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- This topic has 14 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 19 years ago by
February 23, 2006 at 9:41 am #10818
>>PS Freeform have you given up on the loose-end tying you promised?<< well I did ask a question on the other thread, but it seems to have disappeared down to another page, so I'll past what I wrote in that post here: >>Know what mean – but ‘dang’ not necessary!<< I've got a bit of a Napoleon Dynamite addiction - that's the reason for the Dang!... If you still havent seen this film - go and rent it now!!! One thing I'd like to know more about is your notion of decision. Is this similar to the notion of 'free will'? If so, does everyone have free will, or ability to make concious, willfull decisions?
February 23, 2006 at 11:28 am #10819>>I’ve got a bit of a Napoleon Dynamite addiction – that’s the reason for the Dang!… If you still havent seen this film – go and rent it now!!!<< If it's the one I think you mean, I watched five minutes and hated it so much couldn't go on! About some kid w/ fuzzy hair? But not into movies much these days, especially not 'good' ones. >>One thing I’d like to know more about is your notion of decision. Is this similar to the notion of ‘free will’? If so, does everyone have free will, or ability to make concious, willfull decisions?<< Yes it is pretty similar and yes all have it, whether they use or no. best NN
February 23, 2006 at 10:06 pm #10821>>Yes it is pretty similar and yes all have it, whether they use or no.<< see, I reccon 'free will' is one of the main fallacies of christianity - I believe that most people dont have 'free will' - and it takes a serious amount of work on yourself to really bring this free will out. I know that I dont have a fully 'free will' - I still have automatic/reflexive reactions to things around me - most people are even more robotic than me, I read a research paper about patterns of behaviour - and having studied a large number of students the researchers found that 80% of their behaviour was repeated daily - even the vocabulary of the average student was less than an 11 year old's (about 800 words, if I remember correctly). I know that if two of my friends and I were in a bar, and started talking to a very attractive lady, one of my friends would get very up himself and cocky, while the other one would become very quiet and shy - if I told them to act differently, and they honestly tried, they wouldn't be able to switch roles without a lot of hard work. You may recall my constant raving about our mamalian instincts - the 4 main drives of the human animal - well these are automatic behaviours, they cant be changed easily. If one person is put in a group s/he will automatically try to dominate and 'lead' - another person might automatically 'follow' and submit. In the same way someone placed in a dangerous situation will freeze, someone else will run, and someone else will fight - there is no concious choice to these behaviours! I do believe that these 4 drives/instincts can be de-automated (this is, imo, what 'sprituality' is all about) - for example, a talanted martial artist can choose exactly how to act when confronted with danger - a lay person will do whatever s/he's been conditioned to do (run/freeze/fight)
February 23, 2006 at 10:57 pm #10823>>see, I reccon ‘free will’ is one of the main fallacies of christianity<< Bottom line: If this is what you think, then it's what you think. It's your decision! You decide. You should ask Michael about the nature of free will vis-a-vis sex, since I'm sure you will disagree with my replies... believe me, you will not get the equipment to understand yourself from primate models and statisticians...! But I despair of you really I do... >> I know that I dont have a fully ‘free will’ – I still have automatic/reflexive reactions to things around me<< When your lady allowed her mother to make her anxious, she decided it, it wasn't a 'just so'. A habit is still a decision. You demonstrated the fact to her. Similarly if your shy friend decided so, he could change read 'The Game')! And don't you think that your bold friend could change with one bad experience? It is only a question of self-knowledge. Pay no attention to 'the average' - it is completely unimportant. When people look in statistics they can find anything they like. They decide! Please imagine what a 'fully free will' would be like, and get back to me with a serious imagination of the condition. How strange your mind is freeform! (forgive me it's late!). You reject spiritual models without a murmur but you are quite happy to accept the opinions of statisticians! How can you live this way, always waiting for the next survey of 'everyone/the average' just to find out who you are??? Your assumptions about the 'de-animalising' nature of spirituality betray a telelogical fallacy, too easy for me even to pick on! I repeat: it is not to *remove* the animal that you are here, but to *evolve* it. To decide what to do with all the things you have, wherever it is (you decide) they happened to come from. Your problem Freeform is that you have the view you just landed in your body and have to make the best of a bad job! This is far from the only possible view of the human condition... Your idea is to blame a bad job of work on nature which you attempt to correct is that it??? To me a statement such as this is incomprehensible and bizarre: >>In the same way someone placed in a dangerous situation will freeze, someone else will run, and someone else will fight – there is no concious choice to these behaviours!<< You are saying that a choice which is not conscious is not a choice??? You are saying that because one habitually ignores one's freedom it does not exist??? If the person runs when threatened but it isn't 'their decision' - whose then? Please answer this one freeform. This time. Whose decision then? Whose decision to run? Whose decision to fight? Whose decision to chat the girl up? Whose to be shy? Whose, if not one's own? Please answer! Surely if one runs when threatened with a gun one has just learned something, as they say, 'about oneself'? Perhaps you think some totally de-animalised 'perfection' is possible??? I can only shudder... I am not convinced of the need to convince you of anything to the contrary of what you believe... life will do the job quite well by itself! Also in the definition of 'free will' is much room for personal style. I don't talk about free will, but about deciding. free will sounds like a substance, then you have to ask who has it and what it is, etc. But everyone knows about deciding. As a matter of fact true free will is very close in nature to acceptance, its opposite, which is just what one would expect. best NN PS Just playing around here! Been out all night watching bellydancing, it'll do that to ya.
February 24, 2006 at 9:09 am #10825you’re again narrowing me down to your own assumptions – I dont “believe” in this model or that – I use models to understand things arround me – there is no concrete set belief! you know when you get your eyes checked – they put those strange glasses on you and swap out different lenses to see which ones help and which ones dont? I’m doing the same, but with models and beliefs.
>>Perhaps you think some totally de-animalised ‘perfection’ is possible??? I can only shudder…
you’re quite right to shudder at your own assumption of what I think! pretty creepy indeed.
