism, something that had been rarely seen since the 18th Century. The film The Exorcism of Emily Rose is loosely based on her story.
When Michel was sixteen, she experienced an epileptic seizure and was diagnosed with temporal lobe epilepsy. She was determined to be depressed and was treated at a psychiatric hospital. By the time she was twenty, she had become intolerant of various religious objects, and began to hear voices. Her condition worsened, despite medication, and she became suicidal. Michel and her family became convinced she was possessed by demons, and appealed to a Catholic priest for an exorcism. While rejected at first, after much hesitation, two priests got permission from the local bishop in 1975, and performed exorcism rites on her for 10 months, in secret (as ordered by the bishop). After her death, Michel’s parents and the two priests were found guilty of negligent homicide, and were sentenced to six months in jail (reduced to three years of probation), and a fine. The case has been cited as an example of a misidentified mental illness, negligence, abuse and religious hysteria.
-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anneliese_MichelThe Dweller on the Threshold refers to a purported invisible and possibly malevolent entity that attaches to a human being. The term was first used by Bulwer-Lytton in his novel Zanoni.
In theosophical literature, Helena P. Blavatsky describes it as the discarded astral double of an individual in a previous life that may not have fully disintegrated yet when that individual is reborn. Thus the dweller will be drawn to the new incarnated personality due to their affinity. Sometimes this entity is also called Guardian of the Threshold.
-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dweller_on_the_thresholdSorry, but when I said that those definitions are better suitable for Jedi knights and Sith lords I simply meant that such dramatic definitions don’t go well with reality, because there hardly are such multiple ways powerful personalities.
What comes to ritual killings what about that strange Anneliese Michel case?
I think that it’s simple case of encounter with the lesser guardian of the threshold.
But is it then so that the life force especially wants to murder the pious ones?
…this creates a lot of chaotic qi that can be captured…
This really might be the motive.
Ps. Sorry for my broken English.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTiUfaKjmyQ (orlandodilassodisco)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4n9vK0_mdk (anneliesemichelexorcismdisco)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzJ_UO17Xdg (burzumdeathofjesus)January 1, 2015 at 1:56 pm #43529>>>because there hardly are such multiple ways
>>>powerful personalities.People who commit heinous crimes and are noticed by society get subtracted out, either through prison or execution. The smart ones go unnoticed.
Certainly there are a number of folks who are publicly part of the “Church of Satan” founded by LeVey. While many of these are simply atheists with a devious hatred of the Christian church and use the organization as a social club, there are some in the organization that are quite serious and have their own private practices. But they are usually smart enough to not make too much public, because they don’t want interference from outsiders. There are also real living folks in the Mo Pai school (I know some) . . . and while these folks “claim” they are Daoists that are simply following a “more powerful” path, I’ve learned enough about it directly from some of these followers that it is clear that it is really a Satanic path. They showed me directly some of their personal secret recorded trainings as well as cattle killings. I know enough about it and enough about Satanism to see clearly how they are one in the same.
Situations about a lower otherworldly entity influencing or taking control of a living person are more about either a demon immortal continuing his work–or a low dark astral entity using for energetic food–a particularly weak individual with no boundaries. I can’t speak about the Anneliese Michel case; I don’t know if it was a true hijacking by one of these entities, or simply the case of schizophrenic mental patient being taken advantage of by some religious Catholic zealots. If pressed, I’d tend to think it was more the latter than anything.
January 3, 2015 at 3:30 am #43531The new seers, in accordance with their practice, saw fit to head their classification with the primal source of energy, the one and only ruler in the universe, and they called it simply the tyrant. The rest of the despots and authoritarians were found to be, naturally, infinitely below the category of tyrant. Compared to the source of everything, the most fearsome, tyrannical men are buffoons; consequently, they were classified as petty tyrants, pinches tiranos.
He said that there were two subclasses of minor petty tyrants. The first subclass consisted of the petty tyrants who persecute and inflict misery but without actually causing anybody’s death. They were called little petty tyrants, pinches tiranitos. The second consisted of the petty tyrants who are only exasperating and bothersome to no end. They were called small-fry petty tyrants, repinches tiranitos, or teensy-weensy petty tyrants, pinches tiranitos chiquititos.
CARLOS CASTANEDA, The Fire from WithinMy interest in Tantric Buddhist meditation began in 1967, when I was first introduced to a Cheng-I orthodox Taoist master named Chuang Teng-yun, in Hsinchu city, north Taiwan. Master Chuang practiced a form of vajra or thunder meditation that was filled with siddham sanskrit mantra and tantric mudra very much like those used by the Tibetan monks. The Taoist of north Taiwan who used these ritual meditations did not know the meaning of the sanskrit words, but used them for their resonant power; each of the mantra, when sounded, summoned a spiritual image or vision, to be used in the tantric form of meditation.
