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August 3, 2005 at 5:06 pm #6785
You write:
“How can you let go if you have no awareness about it?”
I agree completely. This is a big problem with cultivation these days–the fact that people can’t release what they cannot feel and therefore no cultivation takes place.
Your way of releasing trauma is perfectly fine. As a matter of fact, “you” are the most skilled person in this field–that is, with respect to making someone feel again so that they have something to release. ๐
The irony is that where you falter (in my highly subjective opinion)is in how you conduct yourself in the realm of feeling that you birth others back into.
In other words, if someone eats because they feel unloved, you are most skillfull at returning them to the pure consciousness of being unloved so they will no longer blindly eat in ignorance. In the process, some of the trauma of being unloved will be removed as well.
But, the “unloved” problem still remains and unless your patient can penetrate it and correct it…
…this is what I meant by “method.” It wasn’t necessarily directed at you, but at those who would accuse me of trumpeting “my way is right.”
August 3, 2005 at 5:17 pm #6787You are correct.
This is what Buddhists call habit energy which is the tip of the iceberg of karmic energy.
The roots of the karmic iceberg are in what they call the Alaya or seed consciousness.
This is what I focus on now–my mind. All body methods are windows to access my mind.
My mind is very uncontrolled. Very pathetic. I have a woman’s mind actually due to my karma. A woman’s mind in a man’s body. My life would have been much easier had I been born a woman.
As a result of my mental makeup, I can penetrate through a person’s babble because I have the yin to comprehend it and enough yang to cut through it.
Ironically, it makes it very hard to cultivate with such a mind.
August 3, 2005 at 5:19 pm #6789Letting go of attachments is the hardest thing in the world. If it were easy, we would all be Buddhas–or at least immortals! LOL!
August 3, 2005 at 5:53 pm #6791Women cannot comprehend the pain that men suffer sexually. We are slaves to the pain of desire. We spend our entire lives with one goal–getting into as many women’s holes as we can. It isn’t that we view you as meat, it is that we view you as heaven and when we are not in you we are in hell.
The pain of my cock’s separation from a beautiful woman leads to all sorts of wierdness: the gym, downloading porn, speaking about women in a degrading fashion, climbing the corporate ladder, making $$$, etc.
It is very, very hard for a man to get his cock into either the right beautiful woman or enough beautiful women so that he can let go of sex as a result of having had his fill of it. If he had enough, he would see that sex is not heaven at all, and smarten up–assuming he had the right “teachers.”
Wendy is great. She just needs a stout “sticking” about once a month, which in my chauvanistic view is something most women need. ๐
August 3, 2005 at 7:35 pm #6793Rainbowbear,
Personally, I think a good portion of plato’s advice is insane. But since you’re appear committed to trying it, I’d love it if you let the board know of your progress. It’s not often we get a living, breathing test case for Plato’s from the hip rantings.
Do let us know how you progress.
August 3, 2005 at 7:44 pm #6795If you’re being honest in your other post about your usual food intake, I eat at least 3 times as much food as you on a regular basis. At least.
I weigh 175 and I haven’t fluctuated more than a few pounds in 15 years. I’m not eating excess food and neither are you. The truth is, it doesn’t take much to maintain our respective weights and everthing we don’t use we probably excrete.
Same with a fat person, he’s not fluctuating either, he’s just taking in what he neees — except he ways 100 pounds more than us.
To loose weight you’ve got to either (i) increase exercise (ii) cut down on food or (iii) change the type of food you take in.
Cutting down on food is the hardest and, because of that, in my opinion one of the least trustworth means of loosing weight. It would be hard for Plato to start skipping meals, as it would for me. We’d rebel against it, cheat, do it for a while and then binge. Same with a fat person.
However, it would be relatively easier to change our diets, or change our exercise routine. Our bodies would rebel less because that very primal sense of maintaining equalibrium wouldn’t be challenged head on. This would my my reccomended course of action.
August 3, 2005 at 8:17 pm #6797Where I disagree with you is that you assume that a fat person is taking in what he needs.
In my experience this is not true. Every fat person I have ever known except for ONE was eating food like a crackhead smokes crack.
Is drinking a gallon of soda a day what anybody needs?
On an emotional level, they are seeking equilibrium though! LOL!!!
August 3, 2005 at 8:27 pm #6799I absolutely understand the male struggle, I live with a very yang male for over 24 years now and our main struggle in our relationship was about sex. First I thought I was the problem, very woman-like I took the blame on me, then starting to awake, I started to blame him. I felt used, he dumped his stress into my womb and I had to digest his garbage.
Even more awakening:
After this 24 years of ‘battle’ we decided to live seperate yet in the same house but having private rooms. His wet dream was to have young beautiful women in his bed, which he never did till now because of the emotional garbage most people carry with them which he is not exactly waiting for, very wise man he is…My wet dream, oh well Plato, indeed I prefer one good ‘performance’ only once a month. The right sounds, the right energy, the right colors, the right smells, creating it just the way I want it and then the man is allowed to enter in MY space.
He is allowed to enter in MY TEMPLE, on my conditions, that is when a woman can truelly become herself and embrace the man with everything she is able to share.That is why it is soooooooo important for every woman to have her own private space. To create her own temple with her own stuff, with the things she likes. Let it be like little Eden where a woman can come to peace, to rest from society with its obligations which are mainly too yang for the subtle energy of women.