>> How can you live this way, always waiting for the next survey of ‘everyone/the average’ just to find out who you are???
again, statistics, surveys, models are all tools in my massive tool box! they’re lenses to look through…
you know how Michael’s hard drive crashed? he desided to think of it as proof that the ‘fire dog’ season is in full swing. It’s one way at looking at it – perhaps a more entertaining and maybe more usefull way than thinking – pretty much every hard drive crashes at some point…
>>I repeat: it is not to *remove* the animal that you are here, but to *evolve* it.<< I agree on the 'evolve'. amazing how a few letters can make such a difference in how you percieve things huh? The point is, whether you like it or not, (lens in) *people will always make the best choice available to them*!!! Yes this includes all kinds of criminals, rapists etc. Certain instincts, drives, animalistic circuits limit our choices!!! You can see it all around you - it's plain as daylight. ok you can put the word 'decide' there - but it doesn't chage *what actually happens*. My view of spirituality is (lens in) the constant act of freeing your available choices. >>Your idea is to blame a bad job of work on nature which you attempt to correct is that it???<< again you're going for the good/bad dichotomy... *I dont think in terms of objective good/bad!!!* - maybe I should start all my posts with that statement so you dont forget? I cant 'correct' anything because 'correcting' pressuposes good/bad - right/wrong. **decision pressuposes the availability of choice!** I'm saying that most people dont have choices in many of the things they do! Just because you can see some choice for them, doesn't mean they can! I could see a morbidly obese person and be like: well it's their decision to be fat - it's their choice whether they eat or not - the obvious choice is to eat less. However if I was that fat person my choices would be very different - cant you see that? >>>>FF: In the same way someone placed in a dangerous situation will freeze, someone else will run, and someone else will fight – there is no concious choice to these behaviours!<< NN: You are saying that a choice which is not conscious is not a choice???<< I'm saying *there was only one choice*!!! there was no decision process, it's like a reflex reaction - it happens *automaticaly*!!! >>NN: You are saying that because one habitually ignores one’s freedom it does not exist???<< I'm saying one has to earn their freedom - they have to evolve their animal aspects to have all the choices available to them - it's a process and not a destination, it's not a case of disliking the animal aspect, it's a case of widening the field of available choice/behaviour - being animals we have wonderfull abilities, but because of certain events in our childhood we can only use some of these abilities... >>If the person runs when threatened but it isn’t ‘their decision’ – whose then? Please answer this one freeform. This time. Whose decision then? Whose decision to run? Whose decision to fight? Whose decision to chat the girl up? Whose to be shy? Whose, if not one’s own? Please answer!<< ok, mister - I'd be very surprised if you didn't know what you were doing here - it's 'not playing fair' as you like to put it. You're building a straw man - (a fun game - since you get to 'win', but it wont help tie any loose ends). I'm not a child, and I'd be quite disappointed if you really thought that by me answering those questions that it would somehow help little Gregory out. It's like saying to a kid "you can go to bed now, or in 5 minutes" - the point is, you linguisticaly limit their choice to going to bed. I'm pretty dissapointed that you think so little of me, as to fall in your rather simple linguistic trap.
February 24, 2006 at 11:13 am #10827Freeform –
I think we are totally agreed, apart from the way we like to say it!
But you may not. I apologise for not having waited until today – that post was written at 2am so I might not have been at my clearest. I also think that it is no bad thing to like to phrase things differently – it is necessary for different paths etc.
I came up with three ways of saying what I mean – I also noticed that Michael’s post of today on transforming the negative is very relevant – on the ‘choiceless choice’ etc. So it is one more thing of use here.
Anyhow, I give three (very) different ways to say same thing, then I’ll answer what you said above.
Take two people – Mr F and Mr N. Mr F believes the fat person had no choice but to be fat. Mr N believes it was the fat person’s choice to be fat. But forget the fat person! Just look at Mr F and Mr N. They decide what they believe.It is as simple as that. They decide!
Earlier you had a conversation with Michael in which he explained his ‘magic power’ – the power of making his own body. Possibly you felt it was a rhetorical game he was playing, but I feel that it is a real magical power. I mean look at him – he does it, for real! He has the eyes, the beard, all perfect! Look at what he does, all the time! Taking the formless, attracting and bonding and circulating in different ways, up to the present moment and the flesh…Now it seems clear that you freeform also have such a power. After all you are in a body. Everyone in a body has this power. Of course many take it for granted, or actively try to prevent their own power from being exercised well. If they prefer! Still, their true desire is to have a body and this desire they are always fulfilling.
The body furthermore (as the Taoist process of ‘fusion’ demonstrates) is not disconnected from – say – the emotions. Nor the ideas believed by the person in it. These are all things that are created by the person just as the body is. The ‘filters’ a person has are created by the person. That is why you can change them – as you had your lady notice and change.
You can only change it, because it was you who created it! It is all you, all! It is all your choice.
You can say, I am not aware that it is my choice. But this too is only your choice! You decide.
Heavy-handed support from authority figure – well one of mine anyhow. Austin Osman Spare – “You are always what you most wish – the prospective! Your desire is to live according to your desire, and this you are always realising. You are ‘it’ already!”So now you see surely that it is more than a linguistic game to ask, who do you think does it if you don’t? Even if you don’t agree it is always you who does it, you must admit it is ONLY A QUESTION OF YOUR OWN CHOICE whether you agree or not! Even if you see nothing the way I am saying it here, still you can see it is a real question and not my way of trapping you into anything!