-MICHAEL SASO, Tantric Art and MeditationThis is peak that most people can hope for. Finishing Level Three endows the practitioner with superior abilities. Level Three students cannot be cut with a knife when aware of the blow. I have personally witnessed a pellet from an air rifle fired at point blank range ricoched off the flesh of one brother student who had reached Level Three. Startling those at this level is dangerous, for their ch’i is governed by their emotions and flies to protect them.
-KOSTA DANAOS, Nei Kung-The Secret Teachings of the Warrior SagesI don’t know if one should be very concerned about that Mo Pai.
If I would need to choose both extreme and dangerous personage and group; I would say Adolfo de Jesús Constanzo and Aum Shinrikyo.
Isn’t it so that that John Chang should be both family man and a Christian?
Although in the first book some of his narratives seem to bring out possibility that also totally immoral characters can advance at least in some of the practices.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLe_1SheJms (predator2trailer)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7obttVlgm04 (adolfodejesusconstanzonarcosatanico)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVnscHsPfR4 (aumshinrikyo)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxRpcRYCYc4 (johndjiang)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33luwynNCng (somadeladesase)January 4, 2015 at 12:27 am #43533You quote from books re: Mo Pai.
I have had direct experience, seen things with my own eyes, and talked directly with people in that group. What is portrayed in books is not necessarily an adequate reflection of reality, or what the path is about. BTW: John Chang is NOT the only lineage holder of this path; that’s a faulty assumption on your part.Your focus is on the external variant, because it involves direct killing of other people . . . as opposed to the alchemical version. How one becomes a demon immortal is irrelevant if the end result is the same. I would argue that the smartest of these folks are the ones that don’t attract attention.
These serial killer types are mostly just sociopaths that don’t invoke any supernatural/spiritual elements . . . and the rare ones that do, are mostly stupid, as there are far more effective means without as much risk of attracting attention.
January 6, 2015 at 11:26 am #43535Mozi (Chinese: Ä«×Ó; pinyin: M¨°z¨«; Wade¨CGiles: Mo Tzu, Lat. as Micius, ca. 470 BC ¨C ca. 391 BC), original name Mo Di (Ä«µÔ), was a Chinese philosopher during the Hundred Schools of Thought period (early Warring States period).
Born in Tengzhou, Shandong Province, China, he founded the school of Mohism and argued strongly against Confucianism and Daoism. His philosophy emphasized self-restraint, self-reflection and authenticity rather than obedience to ritual. During the Warring States period, Mohism was actively developed and practiced in many states but fell out of favour when the legalist Qin Dynasty came to power. During that period, many Mohist classics were ruined when emperor Qin Shi Huang carried out the burning of books and burying of scholars. The importance of Mohism further declined when Confucianism became the dominant school of thought during the Han Dynasty, until mostly disappearing by the middle of the Western Han Dynasty.
-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MoziBodhidharma was a Buddhist monk who lived during the 5th or 6th century CE. He is traditionally credited as the transmitter of Ch’an to China, and regarded as its first Chinese patriarch. According to Chinese legend, he also began the physical training of the Shaolin monks that led to the creation of Shaolin Kung Fu.
-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BodhidharmaZhang Sanfeng was a legendary Chinese Taoist who is believed to have achieved immortality. According to various accounts, he was born in Shaowu, Nanping, Fujian during the Southern Song dynasty and lived for over 200 years until the mid-Ming dynasty. His given name was Tong (ͨ) and his courtesy name was Junbao (¾ý). He specialised in Confucian and Taoist studies, scholarly and literary arts. During the reign of Emperor Shizu in the Yuan dynasty, he was nominated as a candidate to join the civil service and held office as the Magistrate of Boling County (²©Áê¿h; around present-day Dingzhou, Baoding, Hebei). While touring around the mountainous regions near present-day Baoji, Shaanxi, he saw the summits of three mountains and decided to give himself the Taoist name “Sanfengzi” (Èý·á×Ó), hence he also became known as “Zhang Sanfeng”.
-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhang_SanfengThe Rule of Two was instituted by Darth Bane, once a student at Kaan’s Sith academy, in response to what he viewed as inevitable, self-destructive infighting within the Sith Order. The Rule of Two states that there would be only two Sith at one time, a Master and an Apprentice, guaranteeing that when the Apprentice becomes powerful enough in the ways of the dark side to take the title of Master, only then would they be worthy of the title. This transfer of power would only take place when the Apprentice takes their Master’s life and finds a worthy student to repeat the cycle. Both Master and Apprentice were considered to be Sith Lords.
-http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Rule_of_TwoI think that many practices, which should be part of that Mo Pai training, are not at all secret.
So time factor is very important in this.
I haven’t had any kind of focus here doing evil in any form, but have actually questioned if such persons really exist.
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