August 3, 2005 at 9:08 pm #6801I am not sure I understand you correct but what I do understand is that I can not ‘make’ them feel loved or wanted. I only can make them aware, let them ‘feel’ the pain and be there and being patient.
I don’t have any super glue to fix the pain, I don’t have any ‘method’ to offer to others that will correct the damage, other than my patience and my sincere desire to let the other come forward.I believe in the divine sparkle and no matter what has damaged or covered that sparkle, I believe in it. No matter what the other does or says, I believe it is said by the pain not by their divine self.
If they are able to understand that sparkle, to feel it, to know it or to believe it they find the strength to come forward gradually.That is what everybody is doing here on this forum in a more or lesser state of awareness about it, but everybody is looking for IT and is hoping for support, insight or friendship.
August 3, 2005 at 10:35 pm #6803Many American eating habits encourage obesity, not only eating more food than they need for their lifestyles.
American foods tend to be dense, more triple quarter pounder with cheese than beef stew. Denser foods, while more nutritious, are harder for your spleen and stomach to digest, and if they aren’t digested properly, they have a way of turning into phlegm.
Americans tend to eat foods that are very cold, more milkshakes than milk.
This can have a weird effect on your stomach. At first, it damages the stomach qi. Then, as your stomach tries to counteract the extreme cold, it raises your stomach qi, and you find yourself hungry after you’re still full because of the high-burning stomach qi. This encourages drinking or eating something very cold, which starts the cycle over again. This tends to upset the spleen quite a bit, and can be seen in action with the “beer shit”, a modern problem that comes from consuming vast quantities of beer at barely above freezing temepratures (as opposed to vast quantaties of warm beer, which doesn’t cause those problems :P)If one decided to go on the “Medieval Peasant Diet” to lose weight, for instance, and limited oneself to a hunk of cold cheddar cheese, some hard rye bread, and an ice cold beer a day, this doesn’t necessarily mean the pounds would fly off, because although the caloric intake is smaller, the manner in which it is taken is very hard on the digestion.
August 3, 2005 at 10:45 pm #6805Well, there’s a lot of people who can’t get back to a healthy weight due to emotional problems.
There’s also a lot of people who remain at a state of athletic readiness due to emotional problems. They lead quiet lives, but they spend hours and hours doing “ultimate strength training”-this or “unbreakable soldier regiman”-that, trying to turn themselves into Rambos when their lives don’t require it. This is because of fear and shame.
In the process of truly coping with life, one of the hardest things some people have to confront is turning into the person they always feared they would become. If one of those trainer types were to ask for a good meditation practice for them, this is what I would suggest.
If you are muscular and active, become fat and slovenly. If you are handsome, uglify yourself. If your farts smell like roses, smear yourself with shit. Turn yourself into the being you are most disgusted with. Confront it. This is the most direct way to coming to terms with it.
Of course this is an advanced meditation technique, and if you fear your life would fall apart and end deepthroating a shotgun, perhaps you should put it on hold for now. But if you think you’re up to it, it can be very helpful.
August 3, 2005 at 10:57 pm #6807my point is that most fat people ARE NOT gaining weight. They are overweight by say 50 pounds and MAINTAINING that weight. It’s not like this week they’re overweight by 50 and next week by 60 and then by 70, etc.
So if the guy is drinking a gallon of soda he’s obviously burning enough of it off to maintain his weight, otherwise he’d keep gaining. It’s not the optimum food choice but its ok to drink a gallon of soda from time to time if you’re burning it off. The human body is designed to process all sorts of crap and keep going. The problem is he’s 50 pounds overweight. that’s not because he’s eating too much. It’s because he ATE too much.
Now, of course, if he drank a gallon of water instead of a gallon of soda and took some hoodia or other stuff and got really physically busy so his body didn’t miss the fact that he was actually taking in less calories, he’d loose weight — as would you if you started skipping meals.
My whole point is the focus should be less on “eating less” and more on modifying the type of foods eaten and also the level of exercies.
August 3, 2005 at 10:59 pm #6809A lot of loosing weight (and being healthy) is eating the right COMBINATION of wholesome foods, rather than worrying about caloric intake.
August 3, 2005 at 11:04 pm #6811“There’s also a lot of people who remain at a state of athletic readiness due to emotional problems. They lead quiet lives, but they spend hours and hours doing “ultimate strength training”-this or “unbreakable soldier regiman”-that, trying to turn themselves into Rambos when their lives don’t require it. This is because of fear and shame.”
I’d love for this little quote to be posted every time someone starts singing the praises of club bells, kettle balls, scott sonnon or matt furey. Just remember, none of the 8 imortals look like scott sonnon.
August 3, 2005 at 11:15 pm #6813To me the trick of sexuality is not trying to “acquire” as many cunts as possible (Plato) or have a “temple” that a man can enter and worship (Wendy). Indeed both of these are similar in they put the primary emphasis on “me”, on “my wants” and “my fulfillment” and “my comfort/safety/centering”.
Rather, a truly great sexual relationship happens when your focus and emphasis is on the other person. In other words, sex must be all about THEM. When you have two people with that attitude you can have pretty astounding sex.
Obviously only one person with that attitude leads to imbalance and, just as obviously, everyone involved wants to get their rocks off. But the EMPHASIS from “me” to “them” really does change things.
To paraphrase that great 1st century sexual philosophy, Jesus of Nazareth: to give is to receive.
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