Now then –
>>you know how Michael’s hard drive crashed? he desided to think of it as proof that the ‘fire dog’ season is in full swing.<< All I can say is that on this I think Michael's way is very wise, not merely more entertaining! All the apes you model are acting with a similar wisdom. It is a question of how the universe is put together and along what lines and for what reason. I don't think you read carefully what he wrote on this subject! He talked about elementals. More below on this. >>The point is, whether you like it or not, (lens in) *people will always make the best choice available to them*!!! Yes this includes all kinds of criminals, rapists etc. Certain instincts, drives, animalistic circuits limit our choices!!! You can see it all around you – it’s plain as daylight. ok you can put the word ‘decide’ there – but it doesn’t chage *what actually happens*.<< I certainly see what you mean but again I am afraid to say my attitude is just the opposite! (NOT merely being ornery... ok?) You say certain drives 'limit our choices'. But are these drives not part of 'us'? There is nothing that is part of us that is not ours!! What is ours is our choice to be ours. You say that putting the word 'decide' in changes nothing - but when you helped your lady with her mother issue, weren't you putting the 'decide' in and didn't that change everything? I am interested why you bring in 'criminals and rapists' here? Surely not to say they are 'bad' - since you dislike the idea of calling things bad so much. Or is it that you think I am blaming the fat person for being fat?! I am not attempting to attach any blame here, so leave that thought alone. How could there be blame? Nothing is wrong! You always tell me this, so here anyway I KNOW we agree! So then, you say: >>I’m saying *there was only one choice*!!! there was no decision process, it’s like a reflex reaction – it happens *automaticaly*!!!<< And why is the reflex action there? Who put it there? 'SOMETHING' must have decided, to the extent that 'decide' is a meaningful word. If you say 'not me who decided', you are putting yourself in opposition to yourself - I do not see why! There certainly was *a* process of some sort. If not your process whose? Presumably you therefore think that the apes you model are behaving also only by 'reflex action'? The bacteria and the butterflies - just what you call 'reflex action'? Please tell me, why are these reflexes present? What are they made of and what is their purpose? Is it different from the purpose that moves the stars? The planets in their orbits? Different from the purpose that moves the wind? Different from the purpose that moves you? This is why I say, Michael's correlation of his hard drive problem to the positions of the planets was very wise! At some stage maybe you decide to change your reflex. Example - every time some raises their fist to you, you flinch. You decide to learn not to flinch. As part of this, you observe yourself flinching. You realise at some stage, that it is 'you' who is flinching. Then you can change it. But it always was 'you' who flinched. The fact that you didn't realise it was 'you' makes no difference. Perhaps you say, but the fat person wishes to be thin, so how can I say it is their choice to be fat? Is this what you mean? >>I’m saying one has to earn their freedom – they have to evolve their animal aspects to have all the choices available to them – it’s a process and not a destination, it’s not a case of disliking the animal aspect, it’s a case of widening the field of available choice/behaviour – being animals we have wonderfull abilities, but because of certain events in our childhood we can only use some of these abilities…<< That seemed sensible to me (although I do not agree with it!) - up until the point where you say 'because of events in our childhood' etc... do you really believe things like that? But I won't argue. You decide. Michael has progressed pretty far down his path, wouldn't you say? And yet if you read his post of this morning, you will find that he often has no choices about things - the 'choiceless choice' he calls it - which is similar to what I said yesterday about the nature of 'free will' being very close to that of 'acceptance'. Many people here have said that being more in touch with their destinies seems to restrict their choices! But I would say they are exercising greater free will! Perhaps you agree with that, I don't know. Perhaps you think that when the sun rises every day, there is 'no choice' for him, and it is all a 'reflex action'? Is this what you think? Only asking! Anyhow, there is no sense in which what I asked - who then? - was a linguistic game only. It was a philosophical question and I believe a very important one. I have noticed that the further I get the more I see that everything has been 'me all along' - NOT that it has suddenly become me, NOR that I have suddenly 'earned the right' to call it me. Simply that it is me. Other people I talk to say the same. On this board too! Jernej said to Swedish Dragon - 'Don't blame others, only you create yourself'. Michael says he magically creates his body. I say I decide everything I am. Spare says you are only what you desire to be. I am asking you only, if this is all wrong and I am not 'all me' and you not 'all you' - what is the alternative (anyway in principle)? That is not a linguistic trap at all. So are we getting anywhere? love NN
February 24, 2006 at 2:27 pm #10829Ok – I think the confusion is because we’re talking about different logical levels (or chunks). I’m talking from the point of view of practical behavioural psychology… I’ll explain later.
The reason “who decides x?” was a linguistic trap is because if I answer “I do” there is a presupposition that I agree with the fact that there is a decision process – which I don’t (at least not on the logical level I’m speaking of).
>> I am asking you only, if this is all wrong and I am not ‘all me’ and you not ‘all you’ – what is the alternative (anyway in principle)? That is not a linguistic trap at all… It was a philosophical question and I believe a very important one.<< I agree that there is a primal will to exist, and it's our deep inner self that creates our body here and now - but that's the kind of metaphysics that I don’t find useful - it's a nice and entertaining story/model etc that bares some resemblance with my own personal experience... however there are many other metaphysical, entertaining stories that bare some resemblance to my own experience (I've been reading James Joyce - wow!) I think the difference between you and I is that you take to metaphysical ideas, and I take to scientific ones. It doesn't mean that either of us overlooks the other aspect, it just means there is a certain base level that we judge stuff against - yours is metaphysical, mine is scientific (or at least practical). >> you say ‘because of events in our childhood’ etc… do you really believe things like that?