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- This topic has 6 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 19 years, 1 month ago by
Michael Winn.
February 10, 2006 at 9:39 am #10314
Some of you bound to have read this book (see link).
For those that havent, it’s written by a greek man – Kosta Danaos – who saw a program where this guy set a piece of paper on fire using his chi – so Kosta went in search of this guy (called John Chang) – having found him, he pleaded to stay and learn from him, which he did. From then on the book documents amazing feats that Chang performs – levitating, stopping air-rifle pellets with his hand over the barrel, slicing bananas without touching them, pushing over objects without touching, shooting visible chi from one hand to another and many more. Chang also has stories about his own dead master who could teleport (or move at lightning speed), turn solid objects into powder etc.
Is this really possible? Michael, what do you reccon? have you met this dude in a dream by any chance? How come Chia, Michael and other top-level healing dao practitioners cant (or dont) demonstrate such skills? Apparently part of the training involves moving your lower dantien around what is the significance of that? All of you have read this book, what’s your oppinion?
The Magus of Java – by Kosta DanaosFebruary 11, 2006 at 8:04 am #10315First, let’s dispense with your assumptions. How do you know what my powers are? You can’t know and don’t know. However, as an act of compassion to relieve your ignorance, I will reveal my main magical power at the end of this post.
I haven’t met Chang, and thus have no comment about him. I did see the film. But Kostas interpretation is what you are getting.
The lighting the paper on fire is a common “circus qigong” trick in china, involves putting some phosphorus chemical on it beforehand, then any contact with spit or dop of sweat will ignire it. I had one teacher play out this whole charade on me in China, accompanied by special qigong and mumbo jumbo. Buyer beware….
It doesn’t mean that Chang has no chi, or that he is a low level charlatan. it’s common amongst filipino healers to pull guts and blood out of patients – that they are pulling out of their sleeve. But the rational is that it helped the patient believe in their healing process. Some qigogn teachers might rationalize their circus tricks in the same way – it inspires their students to practice harder.
There are lots of circus qigong shows in china, usually farmers travelllng around the countryside in the off season, trying to make a little money. Walking on egg shells, bending steel swords pushed against their throat, etc. etc. Circus qigong is definitely a skill, it requires serious training and ability. But for what? To earn a little money, impress someone else? Let’s not confuse energy feats with spiritual development.
Other magical feats are usually accomplished by astral projection, i.e. someone is able to project their mind so powerfully it becomes your temporary astral reality. A better known example of this is the indian guru Sai Baba, with hundreds witnessing to his magical ability to manifest objects, holy water, stacks of money, etc. Astral projection is a real talent, no question about it. But does it last? Only in the mind of the believer.
I personally could never stand to even look at Sai Baba’s photo, it made me uncomfortable, I absolutely did not trust him. He eventually was exposed as using his guru position to engage in pedophilia with hundreds of young male followers. I guess he could astrally manifest everything except the one thing he craved, young male penises. Maybe he needed their jing to produce his astral projections.
The lesson: low astral manifestation is NOT a sign of high spirtual accomplishment.
We could go on and on here, but I dont’ have time.
I will just quickly let you know that I have the greatest magical power of any teacher on the planet, bar none.
This power alone is reason you should give up everything and follow me. I will help you out in this small matter – and give you a bank account you can leave your pitiful accumulation of worldly belongings so they will no longer trouble you while I show you the real deal.
What is this magical power? Are you really worthy to receive knowledge of it – for free? In the setting of mere cyber forum? I admit, I usually charge 100 pieces of gold for this. But some wave of momentary kindness has passed over me, an opening of the veil between truth and illusion. So I must oblige the Higher Powers working through me.
OK. Please prepare yourself. Relax your fingers from the tight grip you have on your mouse or keyboard. Release all thoughts and expectations; this power I have cannot be truly grasped if you are distracted by your ordinary mind’s senses.
Take a deep breath. Then release it.
