Im from BELARUS and im wont to by MP1E. Im open Visa Virtuon card(BPS-BANK) and put on it 160 USD. Im trying to by this but receive follow:Your Payment Transaction for $160.00 for On-Line Order 8681 was declined
To verify the Card Number and Expiry Date
or to charge this amount to another Credit Card,
please select the “BACK” button to access the payment page
If your card was declined, please note that it may have been due to technical difficulty.
If you believe your card is valid, please call us immediately.
We can quickly process your card charge manually.
For retreats, please call 1-888-750-1773.
For product purchases, please call 1-888-999-0555.
It is safe to leave your card number and expiration date on our message machine. Sorry for this temporary inconvenience. We appreciate your patience.