<< now, behavioural psychology - Konrad Lorenz and the other dude (forget the name) won the Nobel prize for discovering a function in animals that they called "imprinting" - they found that after birth there are specific times in an animal's development with "imprint vulnerabilities" - for example their famous experiment was when a duckling was born, its mother was taken away and replaced by a Ping-Pong ball - the duckling "imprinted" this ball as its mothering object - when it grew older it was completely uninterested in other ducks and would also try and mate with white balls. Similarly a giraffe whose mother died giving birth imprinted the jeep that was near by as its mother and would chase it about. In psychology, this imprinting function decides certain, very specific behaviours that the human/primate will instinctually and automatically carry out. For example when a primate is born as well as imprinting an identity of its mother, it also imprints the level of safety in its surroundings - this is the first of the 4 drives I keep talking about - in later life this dictates how you behave towards food, money, comfort, danger, pain etc. one extreme imprint is autism - it's a condition where the offspring judges the environment to be so dangerous that it rather retreat inwards. This first drive makes sense in terms of survival - if you're born in an environment that is safe, you will gain an imprint that automatically drives you to *seek* pleasure/food/comfort etc. If the environment is dangerous then as well as seeking safety you would constantly look out for danger and run from potential pain... The second drive has to do with submission and dominance - in humans the imprint vulnerability for this drive happens around the age of 2 (the reason people call these the 'terrible twos' is because children at this age test submission/dominance boundaries). The third one is about learning/creating models/representations, symbols etc. The imprint vulnerability for this drive happens around the age of 7... The fourth is the socio-sexual drive - this imprints at the age of 13 - or during puberty. These drives are kind-of hard wired in - all other conditioning (from parents, culture, teachers, friends) is laid over this fundamental framework. Most famous psychologists recognised at least some of these circuits - Eric Berne (of Transactional Analysis) is one of my favourites... Also in Neuro-Linguistic Programming these drives are known as Metaprograms - programs that run other programs - although NLP is considered to be one of the best ways to make quick, specific changes in behaviour (this is what I used on my g/f, btw) - Metaprograms are notoriously hard to shift. When I helped my ex girlfriend with the problem she was having - that was on the level of "all other conditioning" I did not change anything fundamental - she's still generally submissive, seeking comfort etc... each of these drives are altered by specific 'personal development' techniques - for example the first drive can be freed up by doing the microcosmic orbit, inner smile and standing practice (the longer the better) and also by martial arts (but only if actual physical fighting is part of the training). The second domination/submission drive is altered by working on your emotions - fusion in the case of Taoism. The third is addressed to some extent by studying I Ching, the fourth by doing sexual practices. so you can see how there is a very practical reason for me to disagree with you that when it comes to behaviour, your choices are limited until you do a lot of personal work to free them up. You're probably thinking "he's off on one again... it is you who decides to have these drives, it is you who decides to be alive in a body etc etc" - that's fine, but saying that has no practical use for me. As you know I'm pretty pragmatic, I'll discard things very easily and quickly if they're not useful to me right now - perhaps when they are useful, I may pick them back up - but I generally don’t consider 'truisms' as useful. >>METHOD 1:
Take two people – Mr F and Mr N. Mr F believes the fat person had no choice but to be fat. Mr N believes it was the fat person’s choice to be fat. But forget the fat person! Just look at Mr F and Mr N. They decide what they believe.It is as simple as that. They decide!<< Firstly Mr F would most likely say that the fat person had no choice but to *eat* ( - a behaviour, not an identity like "being fat"). I'll translate what you are saying into my 'frame'. Yes Mr. F and Mr N can decide to believe in what they want - that's as easy as deciding which football team you support - *however* changing the very foundations of your "ego" and deep-rooted behaviour patterns takes far more work than to change a simple belief like that or change your allegiance to a football team. >>I am interested why you bring in ‘criminals and rapists’ here? Surely not to say they are ‘bad’ – since you dislike the idea of calling things bad so much. Or is it that you think I am blaming the fat person for being fat?! I am not attempting to attach any blame here, so leave that thought alone. How could there be blame? Nothing is wrong! You always tell me this, so here anyway I KNOW we agree!<< Again you assume that bad/good and their offspring (blame, fault etc) even slightly interest me... the reason I put criminals and rapists in is because I was trying to point out that all the extremes of human behaviour are pre-determined by their imprints. In fact most criminal deviants would have had really similar imprints in both the first and second circuits... (difficult birth and abusive parents often = paranoid, violent individuals). >>Presumably you therefore think that the apes you model are behaving also only by ‘reflex action’?<< I'm glad you mention that this is your presumption. Firstly, why do you say 'only'? Are you implying that 'reflex action' is somehow inferior to some other action? I don’t believe they behave *only* by reflex action. I believe certain things set off certain reflexive behaviours. If you start making grand gestures at a silver-back gorilla, his reflexive action will be to rip your arms out. If a mother has a baby her reflexive action will be to care for the baby. If an orphaned, mal-nourished, submissive gorilla gets growled at by the silver-back alpha male s/he will automatically start taking on submissive body postures and whimpering. >>Perhaps you think that when the sun rises every day, there is ‘no choice’ for him, and it is all a ‘reflex action’? Is this what you think? Only asking!<< As I said in the very beginning - I'm talking specifically about human behaviour - and not metaphysics. You seem to have attached some weird emotion to 'reflex action' - an elemental if you will. I don’t usually anthromorphosise the sun - only for entertainment... enough for now...