February 11, 2006 at 8:22 am #10317Unfortunately, you’ve failed the first qualifying test.
After you exhaled your deep breath, you realized there were no further written instructions.
Part of you perhaps thought, he is giving me a silent transmission of the Truth. Can I grasp it?
But being a clever monkey, you allowed your mind to be distracted by its own curiosity
Instead of resting in the moment of silent truth I offered you,
you noticed the link to the next thread which was advertising, “The Secret Power Revealed”.You tightened your grip on your mouse, contravening my instructions, and clicked on this link.
Normally I expel students from my School who disobey my strict preliminary instructions.
However, I am having a good day, and feel particularly lenient.
So I will reveal my main Magical Power to you anyway, even though you are obviously only half-qualified at this moment of your distractedness, to grasp the momentousness of my Magical Power.
But first, a WARNING.
Do NOT be fooled by the apparent obviousness of what I am about to reveal to you.
The most magical, deep truths hide in the most obvious places. So it is with my Magical Power.February 11, 2006 at 8:55 am #10319The reason for enticing your Curious Monkey Mind into yet a third message room is not trivial.
All powerful things happen by three’s. It is the fundamental of both alchemy and magic.
Also, you needed a break from the mental frustration and confusion you were suffering in the second message room.
Now we are in a new space, an open space where we can communicate freely.
OK, enough foreplay. Let’s get to the main act. We have enough potential in the chi field built up that something can possibly manifest something useful from it.
MY MAIN MAGICAL POWER is that I create a “real” human body out of thin air.
This is a much greater power than the astral projectors who were stealing your chi, by arousing their curiosity to draw you into their ring of power and astral control over who you think you are or might become.
Because you assumed their power of manifestation was greater than yours, you were contemplating surrendering your life force to their Ring of Secrecy.
Guarantee you, they will never show you their Magical Power until you have surrounded yourself to them. Already Kostas has declared that western seekers are unworthy of learning from the master. Causing them to seek even harder, and believe even more firmly that he has the Magical Power and they do not.
The human body I create is not a frankensteinian clone in a glass jar.
it is the one I inhabit and use daily, my own magical human body.
Nobody else can create my body; thus I know their magical power is much less than mine.
Of course, your ordinary mind protests that this is no great secret, because six billion people have physical bodies.
But again, you skim over the surface of those bodies, and thus your own. You missed the magical power hidden in this, because it seemed so common.
Are you actually able to witness yourself in the magical act of creating your body?
By the time you’ve noticed a sensation, a thought, or a feeling, the moment is already past; you are witnessing what you already created
Observing a moment that already passed is not the same as being present and aligning your conscious will to magically create your body in this moment.
It is not something that can be seen with the outer senses.
It is not a passive act of observation or mere witnessing, even on the inner planes.So if you are looking passively from the outside or the inside,
you have missed the magical moment already. You pretended to be detached and thus not responsible for the act of creating your own body.It is the most comon false assumption amongst spiritual novices that God or something Other than themselves has created their body. This is mere Deification of the Unconscious, a very human trait but unfortunately a bad habit that is dangerous to one’s higher spiritual development.
Don’t be worried. There are many more magical moments of self-creation where you still have the opportunity to grasp your own magical power. Tao is quite generous that way.
Blessings on the Journey to Realizing Your Magical Power,
February 11, 2006 at 9:25 am #10321Now that you’ve relaxed back into realizing you don’t need to go traipsing off to Indonesia or Greece to find your magical power, I’ve decided to return all the money you deposited in my bank account for safekeeping. You may need some funds along the Way.
it might be useful to contemplate the issue of immortality raised often in Taoist cultivation circles.
How does immortality relate the magic of creating a human body?
This is really pretty easy to answer.
If you can create a human body, even if it only has a limited functional lifespan, then what’s to stop you from continuing this creative act of crystallizing the essence of yourself in other dimensions?
Especially if it served the Whole to support your ability to express your Free Will, to celebrate the Joy of Creation?