February 24, 2006 at 3:31 pm #10831>>You’re probably thinking “he’s off on one again… it is you who decides to have these drives, it is you who decides to be alive in a body etc etc” – that’s fine, but saying that has no practical use for me. As you know I’m pretty pragmatic, I’ll discard things very easily and quickly if they’re not useful to me right now – perhaps when they are useful, I may pick them back up – but I generally dont consider ‘truisms’ as useful.<< Yes you're right that we are using different things - I only thought it was more obvious than you did how these two things are the same thing, and I felt the sameness more interesting to emphasise. If one really does not find 'truisms' useful I do not mean to imply that one must then use 'falsisms'! >> I dont usually anthromorphosise the sun – only for entertainment…<< HERE I think is where I would put my finger on the difference. How can I say it - without actually bringing up experiences of mine which you would doubtless regard as 'useful metaphysics for Nnonnth where he is playing'? Maybe I can't... To ME, when you say you 'take to scientific ideas', it means you *identify yourself* with them. That's why you said, removing the concept/model can be hard work! It takes class! For example, you identify maybe with a theory of gravity that explains why the sun rises in the east. This allows you to identify on that level with the sun as well as with the theory. You are both -the sun and yourself - behaving according to logic! And the reason that people make such theories is precisely so - that they can identify with and understand what is happening around them. (This is all MY perspective on it Freeform, so don't be worried that I think you think it too!) What is so weird is that my problem with this logical approach (which can be excellent mechanically of course) is that it misses the emotional ones and spiritual ones as well - what you call the metaphysical; I find this weird because not so long ago you were trying to convince me that I took models too seriously! The models all have holes in, you know as well as I! (Take Godel! - the Kafka of mathematics!) Why should 'practical behavioral psychology' be different? But I see what you are saying - you have not yet found a useful hole in it. Well anyhow - I can add a little more... What you feel are my 'metaphysical ideas' are actual experiences of mine. They aren't 'theories' but things that I know from doing/feeling/being alive. I am trying to leave out what you would consider the 'content' of my experiences - trying to avoid talking in a way that does not seem objective. But I see now a little more where you come from, and this conversation has been far from fruitless for me! I hope you feel the same. Maybe we have discovered the limits of what language can do between us at the present time... but more of that shortly. This is why I brought up what Michael said, about the elementals that make up the stuff in the depth of his computer. Is this 'anthropomorphizing' the computer? I don't think so! It is a question of his having *communicated* with the life inside it, seen the *language*, heard what the elementals *said*. Then he realised something (although in his case of course he knew it already) - that what drove those components in his computer was just what drove him, and indeed what drives the planets in their orbits. Was this anthopomorphizing them? Or was it computerizing and planetizing himself? When I talk to you, am I Nnonnthizing you or are you Freeformizing me??? For the record, saying the sun is 'alive', anyway, is not anthropomorphizing the sun - not from my perspective. It is far more like solarizing myself. One of the 1st questions I asked on this board, ages and ages ago, was to Michael - I said to him do you not feel that the sun is a living being? And he said yes! That was how I knew I could trust him... Buddhists don't talk about this. Since then he has written to Rainbowbear about using the sun for sex alchemy and I see now that, even though Michael is (SO! VERY!) different from me, he is really the same. That is pleasing to me! That is a uniting that I like. 'A uniting I like' describes well what we all - human or non-human, physical or non-physical - are here for. That is the same thing as the yin-yang fish-in-circle symbol. Same law for all - Tao. Tao is the 'ultimate meta-model' maybe? This is all about aliveness, about what it means to be alive. I was sure that by talking to you about it I could get it across. I see what I am saying not as metaphysics but as vitalism! Naturally I cannot agree - if you must insist on saying it - that my 'metaphysical ideas are impractical'. Their practicality is indeed obvious to me, especially since I connect vitality-life-force-tao to them. Naturally you may say not useful for you, but certainly you can see that I did not 'attach an elemental' to 'reflex action'! These 'reflex actions' are expressions of the truth of life to me, that's all. (As for entertainment - well what is impractical about entertainment? Do you keep the idea of entertainment separate from the idea of spirituality? I did not think that was the Taoist spirit at all! But I know you agree on this, it's why you said - Smile!) When you say that you prefer scientific ideas, what it means to me is that you prefer to think impersonally. To me the universe is very personal! And I have found that I can only progress by seeing more and more, all the time, just how very personal it is... how all talks to all... because all wish and are driven by the same thing and all reflect it their own ways... when you told me you preferred to play in the sculpture rather than consider it, I thought you knew this well anyhow. That is why I say I'm (still) sure that we agree - and logical levels be damned! A thought to leave you with: you said to me once that what occurs in communication is a transfer of symbols. We attach internal meanings of our own to these symbols and when a symbol reaches us, we delve into our own meaning-sets to see what the symbol means to us. Obviously true! But equally obviously, not the whole story! For example, how do you account for Michael's experience, with the energy that attached itself to words of a Zen student? (What he posted today). i have experienced similar things, which is why I loved his post. He checked very thoroughly - the student did not intend to transfer this 'black cloud', this centuries-old miasma of self-disgust caused by zen thought process about letting-go-but-not-transforming. The student did not intend to attach these meanings to the words. And certainly Michael did not intend to attach these meanings to the words! Yet somehow the meaning was passed to Michael in the act of communicating of those words. How? Love NN
February 24, 2006 at 5:54 pm #10833Great post, NN… You’ve included a lot more of *you* than the last two.
I see our conversations as free-form, improvised jazz jam session – we use words (notes) and assemble them in a way that evokes feelings in us both (I must admit, I’m assuming that you’re getting some emotional pleasure from this interchange – otherwise you wouldn’t keep posting back) – the actual content of our conversations is not as important as the effect that the communication has on both of us.
I must, however mention that the tension that is created keeps us on our toes – I could honestly agree with you *really easily*, and I know that agreeing with you wouldn’t conflict with any of my values/beliefs. It’s like a mating ritual – one pushes and pulls – yin and yang, constantly building up the tension and thus the energy in the interaction. If you were playing/dancing the seductive dance with a girl you could just cave in to the tension and open yourself up pouring all your energy out to her… can you guess what would happen?
That’s why it’s the differences that excite *me* – you get tension from differences…
Back to our dance…
Yes I do identify with scientific ideas – I only do so temporarily – like the optometrist metaphor I used – the scientific ideas I identify with are like lenses – I can put em on and take em off – identify then not identify. For me there is no one single lens that is appropriate at all times…
>>What is so weird is that my problem with this logical approach (which can be excellent mechanically of course) is that it misses the emotional ones and spiritual ones as well – what you call the metaphysical;<< Agreed! It's just that we're dancing in a forum - our moves are made of words, which in themselves are mechanical and logical. I'm no poet so I can’t create a linguistic feast that is greater than the sum of its parts (like James Joyce), so I resign to talking in terms of logic. I'm sure if we met in person the spiritual and emotional aspects would connect - and not through words but from subtle energetic and other non-verbal communication. >>I find this weird because not so long ago you were trying to convince me that I took models too seriously!<< The reason I did that is because I was trying to point out that as soon as you think about something you create a model, there is no "right" model - there is no "right" note, no "right" colour, there is only the constant process of experience, the creation of music, the act of painting... If you concentrate and contract on one aspect of experience (and thus create a model), one note, one colour - you limit yourself, you take one thing too seriously and not take account of the other myriad of colours sounds and experiences. Once you stop 'seriousness' - you can play, playing in the sense that I like to think of it never involves contracting on any specific aspect of experience - it's about enjoying all the colours and sounds, moving em about, creating a mess and enjoying the whole process of that. I know now you know this... just throwing some sameness your way. >>Why should ‘practical behavioral psychology’ be different? But I see what you are saying – you have not yet found a useful hole in it.<< Well that model is like a really good song or a good lens to look through when learning about human behaviour - I look through it because it focuses my experience into a nice and neat model - of course there are holes - many of them - but it is also very useful! You know how the Fibonacci Sequence manages to predict so many patterns in nature? - This model does something similar for me, and so does the Taoist model, and so does the magick model, and in fact all of these have some similarities... >>What you feel are my ‘metaphysical ideas’ are actual experiences of mine.<< I recon that's impossible - you have 'actual experiences' - then you think about them (thus automatically creating a model), then you translate them into the English language (further deteriorating the original experience) - then it reaches me, I take the language, translate it into something meaningful (therefore I have to access my own past experiences) etc... Can you see how completely degraded your original 'actual experience' gets by the time it reaches me? That's why it becomes another model. no? >>I am trying to leave out what you would consider the ‘content’ of my experiences – trying to avoid talking in a way that does not seem objective.<< Please include all the content that is relevant!! - because it's important at this stage, I can figure out the context myself (I've been trained in this!) Please try to talk as subjectively as possible - it's impossible to be objective, and attempting to do so will leave out many details that you may not think relevant but I would. >>But I see now a little more where you come from, and this conversation has been far from fruitless for me! I hope you feel the same.<< I definitely do - as I've said before, I'm not normaly a prolific poster, but this interaction has been very useful (and really fun too) - otherwise I would not be coming back for more punishment lol. >>When I talk to you, am I Nnonnthizing you or are you Freeformizing me???<< When I read that, I almost fell off my seat! I know you're expecting me to say no - but my answer is a resounding YES!! - it explains what I've been talking about in some of the other posts in a simple, elegant way! "freeform" is just pixels on a screen - as well as connecting to me energetically you're investing a huge amount of your own energy and experience and understanding and emotion to create this living 'freeform' in your mind - I bet if you thought about it now, you'd notice that you've even built up a mental image of me inside your mind. It's kind of the same thing that happens when people read books - a small amount of the author's energy triggers a huge amount of the reader's own imagination, creativity, emotion and thus energy. >>(As for entertainment – well what is impractical about entertainment? Do you keep the idea of entertainment separate from the idea of spirituality? I did not think that was the Taoist spirit at all! But I know you agree on this, it’s why you said – Smile!)<< I believe that entertainment and play is one of our purest expressions of what it is to be human. >>when you told me you preferred to play in the sculpture rather than consider it, I thought you knew this well anyhow.<< Here’s an entertaining thought: the universe birthed the polar forces as a way to play! The universe is in a constant state of playing/dancing/mating/entertaining... When you play and dance and have fun and are entertained - what do you do but smile? In Taoism one of the expressions of the pre-natal, primordial is a beaming smile. >>For example, how do you account for Michael’s experience, with the energy that attached itself to words of a Zen student? (What he posted today). I have experienced similar things, which is why I loved his post.<< Yes - I found that interesting too - I really enjoy when models are contradicted - it reinforces my belief that no model can cover the whole of reality!
February 24, 2006 at 11:15 pm #10835It seems most of your post was things I already had said to you… bizarrely, all this fun agreement in you seems premature and is only building tension in me, but to get those out of the way –
Of COURSE jam session of COURSE getting great pleasure of COURSE tension keeps us on toes of COURSE a mating dance of COURSE no right note of COURSE universe is play/dance. I’m sure I’ve said those things already… or you have anyhow… really, Freeform, come on!
Can we make more progress here? You seem to think that what I want is your agreement… it isn’t! So I do think perhaps our (excellent) conversation is drawing a little to a close…
I will answer what struck me as requiring answer though and see if it jogs anything for you –
>>you have ‘actual experiences’… Can you see how completely degraded your original ‘actual experience’ gets by the time it reaches me?<< Let me answer that with a series questions of my own, of which this is the first: Have you ever been on the loo and uncorked a big one, and experienced the shock as the loo water splashes back up and hits you in the arse? Answer grasshopper! >>Please include all the content that is relevant!! – because it’s important at this stage, I can figure out the context myself (I’ve been trained in this!)<< I'm trying, but I have yet to establish a language with you whereby I can do so, the way I did so instantly w/ Michael. Some things are not so easy to say! The loo question and his brethren will help (believe it or not). I have a very strong sense about what I am able to say to someone. >>I bet if you thought about it now, you’d notice that you’ve even built up a mental image of me inside your mind<< There are two answers to this Freeform. The polite one is: obviously! >>I really enjoy when models are contradicted<< Yes.. ahm... right. But have you ever experienced anything like what Michael did, yourself? best NN
February 25, 2006 at 8:28 am #10837>>Have you ever been on the loo and uncorked a big one, and experienced the shock as the loo water splashes back up and hits you in the arse?<< yes! - in fact I tend to throw a sheet of toilet paper in beore I start to 'uncork' - to stop that from ever happening again. >>There are two answers to this Freeform. The polite one is: obviously!<< intriguing! - you know me enough to realise that I'd prefer the not-so-polite answer. >>But have you ever experienced anything like what Michael did, yourself?<< not quite in the same way - remember I told you about my Power Rangers experiments? Well every now and then I would feel a certain energy connected to people or situations - I'd 'freeformise' that energy into some big ruber monster (this happened automatically, not through any concious tinkering) - one time I felt I had to disolve such an entity (usually if you make friends with the energy it just transforms into a big furry, cuddly creature, and gets off on hir way again) - when I had the difficult one, I gathered all the power rangers (I had five of them! - they're all the traditional colours of the 5 chinese elements (red, green, blue, yellow and white - there might have been a pink one on the show, but i ignored her) I didn't know much about the chinese 5 element theory at the time) - we discussed how they could help the energy to transform and become beneficial. So they set about calling on their specific robots (I understood them to be the macrocosmic aspect of their elemental powers) joined together in a strange ritualistic manner (perhaps representative of some alchemical action) and they fired some huge laser at the monster which would disolve it into dancing light - the power rangers got out of their robots, and started dancing with the light - giving it purpose - then the light went off to dance with the original cause of the stuck energy. I'm pretty sure it was no ancient gathering of negativity like with michael - and I couldn't see it in anyway... I could feel it - then I would go into deep trance (I'm pretty good with hypnosis) and ask myself why I feel shitty... and then I'd see the story unfold - people (close to me) arguing, creating unresolved, distructive, emotional tension - which ofcourse attached to the kid (me) - and showed itself as a big power rangers' villain. oh and by the way - I said I *could* easily agree with you, because at the core we're already agreeing - but I'm trying to demonstrate some of my experience to you, that's why I keep challenging you - and that's why when I stop, you dont get the same pleasure, if I agreed with you, that would be like premature ejaculation... this is a tantric session, so none of that please! I'm still trying to get you to think out of your own box - in doing so I'm forced to think out of *my* own box - which I enjoy. now a question for you - if Michael was part of your family in some way - who would he be?