That’s the point of immortality. It’s not a fixed state, any more than the body you are creating in each moment is a fixed state.
Immortality simply a higher octave of the MAGIC that is happening here in the physical plane.
In the physical plane magic, we pull real human bodies out of small soul “hats”, and enjoy the experience for as long as it lasts. And even get some work for the collective done while we’re here.
In other planes, we pull planets or galaxies or interdimensional species out of bigger oversoul hats.
As Above, so Below.
As Within, so Without.As Below, So Above.
As Without, so Within.It doesn’t matter which way you say it. It’s seeing that your inner magician is immortal in the process revealed in the double mirrors that’s important.
February 11, 2006 at 10:55 am #10323hahaha, you had me giggling all the way, now there is no question that you’re the ultimate master :0) please accept me as your trusty deciple! (I’ve got a few gold coins lying about somwhere – although I must warn you, they’re probably filled with chocolate, and not gold – although you already know that, with your astral projection powers and all.)
I personally took Kosta’s book with large pinch of salt (yum!), however there were things he talked of that filtered through my bullshit detectors, and I found myself seriously considering whether they ‘really happened’ or not. The main thing was, why would he bother orchestrating such very complex (and i suspect difficult) performances for some greek dude he met. Kosta also mentioned that Chang never accepted money for any of his (apparently effective) healing work, chi kung training and superpower demonstrations and according to Kosta, Chang is a very well-off businessman, so I doubt he would be interested in entertaining ppl for little money.
>First, let’s dispense with your assumptions. How do you know what my powers are? You can’t know and don’t know.
I’m gonna be a bad deciple, and question your own assumptions on what I actually said – I generaly use words *very* carefully… what I said was: “How come Chia, Michael and other top-level healing dao practitioners cant (or dont) *demonstrate* such skills?” *demonstrate* being the key word here – I wasn’t questioning whether you *have* super powers or not, I couldn’t possibly know about you *having* anything, unless you demonstrated it!! for example I know you have (or had) a beard, since you’ve demonstrated it in pictures, but I wouldn’t know whether you had a pet cat or not, since you havent demonstrated any evidence either way.
I dont fall for bullshit very easily, Michael, and I generaly look deeper than the surface. I understand that you used my question as a jumping-off point to teach us a lesson about the true magic of our existence, and I appreciate that, although I still find myself wondering about my original question – which I could reformulate as: could ‘legendary’ superpowers really exist?
February 11, 2006 at 12:59 pm #10325Freeform,
People can develop special powers from qigong, depending on their innate elemental constitution and their soul purpose. But it doesn’t mean their “disciples” will develop them, even if they do the exact same training course for the same number of years. Everyone is different.That is why all wisdom traditions caution against chasing after special powers (in Hindu tradition, i.e. “siddhas”). It’s because you don’t own that power, it is just flowing through you. If you don’t put it to good use, they work against you – just like everything else you’ve been given.
And my point was that these powers are just manipulations of the low astral, and don’t relate to your soul integration or immortality. So they are totally unnecessary on the spiritual path and should not be confused with body-spirit integration and soul achievement.
My investigations also suggest that many extreme powers are coming from people who are either soul aspects of or are channeling half-immortal spirits, i.e. demon immortals who are trying to make good on their past mistakes.
So as a wild speculation, you could take the lineage history offered by Chang – the story of how his master in China killed an entire village in revenge using his kungfu powers. That could easily create a demon immortal – someone with a lot of power but who misused it, and is now stuck half way because of their bondage to needing earth completion, created by their mass killing.
so to work it off they start manifesting through someone in their lineage, like Chang. If this were the case, you could say that the power manifested is not Chang’s, but that of his teacher. And not a condition to be envied or sought after.Similar story with John Of God, Surgeon with the Rusty Knife in Brazil. Or babaji in India.
Your gold coins are worthless to me, Grasshopper.
Fill them with dark chocolate and I will reconsider your lowly position. -
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