February 25, 2006 at 10:02 am #10839>>>>Have you ever been on the loo and uncorked a big one, and experienced the shock as the loo water splashes back up and hits you in the arse?<< yes! - in fact I tend to throw a sheet of toilet paper in beore I start to 'uncork' - to stop that from ever happening again.<< Ok then - question 2. Have you ever felt the sun on your face as you walk out of your front door and thought, 'Mmmmmmmm'? >>>>There are two answers to this Freeform. The polite one is: obviously!<< intriguing! - you know me enough to realise that I'd prefer the not-so-polite answer.<< The not-so-polite one is: Obviously, dipshit! You know *me* well enough to know I understand at least that much about how my mind works! >> I’d ‘freeformise’ that energy into some big ruber monster… I gathered all the power rangers… they fired some huge laser… got out of their robots, and started dancing with the light…<< Heepers! You're weird. But I do see how this works. You have the 'story' of the power rangers so you can use that alchemically. I think this is the difference 'twixt you and I from the magical point of view - that you use symbol in this personal way - I think this is the mark of an alchemist-at-heart. With me it doesn't seem to work like that. I call it an artistic process for that reason. When Joyce began 'Ulysses' I doubt he saw it all, it was a discovery and unfamiliar at first. That's how it is with me, and I like it that way! As I am still I become aware of things - like pictures - like the power rangers - except I have not experienced them before and do not 'know what they do' automatically. I have to work with them to find out. Two years ago I began seeing a man who looked like a monk, hooded. Also a large and impressive minotaurish guy. Also a big snake. Etc. They still appear from time to time and recently, more frequent. I have what some might call familiars around me but these guys are different. So a few days back I was Instant Messaging with a Brighton-based guy called Paul Hughes-Barlow. I had liked his book, 'Tarot And The Magus' very very much, reviewed it on Amazon. His sales then jumped big so we got to corresponding. During the instant-message session he suddenly said to me, you've been seeing Gaap and Botis! They're there now! Who? Gaap is a monk figure he says, Botis a grinning threatener with big teeth. I say I know 1st but not 2nd. Who are these guys? He says the 'Goetia'! This is all news to me. Later I look up the goetia on the net and find that Botis can also appear as a viper. They are seventy-two spirits who legend relates go back to the time of Solomon. The situation is ongoing... I thought of something. When those nobel guys went about proving their theories it was based off an earlier inspiration. That's the inspiration I work off. yes, bad energies - My lady's brother said, you have to meet this guy. We go and hang with him. This again is a while back and I'm naive. We are talking, of course I'm friendly and polite... magic... music... movies... we cover the bases... all the time, I have the constant desire: to scratch this man's eyes out. I keep catching myself about to do it. Disgust, abominable in pit of gut. Just when I've squashed and forgotten it, it comes back: reach up and SCRATCH THEM OUT. Like a fool I dismiss it. We even invite him back to our domicile and give him brandy. Talk late. Feeling never leaves me. When he leaves - my lady says, I feel ill. I tell her I also feel ill. These days I would know what to do - in those days I didn't. She and I were ill for two weeks. He was a 'reformed', 'ex' black magician. Big lesson to me: evil does exist! Like Michael I began by thinking it was an attack. Now I think maybe the guy was just such an asshole he couldn't help spreading illness wherever he went. His aura was like a discordant symphony of brutal mace blows. >>now a question for you – if Michael was part of your family in some way – who would he be?<< Instant answer is: weird older brother! I came here looking for brothers I guess. love NN
February 25, 2006 at 11:20 am #10841Was thinking over my experiences, went way back and came up with this. I think it’s instructive on the difference between your ‘science is practical’ viewpoint and my ‘metaphysics are practical’ one.
This would be, I think, 4 years ago.
I had been sending out a kind of call for help. I suddenly became ill – fever. For two days I did nothing but lie still trying to work something out, even though I couldn’t even work out what I was trying to work out! The 2nd day I said to myself, I’m not leaving my bedroom until I know what I’m doing here. I didn’t eat.
It suddenly occurred to me – it’s all to do with wanting a certain feeling I had when I was reading things as a kid. This is the feeling I need now! I dig frantically around and strew everywhere all these books I loved as a kid – Odyssey, Tolkien, Gilgamesh, 2000AD, you name it. I’m frantically looking through all of them, going – where is it? Where is it? The feeling wasn’t there.
Then it came to me – the reason for love of those books was that it reflected something inside *me*. I ‘knew’ I liked the books because something in me ‘knew’ what to look for… what was this thing that was looking? Where was it in me? At that stage I didn’t know the zen phrase, ‘What You Are Seeking Is Causing You To Seek’, nor St Francis’ dictum – ‘What We Are Looking For Is What Is Looking’ – but the process was equivalent.
I lay on the bed, shut my eyes, and tried to find this thing that was looking. I found it! It was a huge white light! That was how it appeared then anyway. Many things happened at that point. It ended up with my lying on my bed chuckling to myself, breathing through the soles of my feet.
This was what led me to look more closely for spiritual practices. Since then, bizarrely enough, similar events (more under my control) have led to many of the things that people here and others describe. Eg., energy blocks unlocking in body. I have seen my own skeleton. I have found myself stopping breath for long periods, etc. It all seems to happen – not exactly by itself, but as the result of asking in the right way for the next thing. I still find myself fasting occasionally when i want to do something major… too much to go into here.
I say this to show the difference between what the Power Rangers were and what I do. Each thing I do brings everything under better control, and it always seems that it starts with some intention or call or will of mine, and that is how I know I’m a magician. It is an interaction with the universe, can’t say it better.
I’ll be honest – I know I shouldn’t be here. I did promise myself to check this place out again, and I think it’s great, but I’m wasting time – very pleasurably I might add. I’ve found that the Healing Tao is great and is filled with great people, but they aren’t my people. I envy Fajin, coming home like that! But I have to keep looking, I know how to look and my instinct tells me to keep looking. The biggest ‘it’ moment I’ve had on this board was reading about Michael Saso and the Celestial Masters – there was an approach I could relate to!
I think I have to disappear again soon! I’m sorry… however I want to see where you’re going with this older brother thing, so I’ll stick around for that!
Here are two poems I wrote around the same time this light thing happened – I think you might enjoy them? I apologise for the sarcasm of the second one! But it seems to bear on our discussion, although I no longer think that way.
His lover is the dirt
That he stoops to massage
Where his tears of life-stream go,
What he reaches up
To squeeze drops from the sun’s
Gleeful centrifuge
Into the heart of,
So the shoots spring by his wide palms.Giant,
Not taller but bigger,
So more toward the earth;
His weight is her closeness and
She hums to carry him,
The big toes kneading her shoulderblades,
His grin
His ambling stride
Unrestrainable –
A horizon at a time.SENSORY SONG
{Throw out of work the bodys senses, and thy Divinity shall come to birth Hermes Trismegistus.}
crack open Marjorie
pull apart Pete
unscrew Beverlys
sensitive feettheir parts obscure
whats sure
eyes poor
visionmakes incision
nicely matched
with incisionsjust alike
cross-hatched –
but what if theyall went on strike?
sense-seized thought
rarely blinks
(let aloneshuts its eyes)
grabs the voice
mouth shoutswhat its shown –
has no choice
herds the feelingsround them slinks
through them flies
routsideas (they never sit
and ponder
run yonder
with retortperhaps pause
on hands that
shake or hitbut not their cause)
feelings through brain
pummel the mindup the chain
of their proud
linksto it
but what if the crowd
had doubts?How if we melted Michael?
What if we chipped into Chuck?
Should we perchance cut their nerve-ends,
Their senses are out of luck!Georgie, Jack and Flavio
Barbara and Stan –
Just when they believe theyre free
They start to act robotically!
Their own faculties marionette,
What they look fors what they get:
They dont like it! Theyre upset!
They hit each other harder yet!So unwind Ursula
Dismantle Dave
And (just for good measure,
Youll find it a pleasure!)
Cut your own limbs off,
Your soul to save.(PS: to encourage you
Bodhidharma did it too.)February 26, 2006 at 10:18 am #10843>>I think I have to disappear again soon! I’m sorry… however I want to see where you’re going with this older brother thing, so I’ll stick around for that!<< Although I'd be sorry to see you go - you've got to do what you've got to do... besides I'm sure you'll reappear sometime again. just another question (you dont have to answer it here, just in your mind - if you wish) - If I was related to you, who would I be? Great stories, NN - very interesting indeed, I myself havent had any such experiences as you (with the ex-black magician). You can explain it a number of different ways - but the explanation doesn't really matter, does it? I can take a pseudo-scientific view, you can take a metaphisical view - but in the end we'd just be making up stories, right? about thinking of Healing Tao as 'home' - I certainly dont think of it as such, I think we're more similar in that regard than you think - HT is a great theme-park that I visit - but I visit others too - I'm a hardened agnostic and I like to try all the ice-cream flavours - HT is a very tasty one indeed - and the people eating HT know a lot about different ice cream flavours... so I listen into their converstaions try this or that flavour and notice whether it fits in with my intention. I've got an intention, just like you - i know what it looks/sounds/smells/feels/tastes like - but I can't tell you what it is in words "true will" and all that doesn't do it for me. Certain things pull on me, and I know that they're pulling on me because of this intention - Taoism is one of the pulls - Magick is another, but there are hundreds of things that pull me, and I'm in no way going only to go for one of these, ignoring the rest... It may seem to others that I'm being pulled in different directions - but to me it seems like I'm being pulled *from* different directions right into my own centre, or my intention. I see Michael as my 1 year-old nephew that keeps surprising, entertaining and teaching me about myself... more later...
February 26, 2006 at 10:58 am #10845>>besides I’m sure you’ll reappear sometime again.<< No not this time. Last time I did say I would - and have... but it was just to check if my original judgement would change. At that stage although I knew how things were going with me, not as much as now. >>If I was related to you, who would I be?<< I really don't know! Annoying kid brother would have to cover it or pet dog maybe. May I ask what is the point of thinking in this manner, and why you brought this up? >>I myself havent had any such experiences as you (with the ex-black magician)<< This is nothing man! >>I can take a pseudo-scientific view, you can take a metaphisical view – but in the end we’d just be making up stories, right?<< Wrong. >>so I listen into their converstaions try this or that flavour and notice whether it fits in with my intention.<< Of course me too but in this case it mostly doesn't. There is compatibility with Michael but not actual similarity - certainly no need to converse further at this stage. You are not like me really. Jernej I like very much. But borderline asocial as she says. I enjoyed hearing about Saso but he is po-faced. Etc. >>It may seem to others that I’m being pulled in different directions – but to me it seems like I’m being pulled *from* different directions right into my own centre, or my intention.<< Of course I understand - it must be this way. One will end up like Max if one tries to make a 'unified field theory' - preachy and po-faced. Still there must be an actual physical practice that one does every day. I have enjoyed seeing what people are like when HT is part of this practice, that's for sure. Their diversity is very encouraging. But I certainly could not make this my practice or anything close. My understanding of the whole process is too much at variance. What I can say - unlike with Buddhists - is that Taoists are on the right tip for me. So I can say thumbs up for Taoists. I am also sure there are many types of Taoism, but can't go looking for them all... I trust Taoists to Tao the right thing! hahahaha! love NN
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